{ "namespace": "economical-impact", "expanded": " Economical Impact", "description": "Economical impact is a taxonomy to describe the financial impact as positive or negative gain to the tagged information.", "version": 1, "refs": [ "https://www.misp-project.org/" ], "values": [ { "predicate": "loss", "entry": [ { "value": "none", "expanded": "No loss" }, { "value": "less-than-25k-eur", "expanded": "Less than 25K EUR" }, { "value": "less-than-50k-euro", "expanded": "Less than 50K EUR" }, { "value": "less-than-100k-euro", "expanded": "Less than 100K EUR" }, { "value": "less-than-1M-euro", "expanded": "Less than EUR 1 000 000" } ] }, { "predicate": "gain", "entry": [ { "value": "none", "expanded": "No gain" }, { "value": "less-than-25k-eur", "expanded": "Less than 25K EUR" }, { "value": "less-than-50k-euro", "expanded": "Less than 50K EUR" }, { "value": "less-than-100k-euro", "expanded": "Less than 100K EUR" }, { "value": "less-than-1M-euro", "expanded": "Less than EUR 1 000 000" } ] } ], "predicates": [ { "value": "loss", "expanded": "Loss", "description": "A financial impact evaluated as a casuality." }, { "value": "gain", "expanded": "Gain", "description": "A financial impact evaluated as a benefit." } ] }