{ "namespace": "dga", "expanded": "Domain-Generation Algorithms", "description": "A taxonomy to describe domain-generation algorithms often called DGA. Ref: A Comprehensive Measurement Study of Domain Generating Malware Daniel Plohmann and others.", "version": 2, "predicates": [ { "value": "generation-scheme", "expanded": "Generation scheme used for the DGA" }, { "value": "seeding", "expanded": "Seeding scheme used for the DGA" } ], "values": [ { "predicate": "generation-scheme", "entry": [ { "value": "arithmetic", "expanded": "Arithmetic", "description": "Calculate a sequence of values that either have a direct ASCII representation usable for a domain name or designate an offset in one or more hard- coded arrays, constituting the alphabet of the DGA. " }, { "value": "hash", "expanded": "Hash", "description": "Use the hexdigest representation of a hash to produce the domain." }, { "value": "wordlist", "expanded": "Wordlist", "description": " Concatenate a sequence of words from one or more wordlists, resulting in less randomly appealing and thus more camouflaging domains" }, { "value": "permutation", "expanded": "Permutation", "description": "derive all possible AGDs (Algorithmically-Generated Domain) through permutation of an initial domain name." } ] }, { "predicate": "seeding", "entry": [ { "value": "time-dependent", "expanded": "The DGA uses temporal information in the seeding for its domain generation, resulting in sets of domains with certain validity time spans." }, { "value": "time-independent", "expanded": "The DGA does not rely on temporal information in the seeding for its domain generation, resulting in a single set of domains." }, { "value": "deterministic", "expanded": "Given the implementation of the DGA and a seed, its full set of possible domains can be calculated at any point in time." }, { "value": "non-deterministic", "expanded": "Domains depend on unpredictable seed input, e.g. on external dynamic information that can be published at a later time (e.g. via posting on social media), on data specific to the system it is executed on, or on arbitrary non-predictable PRNG output." } ] } ] }