{ "values": [ { "entry": [ { "expanded": "Blog post", "value": "blog-post" }, { "expanded": "Technical or analysis report", "value": "technical-report" }, { "expanded": "News report", "value": "news-report" }, { "expanded": "Pastie-like website", "value": "pastie-website" }, { "expanded": "Electronic forum", "value": "electronic-forum" }, { "expanded": "Mailing-list", "value": "mailing-list" } ], "predicate": "source-type" }, { "predicate": "lifetime", "entry": [ { "value": "perpetual", "expanded": "Perpetual", "description": "Information available publicly on long-term" }, { "value": "ephemeral", "expanded": "Ephemeral", "description": "Information available publicly on short-term" } ] }, { "predicate": "certainty", "entry": [ { "value": "1", "expanded": "100% Certainty", "description": "100% Certainty" }, { "value": "0.93", "expanded": "93% Almost certain", "description": "93% Almost certain" }, { "value": "0.75", "expanded": "75% Probable", "description": "75% Probable" }, { "value": "0.5", "expanded": "50% Chances about even", "description": "50% Chances about even" }, { "value": "0.3", "expanded": "30% Probably not", "description": "30% Probably not" }, { "value": "0.07", "expanded": "7% Almost certainly not", "description": "7% Almost certainly not" }, { "value": "0", "expanded": "0% Impossibility", "description": "0% Impossibility" } ] } ], "namespace": "osint", "description": "Open Source Intelligence - Classification (MISP taxonomies)", "version": 1, "predicates": [ { "value": "source-type", "expanded": "Source Type" }, { "value": "lifetime", "expanded": "Lifetime of the information as Open Source Intelligence" }, { "value": "certainty", "expanded": "Certainty of the elements mentioned in this Open Source Intelligence - ref https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/books-and-monographs/sherman-kent-and-the-board-of-national-estimates-collected-essays/6words.html" } ] }