mirror of https://github.com/MISP/misp-website
chg: [events] session added
@ -11,10 +11,6 @@ Want to join us at an event, discuss opportunities or projects around the MISP p
### Webinar
"Leveraging the CrowdSec & MISP Integration for SOC/CSIRT and Security Analysts"
[For more info and registration](https://app.livestorm.co/crowdsec/crowdsec-misp-1?s=626f62ae-883b-40da-b17e-a34ecc64584a)
### MISP Hackathon
@ -22,24 +18,40 @@ The previous Hackaton was in October 2021: [Open Source Security Hackathon](/hac
### Conferences
- [MISP will present at FIC 2023](https://europe.forum-fic.com/en/partners-2023/) - F24-05 - 5th->7th April 2023 - Lille, France
- 16th October 2023 - 19th October 2023 [hack.lu 2023](https://2023.hack.lu/) and CTI-summit
### Public MISP trainings
- #### MISP Introduction and NIS 2 (3 hours - [onsite at NISDUC conference](https://www.nisduc.eu/second-conference/program))
*When:* {{< fixedtime `26th April 11:30-15:15 CET` `MISP Best Practices for encoding threat intelligence` `20230426T12` `3` >}}</a>
#### MISP Training - Threat Intelligence Introduction for Analysts and Security Professionals
*Where:* Onsite ([NISDUC Conference](https://www.nisduc.eu/second-conference/program) in Bruxelles)
*When:* {{< fixedtime `5th September 2023 14:00-17:00 CEST` `MISP Training - Threat Intelligence Introduction for Analysts and Security Professionals` `20230905T12` `3` >}}
*Price:* Free (registration required)
*Where:* Remote (Zoom and online MISP training instance)
*Price:* Freely accessible (session will be recorded)
*Summary agenda:*
- General usage
- Encoding a report
- Making use of the various tools in MISP from an analyst perspective
- Introduction to MISP and usage
- Data model and use-cases focusing on NIS2 information sharing
*Event link:* [https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86425112849?pwd=WWtLOFR4L2dKS2NEN0lIQmRHRTVpZz09](https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86425112849?pwd=WWtLOFR4L2dKS2NEN0lIQmRHRTVpZz09)
*Event link:* [NISDUC Conference](https://www.nisduc.eu/second-conference/program)
#### MISP Training - Advanced Developer session from API to MISP internals
*When:* {{< fixedtime `6th September 2023 14:00-17:00 CEST` `MISP Training - Advanced Developer session from API to MISP internals` `20230906T12` `3` >}}
*Where:* Remote (Zoom and online MISP training instance)
*Price:* Freely accessible (session will be recorded)
*Summary agenda:*
- Intro to API usage
- Supporting dev libraries
- Session on development of MISP internals
*Event link:* [https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83117293458?pwd=NWt0TWhoZnZBeDRtOUpTbEtkWldjQT09](https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83117293458?pwd=NWt0TWhoZnZBeDRtOUpTbEtkWldjQT09)
### Past events
Reference in New Issue