mirror of https://github.com/MISP/misp-website
chg: [changelog] updated to the v2.4.116
@ -2,6 +2,720 @@ Changelog
v2.4.116 (2019-09-16)
- [sync] Added sync priority system to prioritise the order of instances
to push to. [iglocska]
- [CLI] Added cleanup tool to purge all events related to a feed.
- Simply run /var/www/MISP/app/Console/cake Admin purgeFeedEvents [user_id] [feed_id]
- works for CSV/Freetext feeds
- [stix2 export] Parsing relationships between objects. [chrisr3d]
- Which includes of course relationships between
objects and objects, and the ones between
objects and attributes
- [API] verbose output for /servers/update. [iglocska]
- [event:view] Added support of decay score. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:rest] Filtering out of decayed attributes. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Partial API support - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [restResponse] Added entries in Attribute/RestSearch for decaying
model support. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Added models import and export feature. [mokaddem]
- [restSearch] restSearch module for ATT&CK Sightings. [chrisr3d]
- Returning ATTA&CK Sightings in json format for
events and attributes with mitre-attack-pattern
galaxies attached
- For further details on the ATT&CK Sightings,
please visit https://attack.mitre.org/resources/sightings/
- Also thanks to @johnwunder for the clarification
on the output format
- [auth key fail logging throttle] Throttle the auth key failed log
entries to 1 / hour / key. [iglocska]
- [warning-lists] updated to the latest version. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [misp-galaxy] updated to the latest version. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [misp-objects] updated to the latest one. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [taxonomies] updated to the latest version. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- Bump PyMISP. [Raphaël Vinot]
- [version] bump. [iglocska]
- [feed] Break loop when match is found. [Jakub Onderka]
- [PyMISP] Bump. [Raphaël Vinot]
- [API] /events/view now accepts the deleted parameter via posted
parameters too. [iglocska]
- [decaying:simulation] Disabled sorting on score (will be implemented
in the next `decaying` version) [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Changed `name` column type from `text` to `varchar(255)`
- [decaying] Added log entry if formula cannot be loaded. [mokaddem]
- [internal] Simplify installation with composer. [Jakub Onderka]
- [decaying:(en|dis)able] Converted empty form with built-in cakephp
`postLink` [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Improve UI when multiple eventTags get overriden by
attributeTag. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Swapped round to floor when rounding sightings
timestamp. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:model] Seventh batch of fix from the PR review - WiP (not
tested) [mokaddem]
- [decaying:model] Sixth batch of fix from the PR review - WiP (not
tested) [mokaddem]
- [decaying:model] Fith batch of fix from the PR review - WiP (not
tested) [mokaddem]
- [decaying:model] Fourth batch of fix from the PR review - WiP (not
tested) [mokaddem]
- [decaying:model] Third batch of fix from the PR review - WiP (not
tested) [mokaddem]
- [decaying:model] Second batch of fix from the PR review - WiP (not
tested) [mokaddem]
- [decaying:model] First batch of fix from the PR review - WiP (not
tested) [mokaddem]
- [database] Added indexes to decaying models and related tables.
- [event] applying few PSR2 rules. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] restSearch comments added to be fixed in next
decaying version. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] First batch of fix from the PR review - WiP (not tested)
- Added CR/LF. [mokaddem]
- [sql] align initial perm with sightings. [mokaddem]
- [app] bumped queryversion. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:update] Added a warning in case the folder is empty.
- [server:submodule_version] Whitelisted `misp-decaying-models` for the
UI. [mokaddem]
- [gitmodule] Added git-submodule `misp-decaying-models` [mokaddem]
- [decaying:import] When importing a model, mapping is imported as
custom mapping. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Round all sightings at once. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Support of `score` on-the-fly threshold
override. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Added alias `score` to override on-the-fly the treshold of
a model. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] `includeFullModel` parameter support in the UI. [mokaddem]
- [attribute:restSearch] New paramter `includeFullModel` to attach full
model information. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Added `default` column in decayingModels table, code path
for `rest` and improved ACL. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:add] Added help for parameters. [mokaddem]
- Bumped query version. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Added default models to selection when fetching associated
models. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] UI Tweakings for screen resize. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Improved embedded JSONs saving. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Pre-process element to be added just to be sure. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:base_score_config] Simulation at predicate level in the user
interface. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:base_score_config] Improved UI responsiveness. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:base_score_config] Consider predicate weight UI only - WiP.
