chg: [doc] MISP 2.4.110 released

Alexandre Dulaunoy 2019-07-08 20:47:15 +02:00
parent e71935f942
commit f39eb3ed69
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 09E2CD4944E6CBCD
1 changed files with 818 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,824 @@ Changelog
v2.4.110 (2019-07-08)
- [tags] Local tags feature added. [iglocska]
- Create tags locally if you are a host org user that allows in-place tagging for sync / export filtering
- Events are NOT modified using these tags
- Local tags always get stripped before syncing
- Local tags allow host org users to violate the ownership model of MISP
- galaxies, attack matries also included
- some sync fixes
- [correlation graph] Toggle physics on/off. [iglocska]
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- [UI] Filter the object template index using the quick search.
- [API] On-demand inclusion of attribute relations via the event view
endpoint. [iglocska]
- new URL param, includeGranularCorrelations:1 added
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- [stix import] Parsing observable compositions from external STIX
files. [chrisr3d]
- [security] Made certain settings modifiable via the CLI only.
- some settings are too risky to be exposed, even to site admins, so made them CLI accessible only
- [server settings] Added option to disable the write collision safe
rotating config.php handler. [iglocska]
- [docs] Added excludeLocalTags to events/restSearch. [iglocska]
- [misp-objects] updated to the latest version. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [version] bumped. [iglocska]
- [travis] Print permissions on error with travis. [Raphaël Vinot]
- [doc] Minor update, added known-issues section. [Steve Clement]
- [doc] Updated Debian testing install docs (#4840) [Steve Clement]
chg: [doc] Updated Debian testing install docs
- [misp-galaxy] updated to the latest version. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [misp-objects] updated to the latest version. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [doc] Update to Debian 10 install guide, everything works as expected.
chg: [doc] OpenBSD is broken for misp-modules (OpenCV etc) [Steve
- [doc] Updated Debian testing install docs. [Steve Clement]
- [travis] Fix perms (?) [Raphaël Vinot]
- [travis] Try to fix upload_sample. [Raphaël Vinot]
- [PyMISP] Bump version. [Raphaël Vinot]
- [PyMISP] Bump version. [Raphaël Vinot]
- [PyMISP] updated to the latest version. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [travis] more gpg experiments. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [travis] It's not my week with GnuPG and OpenPGP. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [i18n] Uploaded version from crowdin. Updated default.pot (#4835)
[Steve Clement]
chg: [i18n] Uploaded version from crowdin. Updated default.pot
- [i18n] Uploaded version from crowdin. Updated default.pot. [Steve
- [misp-objects] updated to the latest version. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [enrichment] Reusing the new function fetchInitialObject. [chrisr3d]
- New function that is exactly the copy paste of
what is removed in this commit and replaced by
the function call
- [enrichment] New modules available from event enrichment. [chrisr3d]
- [installer] Added fork checker. [Steve Clement]
- [installer] One step closer to "sane" aka. generic os-detection.
[Steve Clement]
- [doc] Leveled RHEL7/RHEL8 Install procedure (WiP) (#4824) [Steve
chg: [doc] Leveled RHEL7/RHEL8 Install procedure (WiP)
- [installer] Updated Installer. [Steve Clement]
- [doc] Updated Debian Install. [Steve Clement]
- [doc] More CentOS/RHEL updates towards some sort of installer. [Steve
- [doc] Leveled RHEL7/RHEL8 Install procedure (WiP) [Steve Clement]
- [i18n] Updated Russian Translation to >30% (#4821) [Steve Clement]
chg: [i18n] Updated Russian Translation to >30%
- [i18n] Updated Russian Translation to >30% [Steve Clement]
- Bumped query version. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment] Import modules now support new modules format. [chrisr3d]
- Import module results are sent to the new view
(same as for expansion modules) whenever they
support objects import
- Function handling the results right after they
are returned from the module has also been moved
to Model/Event and is used for both expansion &
import modules
- [enrichment] Making attributes category & type changeable. [chrisr3d]
- To keep possibility to select the attribute type
or category, as it is in freetext import
- Category and Type values that can be selected by
users should be specified in the results, using
an array. Otherwise, they are set and cannot be
changed in the view (as it is the case for the
other fields like value and uuid)
- This feature is only applicable on attributes
level, and not on object attributes level
- [enrichment] Passing the initial object to the form. [chrisr3d]
- If the attribute we query the module on is an
object attribute, we want to have this object
information se we do not add or overwrite
attributes already here
- [ObjectReference] Referenced id, uuid & type set now from a function
that could be reused. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment] Defined function to appy inflector on strings. [chrisr3d]
So we can use it each time we want to display the
freetext import / module results status message
- [stix2] Bumped latest version. [chrisr3d]
- Fixing issues with 'parse' called on bundles
containing custom objects
- [installer] If unattended do not switch user. (#4812) [Steve Clement]
chg: [installer] If unattended do not switch user.
