{ "version": 1, "description": "This taxonomy was design to describe the type of incidents bu class.", "expanded": "Europol class of incidents taxonomy", "namespace": "europol-incident", "predicates": [ { "value": "malware", "expanded": "Malware" }, { "value": "availability", "expanded": "Availability" }, { "value": "information-gathering", "expanded": "Gathering of information" }, { "value": "intrusion-attempt", "expanded": "Intrusion attempt" }, { "value": "intrusion", "expanded": "Intrusion" }, { "value": "information-security", "expanded": "Information security" }, { "value": "fraud", "expanded": "Fraud" }, { "value": "abusive-content", "expanded": "Abusive content" }, { "value": "other", "expanded": "Other" } ], "values": [ { "predicate": "malware", "entry": [ { "value": "infection", "expanded": "Infection", "description": "Infecting one or various systems with a specific type of malware." }, { "value": "distribution", "expanded": "Distribution", "description": "Infecting one or various systems with a specific type of malware." }, { "value": "c&c", "expanded": "C&C", "description": "Infecting one or various systems with a specific type of malware." }, { "value": "undetermined", "expanded": "Undetermined" } ] }, { "predicate": "availability", "entry": [ { "value": "dos-ddos", "expanded": "DoS/DDoS", "description": "Disruption of the processing and response capacity of systems and networks in order to render them inoperative." }, { "value": "sabotage", "expanded": "Sabotage", "description": "Premeditated action to damage a system, interrupt a process, change or delete information, etc." } ] }, { "predicate": "information-gathering", "entry": [ { "value": "scanning", "expanded": "Scanning", "description": "Active and passive gathering of information on systems or networks." }, { "value": "sniffing", "expanded": "Sniffing", "description": "Unauthorised monitoring and reading of network traffic." }, { "value": "phishing", "expanded": "Phishing", "description": "Attempt to gather information on a user or a system through phishing methods." } ] }, { "predicate": "intrusion-attempt", "entry": [ { "value": "exploitation-vulnerability", "expanded": "Exploitation of vulnerability", "description": "Attempt to intrude by exploiting a vulnerability in a system, component or network." }, { "value": "login-attempt", "expanded": "Login attempt", "description": "Attempt to log in to services or authentication / access control mechanisms." } ] }, { "predicate": "intrusion", "entry": [ { "value": "exploitation-vulnerability", "expanded": "Exploitation of vulnerability", "description": "Actual intrusion by exploiting a vulnerability in the system, component or network." }, { "value": "compromising-account", "expanded": "Compromising an account", "description": "Actual intrusion in a system, component or network by compromising a user or administrator account." } ] }, { "predicate": "information-security", "entry": [ { "value": "unauthorized-access", "expanded": "Unauthorised access", "description": "Unauthorised access to a particular set of information" }, { "value": "unauthorized-modification", "expanded": "Unauthorised modification/deletion", "description": "Unauthorised change or elimination of a particular set of information" } ] }, { "predicate": "fraud", "entry": [ { "value": "illegitimate-use-resources", "expanded": "Misuse or unauthorised use of resources", "description": "Use of institutional resources for purposes other than those intended." }, { "value": "illegitimate-use-name", "expanded": "Illegitimate use of the name of a third party", "description": "Use of the name of an institution without permission to do so." } ] }, { "predicate": "abusive-content", "entry": [ { "value": "spam", "expanded": "SPAM", "description": " Sending SPAM messages." }, { "value": "copyright", "expanded": "Copyright", "description": "Distribution and sharing of copyright protected content." }, { "value": "content-forbidden-by-law", "expanded": "Dissemination of content forbidden by law.", "description": "Child pornography, racism and apology of violence." } ] }, { "predicate": "other", "entry": [ { "value": "other", "expanded": "Other", "description": " Other type of unspecified incident" } ] } ] }