- [decaying:base_score_config] Added reason of taxonomy exclusion.
- [roles] Initially sets perm_decaying permission to mirror sighting
permission. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Improved response when adding a model. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Deleted unused lines creating mapping for default models.
- [decaying:simulation] Basescore computation steps UI improvements.
- [decaying:effectiveRatio] Tags not having numerical_value doesn't
impact effective taxonomy ration anymore. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:JS] refacto - declare local variable. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Stringify objects in table. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Few views tweakings. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] More sanitization and indentation is important.. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Better Inheritance and comments. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Added formula description in multiple location. [mokaddem]
- [decayingMapping] Refacto - Comments and code optimization. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Refacto - Few renames and comments. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] refact - Accept PUT and added comment for attribute
removal in restSearch. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Code refactoring, commenting and slight optimization.
- [decaying:basescore_config] Tooltip does not modify talbe layout
anymore. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Handle is placed closer to t=0. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Renamed `tau` and `delta` into `lifetime` and `decay_speed`
- [roles] Added `perm_decaying` role. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Improved sidemenu for decaying. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Added sidemenu. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Highlight models edition compared to creation.
- [decaying] Improved ACL integration for the UI. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Added `DESCRIPTION` variable for each `.php` formula files.
- [decaying:tool] Added table filtering buttons. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:index] Added quick filter buttons. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Improved coverage of model overrides to the API. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Slightly improved `Model/DecayingModel` with shortcuts code
quality and options. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Usage of cakePHP folder API. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:add] `all_orgs`` checked by default. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:index] Improved UI. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] More consistency about `parameters.settings` when empty.
- [decaying] `isDefault` for every models and added more JS robustness.
- [decaying:edit] Notice if editing a default model. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] `FetchAllowedModels` now supports `all_orgs` [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Renamed function and started true implemention of ACL for
models. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Added restricted edition and `all_orgs`` flag - WiP.
- [globalmenu] Added link to `/decayingModel/index` [mokaddem]
- [decaying:view] Added logo to distinguish between custom and default
models. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:index] Added logo to distinguish between custom and default
models. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Added some FIXME and changed FontAwesome classes.
- [decaying] Allow for model parameteres override. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Usage of classname instead of const, support of `retention`
taxonomy and small fix. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Added list of available formulas and model settings - WiP.
- [decaying] Changed default formula name to polynomial. [mokaddem]
- [sidemenu:decayingModel] Added dividers. [mokaddem]
- [event:view] Link to simulation page. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:rest] Renamed `decayed` into `excludeDecayed` for better
usability. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Added axis labels. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Added formula field in the index. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Split score computation part into classes for more
flexibility. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Full support of enable/disable model. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:index] Added support of enable/disable on the index.
- [decaying:tool] Added support of enabled model in the UI. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Small UI tweek. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:basescore] Moved JS in its own file. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Usage of the assetLoader. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] UI/UX improvements. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Slight refactoroing for styling. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] static file renaming and moved to its own style file.
- [decaying:simulation] Added responsiveness to SVG. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Improved feedback on how default_base_score is
set. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] No more modal support for simulation tool.
- [decaying:tool] Dynamic redraw of the model table to support dynamic
update. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Hints for tag override and change to larger
popover. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Added current time and score and improved UI.
- [decaying:model] Added support of default base_score. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Alert user if base_score has not been configured
yet. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Base score computation steps and improved UI.
- [decaying:simulation] Added support of base_score computation, various
UI improvements and different method to compute scores. [mokaddem]
- [attribute:search] Added support of `contain` in
fetchAttributeSimple() [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Improved tooltip generation. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Removed commented out lines. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Improved UI. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Support of both modal and fullscreen simulation.
- [decaying:simulation] Support of sightings in the decaying simulation.
- [decaying:simulation] Draft 2 of simulation chart line - WiP.
- [decaying:simulation] Draft of simulation chart line - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Support of row clicking. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Attribute searches. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Started simulation view - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Object categories are treated as an array. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Improved UI and limit number of digit in parameters.
