mirror of https://github.com/MISP/misp-website
2.4.81 released
@ -2,7 +2,295 @@ Changelog
v2.4.80 (2017-09-18)
v2.4.81 (2017-10-09)
- Added first experimental STIX 2 export implementation. [iglocska]
- kudos to @chrisr3d for digging into the deepest bowels of the scary beast that is STIX2
- PoC, definitely needs further improvements/mapping. Let us know about issues you find!
- First round of updates to the correlation engine ready. [iglocska]
- node deletion temporarily disabled until a bug is resolved
- Further progress on the graphing. [iglocska]
- also, added new icon field to galaxies
- Further work on the graphing engine. [iglocska]
- First iteration of the graphing engine rework. [iglocska]
- Rework of the attachment uploader. [iglocska]
- add attachments and upload_sample now share code
- allow the same features via upload_sample (object creation / use of advanced add attachments)
- new flag: advanced
- example:
POST to mymisp/events/upload_sample
{"request":{"files": [{"filename": "bla.exe", "data": "U3RhckNyYWZ0IElJIGZvcmV2ZXI="}], "distribution": 1, "advanced":1, "info":"bla"}}
- this commit was brought to you by CEF and
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- Change server settings via the API. [iglocska]
Viewing current setting value:
GET /servers/serverSettingsEdit/[mysetting]
- Allow POSTing search parameters to the /tags/index API. [iglocska]
- to filter the tags index simply POST to /tags/index the following payload:
{"filter": "malware_classification:malware-category"}
- Added object relations to the CSV export. [iglocska]
- Submodules updated. [iglocska]
- Replaced the correlation graph icon to something more appropriate.
- ACL updated. [iglocska]
- If no object ID is set in the URL for adding an object reference,
check the payload for the object_uuid. [iglocska]
- Added .onion to the TLD list for the complext type tool. [iglocska]
- PyMISP and warninglists updated. [iglocska]
- Fix a rare issue with zombie sighting data throwing a notice.
- Fix to a potential reflected XSS on the quickDelete. [iglocska]
- low impact, XSS required user confirmation of malicious payload
- as reported by Or Hanuka (PALANTIR)
- Small fix to a missing ajax check. [iglocska]
- ajax forms opened full screen look bad
- Various UI fixes. [iglocska]
- no more walk of shame after demoing MISP on a potato quality projector (beamer for our Belgian/Dutch/German friends)
- Removed debug output from adding object references. [iglocska]
- caused the spinning loading of doom
- Indicators added in addition to observed data + misp tag for IDS.
- Galaxies updated. [iglocska]
- Fix notice if invalid taxonomy is viewed. [iglocska]
- Some cleanup of the attribute filtering. [iglocska]
- Potential fix to missing proposals during sync. [iglocska]
- rather stupid adherence to push rules removed for proposal sync
- Fixed wonky object pre-save view. [iglocska]
- showed numeric distributiion level for attributes
- showed numeric sharing group ID for attributes
- showed currently selected sharing group ID even if the distribution was ultimately not set to sharing groups
- Fix some restsearch filters fetching the same event more than once.
- Corrected filename for array of events. [iglocska]
- Internal reference: type with a uuid of an event converts to a
clickable link. [iglocska]
- Sanitise all the things for XML, fixes #2522. [iglocska]
- Sanitise all the things!
- Fixed potential double hashing of samples with the encrypt flag.
- Invalid uuid used in the objectreferences add form. [iglocska]
- Fixed an invalid uuid in the object reference. [iglocska]
- Flatten events for the correlation graph. [iglocska]
- Fixed some weird editing issues. [iglocska]
- IP|Port in Gui, fixes #2505. [iglocska]
- Flatten the events for the restSearch API's lookup functions.
- otherwise valid events that only contain objects get blocked
- Fixed an issue with pushing a sample via the API / add attachments
when no object templates are loaded. [iglocska]
- Fixed a bug where normal users couldn't add object references.
- as reported by @deralexxx
- Added ObjectTemplateElements to the objectTemplate view via the API.
- Only lower case search terms work in tags/index's filter. [iglocska]
- Port added to network activity. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4.81' into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4.81' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4.81. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Added Tags as labels and links as external_references (both properties
of Reports) [chrisr3d]
Will also add custom objects later, and handle the precision issues
for 'created' and 'modified' properties of all the STIX Objects
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Add: First WiP STIX 2.0 export from MISP JSON standard format.
This is an early stage export from MISP JSON into the STIX 2.0
(still unpublished). Some attributes type are missing, galaxy and
objects needs to be exported into custom object due to the current
limited state of STIX 2.0. Tags will be added later as labels and link
as external_references (open points with OASIS CTI ongoing discussions).
