{ "predicates": [ { "description": "The organization campaigns, or takes other actions against corruption and transparency.", "expanded": "Anti-Corruption and transparency", "value": "anti-corruption-transparency" }, { "description": "The organization campaigns, or takes other actions against war", "expanded": "Anti-War / Anti-Violence", "value": "anti-war-violence" }, { "description": "The organization campaigns or acts to promote cultural events", "expanded": "Culture", "value": "culture" }, { "description": "Issues of economic policy, wealth distribution, etc.", "expanded": "Economic Change", "value": "economic-change" }, { "description": "The organization is concerned with some form of education", "expanded": "Education", "value": "education" }, { "description": "The organization is an election monitor, or involved in election monitoring", "expanded": "Election Monitoring", "value": "election-monitoring" }, { "description": "The organization campaigns or acts to protect the environment", "expanded": "Environment", "value": "environment" }, { "description": "The organization is concerned with freedom of speech issues", "expanded": "Freedom of Expression", "value": "freedom-expression" }, { "description": "The organization develops tools for use in defending or extending digital rights", "expanded": "Freedom Tool Development", "value": "freedom-tool-development" }, { "description": " The organization is a funder of organizations or projects working with at risk users", "expanded": "Funding", "value": "funding" }, { "description": "The organization prevents epidemic illness or acts on curing them", "expanded": "Health Issues", "value": "health" }, { "description": "relating to the detection, recording, exposure, or challenging of abuses of human rights", "expanded": "Human Rights Issues", "value": "human-rights" }, { "description": "Issues of digital rights in electronic communications", "expanded": "Internet and Telecoms", "value": "internet-telecom" }, { "description": "Issues relating to the Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender community", "expanded": "LGBT / Gender / Sexuality", "value": "lgbt-gender-sexuality" }, { "description": "The organization is a policy think-tank, or policy advocate", "expanded": "Policy", "value": "policy" }, { "description": "The organization takes a strong political view or is a political entity", "expanded": "Politics", "value": "politics" }, { "description": "Issues relating to the individual's reasonable right to privacy", "expanded": "Privacy", "value": "privacy" }, { "description": "The organization provides rapid response type capability for civil society", "expanded": "Rapid Response", "value": "rapid-response" }, { "description": "Issues relating to displaced people", "expanded": "Refugees", "value": "refugees" }, { "description": "Issues relating to physical or information security", "expanded": "Security", "value": "security" }, { "description": "Issues pertaining to inequality between men and women, or issues of particular relevance to women", "expanded": "Women's Rights", "value": "womens-right" }, { "description": "Issues of particular relevance to youth", "expanded": "Youth Rights", "value": "youth-rights" } ], "version": 2, "description": "Access Now", "namespace": "accessnow" }