MISP Install guides (stock install instructions for getting a base MISP system running) are available at [https://misp.github.io/MISP/](https://misp.github.io/MISP/).
MISP can be easily installed on any standard GNU/Linux distribution. Installation guides for various distributions are included in the [INSTALL directory](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/tree/2.4/INSTALL). If you did a git clone of MISP for the installation, an [UPDATE procedure is available](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/blob/2.4/INSTALL/UPDATE.txt) to keep your MISP up-to-date.
If you would like to test MISP and don't want to do an installation, CIRCL generates automatically VMware images and VirtualBox at each MISP core commit. Available at [https://vm.misp-project.org/](https://vm.misp-project.org/). The image is to be used for testing purposes only, production-use is considered to be dangerous as is, it contains much more than MISP alone but also misp-dashboard and viper which requires additional security review before being in production.
- [Docker image focused on high performance and security based on CentOS Stream 8](https://github.com/NUKIB/misp) is maintained by National Cyber and Information Security Agency of the Czech Republic.
- Another [docker image](https://github.com/ostefano/docker-misp) specifically tailored to allow [reproducible cloud deployments](https://blogs.vmware.com/security/2023/01/how-to-deploy-a-threat-intelligence-platform-in-your-data-center.html), compatible with both x86–64 (AMD64) and ARM64 (M1) architectures, and available on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/ostefano/misp-docker), is maintained by Stefano Ortolani from VMware.
- [AutoMISP is shell script](https://github.com/da667/AutoMISP) to automatically install MISP and misp-modules together on Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04.
### misp-cloud - Cloud-ready images of MISP
- [misp-cloud](https://github.com/MISP/misp-cloud) - The objective of this project is to deliver cloud-ready images of MISP for testing purposes. AWS is currently supported.
The MISP software is an open source and free software released under the [AGPL](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/blob/2.4/LICENSE) (Affero General Public License). We are committed to ensure that MISP will remain a free and open source project on the long-run.
The MISP [taxonomies](/taxonomies.html) and [galaxy](/galaxy.html) are licensed under [CC0 1.0 Universal](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) (CC0 1.0) - Public Domain Dedication or 2-clause BSD open source license. This allows interoperability with any product. (open source or proprietary)