Update README.md
@ -523,6 +523,11 @@
"name": "phishing",
"name": "phishing",
"version": 5
"version": 5
"description": "Non-exhaustive taxonomy of natural poison",
"name": "poison Taxonomy",
"version": 1
"description": "A political spectrum is a system to characterize and classify different political positions in relation to one another.",
"description": "A political spectrum is a system to characterize and classify different political positions in relation to one another.",
"name": "political-spectrum",
"name": "political-spectrum",
@ -538,6 +543,11 @@
"name": "ransomware",
"name": "ransomware",
"version": 6
"version": 6
"description": "The seven roles seen in most ransomware incidents.",
"name": "ransomware-roles",
"version": 1
"description": "Add a retenion time to events to automatically remove the IDS-flag on ip-dst or ip-src attributes. We calculate the time elapsed based on the date of the event. Supported time units are: d(ays), w(eeks), m(onths), y(ears). The numerical_value is just for sorting in the web-interface and is not used for calculations.",
"description": "Add a retenion time to events to automatically remove the IDS-flag on ip-dst or ip-src attributes. We calculate the time elapsed based on the date of the event. Supported time units are: d(ays), w(eeks), m(onths), y(ears). The numerical_value is just for sorting in the web-interface and is not used for calculations.",
"name": "retention",
"name": "retention",
@ -667,13 +677,8 @@
"description": "Workflow support language is a common language to support intelligence analysts to perform their analysis on data and information.",
"description": "Workflow support language is a common language to support intelligence analysts to perform their analysis on data and information.",
"name": "workflow",
"name": "workflow",
"version": 11
"version": 11
"description": "The seven actor roles seen in most ransomware incidents.",
"name": "ransomware-roles",
"version": 11
"url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MISP/misp-taxonomies/main/",
"url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MISP/misp-taxonomies/main/",
"version": "20220218"
"version": "20220314"
@ -1,911 +0,0 @@
"namespace": "poison Taxonomy",
"description": "Non-exhaustive taxonomy of natural poison",
"version": 1,
"predicates": [
"value": "Poisonous plant"
"value": "Poisonous fungus"
"values": [
"predicate": "Poisonous plant",
"entry": [
"value": "Allium/Onion"
"value": "Asparagus officinalis/Asparagus"
"value": "Citrus limon/Lemon"
"value": "Lathyrus sativus/Indian pea"
"value": "Malus domestica/Apple"
"value": "Mangifera indica/Mango tree"
"value": "Manihot esculenta/Cassava"
"value": "Myristica fragrans/Nutmeg"
"value": "Phaseolus lunatus/Lima bean"
"value": "Phaseolus vulgaris/Kidney bean"
"value": "Prunus cerasus/Cherry"
"value": "Rheum rhaponticum/Rhubarb"
"value": "Solanum lycopersicum/Tomato"
"value": "Solanum tuberosum/Potato"
"value": "Vitis/Grape"
"value": "Abrus precatorius/jumbie"
"value": "Aconitum/aconite"
"value": "Actaea pachypoda/doll's eyes"
"value": "Adenium obesum/sabi star"
"value": "Adonis vernalis/pheasant's eye"
"value": "Aesculus hippocastanum/horse-chestnut"
"value": "Agave/century plant"
"value": "Ageratina altissima/white snakeroot"
"value": "Agrostemma githago/corn cockle"
"value": "Anemone nemorosa/wood anemone"
"value": "Anthurium/anthurium"
"value": "Aquilegia/columbine"
"value": "Areca catechu/betel nut palm"
"value": "Argemone mexicana/Mexican poppy"
"value": "Arnica montana/mountain arnica"
"value": "Arum maculatum/cuckoo-pint"
