
The MISP threat sharing platform is a free and open source software helping information sharing of threat intelligence including cyber security indicators, financial fraud or counter-terrorism information. The MISP project includes multiple sub-projects to support the operational requirements of analysts and improve the overall quality of information shared.
MISP objects are used in MISP (starting from version 2.4.80) system and can be used by other information sharing tool. MISP objects are in addition to MISP attributes to allow advanced combinations of attributes. The creation of these objects and their associated attributes are based on real cyber security use-cases and existing practices in information sharing. The objects are just shared like any other attributes in MISP even if the other MISP instances don’t have the template of the object. The following document is generated from the machine-readable JSON describing the MISP objects.
Funding and Support
The MISP project is financially and resource supported by CIRCL Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg .
A CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) funding under CEF-TC-2016-3 - Cyber Security has been granted from 1st September 2017 until 31th August 2019 as Improving MISP as building blocks for next-generation information sharing.
If you are interested to co-fund projects around MISP, feel free to get in touch with us.
MISP objects
An Object Template to gather information from evidential or interesting exchange of messages identified during a digital forensic investigation.
tsk-chats is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
message-type |
text |
the type of message extracted from the forensic-evidence. ['SMS', 'MMS', 'Instant Message (IM)', 'Voice Message'] |
datetime-sent |
datetime |
date and the time when the message was sent. |
datetime-received |
datetime |
date and time when the message was received. |
Source |
text |
Source of the message.(Contact details) |
destination |
text |
Destination of the message.(Contact details) |
app-used |
text |
Application used to send the message. |
subject |
text |
Subject of the message if any. |
message |
text |
Message exchanged. |
attachments |
link |
External references |
additional-comments |
text |
Comments. |
An Object Template to add evidential bookmarks identified during a digital forensic investigation.
tsk-web-bookmark is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
link |
The URL saved as bookmark. |
datetime-bookmarked |
datetime |
date and time when the URL was added to favorites. |
name |
text |
Book mark name. |
title |
text |
Title of the web page |
browser |
text |
Browser used to access the URL. ['IE', 'Safari', 'Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Opera mini', 'Chromium'] |
domain-name |
text |
Domain of the URL. |
domain-ip |
ip-src |
IP of the URL domain. |
additional-comments |
text |
Comments. |
An TSK-Autopsy Object Template to represent cookies identified during a forensic investigation.
tsk-web-cookie is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
link |
The website URL that created the cookie. |
datetime-created |
datetime |
date and time when the cookie was created. |
name |
text |
Name of the cookie |
value |
text |
Value assigned to the cookie. |
browser |
text |
Browser on which the cookie was created. ['IE', 'Safari', 'Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Opera mini', 'Chromium'] |
domain-name |
text |
Domain of the URL that created the cookie. |
domain-ip |
ip-src |
IP of the domain that created the URL. |
additional-comments |
text |
Comments. |
An Object Template to add web-downloads.
tsk-web-downloads is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
url |
url |
The URL used to download the file. |
datetime-accessed |
datetime |
date and time when the file was downloaded. |
name |
text |
Name of the file downloaded. |
path-downloadedTo |
text |
Location the file was downloaded to. |
pathID |
text |
Id of the attribute file where the information is gathered from. |
attachment |
attachment |
The downloaded file itself. |
additional-comments |
text |
Comments. |
An Object Template to share web history information.
tsk-web-history is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
link |
The URL accessed. |
datetime-accessed |
datetime |
date and the time when the URL was accessed. |
referrer |
text |
where the URL was referred from |
title |
text |
Title of the web page |
domain-name |
text |
Domain of the URL. |
domain-ip |
ip-src |
IP of the URL domain. |
browser |
text |
Browser used to access the URL. ['IE', 'Safari', 'Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Opera mini', 'Chromium'] |
additional-comments |
text |
Comments. |
An Object Template to share web search query information.
tsk-web-search-query is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
domain |
link |
The domain of the search engine. ['Google', 'Yahoo', 'Bing', 'Alta Vista', 'MSN'] |
text |
text |
the search word or sentence. |
datetime-searched |
datetime |
date and time when the search was conducted. |
browser |
text |
Browser used. ['IE', 'Safari', 'Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Opera mini', 'Chromium'] |
username |
text |
User name or ID associated with the search. |
additional-comments |
text |
Comments. |
An information leak as defined by the AIL Analysis Information Leak framework.
ail-leak is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
sensor |
text |
The AIL sensor uuid where the leak was processed and analysed. |
duplicate |
text |
Duplicate of the existing leaks. |
duplicate_number |
counter |
Number of known duplicates. |
origin |
text |
The link where the leak is (or was) accessible at first-seen. |
text |
text |
A description of the leak which could include the potential victim(s) or description of the leak. |
original-date |
datetime |
When the information available in the leak was created. It’s usually before the first-seen. |
last-seen |
datetime |
When the leak has been accessible or seen for the last time. |
first-seen |
datetime |
When the leak has been accessible or seen for the first time. |
raw-data |
attachment |
Raw data as received by the AIL sensor compressed and encoded in Base64. |
Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS) Information Source Markings.
ais-info is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
organisation |
text |
AIS Organisation Name. |
administrative-area |
text |
AIS Administrative Area represented using ISO-3166-2. |
industry |
text |
AIS IndustryType. ['Chemical Sector', 'Commercial Facilities Sector', 'Communications Sector', 'Critical Manufacturing Sector', 'Dams Sector', 'Defense Industrial Base Sector', 'Emergency Services Sector', 'Energy Sector', 'Financial Services Sector', 'Food and Agriculture Sector', 'Government Facilities Sector', 'Healthcare and Public Health Sector', 'Information Technology Sector', 'Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste Sector', 'Transportation Systems Sector', 'Water and Wastewater Systems Sector', 'Other'] |
country |
text |
AIS Country represented using ISO-3166-1_alpha-2. |
A set of android permissions - one or more permission(s) which can be linked to other objects (e.g. malware, app).
android-permission is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
permission |
text |
comment |
comment |
Comment about the set of android permission(s) |
An annotation object allowing analysts to add annotations, comments, executive summary to a MISP event, objects or attributes.
annotation is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
Raw text of the annotation |
ref |
link |
Reference(s) to the annotation |
type |
text |
Type of the annotation ['Annotation', 'Executive Summary', 'Introduction', 'Conclusion', 'Disclaimer', 'Keywords', 'Acknowledgement', 'Other', 'Copyright', 'Authors', 'Logo'] |
format |
text |
Format of the annotation ['text', 'markdown', 'asciidoctor', 'MultiMarkdown', 'GFM', 'pandoc', 'Fountain', 'CommonWork', 'kramdown-rfc2629', 'rfc7328', 'Extra'] |
creation-date |
datetime |
Initial creation of the annotation |
modification-date |
datetime |
Last update of the annotation |
attachment |
attachment |
An attachment to support the annotation |
Anonymisation object describing an anonymisation technique used to encode MISP attribute values. Reference:
anonymisation is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
method |
text |
Anonymisation (or pseudo-anonymisation) method(s) used ["hiding - Attribute is replaced with a constant value (typically 0) of the same size. Sometimes called 'black marker'.", 'hash - A hash function maps each attribute to a new (not necessarily unique) attribute.', 'permutation - Maps each original value to a unique new value.', "prefix-preserving - Any two values that had the same n-bit prefix before anonymisation will still have the same n-bit prefix as each other after anonymization. (Would be more accurately called 'prefix-relationship-preserving', because the actual prefix values are not preserved.) ", 'shift - Adds a fixed offset to each value/attribute.', 'enumeration - Map each original value to a new value such that their ordering is preserved.', 'partitioning - Possible values are partitioned into meaningful sets; actual values are replaced with a fixed value from the same set. E.g., TCP port numbers 0 to 1023 are replaced with 0, and 1024 to 65535 replaced with 65535.', 'updated - Checksums are recalculated to reflect changes made to other fields.', 'truncation - Field is shortened, losing data at the end.', 'encryption - Attribute is encrypted.'] |
key |
text |
Key (such as a PSK in a keyed-hash-function) used to anonymise the attribute |
iv |
text |
Initialisation vector for the encryption function used to anonymise the attribute |
keyed-hash-function |
text |
Keyed-hash function used to anonymise the attribute ['hmac-sha1', 'hmac-md5', 'hmac-sha256', 'hmac-sha384', 'hmac-sha512'] |
encryption-function |
text |
Encryption function or algorithm used to anonymise the attribute ['aes128', 'aes-128-cbc', 'aes-128-cfb', 'aes-128-cfb1', 'aes-128-cfb8', 'aes-128-ctr', 'aes-128-ecb', 'aes-128-ofb', 'aes192', 'aes-192-cbc', 'aes-192-cfb', 'aes-192-cfb1', 'aes-192-cfb8', 'aes-192-ctr', 'aes-192-ecb', 'aes-192-ofb', 'aes-256-cfb', 'aes-256-cfb1', 'aes-256-cfb8', 'aes-256-ctr', 'aes-256-ecb', 'aes-256-ofb', 'bf', 'bf-cbc', 'bf-cfb', 'bf-ecb', 'bf-ofb', 'blowfish', 'camellia128', 'camellia-128-cbc', 'camellia-128-cfb', 'camellia-128-cfb1', 'camellia-128-cfb8', 'camellia-128-ctr', 'camellia-128-ecb', 'camellia-128-ofb', 'camellia192', 'camellia-192-cbc', 'camellia-192-cfb', 'camellia-192-cfb1', 'camellia-192-cfb8', 'camellia-192-ctr', 'camellia-192-ecb', 'camellia-192-ofb', 'camellia256', 'camellia-256-cbc', 'camellia-256-cfb', 'camellia-256-cfb1', 'camellia-256-cfb8', 'camellia-256-ctr', 'camellia-256-ecb', 'camellia-256-ofb', 'cast', 'cast5-cbc', 'cast5-cfb', 'cast5-ecb', 'cast5-ofb', 'cast-cbc', 'des', 'des3', 'des-cbc', 'des-cfb', 'des-ecb', 'des-ede', 'des-ede3', 'des-ede3-cbc', 'des-ede3-cfb', 'des-ede3-ofb', 'des-ede-cbc', 'des-ede-cfb', 'des-ede-ofb', 'des-ofb', 'desx', 'gost89', 'gost89-cnt', 'idea', 'idea-cbc', 'idea-cfb', 'idea-ecb', 'idea-ofb', 'rc2', 'rc2-40-cbc', 'rc2-64-cbc', 'rc2-cbc', 'rc2-cfb', 'rc2-ecb', 'rc2-ofb', 'rc4', 'rc4-40', 'rc4-64', 'rc5', 'rc5-cbc', 'rc5-cfb', 'rc5-ecb', 'rc5-ofb', 'seed', 'seed-cbc', 'seed-cfb', 'seed-ecb', 'seed-ofb', 'sm4', 'sm4-cbc', 'sm4-cfb', 'sm4-ctr', 'sm4-ecb', 'sm4-ofb'] |
regexp |
text |
Regular expression to perfom the anonymisation (reversible or not) |
description |
text |
Description of the anonymisation technique or tool used |
level-of-knowledge |
text |
Level of knowledge of the organisation who created this object ['Only the anonymised data is known', 'Deanonymised data is known'] |
Autonomous system object describing an autonomous system which can include one or more network operators management an entity (e.g. ISP) along with their routing policy, routing prefixes or alike.
asn is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
asn |
AS |
Autonomous System Number |
description |
text |
Description of the autonomous system |
country |
text |
Country code of the main location of the autonomous system |
subnet-announced |
ip-src |
Subnet announced |
first-seen |
datetime |
First time the ASN was seen |
last-seen |
datetime |
Last time the ASN was seen |
import |
text |
The inbound IPv4 routing policy of the AS in RFC 2622 – Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL) format |
export |
text |
The outbound routing policy of the AS in RFC 2622 – Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL) format |
mp-import |
text |
The inbound IPv4 or IPv6 routing policy of the AS in RFC 4012 – Routing Policy Specification Language next generation (RPSLng), section 4.5. format |
mp-export |
text |
This attribute performs the same function as the export attribute above. The difference is that mp-export allows both IPv4 and IPv6 address families to be specified. The export is described in RFC 4012 – Routing Policy Specification Language next generation (RPSLng), section 4.5. format |
Attack pattern describing a common attack pattern enumeration and classification.
attack-pattern is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
id |
text |
name |
text |
Name of the attack pattern. |
summary |
text |
Summary description of the attack pattern. |
prerequisites |
text |
Prerequisites for the attack pattern to succeed. |
solutions |
text |
Solutions for the attack pattern to be countered. |
related-weakness |
weakness |
Weakness related to the attack pattern. |
Authenticode Signer Info.
authenticode-signerinfo is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
Free text description of the signer info |
issuer |
text |
Issuer of the certificate |
version |
text |
Version of the certificate |
url |
url |
Url |
content-type |
text |
Content type |
program-name |
text |
Program name |
digest_algorithm |
text |
Digest algorithm |
signature_algorithm |
text |
Antivirus detection signature.
av-signature is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
software |
text |
Name of antivirus software |
signature |
text |
Name of detection signature |
text |
text |
Free text value to attach to the file |
datetime |
datetime |
Datetime |
An object describing bank account information based on account description from goAML 4.0.
bank-account is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
A description of the bank account. |
institution-name |
text |
Name of the bank or financial organisation. |
institution-code |
text |
Institution code of the bank. |
swift |
bic |
SWIFT or BIC as defined in ISO 9362. |
branch |
text |
Branch code or name |
non-banking-institution |
boolean |
A flag to define if this account belong to a non-banking organisation. If set to true, it’s a non-banking organisation. |
account |
bank-account-nr |
Account number |
currency-code |
text |
Currency of the account. ['USD', 'EUR'] |
aba-rtn |
aba-rtn |
ABA routing transit number |
account-name |
text |
A field to freely describe the bank account details. |
iban |
iban |
IBAN of the bank account. |
client-number |
text |
Client number as seen by the bank. |
personal-account-type |
text |
Account type. ['A - Business', 'B - Personal Current', 'C - Savings', 'D - Trust Account', 'E - Trading Account', 'O - Other'] |
opened |
datetime |
When the account was opened. |
closed |
datetime |
When the account was closed. |
balance |
text |
The balance of the account after the suspicious transaction was processed. |
date-balance |
datetime |
When the balance was reported. |
status-code |
text |
Account status at the time of the transaction processed. ['A - Active', 'B - Inactive', 'C - Dormant'] |
beneficiary |
text |
Final beneficiary of the bank account. |
beneficiary-comment |
text |
Comment about the final beneficiary. |
comments |
text |
Comments about the bank account. |
report-code |
text |
Report code of the bank account. ['CTR Cash Transaction Report', 'STR Suspicious Transaction Report', 'EFT Electronic Funds Transfer', 'IFT International Funds Transfer', 'TFR Terror Financing Report', 'BCR Border Cash Report', 'UTR Unusual Transaction Report', 'AIF Additional Information File – Can be used for example to get full disclosure of transactions of an account for a period of time without reporting it as a CTR.', 'IRI Incoming Request for Information – International', 'ORI Outgoing Request for Information – International', 'IRD Incoming Request for Information – Domestic', 'ORD Outgoing Request for Information – Domestic'] |
Object encapsulating BGP Hijack description as specified, for example, by
bgp-hijack is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
expected-asn |
AS |
Expected Autonomous System Number |
detected-asn |
AS |
Detected Autonomous System Number |
description |
text |
BGP Hijack details |
country |
text |
Country code of the main location of the attacking autonomous system |
subnet-announced |
ip-src |
Subnet announced |
start |
datetime |
First time the Prefix hijack was seen |
end |
datetime |
Last time the Prefix hijack was seen |
An object to describe a Bitcoin transaction. Best to be used with bitcoin-wallet.
