"description":"This statement can be used to convey a description or reference to any applicable licenses, agreements, or conditions between the producer and receiver."
"expanded":"ENCRYPT IN TRANSIT",
"description":"States whether the received information has to be encrypted when it is retransmitted by the recipient."
"expanded":"ENCRYPT AT REST",
"description":"States whether the received information has to be encrypted by the Recipient when it is stored at rest."
"description":"States the permitted actions that Recipients can take upon information received."
"description":"Recipients could be required to obfuscate or anonymize information that could be used to identify the victims before redistributing the information received."
"expanded":"Recipients MUST encrypt the information received when it is retransmitted or redistributed."
"expanded":"Recipients MAY encrypt the information received when it is retransmitted or redistributed."
"expanded":"Recipients MUST encrypt the information received when it is stored at rest."
"expanded":"Recipients MAY encrypt the information received when it is stored at rest."
"expanded":"Recipients MUST contact the Providers before acting upon the information received."
"expanded":"Recipients MUST contact the Providers before acting upon the information received."
"expanded":"Recipients MAY conduct actions on the information received that are only visible on the Recipients internal networks and systems, and MUST NOT conduct actions that are visible outside of the Recipients networks and systems, or visible to third parties."
"expanded":"Recipients MAY conduct indirect, or passive, actions on the information received that are externally visible and MUST NOT conduct direct, or active, actions."
"expanded":"Recipients MAY conduct direct, or active, actions on the information received that are externally visible."