- [installer] If unattended do not switch user. [Steve Clement]
- Remove php 7.0 from travis. [Raphaël Vinot]
- Try to solve the entropy problem on travis. [Raphaël Vinot]
- [doc] More tweaks to the CentOS howto. [Steve Clement]
- [installer] Updated installer. [Steve Clement]
- [doc] Fixed some issues with dashboard. [Steve Clement]
- [doc] Added more steps to make it work on RHEL/CentOS. [Steve Clement]
- [event:view] More UI tweaking on related-* [mokaddem]
- [event:view] UI tweaking on related-* [mokaddem]
- [event:view] Make `Related *` scrollable. [mokaddem]
- [relatedEvent:view] Display the number of unique correlation.
- [view:relatedEvents] Improved UI. [mokaddem]
- [relatedEvent:view] Started integration into event:view - WiP.
- [previewEvent] Improved UI of related events - WiP. [mokaddem]
- [misp-taxonomies] updated to the latest version. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [misp-galaxy] updated to the latest version. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- [stix2] Bumped latest version. [chrisr3d]
- [installer] Update installer to Fix Auto-VMs. [Steve Clement]
- [installer] Updated installer. [Steve Clement]
- [doc] Added plyara to kali installer, amended RHEL misp-modules
(#4787) [Steve Clement]
chg: [doc] Added plyara to kali installer, amended RHEL misp-modules
- [doc] Added plyara to kali installer, amended RHEL misp-modules.
[Steve Clement]
- [tools] ask_o () wants -e (for colorz) (#4764) [Steve Clement]
chg: [tools] ask_o () wants -e (for colorz)
- [tools] ask_o () wants -e (for colorz) [Steve Clement]
- [installer] This tweak allows us to reset ssh-keys/ssl-
certs/other_things_that_want_to_be_uniqe on firstBoot. (#4751) [Steve
chg: [installer] This tweak allows us to reset ssh-keys/ssl-certs/other_things_that_want_to_be_uniqe on firstBoot.
- [installer] Regen Installer. [Steve Clement]
- [installer] This tweak allows us to reset ssh-keys/ssl-
certs/other_things_that_want_to_be_uniqe on firstBoot. [Steve Clement]
- [doc] Added more bits to GPG key. (#4749) [Steve Clement]
chg: [doc] Added more bits to GPG key.
- [doc] Added more bits to GPG key. [Steve Clement]
- [tools] Added MISPvars from the installer. Added PATH_TO_MISP as a
standard. (#4748) [Steve Clement]
chg: [tools] Added MISPvars from the installer. Added PATH_TO_MISP as a standard.
- [tools] Added MISPvars from the installer. Added PATH_TO_MISP as a
standard. [Steve Clement]
- [installer] Added ask_o () for input validation, fixed tr to be more
uniform. Updated installer checksums. (#4747) [Steve Clement]
chg: [installer] Added ask_o () for input validation, fixed tr to be more uniform. Updated installer checksums.