btc-transaction is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
transaction-number |
text |
A Bitcoin transaction number in a sequence of transactions |
time |
datetime |
Date and time of transaction |
value_BTC |
float |
Value in BTC at date/time displayed in field 'time' |
value_EUR |
float |
Value in EUR with conversion rate as of date/time displayed in field 'time' |
value_USD |
float |
Value in USD with conversion rate as of date/time displayed in field 'time' |
btc-address |
btc |
A Bitcoin transactional address |
An object to describe a Bitcoin wallet. Best to be used with bitcoin-transactions.
btc-wallet is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
wallet-address |
btc |
A Bitcoin wallet address |
balance_BTC |
float |
Value in BTC at date/time displayed in field 'time' |
BTC_received |
float |
Value of received BTC |
BTC_sent |
float |
Value of sent BTC |
time |
datetime |
Date and time of lookup/conversion |
Common Alerting Protocol Version (CAP) alert object.
cap-alert is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
identifier |
text |
The identifier of the alert message in a number or string uniquely identifying this message, assigned by the sender. |
sender |
text |
The identifier of the sender of the alert message which identifies the originator of this alert. Guaranteed by assigner to be unique globally; e.g., may be based on an Internet domain name. |
sent |
datetime |
The time and date of the origination of the alert message. |
status |
text |
The code denoting the appropriate handling of the alert message. ['Actual', 'Exercise', 'System', 'Test', 'Draft'] |
msgType |
text |
The code denoting the nature of the alert message. ['Alert', 'Update', 'Cancel', 'Ack', 'Error'] |
source |
text |
The text identifying the source of the alert message. The particular source of this alert; e.g., an operator or a specific device. |
scope |
text |
The code denoting the intended distribution of the alert message. ['Public', 'Restricted', 'Private'] |
restriction |
text |
The text describing the rule for limiting distribution of the restricted alert message. |
addresses |
text |
The group listing of intended recipients of the alert message. (1) Required when <scope> is “Private”, optional when <scope> is “Public” or “Restricted”. (2) Each recipient SHALL be identified by an identifier or an address. (3) Multiple space-delimited addresses MAY be included. Addresses including whitespace MUST be enclosed in double-quotes. |
code |
text |
The code denoting the special handling of the alert message. |
note |
text |
The text describing the purpose or significance of the alert message. |
references |
text |
The group listing identifying earlier message(s) referenced by the alert message. (1) The extended message identifier(s) (in the form sender,identifier,sent) of an earlier CAP message or messages referenced by this one. (2) If multiple messages are referenced, they SHALL be separated by whitespace. |
incident |
text |
The group listing naming the referent incident(s) of the alert message. (1) Used to collate multiple messages referring to different aspects of the same incident. (2) If multiple incident identifiers are referenced, they SHALL be separated by whitespace. Incident names including whitespace SHALL be surrounded by double-quotes. |
Common Alerting Protocol Version (CAP) info object.
cap-info is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
language |
text |
The code denoting the language of the info sub-element of the alert message. |
category |
text |
The code denoting the category of the subject event of the alert message. ['Geo', 'Met', 'Safety', 'Security', 'Rescue', 'Fire', 'Health', 'Env', 'Transport', 'Infra', 'CBRNE', 'Other'] |
event |
text |
The text denoting the type of the subject event of the alert message. |
responseType |
text |
The code denoting the type of action recommended for the target audience. ['Shelter', 'Evacuate', 'Prepare', 'Execute', 'Avoid', 'Monitor', 'Assess', 'AllClear', 'None'] |
urgency |
text |
The code denoting the urgency of the subject event of the alert message. ['Immediate', 'Expected', 'Future', 'Past', 'Unknown'] |
severity |
text |
The code denoting the severity of the subject event of the alert message. ['Extreme', 'Severe', 'Moderate', 'Minor', 'Unknown'] |
certainty |
text |
The code denoting the certainty of the subject event of the alert message. For backward compatibility with CAP 1.0, the deprecated value of “Very Likely” SHOULD be treated as equivalent to “Likely”. ['Likely', 'Possible', 'Unlikely', 'Unknown'] |
audience |
text |
The text describing the intended audience of the alert message. |
eventCode |
text |
A system-specific code identifying the event type of the alert message. |
effective |
datetime |
The effective time of the information of the alert message. |
onset |
datetime |
The expected time of the beginning of the subject event of the alert message. |
expires |
datetime |
The expiry time of the information of the alert message. |
senderName |
text |
The text naming the originator of the alert message. |
headline |
text |
The text headline of the alert message. |
description |
text |
The text describing the subject event of the alert message. |
instruction |
text |
The text describing the recommended action to be taken by recipients of the alert message. |
web |
link |
The identifier of the hyperlink associating additional information with the alert message. |
contact |
text |
The text describing the contact for follow-up and confirmation of the alert message. |
parameter |
text |
A system-specific additional parameter associated with the alert message. |
Common Alerting Protocol Version (CAP) resource object.
cap-resource is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
resourceDesc |
text |
The text describing the type and content of the resource file. |
mimeType |
mime-type |
The identifier of the MIME content type and sub-type describing the resource file. |
size |
text |
The integer indicating the size of the resource file. |
uri |
link |
The identifier of the hyperlink for the resource file. |
derefUri |
attachment |
The base-64 encoded data content of the resource file. |
digest |
sha1 |
The code representing the digital digest (“hash”) computed from the resource file (OPTIONAL). |
An address used in a cryptocurrency.
coin-address is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
address |
btc |
Bitcoin address used as a payment destination in a cryptocurrency |
address-xmr |
xmr |
Monero address used as a payment destination in a cryptocurrency |
symbol |
text |
The (uppercase) symbol of the cryptocurrency used. Symbol should be from ['BTC', 'ETH', 'BCH', 'XRP', 'MIOTA', 'DASH', 'BTG', 'LTC', 'ADA', 'XMR', 'ETC', 'NEO', 'NEM', 'EOS', 'XLM', 'BCC', 'LSK', 'OMG', 'QTUM', 'ZEC', 'USDT', 'HSR', 'STRAT', 'WAVES', 'PPT', 'ETN'] |
last-seen |
datetime |
Last time this payment destination address has been seen |
first-seen |
datetime |
First time this payment destination address has been seen |
last-updated |
datetime |
Last time the balances and totals have been updated |
current-balance |
float |
Current balance of address |
total-transactions |
text |
Total transactions performed |
total-received |
float |
Total balance received |
total-sent |
float |
Total balance sent |
text |
text |
Free text value |
Command functionalities related to specific commands executed by a program, whether it is malicious or not. Command-line are attached to this object for the related commands.
command is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
location |
text |
Location of the command functionality ['Bundled', 'Module', 'Libraries', 'Unknown'] |
trigger |
text |
How the commands are triggered ['Local', 'Network', 'Unknown'] |
description |
text |
Description of the command functionalities |
Command line and options related to a specific command executed by a program, whether it is malicious or not.
command-line is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
value |
text |
command code |
description |
text |
description of the command |
An HTTP cookie (web cookie, browser cookie) is a small piece of data that a server sends to the user’s web browser. The browser may store it and send it back with the next request to the same server. Typically, it’s used to tell if two requests came from the same browser — keeping a user logged-in, for example. It remembers stateful information for the stateless HTTP protocol. (as defined by the Mozilla foundation.
cookie is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
cookie |
cookie |
Full cookie |
cookie-name |
text |
Name of the cookie (if splitted) |
cookie-value |
text |
Value of the cookie (if splitted) |
text |
text |
A description of the cookie. |
type |
text |
Type of cookie and how it’s used in this specific object. ['Session management', 'Personalization', 'Tracking', 'Exfiltration', 'Malicious Payload', 'Beaconing'] |
Cortex object describing a complete cortex analysis. Observables would be attribute with a relationship from this object.
cortex is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
summary |
text |
Cortex summary object (summary) in JSON |
full |
text |
Cortex report object (full report) in JSON |
start-date |
datetime |
When the Cortex analyser was started |
name |
text |
Cortex analyser/worker name |
server-name |
text |
Name of the cortex server |
success |
boolean |
Result of the cortex job |
Cortex object describing an Cortex Taxonomy (or mini report).
cortex-taxonomy is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
namespace |
text |
Cortex Taxonomy Namespace |
predicate |
text |
Cortex Taxonomy Predicate |
value |
text |
Cortex Taxonomy Value |
level |
text |
Cortex Taxonomy Level ['info', 'safe', 'suspicious', 'malicious'] |
cortex_url |
link |
URL to the Cortex job |
An object describing a specific measure taken to prevent or respond to an attack.
course-of-action is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
name |
text |
The name used to identify the course of action. |
type |
text |
The type of the course of action. ['Perimeter Blocking', 'Internal Blocking', 'Redirection', 'Redirection (Honey Pot)', 'Hardening', 'Patching', 'Eradication', 'Rebuilding', 'Training', 'Monitoring', 'Physical Access Restrictions', 'Logical Access Restrictions', 'Public Disclosure', 'Diplomatic Actions', 'Policy Actions', 'Other'] |
description |
text |
A description of the course of action. |
objective |
text |
The objective of the course of action. |
stage |
text |
The stage of the threat management lifecycle that the course of action is applicable to. ['Remedy', 'Response', 'Further Analysis Required'] |
cost |
text |
The estimated cost of applying the course of action. ['High', 'Medium', 'Low', 'None', 'Unknown'] |
impact |
text |
The estimated impact of applying the course of action. ['High', 'Medium', 'Low', 'None', 'Unknown'] |
efficacy |
text |
The estimated efficacy of applying the course of action. ['High', 'Medium', 'Low', 'None', 'Unknown'] |
Cowrie honeypot object template.
cowrie is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
eventid |
text |
Eventid of the session in the cowrie honeypot |
system |
text |
System origin in cowrie honeypot |
username |
text |
Username related to the password(s) |
password |
text |
Password |
session |
text |
Session id |
timestamp |
datetime |
When the event happened |
message |
text |
Message of the cowrie honeypot |
protocol |
text |
Protocol used in the cowrie honeypot |
sensor |
text |
Cowrie sensor name |
src_ip |
ip-src |
Source IP address of the session |
dst_ip |
ip-dst |
Destination IP address of the session |
src_port |
port |
Source port of the session |
dst_port |
port |
Destination port of the session |
isError |
text |
isError |
input |
text |
Input of the session |
macCS |
text |
SSH MAC supported in the sesssion |
keyAlgs |
text |
SSH public-key algorithm supported in the session |
encCS |
text |
SSH symmetric encryption algorithm supported in the session |
compCS |
text |
SSH compression algorithm supported in the session |
Credential describes one or more credential(s) including password(s), api key(s) or decryption key(s).
credential is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
A description of the credential(s) |
username |
text |
Username related to the password(s) |
password |
text |
Password |
type |
text |
Type of password(s) ['password', 'api-key', 'encryption-key', 'unknown'] |
origin |
text |
Origin of the credential(s) ['bruteforce-scanning', 'malware-analysis', 'memory-analysis', 'network-analysis', 'leak', 'unknown'] |
format |
text |
Format of the password(s) ['clear-text', 'hashed', 'encrypted', 'unknown'] |
notification |
text |
Mention of any notification(s) towards the potential owner(s) of the credential(s) ['victim-notified', 'service-notified', 'none'] |
A payment card like credit card, debit card or any similar cards which can be used for financial transactions.
credit-card is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
iin |
text |
International Issuer Number (First eight digits of the credit card number |
bank_name |
text |
Name of the bank which have issued the card |
version |
text |
Version of the card. |
comment |
comment |
A description of the card. |
card-security-code |
text |
Card security code (CSC, CVD, CVV, CVC and SPC) as embossed or printed on the card. |
name |
text |
Name of the card owner. |
issued |
datetime |
Initial date of validity or issued date. |
expiration |
datetime |
Maximum date of validity |
cc-number |
cc-number |
credit-card number as encoded on the card. |
DDoS object describes a current DDoS activity from a specific or/and to a specific target. Type of DDoS can be attached to the object as a taxonomy.
ddos is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
total-bps |
counter |
Bits per second |
text |
text |
Description of the DDoS |
domain-dst |
domain |
Destination domain (victim) |
ip-dst |
ip-dst |
Destination IP (victim) |
ip-src |
ip-src |
IP address originating the attack |
dst-port |
port |
Destination port of the attack |
src-port |
port |
Port originating the attack |
first-seen |
datetime |
Beginning of the attack |
protocol |
text |
Protocol used for the attack ['TCP', 'UDP', 'ICMP', 'IP'] |
total-pps |
counter |
Packets per second |
last-seen |
datetime |
End of the attack |
An object to define a device.
device is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
description |
text |
Description of the Device |
name |
text |
Name of the Device |
alias |
text |
Alias of the Device |
device-type |
text |
Type of the device ['PC', 'Mobile', 'Laptop', 'HID', 'TV', 'IoT', 'Hardware', 'Other'] |
OS |
text |
OS of the device |
version |
text |
Version of the device/ OS |
ip-address |
ip-src |
Device IP address |
dns-name |
text |
Device DNS Name |
MAC-address |
mac-address |
Device MAC address |
analysis-date |
datetime |
Date of device analysis |
attachment |
attachment |
An attachment |
Attack as seen on diameter authentication against a GSM, UMTS or LTE network.
diameter-attack is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
category |
text |
Category. ['Cat0', 'Cat1', 'Cat2', 'Cat3', 'CatSMS'] |
ApplicationId |
text |
Application-ID is used to identify for which Diameter application the message is applicable. Application-ID is a decimal representation. |
SessionId |
text |
Session-ID. |
CmdCode |
text |
A decimal representation of the diameter Command Code. |
Origin-Host |
text |
Origin-Host. |
Destination-Host |
text |
Destination-Host. |
Origin-Realm |
text |
Origin-Realm. |
Destination-Realm |
text |
Destination-Realm. |
Username |
text |
Username (in this case, usually the IMSI). |
IdrFlags |
text |
IDR-Flags. |
text |
text |
A description of the attack seen. |
first-seen |
datetime |
When the attack has been seen for the first time. |
A set of dns records observed for a specific domain.
dns-record is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
A description of the records |
queried-domain |
domain |
Domain name |
a-record |
ip-dst |
IP Address sassociated with A Records |
mx-record |
domain |
Domain associated with MX Record |
ns-record |
domain |
Domain associated with NS Records |
A domain and IP address seen as a tuple in a specific time frame.
domain-ip is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
A description of the tuple |
last-seen |
datetime |
Last time the tuple has been seen |
first-seen |
datetime |
First time the tuple has been seen |
registration-date |
datetime |
Registration date of domain |
domain |
domain |
Domain name |
ip |
ip-dst |
IP Address |
Object describing a Executable and Linkable Format.