- Merge pull request #2539 from RichieB2B/ncsc-nl/certauth. [Andras
Allow creating users with CertAuth via userDefaults
- Allow creating users with CertAuth via userDefaults, fixes #2538.
[Richard van den Berg]
- Merge branch 'attributefiltering' into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Add an imput for search on all attributes in an event. field to search
can be modify in administration page. [Tristan METAYER]
- Merge pull request #2536 from RichieB2B/stix-mispobjects. [Andras
Add MISP objects to STIX export
- Add MISP objects to STIX export. [Richard van den Berg]
- Merge pull request #2537 from RichieB2B/ncsc-nl/stix-conditions.
[Andras Iklody]
Add Condition attribute to HTTP_Method STIX export
- Add Condition attribute to HTTP_Method STIX export. [Richard van den
- Merge pull request #2533 from RichieB2B/stix-composites. [Andras
Add ip-src|port and ip-dst|port attributes to STIX export
- Add ip-src|port and ip-dst|port attributes to STIX export. [Richard
van den Berg]
- Merge pull request #2529 from SHSauler/patch-3. [Andras Iklody]
- Removed duplicates from $categoryDefinitions. [Steffen Sauler]
Payload delivery/ip-dst|port
Payload delivery/ip-src|port
Support Tool/text
- Merge pull request #2517 from truckydev/patch-2. [Andras Iklody]
user right update
- User right update. [truckydev]
Make all user access to /attributes/describeTypes.json
- Merge pull request #2515 from c-goes/emailregex. [Andras Iklody]
Allow $ in email addresses
- Allow $ in email addresses. [c-goes]
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Merge branch '2.4' of github.com:MISP/MISP into 2.4. [Alexandre
- MISP galaxy added in the feature list. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- MISP objects added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Merge pull request #2502 from aparriel/tag_on_attribute_restSearch.
[Andras Iklody]
Fix Tag json format
- Fix Tag json format. [Alexandre Parriel]
- Merge pull request #2495 from arnydo/2.4. [Andras Iklody]
new: added alternate nameserver option to rpzexport
- Move ns_alt parameter to end of api list. [arnydo]
- RPZExport - Alternate NS. [Kyle Parrish]
Added option to add an alternate nameserver to RPZ export.
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Merge pull request #2500 from aparriel/tag_on_attribute_restSearch.
[Andras Iklody]
Add Tag field for restSearch on attributes, Fixes #2497
- Add Tag field for restSearch on attributes, Fixes #2497. [Alexandre
- Merge pull request #2498 from Rafiot/travis3. [Andras Iklody]
fix: travis file
- Up: Bump PyMISP. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Up: test file. [Raphaël Vinot]
v2.4.80 (2017-09-19)
@ -114,6 +402,13 @@ Changes
- Reverted CakePHP version. [iglocska]
- Fixed the XML view. [iglocska]
- please stop using XML, for your own sanity, I beg of you!
- Fixed query string and pymisp version. [iglocska]
- Fixed no specification of the tinyint length for the objects in
MYSQL.sql. [iglocska]
- Fixed double attachment of hashes for malware-samples. [iglocska]
- Updated PyMISP. [iglocska]
- Added an upper limit for max correlations / event. [iglocska]
@ -202,6 +497,54 @@ Fix
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Merge pull request #2493 from RichieB2B/patch-2. [Andras Iklody]
Use sanitized orgname in STIX header
- Use sanitized orgname in STIX header. [Richie B2B]
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Merge pull request #2490 from ealtintas/2.4. [Andras Iklody]
Update README.md
- Update README.md. [Ergin ALTINTAS]
Fix the typo: "Network Detection Intrusion System" -> "Network Intrusion Detection System"
- Merge branch '2.4' of https://github.com/MISP/MISP into 2.4.
- Merge pull request #2489 from truckydev/patch-1. [Andras Iklody]
bugfix for freetextimport and email
- Bugfix for freetextimport and email. [truckydev]
Correction for a bug when you add an email in freeTextImport.
When you select 'whois-registrant-email' attribut never created and an error is displayed.
because :
'whois-registrant-email' not in 'Social network' and 'Payload delivery' but only in 'Attribution'.
This PR add the type 'whois-registrant-email' in 'Social network' and 'Payload delivery' category.
#### What does it do?
no issue has been created.
#### Questions
- [ ] Does it require a DB change?
- [ ] Are you using it in production?
- [ ] Does it require a change in the API (PyMISP for example)?
#### Release Type:
- [ ] Major
- [ ] Minor
- [X] Patch
- Merge pull request #2457 from Delta-Sierra/2.4. [Andras Iklody]
remove old text from documentation
- Remove old text from fdocumentation. [Deborah Servili]
- Merge branch 'objects_wip' into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4' into objects_wip. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #2483 from obert01/accessibility-fix. [Andras
Reference in New Issue