- [installer] Added ask_o () for input validation, fixed tr to be more
uniform. Updated installer checksums. [Steve Clement]
- [reusability] Further modifications - have an on-demand static mode
for ajaxTags. [iglocska]
- [reusability] modified ajaxTags to massage the data a bit for code-
reuse. [iglocska]
- [stix2 export] Fixed user account pattern creation. [chrisr3d]
- [stix2 export] Fixed user account observable extension. [chrisr3d]
- [galaxies] several minor issues fixed in the UI. [iglocska]
- [CLI] admin->setDatabaseVersion fixed. [iglocska]
- [discussions] Fix to a potential black-hole inducing issue. [iglocska]
- this totally won't do anything
- [tmpdir] fixed invalid file path. [iglocska]
- [UI] Fixed erroneous tag add buttons from the index. [iglocska]
- [internal] upload sample had a hard coded tmp path that would fail to
the php fallback if MISP is not installed in /var/www/MISP. [iglocska]
- [stix2 import] Quick variable simplification. [chrisr3d]
- [stix2 import] Reusing functions to simplify the code & avoid
duplicates. [chrisr3d]
- [stix2 import] Fixed network socket values from pattern. [chrisr3d]
- [stix import] Fixed backward compatibility of an exception. [chrisr3d]
- [eventGraph] Correctly pick the first-matching requiredOneOff to
generate the object's label. [mokaddem]
- [enrichment] Avoiding issues with failing references. [chrisr3d]
- In our case of handling module results, we don't
especially want the results parsing to stop
because of a missing/failing reference, we just
want to skip it
- [events] Create massive dummy events. [mokaddem]
- [enrichment] Fixed meta-category fetching. [chrisr3d]
- Due to the javascript part, we need to set a
'meta_category' field, which we then translate
to the expected 'meta-category' field, but which
is not required when enrichment is called from
the event level
- [installer] Variable regression (#4829) [Steve Clement]
fix: [installer] Variable regression
- [installer] Variable regression. [Steve Clement]
- [doc] Fixed systemd unit (#4827) [Steve Clement]
fix: [doc] Fixed systemd unit
- [doc] Fixed systemd unit. [Steve Clement]
- [installer] Update to correct checksums. [Steve Clement]
- [installer] Installer had some bugs for os-detection. [Steve Clement]
- [doc] Added missing misp-modules centos (#4825) [Steve Clement]
fix: [doc] Added missing misp-modules centos
- [doc] Added missing misp-modules centos. [Steve Clement]
- [modules] Added full attribute to full event enrichment's module
query. [iglocska]
- [stix2 import] Fixed socket extension parsing + reusing code.
- Reusing the function defined to avoid duplicates
for network socket objects generated via the
MISP to STIX2 export
- [stix2 import] Replacing unnecessary defaultdict by dict. [chrisr3d]
- [stix2 import] Reusing function & avoiding duplicates. [chrisr3d]
- [stix2 export] Making stix2-validator happy with email additional
header fields. [chrisr3d]
- [stix2 export] Making stix2-validator happpy with registry key
patterns. [chrisr3d]
- [internal] processing freetext data without background workers fixed.
- [enrichment view] Testing if event metadata elements exist before
displaying them. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment] Applying regular expressions to values before displaying
them. [chrisr3d]
- So when the DB is queried to find if object
attributes with those values already exist,
we do not miss some stored values
- [enrichment] Strengthened query conditions to find existing object
attributes. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment view] Displaying Tags only if not empty (error otherwise)
- [enrichment] Added missing variable. [chrisr3d]
- Returning tags & galaxies from module results. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment view] Fixed attributes display wwwwwwwwwww. [chrisr3d]
- Making attribute value display accept to be on
multilines to let more space for uuids to be on
1 line
- This makes the global display lighter with long
attribute values, because they were displayed on
only 1 line, making uuids displayed on 3 or 4
lines, making the complete view height way bigger
than expected
- [enrichment view] Displaying forgotten header when there is no object
in module results. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment] Setting importComment value before going to the view.
