{ "namespace": "analyst-assessment", "expanded": "Analyst (Self) Assessment", "refs": [ "http://www.foo.be/docs/intelligence/Tversky_Kahneman_1974.pdf", "http://www.foo.be/docs/intelligence/PsychofIntelNew.pdf" ], "description": "A series of assessment predicates describing the analyst capabilities to perform analysis or making judgments under a certain level of uncertainty. These assessment can be assigned by the analyst him/herself or by another party evaluating the analyst.", "version": 1, "predicates": [ { "value": "experience", "expanded": "Experience", "description": "The analyst experience expressed in years range in the field tagged. The year range is based on a standard 40-hour work week." }, { "value": "alternative-points-of-view-process", "expanded": "Alternative points of view process", "description": "A list of procedures or practices which describe alternative points of view to validate or rate an analysis. The list describes techniques or methods which could reinforce the estimative language in a human analysis and/or challenge the assumptions to reduce the potential bias of the analysis introduced by the analyst(s)." } ], "values": [ { "predicate": "experience", "entry": [ { "numerical_value": 1, "value": "less-than-1-year", "expanded": "Less than 1 year" }, { "numerical_value": 2, "value": "between-1-and-5-years", "expanded": "Between 1 and 5 years" }, { "numerical_value": 3, "value": "between-5-and-10-years", "expanded": "Between 5 and 10 years" }, { "numerical_value": 4, "value": "between-10-and-20-years", "expanded": "Between 10 and 20 years" }, { "numerical_value": 5, "value": "more-than-20-years", "expanded": "More than 20 years" } ] }, { "predicate": "alternative-points-of-view-process", "entry": [ { "value": "analytic-debates-within-the-organisation", "expanded": "analytic debates within the organisation" }, { "value": "devils-advocates-methodology", "expanded": "Devil's advocates methodlogy" }, { "value": "competitive-analysis", "expanded": "competitive analysis" }, { "value": "interdisciplinary-brainstorming", "expanded": "interdisciplinary brainstorming" }, { "value": "intra-office-peer-review", "expanded": "intra-office peer review" }, { "value": "outside-expertise-review", "expanded": "Outside expertise review" } ] } ] }