elf is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
entrypoint-address |
text |
Address of the entry point |
type |
text |
number-sections |
counter |
Number of sections |
arch |
text |
Architecture of the ELF file ['None', 'M32', 'SPARC', 'i386', 'ARCH_68K', 'ARCH_88K', 'IAMCU', 'ARCH_860', 'MIPS', 'S370', 'MIPS_RS3_LE', 'PARISC', 'VPP500', 'SPARC32PLUS', 'ARCH_960', 'PPC', 'PPC64', 'S390', 'SPU', 'V800', 'FR20', 'RH32', 'RCE', 'ARM', 'ALPHA', 'SH', 'SPARCV9', 'TRICORE', 'ARC', 'H8_300', 'H8_300H', 'H8S', 'H8_500', 'IA_64', 'MIPS_X', 'COLDFIRE', 'ARCH_68HC12', 'MMA', 'PCP', 'NCPU', 'NDR1', 'STARCORE', 'ME16', 'ST100', 'TINYJ', 'x86_64', 'PDSP', 'PDP10', 'PDP11', 'FX66', 'ST9PLUS', 'ST7', 'ARCH_68HC16', 'ARCH_68HC11', 'ARCH_68HC08', 'ARCH_68HC05', 'SVX', 'ST19', 'VAX', 'CRIS', 'JAVELIN', 'FIREPATH', 'ZSP', 'MMIX', 'HUANY', 'PRISM', 'AVR', 'FR30', 'D10V', 'D30V', 'V850', 'M32R', 'MN10300', 'MN10200', 'PJ', 'OPENRISC', 'ARC_COMPACT', 'XTENSA', 'VIDEOCORE', 'TMM_GPP', 'NS32K', 'TPC', 'SNP1K', 'ST200', 'IP2K', 'MAX', 'CR', 'F2MC16', 'MSP430', 'BLACKFIN', 'SE_C33', 'SEP', 'ARCA', 'UNICORE', 'EXCESS', 'DXP', 'ALTERA_NIOS2', 'CRX', 'XGATE', 'C166', 'M16C', 'DSPIC30F', 'CE', 'M32C', 'TSK3000', 'RS08', 'SHARC', 'ECOG2', 'SCORE7', 'DSP24', 'VIDEOCORE3', 'LATTICEMICO32', 'SE_C17', 'TI_C6000', 'TI_C2000', 'TI_C5500', 'MMDSP_PLUS', 'CYPRESS_M8C', 'R32C', 'TRIMEDIA', 'HEXAGON', 'ARCH_8051', 'STXP7X', 'NDS32', 'ECOG1', 'ECOG1X', 'MAXQ30', 'XIMO16', 'MANIK', 'CRAYNV2', 'RX', 'METAG', 'MCST_ELBRUS', 'ECOG16', 'CR16', 'ETPU', 'SLE9X', 'L10M', 'K10M', 'AARCH64', 'AVR32', 'STM8', 'TILE64', 'TILEPRO', 'CUDA', 'TILEGX', 'CLOUDSHIELD', 'COREA_1ST', 'COREA_2ND', 'ARC_COMPACT2', 'OPEN8', 'RL78', 'VIDEOCORE5', 'ARCH_78KOR', 'ARCH_56800EX', 'BA1', 'BA2', 'XCORE', 'MCHP_PIC', 'INTEL205', 'INTEL206', 'INTEL207', 'INTEL208', 'INTEL209', 'KM32', 'KMX32', 'KMX16', 'KMX8', 'KVARC', 'CDP', 'COGE', 'COOL', 'NORC', 'CSR_KALIMBA', 'AMDGPU'] |
os_abi |
text |
Header operating system application binary interface (ABI) ['AIX', 'ARM', 'AROS', 'C6000_ELFABI', 'C6000_LINUX', 'CLOUDABI', 'FENIXOS', 'FREEBSD', 'GNU', 'HPUX', 'HURD', 'IRIX', 'MODESTO', 'NETBSD', 'NSK', 'OPENBSD', 'OPENVMS', 'SOLARIS', 'STANDALONE', 'SYSTEMV', 'TRU64'] |
text |
text |
Free text value to attach to the ELF |
Object describing a section of an Executable and Linkable Format.
elf-section is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
md5 |
md5 |
[Insecure] MD5 hash (128 bits) |
sha1 |
sha1 |
[Insecure] Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (160 bits) |
sha224 |
sha224 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (224 bits) |
sha256 |
sha256 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (256 bits) |
sha384 |
sha384 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (384 bits) |
sha512 |
sha512 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (512 bits) |
sha512/224 |
sha512/224 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (224 bits) |
sha512/256 |
sha512/256 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (256 bits) |
ssdeep |
ssdeep |
Fuzzy hash using context triggered piecewise hashes (CTPH) |
entropy |
float |
Entropy of the whole section |
name |
text |
Name of the section |
size-in-bytes |
size-in-bytes |
Size of the section, in bytes |
text |
text |
Free text value to attach to the section |
type |
text |
flag |
text |
Email object describing an email with meta-information.
email is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
reply-to |
email-reply-to |
Email address the reply will be sent to |
message-id |
email-message-id |
Message ID |
to |
email-dst |
Destination email address |
cc |
email-dst |
Carbon copy |
to-display-name |
email-dst-display-name |
Display name of the receiver |
subject |
email-subject |
Subject |
screenshot |
attachment |
Screenshot of email |
attachment |
email-attachment |
Attachment |
received-header-ip |
ip-src |
Extracted IP address from parsed headers |
received-header-hostname |
hostname |
Extracted hostname from parsed headers |
x-mailer |
email-x-mailer |
X-Mailer generally tells the program that was used to draft and send the original email |
header |
email-header |
Full headers |
send-date |
datetime |
Date the email has been sent |
mime-boundary |
email-mime-boundary |
MIME Boundary |
thread-index |
email-thread-index |
Identifies a particular conversation thread |
from |
email-src |
Sender email address |
return-path |
email-src |
Message return path |
from-display-name |
email-src-display-name |
Display name of the sender |
email-body |
email-body |
Body of the email |
user-agent |
text |
User Agent of the sender |
eml |
attachment |
Full EML |
An employee and related data points.
employee is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
A description of the person or identity. |
last-name |
last-name |
Last name Employee |
first-name |
first-name |
First name of Employee |
email-address |
target-email |
Employee Email Address |
userid |
target-user |
EMployee user identification |
primary-asset |
target-machine |
Asset tag of the primary asset assigned to employee |
business-unit |
target-org |
the organizational business unit associated with the employee |
employee-type |
text |
type of employee ['Mid-Level Manager', 'Senior Manager', 'Non-Manager', 'Supervisor', 'First-Line Manager', 'Director'] |
Exploit-poc object describing a proof of concept or exploit of a vulnerability. This object has often a relationship with a vulnerability object.
exploit-poc is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
description |
text |
Description of the exploit - proof of concept |
vulnerable_configuration |
text |
The vulnerable configuration described in CPE format where the exploit/proof of concept is valid |
author |
text |
Author of the exploit - proof of concept |
references |
link |
External references |
poc |
attachment |
Proof of Concept or exploit (as a script, binary or described process) |
An object which describes a facial composite.
facial-composite is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
A description of the facial composite. |
technique |
text |
Construction technique of the facial composite. ['E-FIT', 'PROfit', 'Sketch', 'Photofit', 'EvoFIT', 'PortraitPad'] |
facial-composite |
attachment |
Facial composite image. |
Fail2ban event.
fail2ban is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
banned-ip |
ip-src |
IP Address banned by fail2ban |
processing-timestamp |
datetime |
Timestamp of the report |
attack-type |
text |
Type of the attack |
failures |
counter |
Amount of failures that lead to the ban. |
sensor |
text |
Identifier of the sensor |
victim |
text |
Identifier of the victim |
logline |
text |
Example log line that caused the ban. |
logfile |
attachment |
Full logfile related to the attack. |
File object describing a file with meta-information.
file is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
md5 |
md5 |
[Insecure] MD5 hash (128 bits) |
sha1 |
sha1 |
[Insecure] Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (160 bits) |
sha224 |
sha224 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (224 bits) |
sha256 |
sha256 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (256 bits) |
sha384 |
sha384 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (384 bits) |
sha512 |
sha512 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (512 bits) |
sha512/224 |
sha512/224 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (224 bits) |
sha512/256 |
sha512/256 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (256 bits) |
ssdeep |
ssdeep |
Fuzzy hash using context triggered piecewise hashes (CTPH) |
authentihash |
authentihash |
Authenticode executable signature hash |
size-in-bytes |
size-in-bytes |
Size of the file, in bytes |
entropy |
float |
Entropy of the whole file |
pattern-in-file |
pattern-in-file |
Pattern that can be found in the file |
text |
text |
Free text value to attach to the file |
malware-sample |
malware-sample |
The file itself (binary) |
attachment |
attachment |
A non-malicious file. |
filename |
filename |
Filename on disk |
path |
text |
Path of the filename complete or partial |
fullpath |
text |
Complete path of the filename including the filename |
tlsh |
tlsh |
Fuzzy hash by Trend Micro: Locality Sensitive Hash |
certificate |
x509-fingerprint-sha1 |
Certificate value if the binary is signed with another authentication scheme than authenticode |
mimetype |
mime-type |
Mime type |
state |
text |
State of the file ['Malicious', 'Harmless', 'Signed', 'Revoked', 'Expired', 'Trusted'] |
file-encoding |
text |
Encoding format of the file ['Adobe-Standard-Encoding', 'Adobe-Symbol-Encoding', 'Amiga-1251', 'ANSI_X3.110-1983', 'ASMO_449', 'Big5', 'Big5-HKSCS', 'BOCU-1', 'BRF', 'BS_4730', 'BS_viewdata', 'CESU-8', 'CP50220', 'CP51932', 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-1', 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-2', 'CSA_Z243.4-1985-gr', 'CSN_369103', 'DEC-MCS', 'DIN_66003', 'dk-us', 'DS_2089', 'EBCDIC-AT-DE', 'EBCDIC-AT-DE-A', 'EBCDIC-CA-FR', 'EBCDIC-DK-NO', 'EBCDIC-DK-NO-A', 'EBCDIC-ES', 'EBCDIC-ES-A', 'EBCDIC-ES-S', 'EBCDIC-FI-SE', 'EBCDIC-FI-SE-A', 'EBCDIC-FR', 'EBCDIC-IT', 'EBCDIC-PT', 'EBCDIC-UK', 'EBCDIC-US', 'ECMA-cyrillic', 'ES', 'ES2', 'EUC-KR', 'Extended_UNIX_Code_Fixed_Width_for_Japanese', 'Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese', 'GB18030', 'GB_1988-80', 'GB2312', 'GB_2312-80', 'GBK', 'GOST_19768-74', 'greek7', 'greek7-old', 'greek-ccitt', 'HP-DeskTop', 'HP-Legal', 'HP-Math8', 'HP-Pi-font', 'hp-roman8', 'HZ-GB-2312', 'IBM00858', 'IBM00924', 'IBM01140', 'IBM01141', 'IBM01142', 'IBM01143', 'IBM01144', 'IBM01145', 'IBM01146', 'IBM01147', 'IBM01148', 'IBM01149', 'IBM037', 'IBM038', 'IBM1026', 'IBM1047', 'IBM273', 'IBM274', 'IBM275', 'IBM277', 'IBM278', 'IBM280', 'IBM281', 'IBM284', 'IBM285', 'IBM290', 'IBM297', 'IBM420', 'IBM423', 'IBM424', 'IBM437', 'IBM500', 'IBM775', 'IBM850', 'IBM851', 'IBM852', 'IBM855', 'IBM857', 'IBM860', 'IBM861', 'IBM862', 'IBM863', 'IBM864', 'IBM865', 'IBM866', 'IBM868', 'IBM869', 'IBM870', 'IBM871', 'IBM880', 'IBM891', 'IBM903', 'IBM904', 'IBM905', 'IBM918', 'IBM-Symbols', 'IBM-Thai', 'IEC_P27-1', 'INIS', 'INIS-8', 'INIS-cyrillic', 'INVARIANT', 'ISO_10367-box', 'ISO-10646-J-1', 'ISO-10646-UCS-2', 'ISO-10646-UCS-4', 'ISO-10646-UCS-Basic', 'ISO-10646-Unicode-Latin1', 'ISO-10646-UTF-1', 'ISO-11548-1', 'ISO-2022-CN', 'ISO-2022-CN-EXT', 'ISO-2022-JP', 'ISO-2022-JP-2', 'ISO-2022-KR', 'ISO_2033-1983', 'ISO_5427', 'ISO_5427:1981', 'ISO_5428:1980', 'ISO_646.basic:1983', 'ISO_646.irv:1983', 'ISO_6937-2-25', 'ISO_6937-2-add', 'ISO-8859-10', 'ISO_8859-1:1987', 'ISO-8859-13', 'ISO-8859-14', 'ISO-8859-15', 'ISO-8859-16', 'ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.0-Latin-1', 'ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1', 'ISO_8859-2:1987', 'ISO-8859-2-Windows-Latin-2', 'ISO_8859-3:1988', 'ISO_8859-4:1988', 'ISO_8859-5:1988', 'ISO_8859-6:1987', 'ISO_8859-6-E', 'ISO_8859-6-I', 'ISO_8859-7:1987', 'ISO_8859-8:1988', 'ISO_8859-8-E', 'ISO_8859-8-I', 'ISO_8859-9:1989', 'ISO-8859-9-Windows-Latin-5', 'ISO_8859-supp', 'iso-ir-90', 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1261', 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1264', 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1265', 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1268', 'ISO-Unicode-IBM-1276', 'IT', 'JIS_C6220-1969-jp', 'JIS_C6220-1969-ro', 'JIS_C6226-1978', 'JIS_C6226-1983', 'JIS_C6229-1984-a', 'JIS_C6229-1984-b', 'JIS_C6229-1984-b-add', 'JIS_C6229-1984-hand', 'JIS_C6229-1984-hand-add', 'JIS_C6229-1984-kana', 'JIS_Encoding', 'JIS_X0201', 'JIS_X0212-1990', 'JUS_I.B1.002', 'JUS_I.B1.003-mac', 'JUS_I.B1.003-serb', 'KOI7-switched', 'KOI8-R', 'KOI8-U', 'KS_C_5601-1987', 'KSC5636', 'KZ-1048', 'latin-greek', 'Latin-greek-1', 'latin-lap', 'macintosh', 'Microsoft-Publishing', 'MNEM', 'MNEMONIC', 'MSZ_7795.3', 'Name', 'NATS-DANO', 'NATS-DANO-ADD', 'NATS-SEFI', 'NATS-SEFI-ADD', 'NC_NC00-10:81', 'NF_Z_62-010', 'NF_Z_62-010_(1973)', 'NS_4551-1', 'NS_4551-2', 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF03_IRV', 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_1', 'OSD_EBCDIC_DF04_15', 'PC8-Danish-Norwegian', 'PC8-Turkish', 'PT', 'PT2', 'PTCP154', 'SCSU', 'SEN_850200_B', 'SEN_850200_C', 'Shift_JIS', 'T.101-G2', 'T.61-7bit', 'T.61-8bit', 'TIS-620', 'TSCII', 'UNICODE-1-1', 'UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7', 'UNKNOWN-8BIT', 'US-ASCII', 'us-dk', 'UTF-16', 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-32', 'UTF-32BE', 'UTF-32LE', 'UTF-7', 'UTF-8', 'Ventura-International', 'Ventura-Math', 'Ventura-US', 'videotex-suppl', 'VIQR', 'VISCII', 'windows-1250', 'windows-1251', 'windows-1252', 'windows-1253', 'windows-1254', 'windows-1255', 'windows-1256', 'windows-1257', 'windows-1258', 'Windows-31J', 'windows-874'] |
An object template to describe a digital forensic case.
forensic-case is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
case-number |
text |
Any unique number assigned to the case for unique identification. |
case-name |
text |
Name to address the case. |
name-of-the-analyst |
text |
Name(s) of the analyst assigned to the case. |
references |
link |
External references |
analysis-start-date |
datetime |
Date when the analysis began. |
additional-comments |
text |
Comments. |
An object template to describe a digital forensic evidence.
forensic-evidence is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
case-number |
text |
A unique number assigned to the case for unique identification. |
evidence-number |
text |
A unique number assigned to the evidence for unique identification. |
type |
text |
Evidence type. ['Computer', 'Network', 'Mobile Device', 'Multimedia', 'Cloud', 'IoT', 'Other'] |
name |
text |
Name of the evidence acquired. |
acquisition-method |
text |
Method used for acquisition of the evidence. ['Live acquisition', 'Dead/Offline acquisition', 'Physical collection', 'Logical collection', 'File system extraction', 'Chip-off', 'Other'] |
acquisition-tools |
text |
Tools used for acquisition of the evidence. ['dd', 'dc3dd', 'dcfldd', 'EnCase', 'FTK Imager', 'FDAS', 'TrueBack', 'Guymager', 'IXimager', 'Other'] |
references |
link |
External references |
additional-comments |
text |
Comments. |
An object to describe a geographic location.