"value": "Atropa belladonna/deadly nightshade"
"value": "Brugmansia/angel's trumpet"
"value": "Caladium/angel wings"
"value": "Calla palustris/marsh calla"
"value": "Caltha palustris/marsh-marigold"
"value": "Cascabela thevetia/yellow oleander"
"value": "Cephalanthus occidentalis/buttonbush"
"value": "Cerbera odollam/suicide tree"
"value": "Chelidonium majus/greater celandine"
"value": "Cicuta/water hemlock"
"value": "Cleistanthus collinus"
"value": "Clivia miniata/Natal lily"
"value": "Codiaeum variegatum/garden croton"
"value": "Colchicum autumnale/autumn crocus"
"value": "Conium maculatum/hemlock"
"value": "Consolida/larkspur"
"value": "Convallaria majalis/lily of the valley"
"value": "Coriaria myrtifolia/redoul"
"value": "Cytisus scoparius/broom"
"value": "Daphne"
"value": "Datura/jimson weed"
"value": "Daucus carota/wild carrot"
"value": "Deathcamas/Melanthieae"
"value": "Delphinium/larkspur"
"value": "Dendrocnide moroides/stinging tree"
"value": "Dicentra cucullaria/bleeding heart"
"value": "Dichapetalum cymosum/gifblaar"
"value": "Dieffenbachia/dumbcane"
"value": "Digitalis purpurea/foxglove"
"value": "Dioscorea communis/black bryony"
"value": "Duranta erecta/golden dewdrop"
"value": "Erysimum cheiri/wallflower"
"value": "Euonymus europaeus/spindle"
"value": "Euphorbia pulcherrima/poinsettia"
"value": "Excoecaria agallocha/milky mangrove"
"value": "Galanthus nivalis/snowdrop"
"value": "Gelsemium sempervirens/yellow jessamine"
"value": "Gloriosa superba/flame lily"
"value": "Grevillea/silky oak"
"value": "Hedera helix/common ivy"
"value": "Heliotropium indicum/Indian heliotrope"
"value": "Helleborus niger/Christmas rose"
"value": "Heracleum mantegazzianum/giant hogweed"
"value": "Heracleum sosnowskyi/Sosnowsky's Hogweed"
"value": "Hippomane mancinella/manchineel"
"value": "Hyacinthus orientalis/hyacinth"
"value": "Hydrangea/hydrangea"
"value": "Hyoscyamus niger/henbane"
"value": "Ilex aquifolium/European holly"
"value": "Iris sibirica/Siberian iris"
"value": "Jacobaea vulgaris/ragwort"
"value": "Kalanchoe delagoensis/mother of millions"
"value": "Kalmia latifolia/mountain laurel"
"value": "Laburnum/golden chain"
"value": "Lamprocapnos spectabilis/bleeding heart"
"value": "Lantana camara/big-sage"
"value": "Ligustrum/privet"
"value": "Lilium/lily"
"value": "Lolium temulentum/darnel"
"value": "Lupinus/lupin"
"value": "Malus florentina/Florentine crabapple"
"value": "Mandragora officinarum/mandrake"
"value": "Melia azedarach/Chinaberry tree"
"value": "Melianthus major/honeybush"
"value": "Menispermum/moonseed"
"value": "Mentha pulegium/pennyroyal"
"value": "Narcissus/daffodil"
"value": "Nerium oleander/oleander"
"value": "Nicandra physalodes/apple-of-Peru"
"value": "Nicotiana glauca/tree tobacco"
"value": "Oenanthe crocata/hemlock water dropwort"
"value": "Paris quadrifolia/herb-paris"
"value": "Passiflora caerulea/blue passion flower"
"value": "Peucedanum galbanum/blister bush"
"value": "Phoradendron/Viscum"
"value": "Physostigma venenosum/calabar beans"
"value": "Phytolacca/pokeweed"
"value": "Pieris japonica/Japanese pieris"
"value": "Plumeria/frangipani"
"value": "Podophyllum peltatum/mayapple"
"value": "Prunus laurocerasus/cherry laurel"
"value": "Prunus padus/bird cherry"
"value": "Pteridium aquilinum/bracken"
"value": "Pulsatilla cernua/pasque flower"
"value": "Quercus/oak"
"value": "Rhamnus cathartica/buckthorn"
"value": "Rhododendron/azalea"
"value": "Rhododendron ferrugineum/alpenrose"
"value": "Rhododendron luteum/yellow azalea"
"value": "Rhododendron tomentosum/marsh Labrador tea"
"value": "Rhus/African sumac"
