"description":"Fraud committed by employees or others that are in relation with entities, who have access to entities' information and IT assets.",
"expanded":"Fraud committed by employees",
"description":"Intentional actions (non-fulfilment or defective fulfilment of personal duties) aimed to cause disruption or damage to IT assets.",
"description":"Act of physically damaging IT assets.",
"description":"Stealing information or IT assets. Robbery.",
"expanded":"Theft (of devices, storage media and documents)",
"description":"Taking away another person's property in the form of mobile devices, for example smartphones, tablets.",
"expanded":"Theft of mobile devices (smartphones/ tablets)",
"description":"Taking away another person's hardware property (except mobile devices), which often contains business-sensitive data.",
"expanded":"Theft of fixed hardware",
"description":"Stealing documents from private/company archives, often for the purpose of re-sale or to achieve personal benefits.",
"expanded":"Theft of documents",
"description":"Stealing media devices, on which copies of essential information are kept.",
"expanded":"Theft of backups",
"description":"Sharing information with unauthorised entities. Loss of information confidentiality due to intentional human actions (e.g., information leak may occur due to loss of paper copies of confidential information).",
"expanded":"Erroneous use or administration of devices and systems",
"description":"Information leak / sharing / damage caused by misuse of IT assets (lack of awareness of application features) or wrong / improper IT assets configuration or management."
"expanded":"Loss of information due to configuration/ installation error",
"description":"Threat of loss of information due to errors in installation or system configuration."
"expanded":"Increasing recovery time",
"description":"Threat of unavailability of information due to errors in the use of backup media and increasing information recovery time."
"expanded":"Loss of information due to user errors",
"description":"Threat of unavailability of information or damage to IT assets caused by user errors (using IT infrastructure) or IT software recovery time."
"expanded":"Inadequate design and planning or improper adaptation",
"description":"Threats caused by improper IT assets or business processes design (inadequate specifications of IT products, inadequate usability, insecure interfaces, policy/procedure flows, design errors)."
"expanded":"Damage caused by a third party",
"description":"Threats of damage to IT assets caused by third party."
"expanded":"Security failure caused by third party",
"description":"Threats of damage to IT assets caused by breach of security regulations by third party."
"description":"Threat of failure/malfunction of IT supporting infrastructure (i.e. degradation of quality, improper working parameters, jamming). The cause of a failure is mostly an internal issue (e.g.. overload of the power grid in a building).",
"description":"Threat of complete lack or loss of resources necessary for IT infrastructure. The cause of an outage is mostly an external issue (i.e electricity blackout in the whole city).",
"description":"Threats that alter communication between two parties. These attacks do not have to install additional tools/software on a victim's site.",
"description":"Threats of nefarious activities that require use of tools by the attacker. These attacks require installation of additional tools/software or performing additional steps on the victim's IT infrastructure/software.",
"description":"The present threat taxonomy is an initial version that has been developed on the basis of available ENISA material. This material has been used as an ENISA-internal structuring aid for information collection and threat consolidation purposes. It emerged in the time period 2012-2015.",