geolocation is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
first-seen |
datetime |
When the location was seen for the first time. |
last-seen |
datetime |
When the location was seen for the last time. |
text |
text |
A generic description of the location. |
latitude |
float |
The latitude is the decimal value of the latitude in the World Geodetic System 84 (WGS84) reference. |
longitude |
float |
The longitude is the decimal value of the longitude in the World Geodetic System 84 (WGS84) reference |
altitude |
float |
The altitude is the decimal value of the altitude in the World Geodetic System 84 (WGS84) reference. |
address |
text |
Address. |
zipcode |
text |
Zip Code. |
city |
text |
City. |
region |
text |
Region. |
accuracy-radius |
float |
The approximate accuracy radius, in kilometers, around the latitude and longitude for the geographical entity (country, subdivision, city or postal code) associated with the related object. (based on geoip2 accuracy of maxmind) |
country |
text |
Country. |
epsg |
text |
EPSG Geodetic Parameter value. This is an integer value of the EPSG. |
spacial-reference |
text |
Default spacial or projection refence for this object. ['WGS84 EPSG:4326', 'Mercator EPSG:3857'] |
GTP attack object as seen on a GSM, UMTS or LTE network.
gtp-attack is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
GtpServingNetwork |
text |
GTP Serving Network. |
GtpImei |
text |
GTP IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity). |
GtpMsisdn |
text |
GtpImsi |
text |
GTP IMSI (International mobile subscriber identity). |
GtpInterface |
text |
GTP interface. ['S5', 'S11', 'S10', 'S8', 'Gn', 'Gp'] |
GtpMessageType |
text |
GTP defines a set of messages between two associated GSNs or an SGSN and an RNC. Message type is described as a decimal value. |
PortDest |
text |
Destination port. |
PortSrc |
port |
Source port. |
ipDest |
ip-dst |
IP destination address. |
ipSrc |
ip-src |
IP source address. |
GtpVersion |
text |
GTP version ['0', '1', '2'] |
text |
text |
A description of the GTP attack. |
first-seen |
datetime |
When the attack has been seen for the first time. |
A single HTTP request header.
http-request is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
HTTP Request comment |
basicauth-password |
text |
HTTP Basic Authentication Password |
basicauth-user |
text |
HTTP Basic Authentication Username |
content-type |
other |
The MIME type of the body of the request |
cookie |
text |
An HTTP cookie previously sent by the server with Set-Cookie |
host |
hostname |
The domain name of the server |
ip |
ip-dst |
The IP address of the server |
method |
http-method |
referer |
other |
This is the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed |
proxy-password |
text |
HTTP Proxy Password |
proxy-user |
text |
HTTP Proxy Username |
uri |
uri |
Request URI |
url |
url |
Full HTTP Request URL |
user-agent |
user-agent |
The user agent string of the user agent |
Institut Luxembourgeois de Regulation - Impact.
ilr-impact is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
service |
text |
Service impacte par l’incident ['Telephonie fixe', 'Acces Internet fixe', 'Telephonie mobile', 'Acces Internet mobile'] |
nombre-utilisateurs-touches |
text |
Nombre d’utilisateurs touches par l’incident |
pourcentage-utilisateurs-touches |
text |
Pourcentage d’utilisateurs du service touches par l’incident |
duree |
text |
Duree de l’incident en hh : mm |
Institut Luxembourgeois de Regulation - Notification d’incident.
ilr-notification-incident is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
Nom entreprise |
text |
Nom de l’entreprise notifiee |
date-incident |
datetime |
Date/heure de la detection de l’incident: |
date-pre-notification |
text |
Date de la pre-notification |
impact-servicesw-urgence |
text |
Services d’urgences impactes ? ['Oui', 'Non'] |
description-probleme-services-urgence |
text |
Description du probleme sur les services d’urgences impactes |
delimitation-geographique |
text |
Delimitation geographique ['Nationale', 'Regionale'] |
zone-impactee |
text |
zones/communes/villes impactees |
details-service |
text |
Details relatifs au service concerne et a l’impact de l’incident |
cause-initiale-incident |
text |
Cause initiale de l’incident ['rreur humaine', "Defaut systeme 'hardware', 'software', 'procedures'", 'Attaque malveillante', 'Defaut d’une partie tierce ou externe', 'Catastrophe naturelle'] |
autres-informations |
text |
Autres informations concernant la nature de l’incident notamment la liste des actifs affectes et les causes subsequentes eventuelles, declenches par la cause initiale |
description-incident |
text |
Description generale de l’incident |
traitement-incident |
text |
Traitement de l’incident et actions effectuees en ordre chronologique |
actions-posterieur |
text |
Actions posterieures de l’incident pour minimiser le risque |
interconnections-affectees |
text |
Interconnections nationales et/ou internationales affectees |
actions-corrective |
text |
Actions correctives a long terme |
remarques |
text |
Remarque(s), notamment les experiences gagnees et les leçons tirees de l’incident |
nom-contact-incident |
text |
Nom de la personne de contact en rapport avec l’incident |
telephone-contact-incident |
text |
Telephone de la personne de contact en rapport avec l’incident |
email-contact-incident |
text |
Email de la personne de contact en rapport avec l’incident |
Represent an impersonating account.
impersonation is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
type-of-account |
text |
Type of the impersonated account ['Twitter', 'Facebook', 'LinkedIn', 'Reddit', 'Google+', 'Instagram', 'Forum', 'Other'] |
account-url |
url |
url of the impersonating account |
account-name |
text |
Name of the impersonating account |
impersonated-account-url |
link |
url of the impersonated account |
impersonated-account-name |
text |
Name of the impersonated account |
real-name |
text |
Real name of the impersonated person or entity |
type |
text |
Type of the account ['Person', 'Association', 'Enterprise', 'Other'] |
objective |
text |
Objective of the impersonation ['Information stealing', 'Disinformation', 'Distrusting', 'Advertising', 'Parody', 'Other'] |
IMSI Catcher entry object based on the open source IMSI cather.
imsi-catcher is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
imsi |
text |
A usually unique International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) is allocated to each mobile subscriber in the GSM/UMTS/EPS system. IMSI can also refer to International Mobile Station Identity in the ITU nomenclature. |
tmsi-1 |
text |
Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identities (TMSI) to visiting mobile subscribers can be allocated. |
tmsi-2 |
text |
Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identities (TMSI) to visiting mobile subscribers can be allocated. |
country |
text |
Country where the IMSI is registered. |
brand |
text |
Brand associated with the IMSI registration. |
operator |
text |
Operator associated with the IMSI registration. |
mcc |
text |
MCC - Mobile Country Code |
mnc |
text |
MNC - Mobile Network Code |
lac |
text |
LAC - Location Area Code |
cellid |
text |
CellID |
text |
text |
A description of the IMSI record. |
first-seen |
datetime |
When the IMSI has been accessible or seen for the first time. |
seq |
counter |
A sequence number for the collection |
Internal reference.
internal-reference is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
identifier |
text |
Identifier of the reference. Should be unique in your system. |
comment |
comment |
Comment associated to the identifier. |
type |
text |
Type of internal reference. |
link |
link |
Link associated to the identifier. |
An object which describes a Interpol notice.
interpol-notice is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
notice-color |
text |
The color/type of the notice ['Red', 'Yellow', 'Blue', 'Black', 'Green', 'Orange', 'Purple'] |
present-family-name |
last-name |
Last name of a natural person. |
forename |
first-name |
First name of a natural person. |
alias |
text |
Alias name or known as. |
father-s-family-name-&-forename |
text |
Father’s family name & forename. |
mother-s-family-name-&-forename |
text |
Mother’s family name & forename. |
date-of-birth |
date-of-birth |
Date of birth of a natural person (in YYYY-MM-DD format). |
place-of-birth |
place-of-birth |
Place of birth of a natural person. |
sex |
gender |
The gender of a natural person. ['Male', 'Female', 'Other', 'Prefer not to say'] |
nationality |
nationality |
The nationality of a natural person. |
language-spoken |
text |
Languages spoken by a person. |
charges |
text |
Charges published as provided by requesting entity |
date-of-disappearance |
text |
Date of disappearance of a missing person. |
place-of-disappearance |
text |
Place of birth of a natural person. |
height |
text |
Height of a person. |
weight |
text |
weight of a person. |
colour-of-hair |
text |
Description of a person’s colour of hair. |
colour-of-eyes |
text |
Description of a person’s colour of eyes. |
distinguishing-marks-and-characteristics |
text |
Distinguishing marks and characteristics of a person. |
portrait |
attachment |
Portrait of the person. |
IP Address information. Useful if you are pulling your ip information from
ip-api-address is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
ip-src |
ip-src |
Source IP address of the network connection. |
asn |
AS |
Autonomous System Number |
organization |
text |
organization |
text |
ISP. |
zipcode |
text |
Zip Code. |
city |
text |
City. |
state |
text |
State. |
country |
text |
Country name |
country code |
text |
Country code |
region |
text |
Region. example: California. |
region code |
text |
Region code. example: CA |
latitude |
float |
The latitude is the decimal value of the latitude in the World Geodetic System 84 (WGS84) reference. |
longitude |
float |
The longitude is the decimal value of the longitude in the World Geodetic System 84 (WGS84) reference |
first-seen |
datetime |
First time the ASN was seen |
last-seen |
datetime |
Last time the ASN was seen |
An IP address (or domain or hostname) and a port seen as a tuple (or as a triple) in a specific time frame.
ip-port is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
Description of the tuple |
last-seen |
datetime |
Last time the tuple has been seen |
first-seen |
datetime |
First time the tuple has been seen |
src-port |
port |
Source port |
dst-port |
port |
Destination port |
domain |
domain |
Domain |
hostname |
hostname |
Hostname |
ip |
ip-dst |
IP Address |
ip-src |
ip-src |
source IP address |
ip-dst |
ip-dst |
destination IP address |
An IRC object to describe an IRC server and the associated channels.
irc is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
Description of the IRC server |
last-seen |
datetime |
Last time the IRC server with the associated channels has been seen |
first-seen |
datetime |
First time the IRC server with the associated channels has been seen |
dst-port |
port |
Destination port to reach the IRC server |
channel |
text |
IRC channel associated to the IRC server |
nickname |
text |
IRC nickname used to connect to the associated IRC server and channels |
hostname |
hostname |
Hostname of the IRC server |
ip |
ip-dst |
IP address of the IRC server |
JA3 is a new technique for creating SSL client fingerprints that are easy to produce and can be easily shared for threat intelligence. Fingerprints are composed of Client Hello packet; SSL Version, Accepted Ciphers, List of Extensions, Elliptic Curves, and Elliptic Curve Formats.
ja3 is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
ja3-fingerprint-md5 |
ja3-fingerprint-md5 |
Hash identifying source |
description |
text |
Type of detected software ie software, malware |
ip-src |
ip-src |
Source IP Address |
ip-dst |
ip-dst |
Destination IP address |
first-seen |
datetime |
First seen of the SSL/TLS handshake |
last-seen |
datetime |
Last seen of the SSL/TLS handshake |
An object to describe a legal entity.
legal-entity is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
A description of the entity. |
name |
text |
Name of an entity. |
commercial-name |
text |
Commercial name of an entity. |
legal-form |
text |
Legal form of an entity. |
registration-number |
text |
Registration number of an entity in the relevant authority. |
business |
text |
Business area of an entity. |
phone-number |
phone-number |
Phone number of an entity. |
LNK object describing a Windows LNK binary file (aka Windows shortcut).
lnk is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
md5 |
md5 |
[Insecure] MD5 hash (128 bits) |
sha1 |
sha1 |
[Insecure] Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (160 bits) |
sha224 |
sha224 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (224 bits) |
sha256 |
sha256 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (256 bits) |
sha384 |
sha384 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (384 bits) |
sha512 |
sha512 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (512 bits) |
sha512/224 |
sha512/224 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (224 bits) |
sha512/256 |
sha512/256 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (256 bits) |
ssdeep |
ssdeep |
Fuzzy hash using context triggered piecewise hashes (CTPH) |
size-in-bytes |
size-in-bytes |
Size of the LNK file, in bytes |
entropy |
float |
Entropy of the whole file |
pattern-in-file |
pattern-in-file |
Pattern that can be found in the file |
text |
text |
Free text value to attach to the file |
malware-sample |
malware-sample |
The LNK file itself (binary) |
filename |
filename |
Filename on disk |
path |
text |
Path of the LNK filename complete or partial |
fullpath |
text |
Complete path of the LNK filename including the filename |
tlsh |
tlsh |
Fuzzy hash by Trend Micro: Locality Sensitive Hash |
state |
text |
State of the LNK file ['Malicious', 'Harmless', 'Trusted'] |
lnk-creation-time |
datetime |
Creation time of the LNK |
lnk-modification-time |
datetime |
Modification time of the LNK |
lnk-access-time |
datetime |
Access time of the LNK |
lnk-file-size |
size-in-bytes |
Size of the target file, in bytes |
lnk-icon-index |
text |
Icon index |
lnk-show-window-value |
text |
Show Window value |
lnk-hot-key-value |
text |
Hot Key value |
lnk-file-attribute-flags |
text |
File attribute flags |
lnk-drive-type |
text |
Drive type |
lnk-drive-serial-number |
text |
Drive serial number |
lnk-volume-label |
text |
Volume label |
lnk-local-path |
text |
Local path |
lnk-description |
text |
LNK description |
lnk-relative-path |
text |
Relative path |
lnk-working-directory |
text |
LNK working path |
lnk-command-line-arguments |
text |
LNK command line arguments |
machine-identifier |
text |
Machine identifier |
droid-volume-identifier |
text |
Droid volume identifier |
droid-file-identifier |
text |
Droid file identifier (UUIDv1 where MAC can be extracted) |
birth-droid-volume-identifier |
text |
Droid volume identifier |
birth-droid-file-identifier |
text |
Birth droid volume identifier (UUIDv1 where MAC can be extracted) |
Object describing a file in Mach-O format.
macho is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
entrypoint-address |
text |
Address of the entry point |
type |
text |
number-sections |
counter |
Number of sections |
name |
text |
Binary’s name |
text |
text |
Free text value to attach to the Mach-O file |
Object describing a section of a file in Mach-O format.
macho-section is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
md5 |
md5 |
[Insecure] MD5 hash (128 bits) |
sha1 |
sha1 |
[Insecure] Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (160 bits) |
sha224 |
sha224 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (224 bits) |
sha256 |
sha256 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (256 bits) |
sha384 |
sha384 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (384 bits) |
sha512 |
sha512 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (512 bits) |
sha512/224 |
sha512/224 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (224 bits) |
sha512/256 |
sha512/256 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (256 bits) |
ssdeep |
ssdeep |
Fuzzy hash using context triggered piecewise hashes (CTPH) |
entropy |
float |
Entropy of the whole section |
name |
text |
Name of the section |
size-in-bytes |
size-in-bytes |
Size of the section, in bytes |
text |
text |
Free text value to attach to the section |
Mactime template, used in forensic investigations to describe the timeline of a file activity.
mactime-timeline-analysis is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
file-path |
text |
Location of the file on the disc |
datetime |
datetime |
Date and time when the operation was conducted on the file |
file_size |
text |
Determines the file size in bytes |
activityType |
text |
Determines the type of activity conducted on the file at a given time ['Accessed', 'Created', 'Changed', 'Modified', 'Other'] |
filePermissions |
text |
Describes permissions assigned the file |
file |
attachment |
Mactime output file |
Malware configuration recovered or extracted from a malicious binary.
malware-config is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
config |
text |
Raw (decrypted, decoded) text of the malware configuration. |
format |
text |
Original format of the malware configuration. ['JSON', 'yaml', 'INI', 'other'] |
encrypted |
text |
Encrypted or encoded text of the malware configuration in base64. |
password |
text |
Password or encryption key used to encrypt the malware configuration. |
last-seen |
datetime |
When the malware configuration has been seen for the last time. |
first-seen |
datetime |
When the malware configuration has been seen for the first time. |
Microblog post like a Twitter tweet or a post on a Facebook wall.
