--- title: MISP 2.4.74 released date: 2017-05-30 layout: post banner: /img/blog/misp-small.png --- A new version of MISP [2.4.74](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/tree/v2.4.74) has been released including new features, improvements and bug fixes. The ZeroMQ pub-sub feature has been significantly improved in MISP to allow for a complete flexible notification scheme for a host of actions which take place within a MISP instance, such as: - Event publishing - Attribute creation and update - Sighting creation - User creation or modification [Documentation of the ZeroMQ pub-sub](https://www.circl.lu/doc/misp/misp-zmq/) feature is available in [misp-book](https://github.com/MISP/misp-book). A [persistent default feed list](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/blob/2.4/app/files/feed-metadata/defaults.json) has been added including free and open feeds like: - CIRCL - Botvrij.eu - InThreat - Binary Defense Systems - abuse.ch (multiple feeds) - rules.emergingthreats.net - malwaredomainlist - TOR Node List from dan.me.uk - cybercrime-tracker.net - phishtank - dns-bh.sagadc.org - labs.snort.org - longtail.it.marist.edu - pan-unit42 - malwaremustdie - booterblacklist.com - openbl.org - home.nuug.no - hosts-file.net - openphish.com - iplists.firehol.org which can be enabled as a feed cache to do automatic correlation within MISP without the need of importing the full data-set. Filtering is now available via the tag index (fixing a famous request during one of the MISP training sessions ;-). There is also an upcoming MISP training that might be of interest to MISP users, contributors or developers: - A [MISP training](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/misp-training-june-edition-tickets-33663081182) is foreseen in Luxembourg, the 29th June 2017. [Register](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/misp-training-june-edition-tickets-33663081182) as soon as possible if you want to join us. The full change log is available [here](https://www.misp.software/Changelog.txt). Don't hesitate to [open an issue](https://github.com/MISP/MISP/issues) if you have any feedback, found a bug or want to propose new features. We would like to thank all the contributors and especially the participants of the [hackathon organised](https://hackathon.hack.lu/) in Luxembourg.