{ "namespace": "PAP", "expanded": "Permissible Actions Protocol", "description": "The Permissible Actions Protocol - or short: PAP - was designed to indicate how the received information can be used.", "version": 2, "exclusive": true, "predicates": [ { "value": "RED", "expanded": "(PAP:RED) Non-detectable actions only. Recipients may not use PAP:RED information on the network. Only passive actions on logs, that are not detectable from the outside.", "colour": "#ff0000" }, { "value": "AMBER", "expanded": "(PAP:AMBER) Passive cross check. Recipients may use PAP:AMBER information for conducting online checks, like using services provided by third parties (e.g. VirusTotal), or set up a monitoring honeypot.", "colour": "#ffa800" }, { "value": "GREEN", "expanded": "(PAP:GREEN) Active actions allowed. Recipients may use PAP:GREEN information to ping the target, block incoming/outgoing traffic from/to the target or specifically configure honeypots to interact with the target.", "colour": "#00ad1c" }, { "value": "WHITE", "expanded": "(PAP:WHITE) No restrictions in using this information.", "colour": "#ffffff" } ] }