{ "namespace": "threatmatch-alert-types", "expanded": "Alert Types for Sharing into ThreatMatch and MISP.", "version": 1, "description": "The ThreatMatch Alert types are applicable for any ThreatMatch instances and should be used for all CIISI and TIBER Projects.", "refs": [ "https://www.secalliance.com/platform/", "https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/pr/date/2020/html/ecb.pr200227_1~062992656b.en.html" ], "predicates": [ { "value": "alert_type", "expanded": "Alert type" } ], "values": [ { "predicate": "alert_type", "entry": [ { "value": "Actor Campaigns", "expanded": "Actor Campaigns" }, { "value": "Credential Breaches", "expanded": "Credential Breaches" }, { "value": "DDoS", "expanded": "DDoS" }, { "value": "Exploit Alert", "expanded": "Exploit Alert" }, { "value": "General Notification", "expanded": "General Notification" }, { "value": "High Impact Vulnerabilities", "expanded": "High Impact Vulnerabilities" }, { "value": "Information Leakages", "expanded": "Information Leakages" }, { "value": "Malware Analysis", "expanded": "Malware Analysis" }, { "value": "Nefarious Domains", "expanded": "Nefarious Domains" }, { "value": "Nefarious Forum Mention", "expanded": "Nefarious Forum Mention" }, { "value": "Pastebin Dumps", "expanded": "Pastebin Dumps" }, { "value": "Phishing Attempts", "expanded": "Phishing Attempts" }, { "value": "PII Exposure", "expanded": "PII Exposure" }, { "value": "Sensitive Information Disclosures", "expanded": "Sensitive Information Disclosures" }, { "value": "Social Media Alerts", "expanded": "Social Media Alerts" }, { "value": "Supply Chain Event", "expanded": "Supply Chain Event" }, { "value": "Technical Exposure", "expanded": "Technical Exposure" }, { "value": "Threat Actor Updates", "expanded": "Threat Actor Updates" }, { "value": "Trigger Events", "expanded": "Trigger Events" } ] } ] }