Generated from
MISP MISP objects to be used in MISP (2.4.80 (TBC)) system and can be used by other information sharing tool. MISP objects are in addition to MISP attributes to allow advanced combinations of attributes. The creation of these objects and their associated attributes are based on real cyber security use-cases and existing practices in information sharing.
An information leak as defined by the AIL Analysis Information Leak framework..
ail-leak is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
origin |
url |
last-seen |
datetime |
text |
text |
original-date |
datetime |
type |
text |
sensor |
text |
first-seen |
datetime |
An HTTP cookie (web cookie, browser cookie) is a small piece of data that a server sends to the user’s web browser. The browser may store it and send it back with the next request to the same server. Typically, it’s used to tell if two requests came from the same browser — keeping a user logged-in, for example. It remembers stateful information for the stateless HTTP protocol. (as defined by the Mozilla foundation..
cookie is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
text |
text |
cookie |
cookie |
cookie-name |
text |
cookie-value |
text |
type |
text |
A payment card like credit card, debit card or any similar cards which can be used for financial transactions..
credit-card is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
comment |
comment |
expiration |
datetime |
name |
text |
issued |
datetime |
cc-number |
cc-number |
version |
comment |
card-security-code |
text |
DDoS object describes a current DDoS activity from a specific or/and to a specific target. Type of DDoS can be attached to the object as a taxonomy.
ddos is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
text |
text |
ip-dst |
ip-dst |
src-port |
port |
protocol |
text |
Protocol used for the attack ['TCP', 'UDP', 'ICMP', 'IP'] |
ip-src |
ip-src |
total-pps |
counter |
total-bps |
counter |
last-seen |
datetime |
dst-port |
port |
first-seen |
datetime |
A domain and IP address seen as a tuple in a specific time frame..
domain|ip is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
domain |
domain |
text |
text |
last-seen |
datetime |
first-seen |
datetime |
ip |
ip-dst |
Object describing a Executable and Linkable Format.
elf is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
text |
text |
os_abi |
text |
entrypoint-address |
text |
number-sections |
counter |
arch |
text |
type |
text |
Object describing a section of an Executable and Linkable Format.
elf-section is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
entropy |
float |
sha512/224 |
sha512/224 |
sha384 |
sha384 |
sha512/256 |
sha512/256 |
type |
text |
ssdeep |
ssdeep |
sha256 |
sha256 |
flag |
text |
md5 |
md5 |
name |
text |
sha224 |
sha224 |
sha512 |
sha512 |
sha1 |
sha1 |
text |
text |
size-in-bytes |
size-in-bytes |
Email object describing an email with meta-information.
email is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
thread-index |
email-thread-index |
subject |
email-subject |
reply-to |
email-reply-to |
attachment |
email-attachment |
mime-boundary |
email-mime-boundary |
from |
email-src |
from-display-name |
email-src-display-name |
message-id |
email-message-id |
to-display-name |
email-dst-display-name |
to |
email-dst |
send-date |
datetime |
header |
email-header |
x-mailer |
email-x-mailer |
File object describing a file with meta-information.
file is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
entropy |
float |
authentihash |
authentihash |
sha512/224 |
sha512/224 |
filename |
filename |
tlsh |
tlsh |
sha384 |
sha384 |
sha512/256 |
sha512/256 |
ssdeep |
ssdeep |
sha256 |
sha256 |
pattern-in-file |
pattern-in-file |
md5 |
md5 |
malware-sample |
malware-sample |
sha224 |
sha224 |
sha512 |
sha512 |
sha1 |
sha1 |
mimetype |
text |
text |
text |
size-in-bytes |
size-in-bytes |
An object to describe a geographic location..
geolocation is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
region |
text |
country |
text |
city |
text |
altitude |
float |
latitude |
float |
text |
text |
last-seen |
datetime |
first-seen |
datetime |
longitude |
float |
A single HTTP request header.
http-request is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
user-agent |
user-agent |
cookie |
text |
proxy-user |
text |
url |
url |
method |
http-method |
proxy-password |
text |
host |
hostname |
basicauth-user |
text |
uri |
uri |
basicauth-password |
text |
text |
text |
content-type |
other |
referer |
referer |
An IP address and a port seen as a tuple (or as a triple) in a specific time frame..
