mirror of https://github.com/MISP/misp-website
chg: [feeds] updated feed list
@ -25,58 +25,34 @@ and located in different input transports:
The default feeds are described in a [simple JSON format](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/blob/2.4/app/files/feed-metadata/defaults.json). The default feeds and the current version of MISP are the following:
- [CIRCL OSINT Feed](https://www.circl.lu/doc/misp/feed-osint) - CIRCL - feed format: misp
- [The Botvrij.eu Data](https://www.botvrij.eu/data/feed-osint) - Botvrij.eu - feed format: misp
- [blockrules of rules.emergingthreats.net](https://rules.emergingthreats.net/blockrules/compromised-ips.txt) - rules.emergingthreats.net - feed format: csv
- [malwaredomainlist](https://panwdbl.appspot.com/lists/mdl.txt) - malwaredomainlist - feed format: csv
- [Tor exit nodes](https://www.dan.me.uk/torlist/?exit) - TOR Node List from dan.me.uk - feed format: csv
- [Tor ALL nodes](https://www.dan.me.uk/torlist/) - TOR Node List from dan.me.uk - feed format: csv
- [cybercrime-tracker.net - all](https://cybercrime-tracker.net/all.php) - cybercrime-tracker.net - feed format: freetext
- [Phishtank online valid phishing](https://data.phishtank.com/data/online-valid.csv) - Phishtank - feed format: csv
- [listdynamic dns providers](http://dns-bh.sagadc.org/dynamic_dns.txt) - http://dns-bh.sagadc.org - feed format: csv
- [ip-filter.blf - labs.snort.org](https://labs.snort.org/feeds/ip-filter.blf) - https://labs.snort.org - feed format: freetext
- [longtail.it.marist.edu](http://longtail.it.marist.edu/honey/current-ip-addresses.txt) - longtail.it.marist.edu - feed format: freetext
- [longtail.it.marist.edu 7 days](http://longtail.it.marist.edu/honey/last-7-days-ip-addresses.txt) - longtail.it.marist.edu - feed format: freetext
- [diamondfox_panels](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pan-unit42/iocs/master/diamondfox/diamondfox_panels.txt) - pan-unit42 - feed format: freetext
- [pop3gropers](https://home.nuug.no/~peter/pop3gropers.txt) - home.nuug.no - feed format: csv
- [Feodo IP Blocklist](https://feodotracker.abuse.ch/downloads/ipblocklist.csv) - abuse.ch - feed format: csv
- [hosts-file.net - hphost - malwarebytes](https://hosts-file.net/psh.txt) - hosts-file.net - feed format: csv
- [hosts-file.net - hphost - malwarebytes - EMD classification ONLY](https://hosts-file.net/emd.txt) - hosts-file.net - feed format: csv
- [OpenPhish url list](https://openphish.com/feed.txt) - openphish.com - feed format: freetext
- [firehol_level1](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ktsaou/blocklist-ipsets/master/firehol_level1.netset) - iplists.firehol.org - feed format: freetext
- [IPs from High-Confidence DGA-Based C&Cs Actively Resolving](https://osint.bambenekconsulting.com/feeds/c2-ipmasterlist-high.txt) - osint.bambenekconsulting.com - feed format: csv
- [Domains from High-Confidence DGA-based C&C Domains Actively Resolving](https://osint.bambenekconsulting.com/feeds/c2-dommasterlist-high.txt) - osint.bambenekconsulting.com - feed format: csv
- [ci-badguys.txt](https://cinsscore.com/list/ci-badguys.txt) - cinsscore.com - feed format: freetext
- [alienvault reputation generic](https://reputation.alienvault.com/reputation.generic) - .alienvault.com - feed format: csv
- [blocklist.de/lists/all.txt](https://lists.blocklist.de/lists/all.txt) - blocklist.de - feed format: freetext
- [VNC RFB](https://dataplane.org/vncrfb.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [sshpwauth.txt](https://dataplane.org/sshpwauth.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [sipregistration](https://dataplane.org/sipregistration.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [sipquery](https://dataplane.org/sipquery.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [sipinvitation](https://dataplane.org/sipinvitation.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [All current domains belonging to known malicious DGAs](http://osint.bambenekconsulting.com/feeds/dga-feed-high.csv) - osint.bambenekconsulting.com - feed format: csv