- Saving a variable & will avoid issues when reusing
the view for import modules
- [enrichment] Json format of validation errors. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment view] Fixed mispositioned closing tags. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment] Fixed tags classes names following the latest changes on
the module results view. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment view] Using some MISP event view parts. [chrisr3d]
- Using the same design as objects and attributes as in
the MISP event view
- [enrichment] Fixed change on types & categories. [chrisr3d]
... that should be applied on attributes level and
not on object attributes level
- [enrichment] Removing traces of some variables related to the freetext
import. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment] Removed possibility to display freetext result in the new
module results view. [chrisr3d]
- [hover enrichment] Displaying information of empty results when
needed. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment] Displaying reference saving errors in the job status.
- Finaly using the dedicated list to display
validation errors for references
- [enrichment] Better references handling. [chrisr3d]
- References are all handled at the end, after the
attributes and objects are all saved (or skipped
when needed).
- Since we no longer have any data in '$failed',
we simply skip every reference related to uuids
present in this list.
- '$recovered_uuids' is the list used to handle
uuids of resolved attributes/objects already
in the event.
- We also skip references already present in the
event (i.e same source, same target and same
relationship type).
- [enrichment] Better resolved objects handling. [chrisr3d]
- We handle the initial object independently from
all the other objects.
- We make sure Object attributes are not already
in the event (i.e the object is not already in
the event) before saving it
- Some other cases handled a better way to make
sure we skip saving object attributes or
references when they should not be, or to skip
what should be skipped.
- [enrichment] Redefinition of the '$failed' array. [chrisr3d]
- Used as list and not as dict
- Used to keep a list of failing attribute & objects
- Attributes already present in the event are no
longer saved in this list, and their uuid is saved
in the '$recovered_uuids' list which is used to
redirect the resolved attribute / object uuid to
the same already present attribute / object
- [enrichment] Fixed inflector typo. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment] Simplified tests if not empty. [chrisr3d]
- In those specific cases, we can simply skip
testing if something is set or equals 0, '' or
false, since it is all implied in 'empty'
- [enrichment view] Quick change, using variable. [chrisr3d]
... Instead of going twice through the dictionary
keys to fetch the same value
- [enrichment] Displaying error value in the job status instead of the
json format. [chrisr3d]
- Removed test variables. [chrisr3d]
- Also pardon my French
- [enrichment] Typo on Object references field relationship_type.
- [enrichment] Fixed missing object_relation field. [chrisr3d]
... for object attributes fetched from module
results form
- [enrichment view] Quick display fix. [chrisr3d]
- Making sure the submit button is always at the
bottom of the page
- Fixed missing closing tags
- [freetext import] Deleted not used variable. [chrisr3d]
- [cleanup] Fixed indentations. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment] Fixed handleModuleResults input variable name. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment] Fixed missing merge conflict. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment] Set sharing group id to 0 when distribution is not
'Sharing Group' [chrisr3d]
- Also setting some return data & fields
- [enrichment view] Added missing form fields + button typo. [chrisr3d]
- Those form inputs are the ones that are used in
the javascript part to submit results
- [enrichment view] Fixed Object sharing group field location.
- [enrichment view] Trying to avoid submit button to be somewhere not
intended. [chrisr3d]
- [enrichment] Avoiding errors on distribution and sharing group data.
- Making sure we do have a value for distribution
and sharing group
- Avoid translating distribution levels into their
human meaning because the output process capturing
data from the form will anyway use the numeric
values. Readable values are btw displayed in the
form for users confort
- Also sanitized data displayed
- [enrichment] Testing if an object has attributes before looping over
them. [chrisr3d]
- [stix2 export] Making stix2-validator happy about mac addresses.
- [stix2 export] Fixed TLP marking definition objects creation.
