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<h1> MISP Malware Information Sharing Platform and Threat Sharing. </h1>
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<h2>The MISP threat sharing platform is a free and open source software helping information sharing of threat and cyber security indicators.</h2>
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<h3>The key is Automation</h3>
<p>Isn't it sad to have a lot of data and not use it because it's too much work? Thanks to MISP you can store your IOCs in a structured manner, and thus enjoy the correlation, automated exports for IDS, or SIEM, in STIX or OpenIOC and even to other MISPs. You can now leverage the value of your data without effort and in an automated manner. <br/> Check out MISP <a href="features.html">features</a>.</p>
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<h3>Simply Threats</h3>
<p>The primary goal of MISP is to be used. This is why simplicity is the driving force behind the project. Storing and especially using information about threats and malware should not be difficult. MISP is there to help you get the maximum out of your data without unmanageable complexity.</p>
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<h3>By giving you will receive</h3>
<p>Sharing is key to fast and effective detection of attacks. Quite often similar organisations are targeted by the same Threat Actor, in the same or different Campaign. MISP will make it easier for you to share with, but also to receive from trusted partners and trust-groups.
Sharing also enabled collaborative analysis and prevents you from doing the work someone else already did before.<br /> Join one of the <a href="./communities">existing MISP communities</a>.</p>
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<h2>More than 1000 organizations worldwide are using MISP?</h2>
<p>What about your organization?</p>
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<h3>Get In Touch</h3>
<p>MISP is a community-driven project lead by the community of users.</p>
<p>You can get in touch with the MISP core team at the following email: <a href="mailto:info@misp-project.org">info@misp-project.org</a></p>
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<li>© MISP project. Software released under the AGPL license and content released as CC-BY-SA.</li><li>Design: <a href="http://html5up.net">HTML5 UP</a></li><li> Jekyll Template: <a href="http://cloudcannon.com">Cloud Cannon</a></li>