chg: [object] updated mmark and to the latest version of the mmark IETF format

Alexandre Dulaunoy 2022-02-15 07:28:21 +01:00
parent 051e33b671
commit e85f027208
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 09E2CD4944E6CBCD
2 changed files with 37 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
MMARK:=mmark -xml2 -page
docs = $(wildcard *.md)

View File

@ -5,8 +5,13 @@ category = "info"
docName = "draft-dulaunoy-misp-object-template-format"
ipr= "trust200902"
area = "Security"
submissiontype = "independent"
date = 2021-01-05T00:00:00Z
name = "Internet-Draft"
value = "draft-00"
stream = "independent"
status = "informational"
@ -325,6 +330,8 @@ A relationships directory is also included, containing a definition.json file wh
- [objects/android-permission]( - A set of android permissions - one or more permission(s) which can be linked to other objects (e.g. malware, app).
- [objects/annotation]( - An annotation object allowing analysts to add annotations, comments, executive summary to a MISP event, objects or attributes.
- [objects/anonymisation]( - Anonymisation object describing an anonymisation technique used to encode MISP attribute values. Reference:
- [objects/apivoid-email-verification]( - Apivoid email verification API result. Reference:
- [objects/artifact]( - The Artifact object permits capturing an array of bytes (8-bits), as a base64-encoded string, or linking to a file-like payload. from STIX 2.1 (6.1).
- [objects/asn]( - Autonomous system object describing an autonomous system which can include one or more network operators management an entity (e.g. ISP) along with their routing policy, routing prefixes or alike.
- [objects/attack-pattern]( - Attack pattern describing a common attack pattern enumeration and classification.
- [objects/authentication-failure-report]( - Authentication Failure Report.
@ -343,6 +350,7 @@ A relationships directory is also included, containing a definition.json file wh
- [objects/coin-address]( - An address used in a cryptocurrency.
- [objects/command]( - Command functionalities related to specific commands executed by a program, whether it is malicious or not. Command-line are attached to this object for the related commands.
- [objects/command-line]( - Command line and options related to a specific command executed by a program, whether it is malicious or not.
- [objects/concordia-mtmf-intrusion-set]( - Intrusion Set - Phase Description.
- [objects/cookie]( - An HTTP cookie (web cookie, browser cookie) is a small piece of data that a server sends to the user's web browser. The browser may store it and send it back with the next request to the same server. Typically, it's used to tell if two requests came from the same browser — keeping a user logged-in, for example. It remembers stateful information for the stateless HTTP protocol. (as defined by the Mozilla foundation.
- [objects/cortex]( - Cortex object describing a complete cortex analysis. Observables would be attribute with a relationship from this object.
- [objects/cortex-taxonomy]( - Cortex object describing an Cortex Taxonomy (or mini report).
@ -360,10 +368,12 @@ A relationships directory is also included, containing a definition.json file wh
- [objects/dark-pattern-item]( - An Item whose User Interface implements a dark pattern.
- [objects/ddos]( - DDoS object describes a current DDoS activity from a specific or/and to a specific target. Type of DDoS can be attached to the object as a taxonomy.
- [objects/device]( - An object to define a device.
- [objects/diameter-attack]( - Attack as seen on diameter authentication against a GSM, UMTS or LTE network.
- [objects/diameter-attack]( - Attack as seen on the diameter signaling protocol supporting LTE networks.
- [objects/dkim]( - DomainKeys Identified Mail - DKIM.
- [objects/dns-record]( - A set of DNS records observed for a specific domain.
- [objects/domain-crawled]( - A domain crawled over time.
- [objects/domain-ip]( - A domain/hostname and IP address seen as a tuple in a specific time frame.
- [objects/edr-report]( - An Object Template to encode an EDR detection report.
- [objects/elf]( - Object describing a Executable and Linkable Format.
- [objects/elf-section]( - Object describing a section of an Executable and Linkable Format.
- [objects/email]( - Email object describing an email with meta-information.
@ -387,7 +397,7 @@ A relationships directory is also included, containing a definition.json file wh
- [objects/ftm-Audio]( - .
- [objects/ftm-BankAccount]( - .
- [objects/ftm-Call]( - .
- [objects/ftm-Company]( - .
- [objects/ftm-Company]( - A legal entity representing an association of people, whether natural, legal or a mixture of both, with a specific objective.
- [objects/ftm-Contract]( - An contract or contract lot issued by an authority. Multiple lots may be awarded to different suppliers (see ContractAward).
- [objects/ftm-ContractAward]( - A contract or contract lot as awarded to a supplier.
@ -436,13 +446,16 @@ A relationships directory is also included, containing a definition.json file wh
- [objects/git-vuln-finder]( - Export from git-vuln-finder.
- [objects/github-user]( - GitHub user.
- [objects/gitlab-user]( - GitLab user. user or self-hosted GitLab instance.
- [objects/gtp-attack]( - GTP attack object as seen on a GSM, UMTS or LTE network.
- [objects/gtp-attack]( - GTP attack object as attack as seen on the GTP signaling protocol supporting GPRS/LTE networks.
