Updated from Christian Seifert, Ian Welch, Peter Komisarczuk, ‘Taxonomy of Honeypots’, Technical Report CS-TR-06/12, VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON, School of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, June 2006, http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/comp/Publications/archive/CS-TR-06/CS-TR-06-12.pdf
+Updated (CIRCL and Seamus Dowling) from Christian Seifert, Ian Welch, Peter Komisarczuk, ‘Taxonomy of Honeypots’, Technical Report CS-TR-06/12, VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON, School of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, June 2006, http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/comp/Publications/archive/CS-TR-06/CS-TR-06-12.pdf
Learns from attack interaction
+Learns from attack interaction
+Additional review is required to reach a certain level of validation of the information tagged
+Additional review is required to reach a cert ain level of validation of the information tagged
Element that should not be deleted (without asking)
+Describe cyber adversary behavior using MITRE ATT&CK