- [decaying:tool] Full support of base_score configuration. [mokaddem]
- [decayingModel:controller] Updated edit endpoint to match the correct
view. [mokaddem]
- [decayingModel:add] Edit view based on Add view. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:base_score] base_score computation for custom tags and
Improved UI. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:base_score] Custom tagging in base score examples.
- [decaying:tool] Show available tags in the taxonomy. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Added example table with automatic tags picking and
pass config to the model - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Started implementation of tag support and examples in
the `adjust base_score` [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Filter taxonomies not having numerical score.
- [decaying] UI tweaking on the galaxy tree map. [mokaddem]
- [css] Increase z-index of popover. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Improved UI - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] slight UI Improvement - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Improved UI - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Started support of taxonomies (base_score) - WiP.
- [decaying] Started taxonomies integretion - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Added missing class. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Added number of type assigned to a model. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Added selection history and selection restoration.
- [decayingTool] Improved UI - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] fixed bug (array_values) and improved layout - WiP.
- [decaying] Improved getAssociatedModels - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Clean-up - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [Decaying] Improved mapping reset and started integration with the
interface. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Improved related type retreival and improved UI - WiP.
- [DecayingTool] Added more fields. [mokaddem]
- [decayingModel] Added update mechanism from local files and started
`decaying_model_mappings` [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Added grid in the chart. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Added filtering/search on the Attribute type table.
- [decayingTool] Switched to JQuery plugin instead of raw JS. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Improved bounding rect - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] removed comments. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] UI improvement - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Majority has been moved to d3. Still WiP. [mokaddem]
- [devayingTool] UI improvement - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [DecayingTool] Playing around with d3 - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Moving from chart.js to d3.js. [mokaddem]
- [DecayingTool] Added list of available Object Attribute. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Improved selection performance. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Added more description and started support of Object
and non-ToIDS Attributes. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Moved JS in its own file + added table checkbox.
- [decayingModel] Improved UI (selectable behavior) - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decayingModel] Added Col org and splitted json into input fields.
- [decaying] Model and UI improvement - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Added model and controller. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] More info on Attribute types and model loading - WiP.
- [decayingTool] More info and help text. [mokaddem]
- [deacyingTool] Improved UI - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Added var. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] UI skeleton - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [misp-objects] updated to the latest version. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- Set composer vendor dir right in composer.json. [Jakub Onderka]
- Put require PHP version and extension into composer.json. [Jakub
- [users] Remove unused method UsersController::arrayCopy. [Jakub
- Remove not used Net_GeoIP submodule. [Jakub Onderka]
- [misp-galaxy] updated to the latest version. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [sync] Further improvements to the connection test logging. [iglocska]
- [sync] Connection test POST test logs the full response, not just the
expected part. [iglocska]
- [stix2] Fixed custom objects parsing when an attribute is multiple.
- Avoids loss of attributes that are multiple,
during the export, by returning them in a list
- Supporting import of of custom values that are
in a list, as single multiple attributes
- [internal] Added a code branch to check if saddarray is available - if
yes, use it. [iglocska]
- for the warninglist model's cacheWarninglistEntries function
- [UI] Allow to skip pagination in IndexTable. [Jakub Onderka]
- [internal] warninglist missing Redis::sAddArray() fixed. [Andras
- [prio] changePriority function responses fixed. [iglocska]
- [API] hard delete passable via different methods to /attributes/delete
than just ordered URL parameters. [iglocska]
- [internal] Fix post check for attribute delete function via the API.
- [server prio] Don't block the reordering even when the requested move
is invalid. [iglocska]
- helps with fixing misaligned server lists
- [server prio] reprioritise should be more lenient if there's a messed
up priority order as the starting point. [iglocska]
- should still return false for the rearranging, but should re-set the priority list based on the current positions
- [UI] Attribute search sort by date fixed. [iglocska]
- [ACL] priority change for servers tied into the ACL. [iglocska]
- [server prio] Automatically put new servers to lowest prio instead of
highest. [iglocska]
- [UI] Fix typo in community view. [Jakub Onderka]
- [decaying:base_score] Create temporary false tags when they are
defined in their taxonomy but not created yet. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:base_score] Single taxonomy appear in the correct namespace.
- [decaying:base_score] Round base_score config up to 4 digits.
