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190 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Tool to check for openresolvers (from list of source IP).
# Dragon Research Group project
# Software is free software released under the "Modified BSD license"
# Copyright (c) 2015 Alexandre Dulaunoy - a@foo.be
# Has been modified by Edvard Rejthar, CSIRT.cz at MISP Hackathon 7 Dec 2016
import os, sys, argparse, redis, datetime, ipdb, json, threading, jsonpickle
from dns.resolver import Resolver, NXDOMAIN, NoNameservers, Timeout
from urllib.request import urlopen
from netaddr import IPAddress, AddrFormatError
import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger('openresolverchecker')
__help__ = """
Check the list of IP/domains agains an IP to see where is open resolvers.
./openresolverchecker.py --max 2000 --out save.json --include-timeouts
./openresolverchecker.py -v -o save.json --type TXT --query resolvertest.switch.ch "resolver test ok"
./openresolverchecker.py -v -o save.json --type A --query seznam.cz --input ../list.json --max 100
DEFAULT_QUERY, DEFAULT_IP = "resolvertest.switch.ch", "resolver test ok"
MISP_WARNING_LIST = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MISP/misp-warninglists/master/lists/public-dns-v4/list.json"
class OpenResolverChecker:
def __init__(self, ips, query = DEFAULT_QUERY, expected = DEFAULT_IP, threadnum = 500, verbose = 0, recordType = "TXT", includeTimeouts = False ):
self.resolver = Resolver()
self.query = query
self.expected = expected
self.openresolvers = [] # [address, ...]
self.errors = [] # [(address, errcode), ...]
self.ips = ips
self.threadnum = threadnum
self.verbose = verbose
self.recordType = recordType
self.includeTimeouts = includeTimeouts
def _worker(cls,num, this):
""" Worker thread checks if the IP is an Open resolver. """
while True:
ip = this.ips.pop()
except IndexError:
return False
ts = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
IPAddress(ip) # check
addresses = [ip]
except AddrFormatError:
addresses = []
answer = dns.resolver.query(ip, 'AAAA')
for data in answer:
answer = dns.resolver.query(ip, 'A')
for data in answer:
#logging.warning("Cant translate to the IP: {}".format(ip))
this.errors.append((ip, "untranslatable"))
if this.verbose > 0:
print("Left:{} (Worker {}) {} {}".format(len(this.ips), num, "untranslatable", ip))
for ip in addresses:
passed, msg = this.check(address=ip)
#if passed:
#logline = ts+" - Open resolver at "+ip+" "+str(tst)
#logline = "{} closed".format(ip)
if this.verbose > 0:
print("Left:{} (Worker {}) {} {}".format(len(this.ips), num, msg, ip))
def launch(self):
""" Launch analysis in threads. """
threads = []
for i in range(self.threadnum):
th = threading.Thread(target=self._worker, args=(i,self))
for x in threads:
return self.openresolvers
def check(self, address=None):
""" False : not an openresolver
True is an open resolver
(True, ip) is an open resolver and includes the non expected A record """
if address is None:
return None
#print("QUERY",self.query, self.recordType)
answer = self.resolver.query(self.query, self.recordType)
result = next(answer.__iter__()).to_text().strip('"')
if result == self.expected:
return (True, "*** open resolver")
self.errors.append((address, "Wrong answer: {}".format(txt)))
return (False, "Wrong answer: {}".format(txt))
except Timeout as e:
if not self.includeTimeouts:
return (False, "Timeout")
ex = e
except Exception as e:
ex = e
# NXDOMAIN = lies that the know domain does not exist
# NoNameservers = Refused – they claim to be but are not. Ex ns1.eurodns.com",
# any other reason
self.errors.append((address, ex.__class__.__name__))
return (False, ex.__class__.__name__)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# command line args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__help__, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-q','--query', help='<query> <expected ip> EX: {} {}'.format(DEFAULT_QUERY, DEFAULT_IP),nargs=2, default=(DEFAULT_QUERY, DEFAULT_IP))
parser.add_argument('-o','--out', help='output file to store the list of open resolvers')
parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose', help='verbose output', action="count", default = 0)
parser.add_argument('--type', help='Specify the type of record we\'re checking. Default is TXT record but you might want to use an A record.', default="TXT")
parser.add_argument('--include-timeouts', help='Include timeout exception to error results. Normally, only Nxdomain and NoNameservers exceptions are treated as errors.', action="store_true")
parser.add_argument('-m','--max', help='max open resolvers to check (IE. only first 100)', type=int)
parser.add_argument('-t','--threadnum', help='thread number (default 500)', type=int, default=500)
parser.add_argument('-i','--input', help="Source file in the format: {'list':[ip, domain...]}. If no file is given, MISP "+MISP_WARNING_LIST+" will be used instead.", default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()
# load resolvers list
if args.input:
try: # local file
with open(args.input) as f:
sourceFile = json.load(f)
except FileNotFoundError:
sys.exit("File {} not found.".format(args.input))
else: # load from github
print("Downloading the list from: {}".format(MISP_WARNING_LIST))
response = urlopen(MISP_WARNING_LIST)
sourceFile = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
ips = sourceFile["list"]
if args.max:
ips = ips[:args.max]
count = len(ips)
if not count:
print("Nothing to be checked, empty list.")
# launch resolvers
orc = OpenResolverChecker(ips, args.query[0], args.query[1], threadnum = args.threadnum, verbose = args.verbose, recordType=args.type, includeTimeouts = args.include_timeouts)
# work with results
if args.out: # save to file
with open(args.out, "w") as f:
sourceFile.update({"timestamp": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()),
"openresolvers": orc.openresolvers,
"ip-checked": count,
"open-ratio": (len(orc.openresolvers)/count),
"query": args.query[0],
"query-expected-ip": args.query[1],
"query-record-type": args.type,
"errors": orc.errors
json.dump(sourceFile, f, indent=4, sort_keys = True)
else: # print to stdout
print("Valid resolvers:")
print("Resolvers checked: {}, opens: {} ({} %), errors {} ({} %)".format(count, len(orc.openresolvers), (len(orc.openresolvers)/count)*100 ,len(orc.errors),(len(orc.errors)/count*100)))