{ "namespace": "ddos", "expanded": " Distributed Denial of Service", "description": " Distributed Denial of Service - or short: DDoS - taxonomy supports the description of Denial of Service attacks and especially the types they belong too.", "version": 1, "refs": [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack" ], "values": [ { "predicate": "type", "entry": [ { "value": "amplification-attack", "expanded": "Amplification attack" }, { "value": "reflected-spoofed-attack", "expanded": "Reflected and Spoofed attack" }, { "value": "slow-read-attack", "expanded": "Slow Read attack" }, { "value": "flooding-attack", "expanded": "Flooding attack" }, { "value": "post-attack", "expanded": "Large POST HTTP attack" } ] } ], "predicates": [ { "value": "type", "expanded": "Type", "description": "Types and techniques described the way that the attack is performed to launch the Denial of Service attacks. A combination of type values can be used to explain combined techniques and methods." } ] }