- [stix2 export] Fixed registry-key keys and values parsing for
patterns. [chrisr3d]
- There was an issue with back slashes that made
sometime indicators creation fail
- Also switched from concatenation to join
- Libonig2 -> libonig4 (ubuntu bionic) [Raphaël Vinot]
- [stix2 export] Making reusable subfunctions. [chrisr3d]
- Useful for the next functions to come using the
same pieces of code
- [stix2 export] Defining pattern with join intead of concatenation.
- Started splitting functions with sub-functions
for a reuse
- [stix2 export] Improved network socket object creation. [chrisr3d]
- [stix2 export] Fixed credential objects mapping to avoid missing
required stix fields. [chrisr3d]
- [stix import] Fixed stix_edh library import error catching. [chrisr3d]
- [row_attribute] feed correlation popover not being displayed for feed
type other than MISP format. [mokaddem]
- [relatedEvent:view] catch if number of correlation cannot be found.
- [event:addTag] User can add multiple tag collection at once.
- [stix2 import] Fixed wrong function used. [chrisr3d]
- [installer] Currently misp-packer fails on waiting for user inpu…
(#4788) [Steve Clement]
fix: [installer] Currently misp-packer fails on waiting for user inpu…
- [installer] Currently misp-packer fails on waiting for user input
during upgrade. [Steve Clement]
- [data-massaging] Removed massaging for float type attributes.
- it not only stripped anything but floats as expected, but additionally also rounded the value
- [js] fixes #4678 and javascript errors. [Christophe Vandeplas]
- [API] Simple worker management added. [iglocska]
- /servers/startWorker/[queue]
- /servers/stopWorker/[pid]
- /servers/getWorkers
- [object:proposeValidTemplate] Support only_full_group_by sql mode. Fix
#4746. [mokaddem]
- [UI] Enrichment hover should also work after sorting / changing the
event attribute context, etc. [iglocska]
- [stix import] Fixed address objects parsing. [chrisr3d]
- [shell] ask_o () needed some quotes, regenerated installer. (#4750)
[Steve Clement]
fix: [shell] ask_o () needed some quotes, regenerated installer.
- [shell] ask_o () needed some quotes, regenerated installer. [Steve
- [stix import] Better handling of missing python libraries. [chrisr3d]
- [security] Fixed an RCE vulnerability with user controled entries
being fed to file_exists. [iglocska]
- phar protocol paths for php file instructions can lead to RCE via meta-data deserialization
- mitigated by the functionalities enabling this being only accessible to site admins
- Reported by Dawid Czarnecki
- [ajaxTypes] copy pasta fixed. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #4841 from SteveClement/guides. [Steve Clement]
chg: [doc] Minor update, added known-issues section
- Merge branch '2.4' into guides. [Steve Clement]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [Alexandre
- Merge branch '2.4' into guides. [Steve Clement]
- Add: [stix2 export] Exporting user-account objects. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Add: [stix2 import] Importing credential objects. [chrisr3d]
- Add: [stix2 import] Parsing network traffic in the case of network
connection object. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [Alexandre
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Added norwegian translation (#4832) [Steve Clement]
Added norwegian translation
- Added norwegian. [Kortho]
Added norwegian translation
- Merge pull request #4807 from RichieB2B/ncsc-nl/IOCImport. [Andras
Support empty attribute type in IOC import
- Support empty attribute type in IOC import. [Richard van den Berg]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4.
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #4826 from SteveClement/tools. [Steve Clement]
chg: [installer] One step closer to "sane" aka. generic os-detection
- Merge branch '2.4' into tools. [Steve Clement]
- Merge branch '2.4' into tools. [Steve Clement]
- Merge branch '2.4' into guides. [Steve Clement]
- Merge pull request #4822 from Kortho/patch-1. [Andras Iklody]
fixed mixed dbuser - dbname
- Fixed mixed dbuser - dbname. [Kortho]
changed so the script uses the correct var
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch 'module_rework2' into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Add: [enrichment] Fetching data fields from the view. [chrisr3d]
- Add: [enrichment view] Added data fields + cancel button to the form.