- [decaying] `.json` view in `decaying/view` [mokaddem]
- [decaying:import] Force somes fields to be present while importing a
decaying model. [mokaddem]
- [UI] removed obsolete logo preview tool from org add/edit. [iglocska]
- [stix2 export] Avoids passing variable already contained in another
variable passed at the same time. [chrisr3d]
- [stix2 export] Removed some useless processing. [chrisr3d]
- [decaying] fixed `const` error. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Correctly add database indexes. [mokaddem]
- [regression] removed readded invalid acl entry. [Andras Iklody]
- [ACL] removed two unused functions. [iglocska]
- [API] Empty strings should be embedded in an array for the JSON
output. [iglocska]
- [decaying:simulation] Make sure every sightings have a rounded
timestamp. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] typo 4. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] typo 3. [mokaddem]
- [event] typo 2. [mokaddem]
- [event] typo. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Replaced `title` function into `text` [mokaddem]
- [decaying:import] imported models from directory are correctly saved
as default. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:import] Correctly remove id, uuid and preserve the import
data. [mokaddem]
- [event:view] Toggle boolean buttons. [mokaddem]
- [acl:decaying] Fixed ACL permissions. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:add] Name should be input rather than textarea. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:add] Formula field should be a select. [mokaddem]
- [event:fetch] DO not duplicate scores for object's attributes anymore.
- [decaying:tool] Enabled icon is correctly displayed in the model
table. [mokaddem]
- [appModel] SQL query syntax fixed. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] UI - Interface errors and sanitization. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:base_score_config] basescore computation steps works again -
WiP. [mokaddem]
- [appmodel] Added db_change number for the decaying update. [mokaddem]
- [Sightings] Plugin.Sightings_policy=Event Owner now shows sightings
that belong to the creating org. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Include EventTags for score computation in `event/view`
- [Tags] Correctly records `numerical_value` when enabling a taxonomy
for the first time. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Correctly update the state of the enable/disable
button after editing. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Prevent Object types overriding attribute types.
- [decayingMapping:tool] Returns all allowed mapping if type list is
empty. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Set `isEditable` parameter after editing a model.
- [decaying] Set default value and pre-checks. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:basescore_config] Fixed CSS for large tags. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] UI - Basescore does not override table anymore.
- [decaying:simulation] Sorting result is displayed properly. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:simulation] Support of object_attribute in the simulation
graph. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Attribute type table searching regression fixed.
- [decaying] Adjust score if the attribute was modified after the last
sighting. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Fixes on UI, Basescore overflow and unauthorized edition.
- [decaying:acl] Various ACL fixes. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:.json] Restored working behavior of `.json` views.
- [decaying:tool] Correctly record type mapping if assigned during model
creation. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] Do not access existing keys anymore. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Correctly save formula changes. [mokaddem]
- [decaying] attribute_types count fix. [mokaddem]
- [decaying:tool] Quick fix for mapping attribute type to models.
- [decayingModel] Correctly skip tags if taxonomomy has not been
configured. [mokaddem]
- [Taxnomy:updateTag] Do not throw an error if taxonomy does not contain
a numerical value. [mokaddem]
- [taxonomy:update] numerical_value gets updated correctly. [mokaddem]
- [taxonomy] Keep taxonomy predicates. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Selection for checkboxes are correctly handled.
- [decaying] Allow translation on errors. [mokaddem]
- [decayingTool] Prevent drawing illegal parameters. [mokaddem]
- [customauth] default setting for use_header_namespace should adhere to
what is displayed (true) [iglocska]
- as requested by the MELiCERTES consortium for CSP
- [feed] When fetching feeds, accept also text/plain in HTTP. [Jakub
- Require exact monolog version 1.24. [Jakub Onderka]
- [internal] blackhole function default fixed. [iglocska]
- [audit] Correct title in audit log when admin edit user. [Jakub
- [ACL] Added resetremoteauthkey to the ACL system. [iglocska]
- [sync] Post test fixed for sync users. [iglocska]
- [stix import] Fixed ttps malware from external stix files parsing.
- [stix import] Additional test if leveraged ttps are not None to avoid
issues. [chrisr3d]
- [stix export] Typo on course of action galaxy type. [chrisr3d]
- [stix export] Making the validator happy with capec ids. [chrisr3d]
- [stix export] Avoiding custom vocabularies for an easier parsing of
the result file. [chrisr3d]
- [stix export] Specifying tool name for mitre-tool galaxies. [chrisr3d]
- [stix export] Exporting tool type. [chrisr3d]
- Type is what we call galaxy name, for instance
Tool, Enterprise Attack - Tool, etc.
