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title: Training Video - MISP Best Practices for Encoding Threat Intelligence
date: 2022-12-15
layout: post
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# MISP Training Video December Edition - Best Practices for Encoding Threat Intelligence and Leveraging the information in MISP to Make Threat Landscape Report
{{< youtube JIeiwzY7Fvs >}}
## Content of Training Session
- [MISP data model introduction](https://github.com/MISP/misp-training/blob/main/complementary/other-slides/a.11.a-misp-data-model-overview.pdf)
- [Best practices - from evidences to actionable evidences](https://github.com/MISP/misp-training/blob/main/complementary/other-slides/MISP%208%20Commandments%20-%20Recommendations%20and%20Best%20Practices%20when%20encoding%20data.pdf)
- Leveraging the information in MISP to Make Threat Landscape Report
## Leverage the information in MISP to make threat landscape report
### Most often questions asked to generate a threat landscape report
MISP can be a great source for generating a threat landscape report. There often many questions asked by various stakeholders which can be used as basis to scope what kind of information is required or needed.
- What are the most common vulnerabilities?
- What are the most common threats?
- What are the most common techniques used by adversaries?
- What are the priorities or remediation to limit specific risks?
- What are the most common countries targeted?
- What are the most common malware families?
MISP itself can be also a source of interesting insight such as
- Who are the most active organisations?
- How active a sharing community is?
- What are the capabilities of an organisation?
MISP is not replacing an analyst to produce a report but it's an easy way to produce threat intelligence report without too much tedious or repetitive work.
### Tools in MISP that can help to generate threat-landscape report
#### From easiest to hardest - From UI to scripting
- Automatic event report generation
- Create an event dedicated to threat-landscape
- Build the event report automatically
- Caveat: Time consuming to create, need to perform the aggregation manually
- MISP Periodic report
- How to view it
- How to set up automatic reporting by mail
- How to configure in order to aggregate only for a filtered set of events
- MISP builtin-dashboard
- How it works
- Each user can have their own & templates can be shared
- Drag & Drop widgets + configure the dashboard
- Extracting data from MISP
- Get API key
- Index VS RestSearch
- Useful queries & parameters
- Toolsets to generate your report
- Pandoc
pandoc misp-event-report.md -o misp-event-report.pdf --from markdown --template eisvogel --listings
### References
- TIBER-EU [Guidance for Target Threat Intelligence Report](https://www.ecb.europa.eu/paym/cyber-resilience/tiber-eu/shared/pdf/Final_TIBER-EU_Guidance_for_Target_Threat_Intelligence_July_2020.pdf)
- [A pandoc LaTeX template to convert markdown files to PDF or LaTeX.](https://github.com/Wandmalfarbe/pandoc-latex-template)
- [Cybersecurity Threat Landscape Luxembourg 2021-2022](https://api.cybersecurity.lu/public/get_public_document/RAPPORT%20CTL_pages.pdf)
## Resources
### Cheatsheets
- [Cheatsheet: Concepts & Data model](https://www.misp-project.org/misp-training/cheatsheet.pdf)
- [Synchronisation logic](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/tree/2.4/docs/generic/Synchronisation)
- [Authentication logic](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/blob/2.4/docs/generic/Authentication%20Diagram/MISP%20Authentication%20Diagram.pdf)
- For your lawyers or if you are interested in legal docs: [MISP legal compliance (such as GDPR and alike)](https://www.misp-project.org/compliance/)
### Training materials
- Virtual machines (VirtualBox and VMWare format): [https://vm.misp-project.org/](https://vm.misp-project.org)
- All Slide Deck (source file and compiled): [https://github.com/MISP/misp-training](https://github.com/MISP/misp-training)
- PyMISP: [https://github.com/MISP/PyMISP/](https://github.com/MISP/PyMISP/)
- OpenAPI documentation: [https://www.misp-project.org/documentation/openapi.html](https://www.misp-project.org/documentation/openapi.html)
- [misp-stix](https://github.com/MISP/misp-stix/) a generic library for MISP standard format to STIX (1.1, 1.2, 2.0 and 2.1): [documentation](https://github.com/MISP/misp-stix/tree/main/documentation)
### Other ressources
- [MISP Mastodon](https://misp-community.org/@misp) - @misp@misp-community.org
- [MISP Twitter](https://twitter.com/MISPProject) - Follow to get latest news
- [Gitter MISP Support chat](https://gitter.im/MISP/Support)
- [Benefits of running your own MISP instance](https://www.misp-project.org/2019/09/25/hostev-vs-own-misp.html/)
### Acknowledgement
A huge thanks to all the participants for their active participation. The training is also part of the MeliCERTes project.

Reference in New Issue