microblog is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
post |
text |
Raw post |
url |
url |
Original URL location of the microblog post (potentially malicious) |
link |
link |
Original link into the microblog post (Supposed harmless) |
type |
text |
Type of the microblog post ['Twitter', 'Facebook', 'LinkedIn', 'Reddit', 'Google+', 'Instagram', 'Forum', 'Other'] |
state |
text |
State of the microblog post ['Informative', 'Malicious', 'Unknown'] |
username |
text |
Username who posted the microblog post (without the @ prefix) |
creation-date |
datetime |
Initial creation of the microblog post |
modification-date |
datetime |
Last update of the microblog post |
embedded-link |
url |
Link into the microblog post |
removal-date |
datetime |
When the microblog post was removed |
username-quoted |
text |
Username who are quoted into the microblog post |
hashtag |
text |
Hashtag into the microblog post |
Object to describe mutual exclusion locks (mutex) as seen in memory or computer program.
mutex is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
description |
text |
Description |
operating-system |
text |
Operating system where the mutex has been seen ['Windows', 'Unix'] |
name |
text |
name of the mutex |
Netflow object describes an network object based on the Netflowv5/v9 minimal definition.
netflow is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
ip-dst |
ip-dst |
IP address destination of the netflow |
ip-src |
ip-src |
IP address source of the netflow |
dst-port |
port |
Destination port of the netflow |
src-port |
port |
Source port of the netflow |
tcp-flags |
text |
TCP flags of the flow |
icmp-type |
text |
ICMP type of the flow (if the traffic is ICMP) |
ip-protocol-number |
size-in-bytes |
IP protocol number of this flow |
protocol |
text |
Protocol used for this flow ['TCP', 'UDP', 'ICMP', 'IP'] |
src-as |
AS |
Source AS number for this flow |
dst-as |
AS |
Destination AS number for this flow |
ip_version |
counter |
IP version of this flow |
direction |
text |
Direction of this flow ['Ingress', 'Egress'] |
flow-count |
counter |
Flows counted in this flow |
packet-count |
counter |
Packets counted in this flow |
byte-count |
counter |
Bytes counted in this flow |
first-packet-seen |
datetime |
First packet seen in this flow |
last-packet-seen |
datetime |
Last packet seen in this flow |
community-id |
community-id |
Community id of the represented flow |
A local or remote network connection.
network-connection is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
ip-src |
ip-src |
Source IP address of the nework connection. |
ip-dst |
ip-dst |
Destination IP address of the nework connection. |
src-port |
port |
Source port of the nework connection. |
dst-port |
port |
Destination port of the nework connection. |
hostname-src |
hostname |
Source hostname of the network connection. |
hostname-dst |
hostname |
Destination hostname of the network connection. |
layer3-protocol |
text |
Layer 3 protocol of the network connection. ['IP', 'ICMP', 'ARP'] |
layer4-protocol |
text |
Layer 4 protocol of the network connection. ['TCP', 'UDP'] |
layer7-protocol |
text |
Layer 7 protocol of the network connection. ['HTTP', 'HTTPS', 'FTP'] |
first-packet-seen |
datetime |
Datetime of the first packet seen. |
community-id |
community-id |
Flow description as a community ID hash value |
Network socket object describes a local or remote network connections based on the socket data structure.
network-socket is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
ip-src |
ip-src |
Source (local) IP address of the network socket connection. |
hostname-src |
hostname |
Source (local) hostname of the network socket connection. |
ip-dst |
ip-dst |
Destination IP address of the network socket connection. |
hostname-dst |
hostname |
Destination hostname of the network socket connection. |
src-port |
port |
Source (local) port of the network socket connection. |
dst-port |
port |
Destination port of the network socket connection. |
protocol |
text |
Protocol used by the network socket. ['TCP', 'UDP', 'ICMP', 'IP'] |
address-family |
text |
Address family who specifies the address family type (AF_*) of the socket connection. ['AF_UNSPEC', 'AF_LOCAL', 'AF_UNIX', 'AF_FILE', 'AF_INET', 'AF_AX25', 'AF_IPX', 'AF_APPLETALK', 'AF_NETROM', 'AF_BRIDGE', 'AF_ATMPVC', 'AF_X25', 'AF_INET6', 'AF_ROSE', 'AF_DECnet', 'AF_NETBEUI', 'AF_SECURITY', 'AF_KEY', 'AF_NETLINK', 'AF_ROUTE', 'AF_PACKET', 'AF_ASH', 'AF_ECONET', 'AF_ATMSVC', 'AF_RDS', 'AF_SNA', 'AF_IRDA', 'AF_PPPOX', 'AF_WANPIPE', 'AF_LLC', 'AF_IB', 'AF_MPLS', 'AF_CAN', 'AF_TIPC', 'AF_BLUETOOTH', 'AF_IUCV', 'AF_RXRPC', 'AF_ISDN', 'AF_PHONET', 'AF_IEEE802154', 'AF_CAIF', 'AF_ALG', 'AF_NFC', 'AF_VSOCK', 'AF_KCM', 'AF_MAX'] |
domain-family |
text |
Domain family who specifies the communication domain (PF_*) of the socket connection. ['PF_UNSPEC', 'PF_LOCAL', 'PF_UNIX', 'PF_FILE', 'PF_INET', 'PF_AX25', 'PF_IPX', 'PF_APPLETALK', 'PF_NETROM', 'PF_BRIDGE', 'PF_ATMPVC', 'PF_X25', 'PF_INET6', 'PF_ROSE', 'PF_DECnet', 'PF_NETBEUI', 'PF_SECURITY', 'PF_KEY', 'PF_NETLINK', 'PF_ROUTE', 'PF_PACKET', 'PF_ASH', 'PF_ECONET', 'PF_ATMSVC', 'PF_RDS', 'PF_SNA', 'PF_IRDA', 'PF_PPPOX', 'PF_WANPIPE', 'PF_LLC', 'PF_IB', 'PF_MPLS', 'PF_CAN', 'PF_TIPC', 'PF_BLUETOOTH', 'PF_IUCV', 'PF_RXRPC', 'PF_ISDN', 'PF_PHONET', 'PF_IEEE802154', 'PF_CAIF', 'PF_ALG', 'PF_NFC', 'PF_VSOCK', 'PF_KCM', 'PF_MAX'] |
state |
text |
State of the socket connection. ['blocking', 'listening'] |
option |
text |
Option on the socket connection. |
An object which describes an organization.
misc is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
name |
text |
Name of the organization |
alias |
text |
Alias of the organization |
type-of-organizarion |
text |
Type of the organization |
date-of-inception |
date-of-birth |
Date of inception of the organization |
phone-number |
phone-number |
Phone number of the organization. |
fax-number |
phone-number |
Fax number of the organization. |
address |
text |
Postal address of the organization. |
email-src |
Email address of the organization. |
role |
text |
The role of the organization. ['Suspect', 'Victim', 'Defendent', 'Accused', 'Culprit', 'Accomplice', 'Target'] |
Object describing the original file used to import data in MISP.
original-imported-file is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
imported-sample |
attachment |
The original imported file itself (binary). |
format |
text |
Format of data imported. ['STIX 1.0', 'STIX 1.1', 'STIX 1.2', 'STIX 2.0', 'OpenIOC'] |
uri |
uri |
URI related to the imported file. |
Passive DNS records as expressed in draft-dulaunoy-dnsop-passive-dns-cof-01.
passive-dns is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
zone_time_last |
datetime |
Last time that the unique tuple (rrname, rrtype, rdata) record has been seen via master file import. |
text |
text |
Description of the passive DNS record. |
count |
counter |
How many authoritative DNS answers were received at the Passive DNS Server’s collectors with exactly the given set of values as answers. |
rrname |
text |
Resource Record name of the queried resource. |
rrtype |
text |
Resource Record type as seen by the passive DNS. ['A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'TXT', 'DNAME', 'NS', 'SRV', 'RP', 'NAPTR', 'HINFO', 'A6'] |
rdata |
text |
Resource records of the queried resource |
zone_time_first |
datetime |
First time that the unique tuple (rrname, rrtype, rdata) record has been seen via master file import |
origin |
text |
Origin of the Passive DNS response |
time_last |
datetime |
Last time that the unique tuple (rrname, rrtype, rdata) record has been seen by the passive DNS |
time_first |
datetime |
First time that the unique tuple (rrname, rrtype, rdata) has been seen by the passive DNS |
bailiwick |
text |
Best estimate of the apex of the zone where this data is authoritative |
sensor_id |
text |
Sensor information where the record was seen |
Paste or similar post from a website allowing to share privately or publicly posts.
paste is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
paste |
text |
Raw text of the paste or post |
origin |
text |
Original source of the paste or post. ['', 'pastebin.com_pro', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] |
title |
text |
Title of the paste or post. |
username |
text |
User who posted the post. |
url |
url |
Link to the original source of the paste or post (when used maliciously). |
link |
link |
Link to the original source of the source or post (when used legitimately for OSINT source or alike). |
last-seen |
datetime |
When the paste has been accessible or seen for the last time. |
first-seen |
datetime |
When the paste has been accessible or seen for the first time. |
Network packet capture metadata.
pcap-metadata is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
capture-length |
text |
Capture length set on the captured interface. |
capture-interface |
text |
Interface name where the packet capture was running. |
protocol |
text |
text |
text |
A description of the packet capture. |
first-packet-seen |
datetime |
When the first packet has been seen. |
last-packet-seen |
datetime |
When the last packet has been seen. |
Object describing a Portable Executable.
pe is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
pehash |
pehash |
Hash of the structural information about a sample. See |
impfuzzy |
impfuzzy |
Fuzzy Hash (ssdeep) calculated from the import table |
internal-filename |
filename |
InternalFilename in the resources |
original-filename |
filename |
OriginalFilename in the resources |
number-sections |
counter |
Number of sections |
text |
text |
Free text value to attach to the PE |
type |
text |
Type of PE ['exe', 'dll', 'driver', 'unknown'] |
imphash |
imphash |
Hash (md5) calculated from the import table |
compilation-timestamp |
datetime |
Compilation timestamp defined in the PE header |
entrypoint-section-at-position |
text |
Name of the section and position of the section in the PE |
entrypoint-address |
text |
Address of the entry point |
file-description |
text |
FileDescription in the resources |
file-version |
text |
FileVersion in the resources |
lang-id |
text |
Lang ID in the resources |
product-name |
text |
ProductName in the resources |
product-version |
text |
ProductVersion in the resources |
company-name |
text |
CompanyName in the resources |
legal-copyright |
text |
LegalCopyright in the resources |
Object describing a section of a Portable Executable.
pe-section is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
md5 |
md5 |
[Insecure] MD5 hash (128 bits) |
sha1 |
sha1 |
[Insecure] Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (160 bits) |
sha224 |
sha224 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (224 bits) |
sha256 |
sha256 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (256 bits) |
sha384 |
sha384 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (384 bits) |
sha512 |
sha512 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (512 bits) |
sha512/224 |
sha512/224 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (224 bits) |
sha512/256 |
sha512/256 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (256 bits) |
ssdeep |
ssdeep |
Fuzzy hash using context triggered piecewise hashes (CTPH) |
entropy |
float |
Entropy of the whole section |
name |
text |
Name of the section ['.rsrc', '.reloc', '.rdata', '.data', '.text'] |
size-in-bytes |
size-in-bytes |
Size of the section, in bytes |
offset |
hex |
Section’s offset |
virtual_address |
hex |
Section’s virtual address |
virtual_size |
size-in-bytes |
Section’s virtual size |
text |
text |
Free text value to attach to the section |
characteristic |
text |
Characteristic of the section ['read', 'write', 'executable'] |
An object which describes a person or an identity.
person is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
A description of the person or identity. |
last-name |
last-name |
Last name of a natural person. |
middle-name |
middle-name |
Middle name of a natural person. |
first-name |
first-name |
First name of a natural person. |
mothers-name |
text |
Mother name, father, second name or other names following country’s regulation. |
title |
text |
Title of the natural person such as Dr. or equivalent. |
alias |
text |
Alias name or known as. |
date-of-birth |
date-of-birth |
Date of birth of a natural person (in YYYY-MM-DD format). |
place-of-birth |
place-of-birth |
Place of birth of a natural person. |
gender |
gender |
The gender of a natural person. ['Male', 'Female', 'Other', 'Prefer not to say', 'Unknown'] |
identity-card-number |
identity-card-number |
The identity card number of a natural person. |
passport-number |
passport-number |
The passport number of a natural person. |
passport-country |
passport-country |
The country in which the passport was issued. |
passport-expiration |
passport-expiration |
The expiration date of a passport. |
redress-number |
redress-number |
The Redress Control Number is the record identifier for people who apply for redress through the DHS Travel Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP). DHS TRIP is for travelers who have been repeatedly identified for additional screening and who want to file an inquiry to have erroneous information corrected in DHS systems. |
social-security-number |
text |
Social security number. |
birth-certificate-number |
text |
Birth Certificate Number |
ofac-identification-number |
text |
ofac-identification Number |
nationality |
nationality |
The nationality of a natural person. |
nic-hdl |
text |
NIC Handle (Network Information Centre handle) of the person. |
phone-number |
phone-number |
Phone number of the person. |
fax-number |
phone-number |
Fax number of the person. |
address |
text |
Postal address of the person. |
dni |
text |
Spanish National ID |
nie |
text |
Foreign National ID (Spain) |
nif |
text |
Tax ID Number (Spain) |
email-src |
Email address of the person. |
portrait |
attachment |
Portrait of the person. |
role |
text |
The role of a person. ['Suspect', 'Victim', 'Defendent', 'Accused', 'Culprit', 'Accomplice', 'Witness', 'Target'] |
Phishing template to describe a phishing website and its analysis.
phishing is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
internal reference |
text |
Internal reference such as ticket ID |
screenshot |
attachment |
Screenshot of phishing site |
target |
text |
Targeted organisation by the phishing |
takedown-request-to |
text |
Destination email address for take-down request |
takedown-request |
datetime |
When the phishing was requested to be taken down |
takedown-time |
datetime |
When the phishing was taken down |
online |
text |
If the phishing is online and operational, by default is yes ['Yes', 'No'] |
url |
url |
Original URL of the phishing website |
url-redirect |
url |
Redirect URL of the phishing website |
hostname |
hostname |
host of the phishing website |
phishtank-id |
text |
Phishtank ID of the reported phishing |
phishtank-detail-url |
link |
Phishtank detail URL to the reported phishing |
submission-time |
datetime |
When the phishing was submitted and/or reported |
verified |
text |
The phishing has been verified by the team handling the phishing ['No', 'Yes'] |
verification-time |
datetime |
When the phishing was verified |
Object to describe a phishing-kit.
phishing-kit is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
internal reference |
text |
Internal reference such as ticket ID |
date-found |
datetime |
Date when the phishing kit was found |
reference-link |
link |
Link where the Phishing Kit was observed |
threat-actor-email |
email-src |
Email of the Threat Actor |
email-type |
text |
Type of the Email |
kit-mailer |
text |
Mailer Kit Used |
target |
text |
What was targeted using this phishing kit |
phishing-domain |
url |
Domain used for Phishing |
online |
text |
If the phishing kit is online and operational, by default is yes ['Yes', 'No'] |
kit-url |
url |
URL of Phishing Kit |
threat-actor |
text |
Identified threat actor |
kit-name |
text |
Name of the Phishing Kit |
A phone or mobile phone object which describe a phone.