- [VXvault - URL List](http://vxvault.net/URL_List.php) - VXvault - feed format: freetext
- [abuse.ch SSL IPBL](https://sslbl.abuse.ch/blacklist/sslipblacklist.csv) - abuse.ch - feed format: csv
- [abuse.ch Dyre SSL IPBL](https://sslbl.abuse.ch/blacklist/dyre_sslipblacklist.csv) - abuse.ch - feed format: csv
- [http://cybercrime-tracker.net](https://cybercrime-tracker.net/ccamlist.php) - http://cybercrime-tracker.net hashlist - feed format: freetext
- [http://cybercrime-tracker.net](https://cybercrime-tracker.net/ccamgate.php) - http://cybercrime-tracker.net gatelist - feed format: freetext
- [hpHosts - GRM only](https://hosts-file.net/grm.txt) - hpHosts - feed format: csv
- [abuse.ch SSL IPBL](https://sslbl.abuse.ch/blacklist/sslblacklist.csv) - abuse.ch - feed format: csv
- [alienvault reputation generic](https://reputation.alienvault.com/reputation.generic) - .alienvault.com - feed format: csv
- [All current domains belonging to known malicious DGAs](https://osint.bambenekconsulting.com/feeds/dga-feed-high.csv) - osint.bambenekconsulting.com - feed format: csv
- [Benkow.cc RAT](https://benkow.cc/export_rat.php) - benkow.cc - feed format: csv
- [blocklist.de/lists/all.txt](https://lists.blocklist.de/lists/all.txt) - blocklist.de - feed format: freetext
- [blocklist.greensnow.co](https://blocklist.greensnow.co/greensnow.txt) - greensnow.co - feed format: csv
- [This list contains all domains - A list for administrators to prevent mining in networks](https://gitlab.com/ZeroDot1/CoinBlockerLists/raw/master/list.txt?inline=false) - ZeroDot1 - CoinBlockerLists - feed format: freetext
- [This list contains all optional domains - An additional list for administrators](https://gitlab.com/ZeroDot1/CoinBlockerLists/raw/master/list_optional.txt?inline=false) - ZeroDot1 - CoinBlockerLists - feed format: freetext
- [This list contains all browser mining domains - A list to prevent browser mining only](https://gitlab.com/ZeroDot1/CoinBlockerLists/raw/master/list_browser.txt?inline=false) - ZeroDot1 - CoinBlockerLists - feed format: freetext
- [URLHaus Malware URLs](https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads/csv/) - Abuse.ch - feed format: csv
- [CyberCure - IP Feed](https://api.cybercure.ai/feed/get_ips?type=csv) - www.cybercure.ai - feed format: csv
- [blockrules of rules.emergingthreats.net](https://rules.emergingthreats.net/blockrules/compromised-ips.txt) - rules.emergingthreats.net - feed format: csv
- [ci-badguys.txt](https://cinsscore.com/list/ci-badguys.txt) - cinsscore.com - feed format: freetext
- [CIRCL OSINT Feed](https://www.circl.lu/doc/misp/feed-osint) - CIRCL - feed format: misp
- [cybercrime-tracker.net - all](https://cybercrime-tracker.net/all.php) - cybercrime-tracker.net - feed format: freetext
- [CyberCure - Blocked URL Feed](https://api.cybercure.ai/feed/get_url?type=csv) - www.cybercure.ai - feed format: csv
- [CyberCure - Hash Feed](https://api.cybercure.ai/feed/get_hash?type=csv) - www.cybercure.ai - feed format: csv
- [CyberCure - IP Feed](https://api.cybercure.ai/feed/get_ips?type=csv) - www.cybercure.ai - feed format: csv
- [diamondfox_panels](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pan-unit42/iocs/master/diamondfox/diamondfox_panels.txt) - pan-unit42 - feed format: freetext
- [DigitalSide Threat-Intel OSINT Feed](https://osint.digitalside.it/Threat-Intel/digitalside-misp-feed/) - osint.digitalside.it - feed format: misp
- [DNS CH TXT version.bind](https://dataplane.org/dnsversion.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [DNS recursion desired IN ANY](https://dataplane.org/dnsrdany.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [DNS recursion desired](https://dataplane.org/dnsrd.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [Domains from High-Confidence DGA-based C&C Domains Actively Resolving](https://osint.bambenekconsulting.com/feeds/c2-dommasterlist-high.txt) - osint.bambenekconsulting.com - feed format: csv
- [Feodo IP Blocklist](https://feodotracker.abuse.ch/downloads/ipblocklist.csv) - abuse.ch - feed format: csv
