mirror of https://github.com/MISP/misp-website
chg: [static] changelog updated
@ -2,6 +2,212 @@ Changelog
v2.5.2 (2024-11-19)
- [RHEL installer] added. [iglocska]
- still in experimental state
- works on a fresh 9.4/9.5 rhel, but the worker management is still awkward (with selinux enabled it will always show the workers as indeterminable - but the controls work as expected)
- [event-report:paste-image] Added preview of pasted image. [Sami
- Also, forces only one picture to be uploaded at a time
- [event-report:editor] Allow pasting pictures and aliasing the ones not
saved as Attribute. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [event:view] Improved UI for exendedBy and extends fields in event
meta. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [event:view] Added button to go to extending view. [Sami Mokaddem]
- Extending view allows is the same feature as the extended view but instead of
merging the data of all children (extending events) to the parent event, it merges
the data from the parent event into the child
- [galaxies:index] Warining for unknown clusters added. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [events:add_misp_export] Added new setting
`MISP.allow_users_override_locked_field_when_importing_events` [Sami
- Allows users to override the state of the `locked` field when importing an event
- Once the setting is enabled, a checkbox will be offered to decide if the locked state of
of the imported event should be preserved or not.
- [PyMISP] Bump version. [Raphaël Vinot]
- [schema] updated. [iglocska]
- [pymisp] bump. [iglocska]
- [event-report:managed-imported-pictures] Allow to manually delete
pictures. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [tools:MISPElementHTMLFormatterTool] Reduced font-size of MISP
element. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [queryVersion] Bumped value. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [rhel] better feedback on what can be determined about the worker
processes when SELinux is enabled. [iglocska]
- I'm being repressed and censored.
- [event-report:download-as-pdf] Greatly improved the feature. [Sami
- Support replacement of template variables
- Pictures (from attribute/imported)
- Convert custom MD syntax
- [event-reports:download-as-pdf] Added more feedback in the UI. [Sami
- [ui:view-galaxy-matrix] Smarter display of matrix picker. [Sami
- [workflow:adhoc] Changed title to show the Ad-Hoc context. [Sami
- [workflow:run_workflow] Added more detailed in the run adhoc workflow
in event view. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [internal] Code cleanup. [Jakub Onderka]
- [internal] Better error message when fetching remote URL with loop.
[Jakub Onderka]
- [warninglists] fail gracefully when deserialization fails, addresses
#9978. [iglocska]
- also, log the entry that failed in error.log
- [internal] Cleanup memory for simdjson. [Jakub Onderka]
- [internal] Try to release pointer in curl client to local function to
avoid circular reference and releasing memory. [Jakub Onderka]
- [internal] Better debug messages for sync. [Jakub Onderka]
- [misp-js:screenshotPopup] Correctly take the extension of the
(potential) path. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [event-reports:isDownloadModuleAvailable] Typo in usage of
Module->canUse. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [events-report:js-pasteImg] Gracefully handle if no picture are
pasted. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [event-report:replaceWithTemplateVars] Gracefully handle if no user
variable. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [rhel installer] hash fix, similar to the ubuntu installer fix as
reported in #10040. [iglocska]
- [ubuntu installer] hash check fixed, fixes #10040. [iglocska]
- as discovered by @jgthornb
- [Attribute search] regression due to merge issue with 2.4 fixes
#10042. [iglocska]
- Show results when attribute search has no filters set. [Luciano
- [event-reports:download-as-gfm] Correctly replace Attribute picture
syntax. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [galaxy:attacjExtendFromInfo] Removed ambiguous column clause for
UUID. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [statistics:galaxy-matrix] Default to unfiltered view for Mitre ATT&CK
matrix. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [objects:createFromFreetext] Make sure all the event fields are
available before saving. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [galaxy:view] Keep API response format as in v2.4. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [galaxy-cluster-relation:edit_relation] Fixed ambiguous column name.
[Sami Mokaddem]
- [galaxy:load_galaxies] Force distribution to be 3 for default
galaxies. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [galaxy:load_galaxies] Force org_id to be 0 for default galaxies.
[Sami Mokaddem]
- [workflow-modules] Replaced more `Attribute` by `MispAttribute` [Sami
- [workflow] Replaced `Attribute` by `MispAttribute` [Sami Mokaddem]
- [galaxy:galaxy_matrix] Fixed overflow issue and matrix type picking in
static context. [Sami Mokaddem]
- [galaxy] Renamed `Attribute` into `MispAttribute` [Sami Mokaddem]
- [galaxy:validation] Allow creating galaxy without kill_chain. [Sami
- [UI] Remove broken submit button when adding object reference. [Jakub
- [feed edit] view fixed when rules are not set, fixes #10013.
- [attribute search] avoid the fix on 2.4-develop. [iglocska]
- [Upgrade] Fix conditionals in 2.5 upgrade script. [Tom King]
- [reverted freetext mistake] fixed again. [iglocska]
- how on earth did this come back?
- [internal] Uninitialized string offset: 0. [Jakub Onderka]
- Merge branch 'develop' into 2.5. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4-develop' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4-develop' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4-develop' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4-develop' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge branch 'feature/eventreport-pasting-pics' into develop. [Sami
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into
feature/eventreport-pasting-pics. [Sami Mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.5' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #10018 from sidxparab/fix-ubuntu-2404-installer.