- [stix export] Exporting malware type. [chrisr3d]
- Type is what we call galaxy name, for instance
Stealer, Malware, Ransomware, etc.
- [stix import] Separation between vulnerability objects & attributes.
- [stix import] Keeping attack pattern, vulnerability & weakness objects
uuid. [chrisr3d]
- [stix import] Listing ttps uuids instead of the full ttp ids.
- Easier to compare directly uuids in related ttps
- [stix import] Fixed some typos. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Merge pull request #5097 from JakubOnderka/patch-18. [Andras Iklody]
chg: [feed] Break loop when match is found
- Merge pull request #5163 from JakubOnderka/patch-28. [Andras Iklody]
fix: [UI] Allow to skip pagination in IndexTable
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [mokaddem]
- Merge pull request #5098 from JakubOnderka/patch-19. [Alexandre
fix: [UI] Fix typo in community view
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge pull request #5032 from mokaddem/decaying. [Andras Iklody]
Decaying Models
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge pull request #5148 from JakubOnderka/composer-simplify. [Andras
chg: [internal] Simplify installation with composer
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.4' into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into decaying. [mokaddem]
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #5106 from JakubOnderka/composer-requirements.
[Andras Iklody]
chg: Put require PHP version and extension into composer.json
- Merge branch '2.4' into composer-requirements. [Jakub Onderka]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #5132 from JakubOnderka/patch-27. [Andras Iklody]
fix: [feed] When fetching feeds, accept also text/plain in HTTP
- Merge pull request #5121 from JakubOnderka/remove-netgeoip. [Andras
chg: Remove not used Net_GeoIP submodule
- Merge branch '2.4' into remove-netgeoip. [Andras Iklody]
- Merge pull request #5125 from JakubOnderka/patch-25. [Andras Iklody]
fix: Require exact monolog version 1.24
- Merge pull request #5129 from JakubOnderka/array-copy-remove. [Andras
chg: [users] Remove unused method UsersController::arrayCopy
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #5128 from JakubOnderka/patch-26. [Andras Iklody]
fix: [audit] Correct title in audit log when admin edit user
- Add: [stix import] Importing Galaxies supported during stix export.
- Add: [stix export] Exporting Branded Vulnerability galaxies.
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Add: [stix import] Importing attack pattern galaxies. [chrisr3d]
- Wip: [stix import] Functions to import attack pattern, vulnerability &
weakness objects. [chrisr3d]
- Functions to parse galaxies to come soon
- Add: [stix import] Getting IDs of threat actors, courses of action and
ttps related to the incident. [chrisr3d]
- Will be usefull to separate threat actors, courses
of action and ttps that are related to incidents
and will be imported as galaxies, form the ones
not related that will be imported as attributes
or objects
v2.4.115 (2019-09-09)
- [version] bump. [iglocska]
- Install crypt_gpg by composer. [Jakub Onderka]
- Allow to load Crypt_GPG from composer. [Jakub Onderka]
- [user] Remove unused private method. [Jakub Onderka]
- [user] Use machine readable format for fetching PGP keys. [Jakub
- [feed] Error handling for saveFreetextFeedData. [Jakub Onderka]
- [feed] Handle exceptions for ServerShell::enqueueFeedCache. [Jakub
- [feed] Throw exception if feed filter rules is not valid JSON. [Jakub
- [feed] Better error handling for cacheFeedInitiator method. [Jakub
- [feed] More accurate progress logging for downloadFromFeed. [Jakub
- [feed] Better exception logging. [Jakub Onderka]
- [feed] New method Feed::jobProgress. [Jakub Onderka]
- [feed] New private method Feed::isFeedLocal. [Jakub Onderka]
- [feed] Use Feed::feedGetUri in Feed::getFreetextFeed. [Jakub Onderka]
- [feed] Feed::getNewEventUuids always return array with 'add' and
'edit' fields. [Jakub Onderka]
- [feed] Proper error handling for fetching feed cache. [Jakub Onderka]
- [feed] New method Feed::feedGetUri to deduplicate code. [Jakub
- [feed] Proper error handling for fetching feed events. [Jakub Onderka]
- [feed] Deduplicate preparing filter rules. [Jakub Onderka]
- [feed] Proper error handling for fetching freetext feed. [Jakub
- [feed] Follow redirects by internal HttpSocket functionality. [Jakub
- [feed] Proper error handling for fetching feed manifest. [Jakub
- [stix2] Bumped latest STIX2 python library changes. [chrisr3d]
- [UI] Removed duplicate button title in userIndexTable.ctp. [Jakub
- Throw exception when GnuGP homedir is not set. [Jakub Onderka]
- [UI] GPG keys are fetched from CIRCL keyserver. [Jakub Onderka]
- [UI] Fetching GPG keys. [Jakub Onderka]
This error was introduced in 600e54051694ca4d479a9e2c82db45fe19a46a6c
- [stix2 import] Fixed hash patterns import for external STIX files.