- [firehol_level1](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ktsaou/blocklist-ipsets/master/firehol_level1.netset) - iplists.firehol.org - feed format: freetext
- [http://cybercrime-tracker.net gatelist](https://cybercrime-tracker.net/ccamgate.php) - http://cybercrime-tracker.net gatelist - feed format: freetext
- [http://cybercrime-tracker.net hashlist](https://cybercrime-tracker.net/ccamlist.php) - http://cybercrime-tracker.net hashlist - feed format: freetext
- [IP protocol 41](https://dataplane.org/proto41.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [ip-block-list - snort.org](https://snort.org/downloads/ip-block-list) - https://snort.org - feed format: freetext
- [IPs from High-Confidence DGA-Based C&Cs Actively Resolving - requires a valid license](https://osint.bambenekconsulting.com/feeds/c2-ipmasterlist-high.txt) - osint.bambenekconsulting.com - feed format: csv
- [ipspamlist](http://www.ipspamlist.com/public_feeds.csv) - ipspamlist - feed format: csv
- [mirai.security.gives](https://mirai.security.gives/data/ip_list.txt) - security.gives - feed format: freetext
- [malsilo.url](https://malsilo.gitlab.io/feeds/dumps/url_list.txt) - MalSilo - feed format: csv
- [malsilo.ipv4](https://malsilo.gitlab.io/feeds/dumps/ip_list.txt) - MalSilo - feed format: csv
- [malsilo.domain](https://malsilo.gitlab.io/feeds/dumps/domain_list.txt) - MalSilo - feed format: csv
- [malshare.com - current all](https://malshare.com/daily/malshare.current.all.txt) - malshare.com - feed format: freetext
- [Benkow.cc RAT](https://benkow.cc/export_rat.php) - benkow.cc - feed format: csv
- [Panels Tracker](https://benkow.cc/export.php) - Benkow.cc - feed format: csv
- [IPsum (aggregation of all feeds) - level 1 - lot of false positives](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stamparm/ipsum/master/levels/1.txt) - IPsum - feed format: freetext
- [IPsum (aggregation of all feeds) - level 2 - medium false positives](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stamparm/ipsum/master/levels/2.txt) - IPsum - feed format: freetext
- [IPsum (aggregation of all feeds) - level 3 - low false positives](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stamparm/ipsum/master/levels/3.txt) - IPsum - feed format: freetext
@ -85,9 +61,41 @@ The default feeds are described in a [simple JSON format](https://github.com/MIS
- [IPsum (aggregation of all feeds) - level 6 - no false positives](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stamparm/ipsum/master/levels/6.txt) - IPsum - feed format: freetext
- [IPsum (aggregation of all feeds) - level 7 - no false positives](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stamparm/ipsum/master/levels/7.txt) - IPsum - feed format: freetext
- [IPsum (aggregation of all feeds) - level 8 - no false positives](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stamparm/ipsum/master/levels/8.txt) - IPsum - feed format: freetext
- [DigitalSide Threat-Intel OSINT Feed](https://osint.digitalside.it/Threat-Intel/digitalside-misp-feed/) - osint.digitalside.it - feed format: misp
- [malshare.com - current all](https://malshare.com/daily/malshare.current.all.txt) - malshare.com - feed format: freetext
- [malsilo.domain](https://malsilo.gitlab.io/feeds/dumps/domain_list.txt) - MalSilo - feed format: csv
- [malsilo.ipv4](https://malsilo.gitlab.io/feeds/dumps/ip_list.txt) - MalSilo - feed format: csv
- [malsilo.url](https://malsilo.gitlab.io/feeds/dumps/url_list.txt) - MalSilo - feed format: csv
- [Malware Bazaar](https://bazaar.abuse.ch/export/txt/md5/recent/) - abuse.ch - feed format: csv
- [MalwareBazaar](https://bazaar.abuse.ch/downloads/misp/) - abuse.ch - feed format: misp
- [Metasploit exploits with CVE assigned](https://feeds.ecrimelabs.net/data/metasploit-cve) - eCrimeLabs - feed format: csv
- [Malware Bazaar](https://bazaar.abuse.ch/export/txt/md5/full/) - abuse.ch - feed format: csv
- [mirai.security.gives](https://mirai.security.gives/data/ip_list.txt) - security.gives - feed format: freetext
- [OpenPhish url list](https://openphish.com/feed.txt) - openphish.com - feed format: freetext