"value": "Ricinus communis/castor oil plant"
"value": "Robinia/black locust"
"value": "Sambucus/elder"
"value": "Sanguinaria canadensis/bloodroot"
"value": "Scopolia carniolica/European scopolia"
"value": "Solanum dulcamara/bittersweet nightshade"
"value": "Solanum nigrum/black nightshade"
"value": "Solanum pseudocapsicum/Jerusalem cherry"
"value": "Sophora secundiflora/mescal bean"
"value": "Strophanthus gratus"
"value": "Strychnos nux-vomica/strychnine tree"
"value": "Taxus baccata/English yew"
"value": "Toxicodendron/Toxicodendron radicans"
"value": "Urtica ferox/ongaonga"
"value": "Veratrum/false hellebore"
"value": "Vernicia fordii/tung tree"
"value": "Viscum/Phoradendron"
"value": "Voacanga africana"
"value": "Wisteria sinensis/Chinese wisteria"
"value": "Xanthium/cocklebur"
"value": "Zantedeschia aethiopica/calla lily"
"value": "Zigadenus glaberrimus/death camas"
"predicate": "Poisonous fungus",
"entry": [
"value": "Agaricus californicus/California "
"value": "Agaricus hondensis/Felt-ringed "
"value": "Agaricus menieri"
"value": "Agaricus moelleri"
"value": "Agaricus phaeolepidotus"
"value": "Agaricus placomyces"
"value": "Agaricus xanthodermus/Yellow-staining mushroom"
"value": "Amanita abrupta/American abrupt-bulbed Lepidella"
"value": "Amanita aprica/Sunshine amanita"
"value": "Amanita boudieri/Boudier's lepidella"
"value": "Amanita citrina"
"value": "Amanita cokeri/Coker's amanita"
"value": "Amanita cothurnata/Booted amanita"
"value": "Amanita echinocephala/European solitary amanita"
"value": "Amanita farinosa/Powdery Amanita"
"value": "Amanita flavorubescens"
"value": "Amanita gemmata/Gemmed Amanita"
"value": "Amanita gioiosa"
"value": "Amanita gracilior"
"value": "Amanita heterochroma/Eucalyptus fly agaric"
"value": "Amanita hongoi/Hongo's Amanita"
"value": "Amanita ibotengutake/Japanese ringed-bulbed Amanita"
"value": "Amanita muscaria/Fly agaric"
"value": "Amanita neoovoidea/East Asian egg amidella"
"value": "Amanita pantherina/Panther cap"
"value": "Amanita porphyria/Grey veiled Amanita"
"value": "Amanita pseudoporphyria/Hongo's false death cap"
"value": "Amanita pseudoregalis/False royal fly agaric"
"value": "Amanita pseudorubescens/False blusher"
"value": "Amanita regalis/Royal fly agaric"
"value": "Amanita smithiana/Smith's Amanita"
"value": "Ampulloclitocybe clavipes/Club-footed clitocybe"
"value": "Chlorophyllum molybdites/Green-spored parasol"
"value": "Clitocybe cerussata"
"value": "Clitocybe dealbata"
"value": "Coprinopsis alopecia"
"value": "Coprinopsis atramentaria/Common ink cap"
"value": "Coprinopsis romagnesiana/Scaly ink cap"
"value": "Cortinarius bolaris"
"value": "Cortinarius callisteus"
"value": "Cortinarius cinnabarinus"
"value": "Cortinarius cinnamomeofulvus"
"value": "Cortinarius cinnamomeoluteus"
"value": "Cortinarius cinnamomeus"
"value": "Cortinarius cruentus"
"value": "Cortinarius gentilis"
"value": "Cortinarius limonius"
"value": "Cortinarius malicorius"
"value": "Cortinarius mirandus"
"value": "Cortinarius palustris"
"value": "Cortinarius phoeniceus"
"value": "Cortinarius rubicundulus"
"value": "Cortinarius smithii/Smith's Cortinarius"
"value": "Cudonia circinans"
"value": "Gyromitra perlata/Pig's ears"
"value": "Echinoderma asperum/Freckled dapperling"
"value": "Echinoderma calcicola"
"value": "Entoloma albidum"
"value": "Entoloma rhodopolium/Wood pinkgill"
"value": "Entoloma sinuatum/Livid Entoloma"
"value": "Hebeloma crustuliniforme/Poison pie"
"value": "Hebeloma sinapizans/Rough-stalked hebeloma"
"value": "Helvella crispa/Elfin saddle"
"value": "Helvella dryophila/Oak-loving elfin saddle"