[Andras Iklody]
Update INSTALL.ubuntu2404.sh
- Update INSTALL.ubuntu2404.sh. [Siddhesh Parab]
1) If a PECL installation or configuration command fails, the entire installer script exits out. Added `|| true` to ensure the script continues even when the command fails
2) The above listed reason is same for modifications to installation of `SSDEEP`
3) Updated the `Baseurl` MISP setting to discard the deprecated method and use the latest one. Also, BaseURL needs to be specified using the protocol.
4) Updated the `Security.password_policy_complexity` parameter which was erroring out due to special characters not being escaped
- Merge pull request #10028 from brlogan/patch-1. [Jakub Onderka]
Slight improvements to user profile notification emails
- Improve user profile notification emails. [Bradley Logan]
- Update LdapAuth doc. [Luciano Righetti]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop. [Sami
- Merge pull request #10038 from MISP/add-direct-ldap-auth. [Luciano
add direct LDAP auth
- Add docs. [Luciano Righetti]
- Change defaults, consistent variable names. [Luciano Righetti]
- Factor, handle ldap user memberships. [Luciano Righetti]
- Add direct LDAP auth. [Luciano Righetti]
- Merge branch 'feature/adhoc-workflows' into develop. [Sami Mokaddem]
- Merge branch 'feature/tags-on-eventreport' into develop. [Sami
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/variables-in-reports'
into develop. [Sami Mokaddem]
- Merge pull request #10034 from JakubOnderka/code-cleanup-vol2. [Jakub
chg: [internal] Code cleanup
- Merge pull request #10033 from JakubOnderka/better-error. [Jakub
chg: [internal] Better error message when fetching remote URL with loop
- Merge pull request #10032 from JakubOnderka/object-references-fix.
[Jakub Onderka]
fix: [UI] Remove broken submit button when adding object reference
- Merge branch '2.5' into develop. [Luciano Righetti]
- Keep 2.5 version. [Luciano Righetti]
- Merge branch '2.4-develop' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.5' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.5' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:MISP/MISP into develop.
- Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:MISP/MISP into develop.
- Merge pull request #9997 from JakubOnderka/sync-debug. [Jakub Onderka]
chg: [internal] Better debug messages for sync
- Merge branch '2.4-develop' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.5' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #9950 from tomking2/bug/2.5-install. [Andras
fix: [Upgrade] Fix conditionals in 2.5 upgrade script
- Merge branch '2.5' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #9995 from JakubOnderka/exception-uninintialized-
offset. [Jakub Onderka]
fix: [internal] Uninitialized string offset: 0
v2.4.200 (2024-11-19)
@ -304,8 +510,21 @@ Other
v2.5.1 (2024-10-18)
- [test] Add test for issue #9989. [Jakub Onderka]
- [version] bump. [iglocska]
- [PyMISP] Bump. [Raphaël Vinot]
- [internal] Use more methods from PHP8 for ComplexTypeTool. [Jakub
- [internal] Add support for zstd compressed responses. [Jakub Onderka]
- [internal] Add support for Randomizer for PHP 8.3. [Jakub Onderka]
- [security] Update unsupported Ubuntu versions in security audit.
[Jakub Onderka]
- [internal] Add polyfill for PHP8 methods. [Jakub Onderka]
- [internal] Use methods from PHP8. [Jakub Onderka]
- [internal] Benchmark code cleanup. [Jakub Onderka]
@ -314,6 +533,11 @@ Fix
- [INSTALL.ubuntu2404.sh] potential fix for #9967. [Andras Iklody]
Weird that it works on most systems though...
- [diagnostics] Do not check if attachment dir is writeable if is s3 or
we use different location. [Jakub Onderka]
- [internal] For reading uptime use /proc/uptime and not uptime process.
[Jakub Onderka]
- [internal] Adding tags to attributes. [Jakub Onderka]
- [attribute->mispattribute] broken fix reverted. [iglocska]
- [event:freeTextImport] Repair feature due to class name change. [Sami
@ -323,6 +547,12 @@ Fix
- Merge branch 'develop' into 2.5. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4-develop' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge branch 'develop' into 2.5. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4-develop' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4-develop' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.5' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #9981 from cudeso/patch-2. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
Update defaults.json
@ -331,6 +561,30 @@ Other
Enable delta merge on URLHaus feed to prevent the event from growing indefinite
- Merge branch '2.5' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.5. [iglocska]
- Merge branch 'develop' into 2.5. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4-develop' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #9992 from JakubOnderka/ref-9989. [Jakub Onderka]
Ref 9989
- Fix email refang regex. [goodlandsecurity]
- Merge pull request #9988 from JakubOnderka/http-zstd. [Jakub Onderka]
chg: [internal] Add support for zstd compressed responses
- Merge pull request #9987 from JakubOnderka/security-audit-update.
[Jakub Onderka]
Security audit update
- Update defaults.json. [Koen Van Impe]
Enable delta merge on URLHaus feed to prevent the event from growing indefinite
- Merge pull request #9979 from JakubOnderka/fix-adding-attributes.
[Jakub Onderka]
fix: [internal] Adding tags to attributes
- Merge branch '2.4-develop' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #9968 from JakubOnderka/php8-polyfill. [Jakub
chg: [internal] Add polyfill for PHP8 methods
- Merge branch '2.5' into develop. [iglocska]
- Merge branch 'develop' into 2.5. [iglocska]
- Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:MISP/MISP into develop.
Reference in New Issue