{ "namespace": "gsma-fraud", "description": "Taxonomy used by GSMA for their information sharing program with telco describing the various aspects of fraud", "version": 1, "predicates": [ { "value": "technical", "expanded": "Technical" }, { "value": "subscription", "expanded": "Subscription" }, { "value": "distribution", "expanded": "Distribution" }, { "value": "business", "expanded": "Business" }, { "value": "prepaid", "expanded": "Prepaid" } ], "values": [ { "predicate": "technical", "entry": [ { "value": "mailbox-hacking", "expanded": "Mailbox Hacking (CLI Spoofing)" }, { "value": "imei-reprogramming", "expanded": "IMEI Reprogramming" }, { "value": "call-forwarding-fraud", "expanded": "Call Forwarding Fraud" }, { "value": "call-conference", "expanded": "Call Conference / Multi-Party Calls" }, { "value": "hlr-tampering", "expanded": "HLR Tampering / Switch Manipulation" }, { "value": "sim-card-cloning", "expanded": "SIM Card Cloning" }, { "value": "false-base-station-attack", "expanded": "False Base Station Attack" }, { "value": "spamming", "expanded": "Spamming (SMS & IP services)" }, { "value": "phishing-pharming", "expanded": "Phishing and Pharming" }, { "value": "mobile-malware", "expanded": "Mobile Malware" }, { "value": "fraud-risks-associated-with-voice-over-ip-services", "expanded": "Fraud Risks associated with Voice over IP Services" }, { "value": "pbx-hacking", "expanded": "PBX Hacking" }, { "value": "fraud-risks-associated-with-m2m-services", "expanded": "Fraud Risks Associated with M2M Services" }, { "value": "data-charing-bypass", "expanded": "Data Charing Bypass" } ] }, { "predicate": "subscription", "entry": [ { "value": "subscription-fraud", "expanded": "Subscription Fraud" }, { "value": "proxy-fraud", "expanded": "Proxy Fraud" }, { "value": "account-takeover", "expanded": "Account Takeover" }, { "value": "call-selling", "expanded": "Call Selling" }, { "value": "direct-debit-fraud", "expanded": "Direct Debug Fraud" }, { "value": "credit-card-fraud", "expanded": "Credit Card Fraud (Card Present)" }, { "value": "credit-card-not-present-transactions", "expanded": "Credit Card Not Present Transactions" }, { "value": "cheque-fraud", "expanded": "Cheque Fraud" } ] }, { "predicate": "distribution", "entry": [ { "value": "dealer-fraud", "expanded": "Dealer Fraud" }, { "value": "false-agent", "expanded": "False Agent / Remote Activation Fraud" }, { "value": "theft-and-handling-stolen-goods", "expanded": "Theft and Handling Stolen Goods" }, { "value": "handset-subsidy-loss", "expanded": "Handset Subsidy Loss" }, { "value": "remote-order-fraud", "expanded": "Remote Order Fraud" } ] }, { "predicate": "business", "entry": [ { "value": "premium-rate", "expanded": "Premium Rate / Audiotext Services Fraud (PRS)" }, { "value": "roaming-fraud", "expanded": "Roaming Fraud" }, { "value": "international-revenue-share-fraud", "expanded": "International Revenue Share Fraud" }, { "value": "inbound-roaming-fraud-risk-to-vpmn", "expanded": "Inbound Roaming Fraud Risk to VPMN" }, { "value": "interconnect-abuse", "expanded": "Interconnect Abuse (GSM Gateways)" }, { "value": "refiling", "expanded": "Refiling" }, { "value": "mobile-to-fixed-network-gateway-abuse", "expanded": "Mobile to Fixed Network Gateways Abuse" }, { "value": "false-answer-false-ring", "expanded": "False Answer / False Ring" }, { "value": "social-engineering", "expanded": "Social Engineering" }, { "value": "internal-fraud", "expanded": "Internal Fraud" }, { "value": "normal-business-fraud-crime", "expanded": "Normal Business Fraud and Crime" }, { "value": "brand-name-logo-abuse", "expanded": "Brand Name / Logo Abuse" }, { "value": "m-commerce-provider-content-fraud", "expanded": "M-Commerce Provider Content Fraud" }, { "value": "m-commerce-provider-prs-fraud", "expanded": "M-Commerce Provider PRS Fraud" }, { "value": "content-theft", "expanded": "Content Theft" }, { "value": "wangiri", "expanded": "Wangiri" }, { "value": "airtime-reseller-fraud", "expanded": "Airtime Reseller Fraud" } ] }, { "predicate": "prepaid", "entry": [ { "value": "services-fraud", "expanded": "Prepaid Services Fraud - General" }, { "value": "hlr-profile-manipulation", "expanded": "HLR Profile Manipulation" }, { "value": "manual-recharging", "expanded": "Manual Recharging" }, { "value": "generation-of-abusive-credits", "expanded": "Generation of Abusive Calls" }, { "value": "scartch-card-abuse", "expanded": "Scratch Card Abuse" } ] } ] }