"value": "Helvella lactea"
"value": "Helvella lacunosa/Slate grey saddle"
"value": "Helvella vespertina/Western black elfin saddle"
"value": "Hapalopilus nidulans/Tender nesting polypore"
"value": "Hypholoma fasciculare/Sulphur tuft"
"value": "Hypholoma lateritium/Brick cap"
"value": "Hypholoma marginatum"
"value": "Hypholoma radicosum"
"value": "Imperator rhodopurpureus"
"value": "Imperator torosus"
"value": "Inocybe fibrosa"
"value": "Inocybe geophylla/Earthy inocybe"
"value": "Inocybe hystrix"
"value": "Inocybe lacera/Torn fibercap"
"value": "Inocybe lilacina"
"value": "Inocybe sublilacina"
"value": "Inocybe rimosa"
"value": "Inocybe sambucina"
"value": "Lactarius torminosus/Woolly milkcap"
"value": "Mycena diosma"
"value": "Mycena pura/Lilac bonnet"
"value": "Mycena rosea/Rosy bonnet"
"value": "Neonothopanus nambi"
"value": "Panaeolus cinctulus/banded mottlegill"
"value": "Psilocybe semilanceata/Liberty cap"
"value": "Omphalotus illudens/Jack-O'lantern mushroom"
"value": "Omphalotus japonicus/Tsukiyotake"
"value": "Omphalotus nidiformis/Ghost fungus"
"value": "Omphalotus olearius/Jack-O'lantern mushroom"
"value": "Omphalotus olivascens/Western jack-o'-lantern mushroom"
"value": "Paralepistopsis acromelalga"
"value": "Paralepistopsis amoenolens/Paralysis funnel"
"value": "Pholiotina rugosa"
"value": "Ramaria formosa/Beautiful clavaria"
"value": "Ramaria neoformosa"
"value": "Ramaria pallida"
"value": "Rubroboletus legaliae/Le Gal's bolete"
"value": "Rubroboletus lupinus/Wolves bolete"
"value": "Rubroboletus pulcherrimus"
"value": "Rubroboletus satanas/Satan's bolete"
"value": "Russula emetica/The sickener"
"value": "Russula subnigricans"
"value": "Sarcosphaera coronaria/Pink crown"
"value": "Tricholoma equestre/Yellow knight"
"value": "Tricholoma filamentosum"
"value": "Tricholoma pardinum/Tiger tricholoma"
"value": "Tricholoma muscarium"
"value": "Trogia venenata/Little white mushroom"
"value": "Turbinellus floccosus/Woolly false chanterelle"
"value": "Turbinellus kauffmanii"
"value": "Agrocybe arenicola"
"value": "Amanita albocreata/Ringless panther"
"value": "Amanita altipes/Yellow long-stem Amanita"
"value": "Amanita breckonii"
"value": "Amanita ceciliae/Snakeskin grisette"
"value": "Amanita eliae/Fries's Amanita"
"value": "Amanita flavoconia/Yellow-dust Amanita"
"value": "Amanita frostiana/Frost's Amanita"
"value": "Amanita nehuta/Mahori dust Amanita"
"value": "Amanita parcivolvata"
"value": "Amanita parvipantherina"
"value": "Amanita petalinivolva"
"value": "Amanita roseotincta"
"value": "Amanita rubrovolvata/Red volva Amanita"
"value": "Amanita subfrostiana/False Frost's Amanita"
"value": "Amanita velatipes"
"value": "Amanita viscidolutea"
"value": "Amanita wellsii/Wells's Amanita"
"value": "Amanita xanthocephala/Vermilion grisette"
"value": "Armillaria mellea/Honey fungus"
"value": "Calocera viscosa/Yellow stagshorn"
"value": "Chlorophyllum brunneum/Shaggy parasol"
"value": "Choiromyces venosus"
"value": "Clitocybe fragrans"
"value": "Clitocybe nebularis/Clouded agaric"
"value": "Conocybe subovalis"
"value": "Coprinellus micaceus/Mica cap"
"value": "Lactarius chrysorrheus/Yellowdrop milkcap"
"value": "Lactarius helvus/Fenugreek milkcap"
"value": "Lepiota cristata/Stinking dapperling"
"value": "Marasmius collinus"
"value": "Russula olivacea"
"value": "Russula viscida"
"value": "Schizophyllum commune"
"value": "Scleroderma citrinum/common earthball"
"value": "Stropharia aeruginosa/Verdigris agaric"
"value": "Suillus granulatus/Weeping bolete"
"value": "Tricholoma sulphureum/Gas agaric"
Reference in New Issue