phone is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
imei |
text |
International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) is a number, usually unique, to identify 3GPP and iDEN mobile phones, as well as some satellite phones. |
imsi |
text |
A usually unique International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) is allocated to each mobile subscriber in the GSM/UMTS/EPS system. IMSI can also refer to International Mobile Station Identity in the ITU nomenclature. |
msisdn |
text |
MSISDN (pronounced as /'em es ai es di en/ or misden) is a number uniquely identifying a subscription in a GSM or a UMTS mobile network. Simply put, it is the mapping of the telephone number to the SIM card in a mobile/cellular phone. This abbreviation has a several interpretations, the most common one being Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number. |
tmsi |
text |
Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identities (TMSI) to visiting mobile subscribers can be allocated. |
gummei |
text |
Globally Unique MME Identifier (GUMMEI) is composed from MCC, MNC and MME Identifier (MMEI). |
guti |
text |
Globally Unique Temporary UE Identity (GUTI) is a temporary identification to not reveal the phone (user equipment in 3GPP jargon) composed of GUMMEI and the M-TMSI. |
serial-number |
text |
Serial Number. |
text |
text |
A description of the phone. |
last-seen |
datetime |
When the phone has been accessible or seen for the last time. |
first-seen |
datetime |
When the phone has been accessible or seen for the first time. |
Object describing a system process.
process is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
creation-time |
datetime |
Local date/time at which the process was created |
start-time |
datetime |
Local date/time at which the process was started |
name |
text |
Name of the process |
pid |
text |
Process ID of the process |
pgid |
text |
Identifier of the group of processes the process belong to |
guid |
text |
The globally unique identifier of the assigned by the vendor product |
parent-pid |
text |
Process ID of the parent process |
parent-guid |
text |
The globally unique idenifier of the parent process assigned by the vendor product |
child-pid |
text |
Process ID of the child(ren) process |
port |
port |
Port(s) owned by the process |
command-line |
text |
Command line of the process |
args |
text |
Arguments of the process |
current-directory |
text |
Current working directory of the process |
image |
filename |
Path of process image |
parent-command-line |
text |
Command line of the parent process |
parent-image |
filename |
Path of parent process image |
parent-process-name |
text |
Process name of the parent |
parent-process-path |
text |
Parent process path of the parent |
user |
text |
User context of the process |
integrity-level |
text |
Integrity level of the process ['system', 'high', 'medium', 'low', 'untrusted'] |
hidden |
boolean |
Specifies whether the process is hidden |
Event log object template to share information of the activities conducted on a system. .
python-etvx-event-log is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
event-id |
text |
A unique number which identifies the event. |
name |
text |
Name of the event. |
event-channel |
text |
Channel through which the event occurred ['Application', 'System', 'Security', 'Setup', 'other'] |
event-type |
text |
Event-type assigned to the event ['Admin', 'Operational', 'Audit', 'Analytic', 'Debug', 'other'] |
source |
text |
The source of the event log - application/software that logged the event. |
event-date-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the event was logged. |
level |
text |
Determines the event severity. ['Information', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Critical', 'Success Audit', 'Failure Audit'] |
Computer |
text |
Computer name on which the event occurred |
User |
text |
Name or the User ID the event is associated with. |
Operational-code |
text |
The opcode (numeric value or name) associated with the activity carried out by the event. |
log |
text |
Log file where the event was recorded. |
task-category |
text |
Activity by the event publisher |
Keywords |
text |
Tags used for the event for the purpose of filtering or searching. ['Network', 'Security', 'Resource not found', 'other'] |
Processor-ID |
text |
ID of the processor that processed the event. |
Thread-ID |
text |
Thread id that generated the event. |
Session-ID |
text |
Terminal server session ID. |
Correlation-ID |
text |
Unique activity identity which relates the event to a process. |
Relative-Correlation-ID |
text |
Related activity ID which identity similar activities which occurred as a part of the event. |
kernel-time |
datetime |
Execution time of the kernel mode instruction. |
user-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the user instruction was executed. |
Event-data |
text |
Event data description. |
comment |
text |
Additional comments. |
Indicators extracted from files using radare2 and graphml.
r2graphity is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
callback-average |
counter |
Average size of a callback |
callbacks |
counter |
Amount of callbacks (functions started as thread) |
shortest-path-to-create-thread |
counter |
Shortest path to the first time the binary calls CreateThread |
create-thread |
counter |
Amount of calls to CreateThread |
memory-allocations |
counter |
Amount of memory allocations |
get-proc-address |
counter |
Amount of calls to GetProcAddress |
dangling-strings |
counter |
Amount of dangling strings (string with a code cross reference, that is not within a function. Radare2 failed to detect that function.) |
referenced-strings |
counter |
Amount of referenced strings |
callback-largest |
counter |
Largest callback |
gml |
attachment |
Graph export in G>raph Modelling Language format |
r2-commit-version |
text |
Radare2 commit ID used to generate this object |
text |
text |
Description of the r2graphity object |
miss-api |
counter |
Amount of API call reference that does not resolve to a function offset |
total-api |
counter |
Total amount of API calls |
unknown-references |
counter |
Amount of API calls not ending in a function (Radare2 bug, probalby) |
refsglobalvar |
counter |
Amount of API calls outside of code section (glob var, dynamic API) |
local-references |
counter |
Amount of API calls inside a code section |
total-functions |
counter |
Total amount of functions in the file. |
not-referenced-strings |
counter |
Amount of not referenced strings |
ratio-functions |
float |
Ratio: amount of functions per kilobyte of code section |
ratio-api |
float |
Ratio: amount of API calls per kilobyte of code section |
ratio-string |
float |
Ratio: amount of referenced strings per kilobyte of code section |
An object describing a regular expression (regex or regexp). The object can be linked via a relationship to other attributes or objects to describe how it can be represented as a regular expression.
regexp is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
comment |
comment |
A description of the regular expression. |
regexp-type |
text |
Type of the regular expression syntax. ['PCRE', 'PCRE2', 'POSIX BRE', 'POSIX ERE'] |
regexp |
text |
regexp |
type |
text |
Specify which type corresponds to this regex. ['hostname', 'domain', 'email-src', 'email-dst', 'email-subject', 'url', 'user-agent', 'regkey', 'cookie', 'uri', 'filename', 'windows-service-name', 'windows-scheduled-task'] |
Registry key object describing a Windows registry key with value and last-modified timestamp.
registry-key is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
last-modified |
datetime |
Last time the registry key has been modified |
data-type |
text |
data |
text |
Data stored in the registry key |
name |
text |
Name of the registry key |
key |
regkey |
Full key path |
hive |
text |
Hive used to store the registry key (file on disk) |
root-keys |
text |
Regripper Object template designed to present user specific configuration details extracted from the NTUSER.dat hive.
regripper-NTUser is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
key |
text |
Registry key where the information is retrieved from. |
key-last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
logon-user-name |
text |
Name assigned to the user profile. |
recent-folders-accessed |
text |
List of recent folders accessed by the user. |
recent-files-accessed |
text |
List of recent files accessed by the user. |
typed-urls |
text |
Urls typed by the user in internet explorer |
applications-installed |
text |
List of applications installed. |
applications-run |
text |
List of applications set to run on the system. |
external-devices |
text |
List of external devices connected to the system by the user. |
user-init |
text |
Applications or processes set to run when the user logs onto the windows system. |
nukeOnDelete |
boolean |
Determines if the Recycle bin option has been disabled. |
network-connected-to |
text |
List of networks the user connected the system to. |
mount-points |
text |
Details of the mount points created on the system. |
comments |
text |
Additional information related to the user profile |
Regripper Object template designed to present user profile details extracted from the SAM hive.
regripper-sam-hive-single-user is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
key |
text |
Registry key where the information is retrieved from. |
key-last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
user-name |
text |
User name assigned to the user profile. |
full-user-name |
text |
Full name assigned to the user profile. |
last-login-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the user last logged onto the system. |
pwd-reset-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the password was last reset. |
pwd-fail-date |
datetime |
Date and time when a password last failed for this user profile. |
login-count |
counter |
Number of times the user logged-in onto the system. |
comments |
text |
Full name assigned to the user profile. |
Regripper Object template designed to present group profile details extracted from the SAM hive.
regripper-sam-hive-user-group is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
key |
text |
Registry key where the information is retrieved from. |
key-last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
group-name |
text |
Name assigned to the profile. |
full-name |
text |
Full name assigned to the profile. |
last-write-date-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the group key was updated. |
group-comment |
text |
Any group comment added. |
group-users |
text |
Users belonging to the group |
Regripper Object template designed to gather information of the browser helper objects installed on the system.
regripper-software-hive-BHO is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
key |
text |
Software hive key where the information is retrieved from. |
last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
BHO-name |
text |
Name of the browser helper object. |
BHO-key-last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the BHO key was last updated. |
class |
text |
Class to which the BHO belongs to. |
module |
text |
DLL module the BHO belongs to. |
comments |
text |
Additional comments. |
references |
link |
References to the BHO. |
Regripper Object template designed to gather information of the DLL files installed on the system.
regripper-software-hive-appInit-DLLS is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
key |
text |
Software hive key where the information is retrieved from. |
last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
DLL-name |
text |
Name of the DLL file. |
DLL-path |
text |
Path where the DLL file is stored. |
DLL-last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the DLL file was last updated. |
comments |
text |
Additional comments. |
references |
link |
References to the DLL file. |
Regripper Object template designed to gather information of the application paths.
regripper-software-hive-application-paths is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
key |
text |
Software hive key where the information is retrieved from. |
last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
executable-file-name |
text |
Name of the executable file. |
path |
text |
Path of the executable file. |
comments |
text |
Additional comments. |
references |
link |
References to the application installed. |
Regripper Object template designed to gather information of the applications installed on the system.
regripper-software-hive-applications-installed is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
key |
text |
Software hive key where the information is retrieved from. |
key-path |
text |
Path of the key. |
last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
app-name |
text |
Name of the application. |
app-last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the application key was last updated. |
version |
text |
Version of the application. |
comments |
text |
Additional comments. |
references |
link |
References to the application installed. |
Regripper Object template designed to gather information of the shell commands executed on the system.
regripper-software-hive-command-shell is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
key |
text |
Software hive key where the information is retrieved from. |
last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
shell |
text |
Type of shell used to execute the command. ['exe', 'cmd', 'bat', 'hta', 'pif', 'Other'] |
shell-path |
text |
Path of the shell. |
command |
text |
Command executed. |
comments |
text |
Additional comments. |
Regripper Object template designed to gather general windows information extracted from the software-hive.
regripper-software-hive-windows-general-info is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
win-cv-path |
text |
key where the windows information is retrieved from |
last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
RegisteredOrganization |
text |
Name of the registered organization. |
RegisteredOwner |
text |
Name of the registered owner. |
CurrentVersion |
text |
Current version of windows |
CurrentBuild |
text |
Build number of the windows OS. |
SoftwareType |
text |
Software type of windows. ['System', 'Application', 'other'] |
InstallationType |
text |
Type of windows installation. |
InstallDate |
datetime |
Date when windows was installed. |
SystemRoot |
text |
Root directory. |
PathName |
text |
Path to the root directory. |
EditionID |
text |
Windows edition. |
ProductName |
text |
Name of the windows version. |
ProductID |
text |
ID of the product version. |
CSDVersion |
text |
Version of the service pack installed. |
CurrentBuildType |
text |
Current build type of the OS. |
BuildLab |
text |
Windows BuildLab string. |
BuildGUID |
text |
Build ID. |
BuildLabEx |
text |
Windows BuildLabEx string. |
comment |
comment |
Additional comments. |
Regripper Object template designed to gather information of the applications set to run on the system.
regripper-software-hive-software-run is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
key |
text |
Software hive key where the information is retrieved from. ['Run', 'RunOnce', 'Runservices', 'Terminal', 'Other'] |
key-path |
text |
Path of the key. |
last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
application-name |
text |
Name of the application run. |
application-path |
text |
Path where the application is installed. |
comments |
text |
Additional comments. |
references |
link |
References to the applications. |
Regripper Object template designed to gather user profile information when the user logs onto the system, gathered from the software hive.
regripper-software-hive-userprofile-winlogon is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
user-profile-key-path |
text |
key where the user-profile information is retrieved from. |
user-profile-key-last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
user-profile-path |
text |
Path of the user profile on the system |
text |
Security identifier assigned to the user profile. |
user-profile-last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the user profile was last updated. |
winlogon-key-path |
text |
winlogon key referred in order to retrieve default user information |
winlogon-key-last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the winlogon key was last updated. |
DefaultUserName |
text |
user-name of the default user. |
Shell |
text |
Shell set to run when the user logs onto the system. |
UserInit |
text |
Applications and files set to run when the user logs onto the system (User logon activity). |
Legal-notice-caption |
text |
Message title set to display when the user logs-in. |
Legal-notice-text |
text |
Message set to display when the user logs-in. |
PreCreateKnownFolders |
text |
create known folders key |
ReportBootOk |
boolean |
Flag to check if the reboot was successful. |
AutoRestartShell |
boolean |
Value of the flag set to auto restart the shell if it crashes or shuts down automatically. |
PasswordExpiryWarining |
counter |
Number of times the password expiry warning appeared. |
PowerdownAfterShutDown |
boolean |
Flag value- if the system is set to power down after it is shutdown. |
ShutdownWithoutLogon |
boolean |
Value of the flag set to enable shutdown without requiring a user to login. |
WinStationsDisabled |
boolean |
Flag value set to enable/disable logons to the system. |
DisableCAD |
boolean |
Flag to determine if user login is enabled by pressing Ctrl+ALT+Delete. |
AutoAdminLogon |
boolean |
Flag value to determine if autologon is enabled for a user without entering the password. |
CachedLogonCount |
counter |
Number of times the user has logged into the system. |
ShutdownFlags |
counter |
Number of times shutdown is initiated from a process when the user is logged-in. |
Comments |
text |
Additional comments. |
Regripper Object template designed to present firewall configuration information extracted from the system-hive.
regripper-system-hive-firewall-configuration is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
profile |
text |
Firewall Profile type ['Domain Profile', 'Standard Profile', 'Network Profile', 'Public Profile', 'Private Profile', 'other'] |
last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the firewall profile policy was last updated. |
enbled-firewall |
boolean |
Boolean flag to determine if the firewall is enabled. |
disable-notification |
boolean |
Boolean flag to determine if firewall notifications are enabled. |
comment |
text |
Additional comments. |
Regripper Object template designed to present general system properties extracted from the system-hive.
regripper-system-hive-general-configuration is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
computer-name |
text |
name of the computer under analysis |
last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
shutdown-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the system was shutdown. |
timezone-last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the timezone key was last updated. |
timezone-bias |
text |
Offset in minutes from UTC. Offset added to the local time to get a UTC value. |
timezone-standard-name |
text |
Timezone standard name used during non-daylight saving months. |
timezone-standard-date |
datetime |
Standard date - non daylight saving months |
timezone-standard-bias |
text |
value in minutes to be added to the value of timezone-bias to generate the bias used during standard time. |
timezone-daylight-name |
text |
Timezone name used during daylight saving months. |
timezone-daylight-date |
datetime |
Daylight date - daylight saving months |
timezone-daylight-bias |
text |
value in minutes to be added to the value of timezone-bias to generate the bias used during daylight time. |
fDenyTSConnections: |
boolean |
Specifies whether remote connections are enabled or disabled on the system. |
comment |
text |
Additional comments. |
Regripper object template designed to gather network information from the system-hive.
regripper-system-hive-network-information. is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
network-key |
text |
Registry key assigned to the network |
network-key-last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the network key was last updated. |
network-key-path |
text |
Path of the key where the information is retrieved from. |
TCPIP-key |
text |
TCPIP key |
TCPIP-key-last-write-time |
datetime |
Datetime when the key was last updated. |
DHCP-domain |
text |
Name of the DHCP domain service |
DHCP-IP-address |
ip-dst |
DHCP service - IP address |
DHCP-subnet-mask |
ip-dst |
DHCP subnet mask - IP address. |
DHCP-name-server |
ip-dst |
DHCP Name server - IP address. |
DHCP-server |
ip-dst |
DHCP server - IP address. |
interface-GUID |
text |
GUID value assigned to the interface. |
interface-last-write-time |
datetime |
Last date and time when the interface key was updated. |
interface-name |
text |
Name of the interface. |
interface-PnpInstanceID |
text |
Plug and Play instance ID assigned to the interface. |
interface-MediaSubType |
text |
interface-IPcheckingEnabled |
boolean |
additional-comments |
text |
Comments. |
Regripper Object template designed to gather information regarding the services/drivers from the system-hive.
