{ "namespace": "false-positive", "description": "This taxonomy aims to ballpark the expected amount of false positives.", "version": 3, "expanded": "False positive", "predicates": [ { "value": "risk", "expanded": "Risk", "description": "Risk of having false positives in the tagged value." }, { "value": "confirmed", "expanded": "Confirmed", "description": "Confirmed false positives in the tagged value." } ], "values": [ { "predicate": "risk", "entry": [ { "value": "low", "expanded": "Low", "description": "The risk of having false positives in the tagged value is low.", "numerical_value": 75 }, { "value": "medium", "expanded": "Medium", "description": "The risk of having false positives in the tagged value is medium.", "numerical_value": 50 }, { "value": "high", "expanded": "High", "description": "The risk of having false positives in the tagged value is high.", "numerical_value": 25 } ] } ] }