{ "namespace": "coa", "description": "Course of action taken within organization to discover, detect, deny, disrupt, degrade, deceive and/or destroy an attack.", "version": 1, "predicates": [ { "value": "discover", "expanded": "Search historical data for an indicator." }, { "value": "detect", "expanded": "Set up a detection rule for an indicator for future alerting." }, { "value": "deny", "expanded": "Prevent an event from taking place." }, { "value": "disrupt", "expanded": "Make an event fail when it is taking place." }, { "value": "degrade", "expanded": "Slow down attacker activity; reduce attacker efficiency." }, { "value": "deceive", "expanded": "Pretend only that an action was successful or provide misinformation to the attacker." }, { "value": "destroy", "expanded": "Offensive action against the attacker." } ], "values": [ { "predicate": "discover", "entry": [ { "value": "proxy", "expanded": "Searched historical proxy logs.", "colour": "#005065" }, { "value": "ids", "expanded": "Searched historical IDS logs.", "colour": "#00586f" }, { "value": "firewall", "expanded": "Searched historical firewall logs.", "colour": "#005f78" }, { "value": "pcap", "expanded": "Discovered in packet-capture logs", "colour": "#006681" }, { "value": "remote-access", "expanded": "Searched historical remote access logs.", "colour": "#006e8b" }, { "value": "authentication", "expanded": "Searched historical authentication logs.", "colour": "#007594" }, { "value": "honeypot", "expanded": "Searched historical honeypot data.", "colour": "#007c9d" }, { "value": "syslog", "expanded": "Searched historical system logs.", "colour": "#0084a6" }, { "value": "web", "expanded": "Searched historical WAF and web application logs.", "colour": "#008bb0" }, { "value": "database", "expanded": "Searched historcial database logs.", "colour": "#0092b9" }, { "value": "mail", "expanded": "Searched historical mail logs.", "colour": "#009ac2" }, { "value": "antivirus", "expanded": "Searched historical antivirus alerts.", "colour": "#00a1cb" }, { "value": "malware-collection", "expanded": "Retro hunted in a malware collection.", "colour": "#00a8d5" }, { "value": "other", "expanded": "Searched other historical data.", "colour": "#00b0de" }, { "value": "unspecified", "expanded": "Unspecified information.", "colour": "#00b7e7" } ] }, { "predicate": "detect", "entry": [ { "value": "proxy", "expanded": "Detect by Proxy infrastructure", "colour": "#0abdeb" }, { "value": "nids", "expanded": "Detect by Network Intrusion detection system.", "colour": "#13c5f4" }, { "value": "hids", "expanded": "Detect by Host Intrusion detection system.", "colour": "#24c9f5" }, { "value": "other", "expanded": "Detect by other tools.", "colour": "#35cef5" }, { "value": "syslog", "expanded": "Detect in system logs.", "colour": "#45d2f6" }, { "value": "firewall", "expanded": "Detect by firewall.", "colour": "#56d6f7" }, { "value": "email", "expanded": "Detect by MTA.", "colour": "#67daf8" }, { "value": "web", "expanded": "Detect by web infrastructure including WAF.", "colour": "#78def8" }, { "value": "database", "expanded": "Detect in database.", "colour": "#89e2f9" }, { "value": "remote-access", "expanded": "Detect in remote-access logs.", "colour": "#9ae6fa" }, { "value": "malware-collection", "expanded": "Detect in malware-collection.", "colour": "#aaeafb" }, { "value": "antivirus", "expanded": "Detect with antivirus.", "colour": "#bbeefb" }, { "value": "unspecified", "expanded": "Unspecified information.", "colour": "#ccf2fc" } ] }, { "predicate": "deny", "entry": [ { "value": "proxy", "expanded": "Implemented a proxy filter.", "colour": "#f09105" }, { "value": "firewall", "expanded": "Implemented a block rule on a firewall.", "colour": "#f99a0e" }, { "value": "waf", "expanded": "Implemented a block rule on a web application firewall.", "colour": "#f9a11f" }, { "value": "email", "expanded": "Implemented a filter on a mail transfer agent.", "colour": "#faa830" }, { "value": "chroot", "expanded": "Implemented a chroot jail.", "colour": "#faaf41" }, { "value": "remote-access", "expanded": "Blocked an account for remote access.", "colour": "#fbb653" }, { "value": "other", "expanded": "Denied an action by other means.", "colour": "#fbbe64" }, { "value": "unspecified", "expanded": "Unspecified information.", "colour": "#fbc575" } ] }, { "predicate": "disrupt", "entry": [ { "value": "nips", "expanded": "Implemented a rule on a network IPS.", "colour": "#660389" }, { "value": "hips", "expanded": "Implemented a rule on a host-based IPS.", "colour": "#73039a" }, { "value": "other", "expanded": "Disrupted an action by other means.", "colour": "#8003ab" }, { "value": "email", "expanded": "Quarantined an email.", "colour": "#8d04bd" }, { "value": "memory-protection", "expanded": "Implemented memory protection like DEP and/or ASLR.", "colour": "#9a04ce" }, { "value": "sandboxing", "expanded": "Exploded in a sandbox.", "colour": "#a605df" }, { "value": "antivirus", "expanded": "Activated an antivirus signature.", "colour": "#b305f0" }, { "value": "unspecified", "expanded": "Unspecified information.", "colour": "#bc0ef9" } ] }, { "predicate": "degrade", "entry": [ { "value": "bandwidth", "expanded": "Throttled the bandwidth.", "colour": "#0421ce" }, { "value": "tarpit", "expanded": "Implement a network tarpit.", "colour": "#0523df" }, { "value": "other", "expanded": "Degraded an action by other means.", "colour": "#0526f0" }, { "value": "email", "expanded": "Queued an email.", "colour": "#0e2ff9" }, { "value": "unspecified", "expanded": "Unspecified information.", "colour": "#1f3ef9" } ] }, { "predicate": "decieve", "entry": [ { "value": "honeypot", "expanded": "Implemented an interactive honeypot.", "colour": "#0eb274" }, { "value": "DNS", "expanded": "Implemented DNS redirects, e.g. a response policy zone.", "colour": "#10c37f" }, { "value": "other", "expanded": "Deceived the attacker with other technology.", "colour": "#11d389" }, { "value": "email", "expanded": "Implemented email redirection.", "colour": "#12e394" }, { "value": "unspecified", "expanded": "Unspecified information.", "colour": "#1bec9d" } ] }, { "predicate": "destroy", "entry": [ { "value": "arrest", "expanded": "Arrested the threat actor.", "colour": "#c33210" }, { "value": "seize", "expanded": "Seized attacker infrastructure.", "colour": "#d33611" }, { "value": "physical", "expanded": "Physically destroyed attacker hardware.", "colour": "#e33b12" }, { "value": "dos", "expanded": "Performed a denial-of-service attack against attacker infrastructure.", "colour": "#ec441b" }, { "value": "hack-back", "expanded": "Hack back against the threat actor.", "colour": "#ed512b" }, { "value": "other", "expanded": "Carried out other offensive actions against the attacker.", "colour": "#ee5e3b" }, { "value": "unspecified", "expanded": "Unspecified information.", "colour": "#f06c4c" } ] } ] }