{ "namespace": "kill-chain", "expanded": "Cyber Kill Chain", "description": "The Cyber Kill Chain, a phase-based model developed by Lockheed Martin, aims to help categorise and identify the stage of an attack.", "version": 1, "predicates": [ { "value": "Reconnaissance", "expanded": "This is the first and most important opportunity for defenders to block the operation. A key measure of effectiveness is the fraction of intrusion attempts that are blocked at delivery stage." }, { "value": "Weaponisation", "expanded": "This is the first and most important opportunity for defenders to block the operation. A key measure of effectiveness is the fraction of intrusion attempts that are blocked at delivery stage." }, { "value": "Delivery", "expanded": "This is the first and most important opportunity for defenders to block the operation. A key measure of effectiveness is the fraction of intrusion attempts that are blocked at delivery stage. " }, { "value": "Exploitation", "expanded": "Here traditional hardening measures add resiliency, but custom capabilities are necessary to stop zero-day exploits at this stage." }, { "value": "Installation", "expanded": "Here traditional hardening measures add resiliency, but custom capabilities are necessary to stop zero-day exploits at this stage." }, { "value": "Command and Control", "expanded": "The defender’s last best chance to block the operation: by blocking the C2 channel. If adversaries can’t issue commands, defenders can prevent impact." }, { "value": "Actions on Objectives", "expanded": "The defender’s last best chance to block the operation: by blocking the C2 channel. If adversaries can’t issue commands, defenders can prevent impact." } ] }