ip|port is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
src-port |
port |
ip |
ip-dst |
dst-port |
port |
last-seen |
datetime |
text |
text |
first-seen |
datetime |
Object describing a file in Mach-O format..
macho is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
name |
text |
entrypoint-address |
text |
type |
text |
text |
text |
number-sections |
counter |
Object describing a section of a file in Mach-O format..
macho-section is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
entropy |
float |
sha512/224 |
sha512/224 |
sha384 |
sha384 |
sha512/256 |
sha512/256 |
ssdeep |
ssdeep |
sha256 |
sha256 |
md5 |
md5 |
name |
text |
sha224 |
sha224 |
sha512 |
sha512 |
sha1 |
sha1 |
text |
text |
size-in-bytes |
size-in-bytes |
Passive DNS records as expressed in draft-dulaunoy-dnsop-passive-dns-cof-01.
passive-dns is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
time_first |
datetime |
sensor_id |
text |
rrname |
text |
rrtype |
text |
zone_time_first |
datetime |
rdata |
text |
origin |
text |
bailiwick |
text |
text |
text |
count |
counter |
zone_time_last |
datetime |
time_last |
datetime |
Object describing a Portable Executable.
pe is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
company-name |
text |
entrypoint-section-at-position |
text |
compilation-timestamp |
datetime |
impfuzzy |
impfuzzy |
file-description |
text |
product-name |
text |
original-filename |
filename |
type |
text |
pehash |
pehash |
file-version |
text |
legal-copyright |
text |
entrypoint-address |
text |
lang-id |
text |
text |
text |
internal-filename |
filename |
number-sections |
counter |
imphash |
imphash |
product-version |
text |
Object describing a section of a Portable Executable.
pe-section is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
entropy |
float |
sha512/224 |
sha512/224 |
characteristic |
text |
sha384 |
sha384 |
sha512/256 |
sha512/256 |
ssdeep |
ssdeep |
sha256 |
sha256 |
md5 |
md5 |
name |
text |
sha224 |
sha224 |
sha512 |
sha512 |
sha1 |
sha1 |
text |
text |
size-in-bytes |
size-in-bytes |
An person which describes a person or an identity..
person is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
passport-country |
passport-country |
nationality |
nationality |
last-name |
last-name |
first-name |
first-name |
redress-number |
redress-number |
date-of-birth |
date-of-birth |
gender |
gender |
The gender of a natural person. ['Male', 'Female', 'Other', 'Prefer not to say'] |
middle-name |
middle-name |
place-of-birth |
place-of-birth |
text |
text |
passport-expiration |
passport-expiration |
passport-number |
passport-number |
A phone or mobile phone object which describe a phone..
phone is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
imsi |
text |
msisdn |
text |
imei |
text |
tmsi |
text |
gummei |
text |
text |
text |
serial-number |
text |
last-seen |
datetime |
first-seen |
datetime |
guti |
text |
Indicators extracted from files using radare2 and graphml.
r2graphity is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
callback-average |
counter |
memory-allocations |
counter |
get-proc-address |
counter |
r2-commit-version |
text |
total-api |
counter |
refsglobalvar |
counter |
referenced-strings |
counter |
miss-api |
counter |
ratio-string |
float |
text |
text |
callbacks |
counter |
ratio-api |
float |
unknown-references |
counter |
local-references |
counter |
not-referenced-strings |
counter |
callback-largest |
counter |
gml |
attachment |
total-functions |
counter |
shortest-path-to-create-thread |
counter |
ratio-functions |
float |
dangling-strings |
counter |
create-thread |
counter |
An object describing a regular expression (regex or regexp). The object can be linked via a relationship to other attributes or objects to describe how it can be represented as a regular expression..
regexp is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
comment |
comment |
regexp |
text |
regexp-type |
text |
Type of the regular expression syntax. ['PCRE', 'PCRE2', 'POSIX BRE', 'POSIX ERE'] |
Registry key object describing a Windows registry key with value and last-modified timestamp.