- [objects/hashlookup]( - hashlookup object as described on hashlookup services from -
- [objects/http-request]( - A single HTTP request header.
- [objects/identity]( - Identities can represent actual individuals, organizations, or groups (e.g., ACME, Inc.) as well as classes of individuals, organizations, systems or groups (e.g., the finance sector). The Identity SDO can capture basic identifying information, contact information, and the sectors that the Identity belongs to. Identity is used in STIX to represent, among other things, targets of attacks, information sources, object creators, and threat actor identities. (ref. STIX 2.1 - 4.5).
- [objects/ilr-impact]( - Institut Luxembourgeois de Regulation - Impact.
- [objects/ilr-notification-incident]( - Institut Luxembourgeois de Regulation - Notification d'incident.
- [objects/image]( - Object describing an image file.
- [objects/impersonation]( - Represent an impersonating account.
- [objects/imsi-catcher]( - IMSI Catcher entry object based on the open source IMSI cather.
- [objects/infrastructure]( - The Infrastructure object represents a type of TTP and describes any systems, software services and any associated physical or virtual resources intended to support some purpose (e.g., C2 servers used as part of an attack, device or server that are part of defense, database servers targeted by an attack, etc.). While elements of an attack can be represented by other objects, the Infrastructure object represents a named group of related data that constitutes the infrastructure. STIX 2.1 - 4.8.
- [objects/instant-message]( - Instant Message (IM) object template describing one or more IM message.
- [objects/instant-message-group]( - Instant Message (IM) group object template describing a public or private IM group, channel or conversation.
- [objects/intel471-vulnerability-intelligence]( - Intel 471 vulnerability intelligence object.
@ -456,7 +469,10 @@ A relationships directory is also included, containing a definition.json file wh
- [objects/ip-port]( - An IP address (or domain or hostname) and a port seen as a tuple (or as a triple) in a specific time frame.
- [objects/irc]( - An IRC object to describe an IRC server and the associated channels.
- [objects/ja3]( - JA3 is a new technique for creating SSL client fingerprints that are easy to produce and can be easily shared for threat intelligence. Fingerprints are composed of Client Hello packet; SSL Version, Accepted Ciphers, List of Extensions, Elliptic Curves, and Elliptic Curve Formats.
- [objects/ja3s]( - JA3S is JA3 for the Server side of the SSL/TLS communication and fingerprints how servers respond to particular clients. JA3S fingerprints are composed of Server Hello packet; SSL Version, Cipher, SSLExtensions.
- [objects/jarm]( - Jarm object to describe an TLS/SSL implementation used for malicious or legitimate use-case.
- [objects/keybase-account]( - Information related to a keybase account, from API Users Object.
- [objects/language-content]( - The Language Content object represents text content for objects represented in languages other than that of the original object. Language content may be a translation of the original object by a third-party, a first-source translation by the original publisher, or additional official language content provided at the time of creation. STIX 2.1 ref 7.1.
- [objects/leaked-document]( - Object describing a leaked document.
- [objects/legal-entity]( - An object to describe a legal entity.
- [objects/lnk]( - LNK object describing a Windows LNK binary file (aka Windows shortcut).
@ -470,15 +486,20 @@ A relationships directory is also included, containing a definition.json file wh
- [objects/narrative]( - Object describing a narrative.
- [objects/netflow]( - Netflow object describes an network object based on the Netflowv5/v9 minimal definition.
- [objects/network-connection]( - A local or remote network connection.
- [objects/network-profile]( - Elements that can be used to profile, pivot or identify a network infrastructure, including domains, ip and urls.
- [objects/network-socket]( - Network socket object describes a local or remote network connections based on the socket data structure.
- [objects/news-agency]( - News agencies compile news and disseminate news in bulk.
- [objects/news-media]( - News media are forms of mass media delivering news to the general public.
- [objects/open-data-security]( - An object describing an open dataset available and described under the open data security model. ref.
- [objects/organization]( - An object which describes an organization.
- [objects/original-imported-file]( - Object describing the original file used to import data in MISP.
- [objects/paloalto-threat-event]( - Palo Alto Threat Log Event.
- [objects/parler-account]( - Parler account.
- [objects/parler-comment]( - Parler comment.
- [objects/parler-post]( - Parler post (parley).
- [objects/passive-dns]( - Passive DNS records as expressed in draft-dulaunoy-dnsop-passive-dns-cof-01.
- [objects/passive-dns]( - Passive DNS records as expressed in draft-dulaunoy-dnsop-passive-dns-cof-07. See
- [objects/passive-dns-dnsdbflex]( - DNSDBFLEX object. This object is used at farsight security. Roughly based on Passive DNS records as expressed in draft-dulaunoy-dnsop-passive-dns-cof-07. See
- [objects/passive-ssh]( - Passive-ssh object as described on passive-ssh services from -
- [objects/paste]( - Paste or similar post from a website allowing to share privately or publicly posts.
- [objects/pcap-metadata]( - Network packet capture metadata.