regripper-system-hive-services-drivers is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
name |
text |
name of the key |
last-write-time |
datetime |
Date and time when the key was last updated. |
display |
text |
Display name/information of the service or the driver. |
image-path |
text |
Path of the service/drive |
type |
text |
Service/driver type. ['Kernel driver', 'File system driver', 'Own process', 'Share process', 'Interactive', 'Other'] |
start |
text |
When the service/driver starts or executes. ['Boot start', 'System start', 'Auto start', 'Manual', 'Disabled'] |
group |
text |
Group to which the system/driver belong to. ['Base', 'Boot Bus Extender', 'Boot File System', 'Cryptography', 'Extended base', 'Event Log', 'Filter', 'FSFilter Bottom', 'FSFilter Infrastructure', 'File System', 'FSFilter Virtualization', 'Keyboard Port', 'Network', 'NDIS', 'Parallel arbitrator', 'Pointer Port', 'PnP Filter', 'ProfSvc_Group', 'PNP_TDI', 'SCSI Miniport', 'SCSI CDROM Class', 'System Bus Extender', 'Video Save', 'other'] |
comment |
text |
Additional comments. |
Metadata used to generate an executive level report.
report is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
summary |
text |
Free text summary of the report |
case-number |
text |
Case number |
report-file(s) |
attachment |
Attachment(s) that is related to the report |
Information related to known scanning activity (e.g. from research projects).
research-scanner is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
project |
text |
Description of scanning project |
scanning_ip |
ip-src |
IP address used by project |
domain |
domain |
Domain related to project |
asn |
AS |
Autonomous System Number related to project |
scheduled_start |
datetime |
Scheduled start of scanning activity |
scheduled_end |
datetime |
Scheduled end of scanning activity |
contact_email |
email-dst |
Project contact information |
contact_phone |
phone-number |
Phone number related to project |
project_url |
link |
URL related to project |
Rogue DNS as defined by
rogue-dns is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
timestamp |
datetime |
Last time that the rogue DNS value was seen. |
rogue-dns |
ip-dst |
IP address of the rogue DNS |
status |
text |
How many authoritative DNS answers were received at the Passive DNS Server’s collectors with exactly the given set of values as answers. ['ROGUE DNS', 'Unknown'] |
hijacked-domain |
hostname |
Domain/hostname hijacked by the the rogue DNS |
phishing-ip |
ip-dst |
Resource records returns by the rogue DNS |
RTIR - Request Tracker for Incident Response.
rtir is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
classification |
text |
Classification of the RTIR ticket |
ip |
ip-dst |
IPs automatically extracted from the RTIR ticket |
constituency |
text |
Constituency of the RTIR ticket |
queue |
text |
Queue of the RTIR ticket ['incident', 'investigations', 'blocks', 'incident reports'] |
subject |
text |
Subject of the RTIR ticket |
status |
text |
Status of the RTIR ticket ['new', 'open', 'stalled', 'resolved', 'rejected', 'deleted'] |
ticket-number |
text |
ticket-number of the RTIR ticket |
Sandbox report.
sandbox-report is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
permalink |
link |
Permalink reference |
score |
text |
Score |
results |
text |
Freetext result values |
raw-report |
text |
Raw report from sandbox |
sandbox-file |
attachment |
File related to sandbox run |
sandbox-type |
text |
The type of sandbox used ['on-premise', 'web', 'saas'] |
on-premise-sandbox |
text |
The on-premise sandbox used ['cuckoo', 'symantec-cas-on-premise', 'bluecoat-maa', 'trendmicro-deep-discovery-analyzer', 'fireeye-ax', 'vmray', 'joe-sandbox-on-premise'] |
web-sandbox |
text |
A web sandbox where results are publicly available via an URL ['malwr', 'hybrid-analysis'] |
saas-sandbox |
text |
A non-on-premise sandbox, also results are not publicly available ['forticloud-sandbox', 'joe-sandbox-cloud', 'symantec-cas-cloud'] |
Sandbox detection signature.
sb-signature is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
software |
text |
Name of Sandbox software |
signature |
text |
Name of detection signature - set the description of the detection signature as a comment |
text |
text |
Additional signature description |
datetime |
datetime |
Datetime |
Daily average C13 concentrations (ppm) derived from flask air samples.
scrippsco2-c13-daily is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
sample-datetime |
datetime |
Datetime the sample has been taken |
sample-date-excel |
float |
M$Excel spreadsheet date format. |
sample-date-fractional |
float |
Decimal year and fractional year. |
number-flask |
counter |
Number of flasks used in daily average. |
flag |
counter |
Flag (see taxonomy for details). |
c13-value |
float |
C13 value (ppm) - C13 concentrations are measured on the '08A' Calibration Scale |
Monthly average C13 concentrations (ppm) derived from flask air samples.
scrippsco2-c13-monthly is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
sample-datetime |
datetime |
The monthly values have been adjusted to 24:00 hours on the 15th of each month. |
sample-date-excel |
float |
M$Excel spreadsheet date format. |
sample-date-fractional |
float |
Decimal year and fractional year. |
monthly-c13 |
float |
Monthly C13 concentrations in micro-mol C13 per mole (ppm) reported on the 2008A SIO manometric mole fraction scale. This is the standard version of the data most often sought. |
monthly-c13-seasonal-adjustment |
float |
Same data after a seasonal adjustment to remove the quasi-regular seasonal cycle. The adjustment involves subtracting from the data a 4-harmonic fit with a linear gain factor. |
monthly-c13-smoothed |
float |
Smoothed version of the data generated from a stiff cubic spline function plus 4-harmonic functions with linear gain. |
monthly-c13-smoothed-seasonal-adjustment |
float |
Same smoothed version with the seasonal cycle removed. |
Daily average CO2 concentrations (ppm) derived from flask air samples.
scrippsco2-co2-daily is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
sample-datetime |
datetime |
Datetime the sample has been taken |
sample-date-excel |
float |
M$Excel spreadsheet date format. |
sample-date-fractional |
float |
Decimal year and fractional year. |
number-flask |
counter |
Number of flasks used in daily average. |
flag |
counter |
Flag (see taxonomy for details). |
co2-value |
float |
CO2 value (ppm) - CO2 concentrations are measured on the '08A' Calibration Scale |
Monthly average CO2 concentrations (ppm) derived from flask air samples.
scrippsco2-co2-monthly is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
sample-datetime |
datetime |
The monthly values have been adjusted to 24:00 hours on the 15th of each month. |
sample-date-excel |
float |
M$Excel spreadsheet date format. |
sample-date-fractional |
float |
Decimal year and fractional year. |
monthly-co2 |
float |
Monthly CO2 concentrations in micro-mol CO2 per mole (ppm) reported on the 2008A SIO manometric mole fraction scale. This is the standard version of the data most often sought. |
monthly-co2-seasonal-adjustment |
float |
Same data after a seasonal adjustment to remove the quasi-regular seasonal cycle. The adjustment involves subtracting from the data a 4-harmonic fit with a linear gain factor. |
monthly-co2-smoothed |
float |
Smoothed version of the data generated from a stiff cubic spline function plus 4-harmonic functions with linear gain. |
monthly-co2-smoothed-seasonal-adjustment |
float |
Same smoothed version with the seasonal cycle removed. |
Daily average O18 concentrations (ppm) derived from flask air samples.
scrippsco2-o18-daily is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
sample-datetime |
datetime |
Datetime the sample has been taken |
sample-date-excel |
float |
M$Excel spreadsheet date format. |
sample-date-fractional |
float |
Decimal year and fractional year. |
number-flask |
counter |
Number of flasks used in daily average. |
flag |
counter |
Flag (see taxonomy for details). |
o18-value |
float |
O18 value (ppm) - O18 concentrations are measured on the '08A' Calibration Scale |
Monthly average O18 concentrations (ppm) derived from flask air samples.
scrippsco2-o18-monthly is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
sample-datetime |
datetime |
The monthly values have been adjusted to 24:00 hours on the 15th of each month. |
sample-date-excel |
float |
M$Excel spreadsheet date format. |
sample-date-fractional |
float |
Decimal year and fractional year. |
monthly-o18 |
float |
Monthly O18 concentrations in micro-mol O18 per mole (ppm) reported on the 2008A SIO manometric mole fraction scale. This is the standard version of the data most often sought. |
monthly-o18-seasonal-adjustment |
float |
Same data after a seasonal adjustment to remove the quasi-regular seasonal cycle. The adjustment involves subtracting from the data a 4-harmonic fit with a linear gain factor. |
monthly-o18-smoothed |
float |
Smoothed version of the data generated from a stiff cubic spline function plus 4-harmonic functions with linear gain. |
monthly-o18-smoothed-seasonal-adjustment |
float |
Same smoothed version with the seasonal cycle removed. |
Object describing a computer program written to be run in a special run-time environment. The script or shell script can be used for malicious activities but also as support tools for threat analysts.
script is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
script |
text |
Free text of the script. |
comment |
text |
Comment associated to the script. |
language |
text |
Scripting language used for the script. ['PowerShell', 'VBScript', 'Bash', 'Lua', 'JavaScript', 'AppleScript', 'AWK', 'Python', 'Perl', 'Ruby', 'Winbatch', 'AutoIt', 'PHP'] |
filename |
filename |
Filename used for the script. |
state |
text |
Known state of the script. ['Malicious', 'Unknown', 'Harmless', 'Trusted'] |
Object describing a series of shell commands executed. This object can be linked with malicious files in order to describe a specific execution of shell commands.
shell-commands is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
script |
text |
Free text of the script if available which executed the shell commands. |
comment |
text |
Comment associated to the shell commands executed. |
language |
text |
Scripting language used for the shell commands executed. ['PowerShell', 'VBScript', 'Bash', 'Lua', 'JavaScript', 'AppleScript', 'AWK', 'Python', 'Perl', 'Ruby', 'Winbatch', 'AutoIt', 'PHP'] |
shell-command |
text |
state |
text |
Known state of the script. ['Malicious', 'Unknown', 'Harmless', 'Trusted'] |
Shodan Report for a given IP.
shodan-report is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
A description of the report |
ip |
ip-dst |
IP Address Queried |
hostname |
domain |
Hostnames found |
org |
text |
Associated Organization |
port |
port |
Listening Port |
banner |
text |
server banner reported |
Short Message Service (SMS) object template describing one or more SMS message. Restriction of the initial format 3GPP 23.038 GSM character set doesn’t apply.
short-message-service is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
body |
text |
Message body of the SMS |
url-rfc5724 |
url |
url representing SMS using RFC 5724 (not url contained in the SMS which should use an url object) |
from |
phone-number |
Phone number used to send the SMS |
to |
phone-number |
Phone number receiving the SMS |
sent-date |
datetime |
Initial sent date of the SMS |
received-date |
datetime |
Received date of the SMS |
Shortened link and its redirect target.
shortened-link is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
first-seen |
datetime |
First time this shortened URL has been seen |
redirect-url |
url |
Redirected to URL |
shortened-url |
url |
Shortened URL |
domain |
domain |
Full domain |
credential |
text |
Credential (username, password) |
text |
text |
Description and context of the shortened URL |
Splunk / Splunk ES object.
splunk is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
search |
text |
Search / Correlation search |
drill-down |
text |
Drilldown |
response-action |
text |
Response action ['notable', 'risk'] |
schedule |
other |
Schedule |
earliest |
text |
Earliest time |
latest |
text |
Latest time |
description |
comment |
Description |
SS7 object of an attack seen on a GSM, UMTS or LTE network via SS7 logging.
ss7-attack is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
Category |
text |
Category ['Cat0', 'Cat1', 'Cat2.1', 'Cat2.2', 'Cat3.1', 'Cat3.2', 'Cat3.3', 'CatSMS', 'CatSpoofing'] |
MapVersion |
text |
Map version. ['1', '2', '3'] |
SccpCgGT |
text |
Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) CgGT - Phone number. |
SccpCdGT |
text |
Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) CdGT - Phone number. |
SccpCgPC |
text |
Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) CgPC - Phone number. |
SccpCdPC |
text |
Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) CdPC - Phone number. |
SccpCgSSN |
text |
Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) - Decimal value between 0-255. |
SccpCdSSN |
text |
Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) - Decimal value between 0-255. |
MapOpCode |
text |
MAP operation codes - Decimal value between 0-99. |
MapApplicationContext |
text |
MAP application context in OID format. |
MapImsi |
text |
MAP IMSI. Phone number starting with MCC/MNC. |
MapMsisdn |
text |
MAP MSISDN. Phone number. |
MapMscGT |
text |
MAP MSC GT. Phone number. |
MapGsmscfGT |
text |
MAP GSMSCF GT. Phone number. |
MapVlrGT |
text |
MAP VLR GT. Phone number. |
MapGmlc |
text |
MAP GMLC. Phone number. |
MapSmscGT |
text |
MAP SMSC. Phone number. |
MapSmsTP-OA |
text |
MAP SMS TP-OA. Phone number. |
MapSmsText |
text |
MAP SMS Text. Important indicators in SMS text. |
MapSmsTP-PID |
text |
MapSmsTP-DCS |
text |
MapSmsTypeNumber |
text |
MAP SMS TypeNumber. |
MapUssdContent |
text |
MAP USSD Content. |
MapUssdCoding |
text |
MAP USSD Content. |
text |
text |
A description of the attack seen via SS7 logging. |
first-seen |
datetime |
When the attack has been seen for the first time. |
An object to store ssh authorized keys file.
ssh-authorized-keys is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
A description of the ssh authorized keys |
last-seen |
datetime |
Last time the ssh authorized keys file has been seen |
first-seen |
datetime |
First time the ssh authorized keys file has been seen |
full-line |
text |
One full-line of the authorized key file |
key |
text |
Public key in base64 as found in the authorized key file |
key-id |
text |
Key-id and option part of the public key line |
hostname |
hostname |
hostname |
ip |
ip-dst |
IP Address |
An object describing a STIX pattern. The object can be linked via a relationship to other attributes or objects to describe how it can be represented as a STIX pattern.
stix2-pattern is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
comment |
comment |
A description of the stix2-pattern. |
stix2-pattern |
stix2-pattern |
STIX 2 pattern |
version |
text |
Version of STIX 2 pattern. ['stix 2.0'] |
An object describing one or more Suricata rule(s) along with version and contextual information.
suricata is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
comment |
comment |
A description of the Suricata rule(s). |
suricata |
snort |
Suricata rule. |
version |
text |
Version of the Suricata rule depending where the suricata rule is known to work as expected. |
ref |
link |
Reference to the Suricata rule such as origin of the rule or alike. |
Description about an targeted system, this could potentially be a compromissed internal system.
target-system is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
targeted_machine |
target-machine |
Targeted system |
targeted_ip_of_system |
ip-src |
Targeted system IP address |
timestamp_seen |
datetime |
Registered date and time |
ThreatGrid report.
threatgrid-report is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
threat_score |
text |
threat_score |
heuristic_raw_score |
text |
heuristic_raw_score |
heuristic_score |
text |
heuristic_score |
analysis_submitted_at |
text |
Submission date |
original_filename |
text |
Original filename |
permalink |
text |
permalink |
id |
text |
ThreatGrid ID |
iocs |
text |
iocs |
Timecode object to describe a start of video sequence (e.g. CCTV evidence) and the end of the video sequence.
timecode is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
description |
text |
Description of the video sequence |
start-marker-timecode |
text |
Start marker timecode in the format hh:mm:ss;ff |
end-marker-timecode |
text |
End marker timecode in the format hh:mm:ss;ff |
start-timecode |
text |
Start marker timecode in the format hh:mm:ss.mms |
end-timecode |
text |
End marker timecode in the format hh:mm:ss.mms |
recording-date |
datetime |
Date of recording of the video sequence |
A timesketch timeline object based on mandatory field in timesketch to describe a log entry.