registry-key is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
data |
reg-data |
last-modified |
datetime |
hive |
reg-hive |
name |
reg-name |
key |
reg-key |
data-type |
reg-datatype |
Tor node (which protects your privacy on the internet by hiding the connection between users Internet address and the services used by the users) description which are part of the Tor network at a time..
tor-node is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
description |
text |
flags |
text |
version |
text |
document |
text |
first-seen |
datetime |
address |
ip-src |
version_line |
text |
fingerprint |
text |
text |
text |
nickname |
text |
last-seen |
datetime |
published |
datetime |
url object describes an url along with its normalized field (like extracted using faup parsing library) and its metadata..
url is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
domain |
domain |
url |
url |
port |
port |
tld |
text |
first-seen |
datetime |
host |
hostname |
scheme |
text |
resource_path |
text |
credential |
text |
domain_without_tld |
text |
subdomain |
text |
fragment |
text |
text |
text |
last-seen |
datetime |
query_string |
text |
Vulnerability object describing common vulnerability enumeration.
vulnerability is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
modified |
datetime |
id |
vulnerability |
references |
link |
vulnerable_configuration |
text |
summary |
text |
text |
text |
published |
datetime |
Whois records information for a domain name..
whois is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
expiration-date |
datetime |
modification-date |
datetime |
registrant-name |
whois-registrant-name |
registrant-phone |
whois-registrant-phone |
creation-date |
datetime |
text |
text |
registrant-email |
whois-registrant-email |
registar |
whois-registar |
domain |
domain |
x509 object describing a X.509 certificate.
x509 is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
issuer |
text |
x509-fingerprint-md5 |
md5 |
raw-base64 |
text |
subject |
text |
x509-fingerprint-sha1 |
sha1 |
x509-fingerprint-sha256 |
sha256 |
pubkey-info-exponent |
text |
validity-not-before |
datetime |
version |
text |
pubkey-info-modulus |
text |
pubkey-info-size |
text |
pubkey-info-algorithm |
text |
text |
text |
serial-number |
text |
validity-not-after |
datetime |
yabin generates Yara rules from function prologs, for matching and hunting binaries. ref:
yabin is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation |
comment |
comment |
version |
comment |
whitelist |
comment |
yara-hunt |
yara |
yara |
yara |
Default type of relationships in MISP objects.
Relationships are part of MISP object and available in JSON format at this location. The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP.
Name of relationship | Description | Format |
derived-from |
The information in the target object is based on information from the source object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
duplicate-of |
The referenced source and target objects are semantically duplicates of each other. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
related-to |
The referenced source is related to the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
attributed-to |
This referenced source is attributed to the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
targets |
This relationship describes that the source object targets the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
uses |
This relationship describes the use by the source object of the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
indicates |
This relationships describes that the source object indicates the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
mitigates |
This relationship describes a source object which mitigates the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
variant-of |
This relationship describes a source object which is a variant of the target object |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
impersonates |
This relationship describe a source object which impersonates the target object |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
authored-by |
This relationship describes the author of a specific object. |
['misp'] |
located |
This relationship describes the location (of any type) of a specific object. |
['misp'] |
included-in |
This relationship describes an object included in another object. |
['misp'] |
analysed-with |
This relationship describes an object analysed by another object. |
['misp'] |
claimed-by |
This relationship describes an object claimed by another object. |
['misp'] |
communicates-with |
This relationship describes an object communicating with another object. |
['misp'] |
dropped-by |
This relationship describes an object dropped by another object. |
['misp'] |
executed-by |
This relationship describes an object executed by another object. |
['misp'] |
affects |
This relationship describes an object affected by another object. |
['misp'] |
beacons-to |
This relationship describes an object beaconing to another object. |
['misp'] |
abuses |
This relationship describes an object which abuses another object. |
['misp'] |
exfiltrates-to |
This relationship describes an object exfiltrating to another object. |
['misp'] |
identifies |
This relationship describes an object which identifies another object. |
['misp'] |
intercepts |
This relationship describes an object which intercepts another object. |
['misp'] |
calls |
This relationship describes an object which calls another objects. |
['misp'] |
detected-as |
This relationship describes an object which is detected as another object. |
['misp'] |
triggers |
This relationship describes an object which triggers another object. |
['misp'] |