- [security] Fix to a vulnerability related to the server index.
- along with various support tools
- more information coming soon
- [internal] orgs restricted to a domain displayed incorrectly.
- afterfind messes up the keys by reusing the same var for an inner loop
- [feed] Fetching event manifest. [Jakub Onderka]
- [sync] Fixed major performance blocker. [iglocska]
- fix based on the insights of @RichieB2B, the hero we need, not the one we deserve
- added orgc_uuid to the minimal event index
- added handlers for it on the pull side
- when pulling from old instances the new functionality is skipped, resulting in the behaviour we had pre-patch
- both sides of the sync are encouraged to update, especially if the slow pulls are causing issues
- [feed] Use own solution how to redirect when fetching feeds. [Jakub
- [feed] shell_exec don't throw Exception. [Jakub Onderka]
- [UI] Remove rest of unused code. [Jakub Onderka]
Inner code was removed in 3f03ceb22974352648e5163ee4b19eb94bc21106
- [server] on-demand action does not redirect to the updateProgress page
anywmore. [mokaddem]
- [stix2 import] Dealing with the case of named pipe attribute being
imported from custom object. [chrisr3d]
- [stix2 export] Avoid fails with named pipe export as custom object.
- [export] Add a proper filename to the event restsearch API's output to
make downloading events a bit more convenient, fixes #4905. [iglocska]
- [authentication] prepend the baseurl to the login/logout redirects -
fixes #3871. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #5119 from JakubOnderka/patch-24. [Sami Mokaddem]
fix: [UI] Removed duplicate button title in userIndexTable.ctp
- Merge pull request #5120 from JakubOnderka/gpg-composer. [Andras
Install Crypt_GPG by composer
- Merge pull request #5103 from JakubOnderka/circl-key-server-
description. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
fix: [UI] GPG keys are fetched from CIRCL keyserver
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Merge pull request #5117 from JakubOnderka/patch-23. [Andras Iklody]
fix: [UI] Fetching GPG keys
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #5116 from JakubOnderka/patch-22. [Andras Iklody]
chg: [user] Remove unused private method
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #5115 from RichieB2B/ncsc-nl/speedup-pull. [Andras
Speedup pull
- Log reason for event download failure. [Richard van den Berg]
- Log all errors from server pull. [Richard van den Berg]
- Loose a find when adding existing event. [Richard van den Berg]
- Merge pull request #5112 from JakubOnderka/fix-feed-get-manifest.
[Andras Iklody]
fix: [feed] Fetching event manifest
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Merge pull request #5101 from JakubOnderka/patch-20. [Andras Iklody]
chg: [user] Use machine readable format for fetching PGP keys
- Merge pull request #5052 from JakubOnderka/error-handling. [Andras
Better error handling for fetching feeds
- Merge pull request #5102 from JakubOnderka/patch-21. [Andras Iklody]
fix: [UI] Remove rest of unused code
- Add: [stix import] Importing pipe objects as named pipe attribute.
- Add: [stix export] Exporting named pipe attributes. [chrisr3d]
- Merge pull request #5084 from RichieB2B/patch-6. [Andras Iklody]
Fix Declaration of RestResponseComponent warning
- Fix Declaration of RestResponseComponent warning. [Richie B2B]
v2.4.114 (2019-08-30)
Reference in New Issue