{ "predicates": [ { "expanded": "Human errors", "value": "human-errors" }, { "expanded": "Natural and social phenomena", "value": "natural-and-social-phenomena" }, { "expanded": "System failures", "value": "system-failures" }, { "expanded": "Malicious actions", "value": "malicious-actions" }, { "expanded": "Third party failures", "value": "third-party-failures" } ], "version": 1, "description": "Threat taxonomy in the scope of securing smart airports by ENISA. https://www.enisa.europa.eu/publications/securing-smart-airports", "namespace": "smart-airports-threats", "values": [ { "predicate": "human-errors", "entry": [ { "value": "configuration-errors", "expanded": "Configuration errors" }, { "value": "operator-or-user-error", "expanded": "Operator/user error" }, { "value": "loss-of-hardware", "expanded": "Loss of hardware" }, { "value": "non-compliance-with-policies-or-procedure", "expanded": "Non compliance with policies or procedure" } ] }, { "predicate": "system-failures", "entry": [ { "value": "failures-of-devices-or-systems", "expanded": "Failures of devices or systems" }, { "value": "failures-or-disruptions-of-communication-links", "expanded": "Failures or disruptions of communication links (communication networks" }, { "value": "failures-of-parts-of-devices", "expanded": "Failures of parts of devices" }, { "value": "failures-or-disruptions-of-main-supply", "expanded": "Failures or disruptions of main supply" }, { "value": "failures-or-disruptions-of-the-power-supply", "expanded": "Failures or disruptions of the power supply" }, { "value": "malfunctions-of-parts-of-devices", "expanded": "Malfunctions of parts of devices" }, { "value": "malfunctions-of-devices-or-systems", "expanded": "Malfunctions of devices or systems" }, { "value": "failures-of-hardware", "expanded": "Failures of hardware" }, { "value": "software-bugs", "expanded": "Software bugs" } ] } ] }