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Add: [enrichment] Displaying + returning tags at attributes level from
the module results. [chrisr3d]
- If one of our UI master could review this and find
a better way of displaying the tags at attribute
level in the module results view, it would be
very cool :D
- Add: [enrichment] Attaching event level tags returned by the module
results. [chrisr3d]
- Add: [enrichment view] Displaying event level tags. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Add: [enrichment view] Displaying events metadata & number of returned
attributes. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Wip: [enrichment] Handling the potential uuids differences. [chrisr3d]
- We want to be sure the references we add to an
event are pointing to the right target, so
when an attribute/object is already in the event
and is a reference target, we want to point to
this already existing attribute/object, and not
to the one we get from the module results, which
will afterall be skipped.
- Also to to that, attributes already in the event
are simply not saved, but we need to find in the
event if an event already exists or not, using
its attributes
- More care to the references themselves to come
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Wip: [enrichment] Avoiding duplicate object attributes. [chrisr3d]
- It concerns obviously the case where we query a
module using an attribute within an object as input
- More to come about the ObjectReference field that
should not be overwritten/duplicated either
- Wip: [enrichment] Passing initial object references as well.
- Also testing if the initial object found is not empty
- Wip: [enrichment] Passing the initial object within the request data.
- Makes its parsing easier afterwards
- Add: [hover enrichment] Displaying resolved objects & attributes from
new modules results. [chrisr3d]
- Also quick indentation fix
- Wip: [hover enrichment] Passing new modules results to the hover
enrichment view. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Wip: [enrichment] Support of object references. [chrisr3d]
- Handling the references between objects and
attributes or objects that are displayed in the
form and saving them.
- Avoiding issue when an attribute or object can
not be saved and is referenced: trying to find
in the event if it is an attribute, returning
a warning message if it is an object or if
nothing corresponding to the failing referenced
object or attribute is found.
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Wip: [enrichment] Returning a status message after the module results
handling is done. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Wip: [enrichment] Saving attributes & objects from module results.
- Need to handle specific cases, relationships,
and to update the progress status information
- Add: [enrichment] Added possibility to get object template version &
uuid. [chrisr3d]
- Wip: [enrichment] Capturing objects & attributes. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into
rework_modules. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Add: [stix2 export] Added network connection to the mapped objects.
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Merge pull request #4802 from SteveClement/guides. [Steve Clement]
chg: [doc] More tweaks to the CentOS howto
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Merge pull request #4798 from SteveClement/guides. [Steve Clement]
chg: [doc] Various updates to RHEL/Ubuntu
- Add: [stix2 export] Mapping credential MISP objects. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Merge pull request #4570 from mokaddem/relatedEventUI. [Andras Iklody]
Related event ui
- Merge branch '2.4' of into relatedEventUI.
- Merge branch '2.4' of into relatedEventUI.
- Merge branch '2.4' of into relatedEventUI.
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [Alexandre
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #4769 from cvandeplas/2.4. [Andras Iklody]
fix: [js] fixes #4678 and javascript errors
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge pull request #4674 from juju4/devel-globalstrict. [Andras
strict typing - snuffleupagus tests
- Strict typing - snuffleupagus tests. [juju4]
- Merge pull request #4741 from StefanKelm/2.4. [Andras Iklody]
Update EventBlacklistsController.php
- Update edit.ctp. [StefanKelm]
Clarification that "Fetch GnuPG key" actually connects to the MIT key server
- Update EventBlacklistsController.php. [StefanKelm]
(minor) aligns the text with app/Controller/Component/BlackListComponent.php
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4' into tools. [Steve Clement]
- Merge branch '2.4' into tools. [Steve Clement]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [iglocska]
- Merge branch '2.4' into guides. [Steve Clement]
- Merge branch '2.4' of into 2.4. [chrisr3d]
v2.4.109 (2019-06-13)