- [objects/pe]( - Object describing a Portable Executable.
@ -488,6 +509,8 @@ A relationships directory is also included, containing a definition.json file wh
- [objects/phishing]( - Phishing template to describe a phishing website and its analysis.
- [objects/phishing-kit]( - Object to describe a phishing-kit.
- [objects/phone]( - A phone or mobile phone object which describe a phone.
- [objects/postal-address]( - A postal address.
- [objects/probabilistic-data-structure]( - Probabilistic data structure object describe a space-efficient data structure such as Bloom filter or similar structure.
- [objects/process]( - Object describing a system process.
- [objects/publication]( - An object to describe a book, journal, or academic publication.
- [objects/python-etvx-event-log]( - Event log object template to share information of the activities conducted on a system. .
@ -527,17 +550,22 @@ A relationships directory is also included, containing a definition.json file wh
- [objects/scrippsco2-o18-daily]( - Daily average O18 concentrations (ppm) derived from flask air samples.
- [objects/scrippsco2-o18-monthly]( - Monthly average O18 concentrations (ppm) derived from flask air samples.
- [objects/script]( - Object describing a computer program written to be run in a special run-time environment. The script or shell script can be used for malicious activities but also as support tools for threat analysts.
- [objects/security-playbook]( - An object to manage, represent, and share course of action playbooks (security playbooks) for cyberspace defense.
- [objects/shell-commands]( - Object describing a series of shell commands executed. This object can be linked with malicious files in order to describe a specific execution of shell commands.
- [objects/shodan-report]( - Shodan Report for a given IP.
- [objects/short-message-service]( - Short Message Service (SMS) object template describing one or more SMS message. Restriction of the initial format 3GPP 23.038 GSM character set doesn't apply.
- [objects/shortened-link]( - Shortened link and its redirect target.
- [objects/social-media-group]( - Social media group object template describing a public or private group or channel.
- [objects/software]( - The Software object represents high-level properties associated with software, including software products. STIX 2.1 - 6.14.
- [objects/splunk]( - Splunk / Splunk ES object.
- [objects/ss7-attack]( - SS7 object of an attack seen on a GSM, UMTS or LTE network via SS7 logging.
- [objects/ss7-attack]( - SS7 object of an attack as seen on the SS7 signaling protocol supporting GSM/GPRS/UMTS networks.
- [objects/ssh-authorized-keys]( - An object to store ssh authorized keys file.
- [objects/stix2-pattern]( - An object describing a STIX pattern. The object can be linked via a relationship to other attributes or objects to describe how it can be represented as a STIX pattern.
- [objects/submarine]( - Submarine description.
- [objects/suricata]( - An object describing one or more Suricata rule(s) along with version and contextual information.
- [objects/target-system]( - Description about an targeted system, this could potentially be a compromissed internal system.
- [objects/telegram-account]( - Information related to a telegram account.
- [objects/temporal-event]( - A temporal event consists of some temporal and spacial boundaries. Spacial boundaries can be physical, virtual or hybrid.
- [objects/threatgrid-report]( - ThreatGrid report.
- [objects/timecode]( - Timecode object to describe a start of video sequence (e.g. CCTV evidence) and the end of the video sequence.
- [objects/timesketch-timeline]( - A timesketch timeline object based on mandatory field in timesketch to describe a log entry.
@ -559,7 +587,7 @@ A relationships directory is also included, containing a definition.json file wh
- [objects/twitter-list]( - Twitter list.
- [objects/twitter-post]( - Twitter post (tweet).
- [objects/url]( - url object describes an url along with its normalized field (like extracted using faup parsing library) and its metadata.
- [objects/user-account]( - .
- [objects/user-account]( - User-account object, defining aspects of user identification, authentication, privileges and other relevant data points.
- [objects/vehicle]( - Vehicle object template to describe a vehicle information and registration.
- [objects/victim]( - Victim object describes the target of an attack or abuse.
- [objects/virustotal-graph]( - VirusTotal graph.
@ -567,6 +595,7 @@ A relationships directory is also included, containing a definition.json file wh
- [objects/vulnerability]( - Vulnerability object describing a common vulnerability enumeration which can describe published, unpublished, under review or embargo vulnerability for software, equipments or hardware.
- [objects/weakness]( - Weakness object describing a common weakness enumeration which can describe usable, incomplete, draft or deprecated weakness for software, equipment of hardware.
- [objects/whois]( - Whois records information for a domain name or an IP address.
- [objects/windows-service]( - Windows service and detailed about a service running a Windows operating system.
- [objects/x509]( - x509 object describing a X.509 certificate.
- [objects/yabin]( - generates Yara rules from function prologs, for matching and hunting binaries. ref:
- [objects/yara]( - An object describing a YARA rule (or a YARA rule name) along with its version.
@ -575,7 +604,6 @@ A relationships directory is also included, containing a definition.json file wh
- [objects/youtube-playlist]( - A YouTube playlist.
- [objects/youtube-video]( - A YouTube video.
# Acknowledgements
The authors wish to thank all the MISP community who are supporting the creation