- [Panels Tracker](https://benkow.cc/export.php) - Benkow.cc - feed format: csv
- [PhishScore](https://phishstats.info/phish_score.csv) - PhishStats - feed format: csv
- [Phishtank online valid phishing](https://data.phishtank.com/data/online-valid.csv) - Phishtank - feed format: csv
- [pop3gropers](https://home.nuug.no/~peter/pop3gropers.txt) - home.nuug.no - feed format: csv
- [sipinvitation](https://dataplane.org/sipinvitation.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [sipquery](https://dataplane.org/sipquery.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [sipregistration](https://dataplane.org/sipregistration.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [SMTP data](https://dataplane.org/smtpdata.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [SMTP greet](https://dataplane.org/smtpgreet.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [SSH Bruteforce IPs](https://feeds.honeynet.asia/bruteforce/latest-sshbruteforce-unique.csv) - APNIC Community Honeynet Project - feed format: csv
- [sshpwauth.txt](https://dataplane.org/sshpwauth.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [Telnet Bruteforce IPs](https://feeds.honeynet.asia/bruteforce/latest-telnetbruteforce-unique.csv) - APNIC Community Honeynet Project - feed format: csv
- [TELNET login](https://dataplane.org/telnetlogin.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [The Botvrij.eu Data](https://www.botvrij.eu/data/feed-osint) - Botvrij.eu - feed format: misp
- [This list contains all browser mining domains - A list to prevent browser mining only](https://gitlab.com/ZeroDot1/CoinBlockerLists/raw/master/list_browser.txt?inline=false) - ZeroDot1 - CoinBlockerLists - feed format: freetext
- [This list contains all domains - A list for administrators to prevent mining in networks](https://gitlab.com/ZeroDot1/CoinBlockerLists/raw/master/list.txt?inline=false) - ZeroDot1 - CoinBlockerLists - feed format: freetext
- [This list contains all optional domains - An additional list for administrators](https://gitlab.com/ZeroDot1/CoinBlockerLists/raw/master/list_optional.txt?inline=false) - ZeroDot1 - CoinBlockerLists - feed format: freetext
- [threatfox indicators of compromise](https://threatfox.abuse.ch/export/csv/recent/) - abuse.ch - feed format: csv
- [Threatfox](https://threatfox.abuse.ch/downloads/misp/) - abuse.ch - feed format: misp
- [Tor ALL nodes](https://www.dan.me.uk/torlist/) - TOR Node List from dan.me.uk - careful, this feed applies a lock-out after each pull. This is shared with the "Tor exit nodes" feed. - feed format: csv
- [Tor exit nodes](https://www.dan.me.uk/torlist/?exit) - TOR Node List from dan.me.uk - careful, this feed applies a lock-out after each pull. This is shared with the "Tor ALL nodes" feed. - feed format: csv
- [URL Seen in honeypots](https://feeds.honeynet.asia/url/latest-url-unique.csv) - APNIC Community Honeynet Project - feed format: freetext
- [URLHaus Malware URLs](https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads/csv_recent/) - abuse.ch - feed format: csv
- [URLhaus](https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads/misp/) - abuse.ch - feed format: misp
- [VNC RFB](https://dataplane.org/vncrfb.txt) - dataplane.org - feed format: csv
- [VXvault - URL List](http://vxvault.net/URL_List.php) - VXvault - feed format: freetext
To enable a feed for caching, you just need to check the enabled field to benefit automatically of the feeds in your local MISP instance. To allow other users of your MISP instance to benefit from this functionality, simply check the "lookup visible" checkbox.
@ -99,5 +107,4 @@ To enable a feed for caching, you just need to check the enabled field to benefi
- Fork the [MISP project](https://github.com/MISP/MISP) on GitHub.
- Update the [default MISP feed](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/blob/2.4/app/files/feed-metadata/defaults.json) to add your feed(s).
- Make a pull-request with the updated JSON file.
- Make a pull-request with the updated JSON file.
Reference in New Issue