timesketch-timeline is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
message |
text |
Informative message of the event |
timestamp |
text |
When the log entry was seen in microseconds since Unix epoch |
timestamp_desc |
text |
Text explaining what type of timestamp is it |
datetime |
datetime |
When the log entry was seen |
A timesketch message entry.
timesketch_message is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
datetime |
datetime |
datetime of the message |
message |
text |
message |
A generic timestamp object to represent time including first time and last time seen. Relationship will then define the kind of time relationship.
timestamp is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
Description of the time object. |
precision |
text |
Timestamp precision represents the precision given to first_seen and/or last_seen in this object. ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'full'] |
first-seen |
datetime |
First time that the linked object or attribute has been seen. |
last-seen |
datetime |
First time that the linked object or attribute has been seen. |
Tor hidden service (onion service) object.
tor-hiddenservice is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
description |
text |
Tor onion service comment. |
address |
text |
onion address of the Tor node seen. |
last-seen |
datetime |
When the Tor hidden service was seen for the last time. |
first-seen |
datetime |
When the Tor hidden service was been seen for the first time. |
Tor node (which protects your privacy on the internet by hiding the connection between users Internet address and the services used by the users) description which are part of the Tor network at a time.
tor-node is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
description |
text |
Tor node description. |
nickname |
text |
router’s nickname. |
fingerprint |
text |
router’s fingerprint. |
text |
text |
Tor node comment. |
address |
ip-src |
IP address of the Tor node seen. |
flags |
text |
list of flag associated with the node. |
version |
text |
parsed version of tor, this is None if the relay’s using a new versioning scheme. |
version_line |
text |
versioning information reported by the node. |
published |
datetime |
router’s publication time. This can be different from first-seen and last-seen. |
last-seen |
datetime |
When the Tor node designed by the IP address has been seen for the last time. |
first-seen |
datetime |
When the Tor node designed by the IP address has been seen for the first time. |
document |
text |
Raw document from the consensus. |
Analytics and tracking ID such as used in Google Analytics or other analytic platform.
tracking-id is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
id |
text |
Tracking code |
tracker |
text |
Name of the tracker - organisation doing the tracking and/or analytics ['Google Analytics', 'Piwik', 'Kissmetrics', 'Woopra', 'Chartbeat'] |
description |
text |
Description of the tracking id |
url |
url |
URL where the tracking id was found |
hostname |
hostname |
hostname where the tracking id was found |
first-seen |
datetime |
First time the tracking code was seen |
last-seen |
datetime |
Last time the tracking code was seen |
An object to describe a financial transaction.
transaction is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
A description of the transaction. |
transaction-number |
text |
A unique number identifying a transaction. |
location |
text |
Location where the transaction took place. |
transmode-code |
text |
How the transaction was conducted. |
transmode-comment |
text |
Comment describing transmode-code, if needed. |
teller |
text |
Person who conducted the transaction. |
authorized |
text |
Person who autorized the transaction. |
date |
datetime |
Date and time of the transaction. |
amount |
text |
The value of the transaction in local currency. |
date-posting |
datetime |
Date of posting, if different from date of transaction. |
from-funds-code |
text |
Type of funds used to initiate a transaction. ['A Deposit', 'C Currency exchange', 'D Casino chips', 'E Bank draft', 'F Money order', 'G Traveler’s cheques', 'H Life insurance policy', 'I Real estate', 'J Securities', 'K Cash', 'O Other', 'P Cheque'] |
to-funds-code |
text |
Type of funds used to finalize a transaction. ['A Deposit', 'C Currency exchange', 'D Casino chips', 'E Bank draft', 'F Money order', 'G Traveler’s cheques', 'H Life insurance policy', 'I Real estate', 'J Securities', 'K Cash', 'O Other', 'P Cheque'] |
from-country |
text |
Origin country of a transaction. |
to-country |
text |
Target country of a transaction. |
Used to keep a text and its translation.
translation is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
original-text |
text |
Original text |
translated-text |
text |
Text after translation |
original-language |
text |
Language of the original text ['Mandarin (language family)', 'Spanish', 'English', 'Hindi', 'Bengali', 'Portuguese', 'Russian', 'Japanese', 'Western Punjabi', 'Marathi', 'Telugu', 'Wu (language family)', 'Turkish', 'Korean', 'French', 'German', 'Vietnamese', 'Tamil', 'Yue (language family)', 'Urdu', 'Javanese', 'Italian', 'Egyptian Arabic', 'Gujarati', 'Iranian Persian', 'Bhojpuri', 'Min Nan (language family)', 'Hakka', 'Jinyu', 'Hausa', 'Kannada', 'Indonesian (Indonesian Malay)', 'Polish', 'Yoruba', 'Xiang Chinese (language family)', 'Malayalam', 'Odia', 'Maithili', 'Burmese', 'Eastern Punjabi', 'Sunda', 'Sudanese Arabic', 'Algerian Arabic', 'Moroccan Arabic', 'Ukrainian', 'Igbo', 'Northern Uzbek', 'Sindhi', 'North Levantine Arabic', 'Romanian', 'Tagalog', 'Dutch', 'Saʽidi Arabic', 'Gan', 'Amharic', 'Northern Pashto', 'Magahi', 'Thai', 'Saraiki', 'Khmer', 'Chhattisgarhi', 'Somali', 'Malay (Malaysian Malay)', 'Cebuano', 'Nepali', 'Mesopotamian Arabic', 'Assamese', 'Sinhala', 'Northern Kurdish', 'Hejazi Arabic', 'Nigerian Fulfulde', 'South Azerbaijani', 'Greek', 'Chittagonian', 'Kazakh', 'Deccan', 'Hungarian', 'Kinyarwanda', 'Zulu', 'South Levantine Arabic', 'Tunisian Arabic', 'Sanaani Spoken Arabic', 'Min Bei Chinese (language family)', 'Southern Pashto', 'Rundi', 'Czech', 'Taʽizzi-Adeni Arabic', 'Uyghur', 'Min Dong Chinese (language family)', 'Sylheti '] |
translation-language |
text |
Language of translation ['Mandarin (language family)', 'Spanish', 'English', 'Hindi', 'Bengali', 'Portuguese', 'Russian', 'Japanese', 'Western Punjabi', 'Marathi', 'Telugu', 'Wu (language family)', 'Turkish', 'Korean', 'French', 'German', 'Vietnamese', 'Tamil', 'Yue (language family)', 'Urdu', 'Javanese', 'Italian', 'Egyptian Arabic', 'Gujarati', 'Iranian Persian', 'Bhojpuri', 'Min Nan (language family)', 'Hakka', 'Jinyu', 'Hausa', 'Kannada', 'Indonesian (Indonesian Malay)', 'Polish', 'Yoruba', 'Xiang Chinese (language family)', 'Malayalam', 'Odia', 'Maithili', 'Burmese', 'Eastern Punjabi', 'Sunda', 'Sudanese Arabic', 'Algerian Arabic', 'Moroccan Arabic', 'Ukrainian', 'Igbo', 'Northern Uzbek', 'Sindhi', 'North Levantine Arabic', 'Romanian', 'Tagalog', 'Dutch', 'Saʽidi Arabic', 'Gan', 'Amharic', 'Northern Pashto', 'Magahi', 'Thai', 'Saraiki', 'Khmer', 'Chhattisgarhi', 'Somali', 'Malay (Malaysian Malay)', 'Cebuano', 'Nepali', 'Mesopotamian Arabic', 'Assamese', 'Sinhala', 'Northern Kurdish', 'Hejazi Arabic', 'Nigerian Fulfulde', 'South Azerbaijani', 'Greek', 'Chittagonian', 'Kazakh', 'Deccan', 'Hungarian', 'Kinyarwanda', 'Zulu', 'South Levantine Arabic', 'Tunisian Arabic', 'Sanaani Spoken Arabic', 'Min Bei Chinese (language family)', 'Southern Pashto', 'Rundi', 'Czech', 'Taʽizzi-Adeni Arabic', 'Uyghur', 'Min Dong Chinese (language family)', 'Sylheti '] |
translation-service |
text |
translation service used for the translation ['Google Translate', 'Microsoft Translator', 'Babelfish', 'Reverso', '', 'Linguee', 'unknown'] |
translation-type |
text |
type of translation ['Automated translation', 'Manual translation'] |
url object describes an url along with its normalized field (like extracted using faup parsing library) and its metadata.
url is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
fragment |
text |
Fragment identifier is a short string of characters that refers to a resource that is subordinate to another, primary resource. |
tld |
text |
Top-Level Domain |
port |
port |
Port number |
scheme |
text |
Scheme ['http', 'https', 'ftp', 'gopher', 'sip'] |
first-seen |
datetime |
First time this URL has been seen |
resource_path |
text |
Path (between hostname:port and query) |
query_string |
text |
Query (after path, preceded by '?') |
url |
url |
Full URL |
domain_without_tld |
text |
Domain without Top-Level Domain |
domain |
domain |
Full domain |
subdomain |
text |
Subdomain |
credential |
text |
Credential (username, password) |
text |
text |
Description of the URL |
last-seen |
datetime |
Last time this URL has been seen |
host |
hostname |
Full hostname |
user-account is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
A description of the user account. |
username |
text |
Username related to the password. |
user-id |
text |
Identifier of the account. |
password |
text |
Password related to the username. |
display-name |
text |
Display name of the account. |
account-type |
text |
Type of the account. ['facebook', 'ldap', 'nis', 'openid', 'radius', 'skype', 'tacacs', 'twitter', 'unix', 'windows-local', 'windows-domain'] |
is_service_account |
boolean |
Specifies if the account is associated with a network service. |
privileged |
boolean |
Specifies if the account has privileges such as root rights. |
can_escalate_privs |
boolean |
Specifies if the account has the ability to escalate privileges. |
disabled |
boolean |
Specifies if the account is desabled. |
created |
datetime |
Creation time of the account. |
expires |
datetime |
Expiration time of the account |
first_login |
datetime |
First time someone logged in to the account. |
last_login |
datetime |
Last time someone logged in to the account. |
password_last_changed |
datetime |
Last time the password has been changed. |
group-id |
text |
Identifier of the primary group of the account, in case of a UNIX account. |
group |
text |
UNIX group(s) the account is member of. |
home_dir |
text |
Home directory of the UNIX account. |
shell |
text |
UNIX command shell of the account. |
Vehicle object template to describe a vehicle information and registration.
vehicle is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
description |
text |
Description of the vehicle |
make |
text |
Manufacturer of the vehicle |
model |
text |
Model of the vehicle |
vin |
text |
Vehicle identification number (VIN) |
license-plate-number |
text |
License plate number |
dyno-power |
text |
Dyno power output |
date-first-registration |
text |
Date of first registration |
image-url |
text |
Image URL |
gearbox |
text |
Gearbox |
indicative-value |
text |
Indicative value |
Victim object describes the target of an attack or abuse.
victim is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
description |
text |
Description of the victim |
name |
target-org |
The name of the department(s) or organisation(s) targeted. |
external |
target-external |
External target organisations affected by this attack. |
classification |
text |
The type of entity being targeted. ['individual', 'group', 'organization', 'class', 'unknown'] |
roles |
text |
The list of roles targeted within the victim. |
sectors |
text |
The list of sectors that the victim belong to ['agriculture', 'aerospace', 'automotive', 'communications', 'construction', 'defence', 'education', 'energy', 'engineering', 'entertainment', 'financial services', 'government national', 'government regional', 'government local', 'government public services', 'healthcare', 'hospitality leisure', 'infrastructure', 'insurance', 'manufacturing', 'mining', 'non profit', 'pharmaceuticals', 'retail', 'technology', 'telecommunications', 'transportation', 'utilities'] |
regions |
target-location |
The list of regions or locations from the victim targeted. ISO 3166 should be used. |
user |
target-user |
The username(s) of the user targeted. |
target-email |
The email address(es) of the user targeted. |
node |
target-machine |
Name(s) of node that was targeted. |
ip-address |
ip-dst |
IP address(es) of the node targeted. |
VirusTotal report.
virustotal-report is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
community-score |
text |
Community Score |
detection-ratio |
text |
Detection Ratio |
first-submission |
datetime |
First Submission |
last-submission |
datetime |
Last Submission |
permalink |
link |
Permalink Reference |
comment |
text |
Comment related to this hash |
Vulnerability object describing a common vulnerability enumeration which can describe published, unpublished, under review or embargo vulnerability for software, equipments or hardware.
vulnerability is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
id |
text |
Vulnerability ID (generally CVE, but not necessarely). The id is not required as the object itself has an UUID and the CVE id can be update or assigned later. |
description |
text |
Description of the vulnerability |
summary |
text |
Summary of the vulnerability |
vulnerable_configuration |
text |
The vulnerable configuration is described in CPE format |
modified |
datetime |
Last modification date |
published |
datetime |
Initial publication date |
created |
datetime |
First time when the vulnerability was discovered |
references |
link |
External references |
state |
text |
State of the vulnerability. A vulnerability can have multiple states depending of the current actions performed. ['Published', 'Embargo', 'Reviewed', 'Vulnerability ID Assigned', 'Reported', 'Fixed'] |
cvss-score |
float |
Score of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (version 3). |
cvss-string |
text |
String of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (version 3). |
credit |
text |
Who reported/found the vulnerability such as an organisation, person or nickname. |
Weakness object describing a common weakness enumeration which can describe usable, incomplete, draft or deprecated weakness for software, equipment of hardware.
weakness is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
id |
text |
Weakness ID (generally CWE). |
description |
text |
Description of the weakness. |
name |
text |
Name of the weakness. |
status |
text |
Status of the weakness. ['Incomplete', 'Deprecated', 'Draft', 'Usable'] |
weakness-abs |
text |
Abstraction of the weakness. ['Class', 'Base', 'Variant'] |
Whois records information for a domain name or an IP address.
whois is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
text |
text |
Full whois entry |
registrar |
whois-registrar |
Registrar of the whois entry |
registrant-name |
whois-registrant-name |
Registrant name |
registrant-phone |
whois-registrant-phone |
Registrant phone number |
registrant-email |
whois-registrant-email |
Registrant email address |
registrant-org |
whois-registrant-org |
Registrant organisation |
creation-date |
datetime |
Initial creation of the whois entry |
modification-date |
datetime |
Last update of the whois entry |
expiration-date |
datetime |
Expiration of the whois entry |
nameserver |
hostname |
Nameserver |
domain |
domain |
Domain of the whois entry |
comment |
text |
Comment of the whois entry |
ip-address |
ip-src |
IP address of the whois entry |
x509 object describing a X.509 certificate.
x509 is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
subject |
text |
Subject of the certificate |
pubkey-info-algorithm |
text |
Algorithm of the public key |
pubkey-info-size |
text |
Length of the public key (in bits) |
pubkey-info-exponent |
text |
Exponent of the public key |
pubkey-info-modulus |
text |
Modulus of the public key |
x509-fingerprint-md5 |
x509-fingerprint-md5 |
[Insecure] MD5 hash (128 bits) |
x509-fingerprint-sha1 |
x509-fingerprint-sha1 |
[Insecure] Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (160 bits) |
x509-fingerprint-sha256 |
x509-fingerprint-sha256 |
Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (256 bits) |
raw-base64 |
text |
Raw certificate base64 encoded (DER format) |
pem |
text |
Raw certificate in PEM formati (Unix-like newlines) |
text |
text |
Free text description of the certificate |
validity-not-before |
datetime |
Certificate invalid before that date |
validity-not-after |
datetime |
Certificate invalid after that date |
issuer |
text |
Issuer of the certificate |
serial-number |
text |
Serial number of the certificate |
version |
text |
Version of the certificate |
self_signed |
boolean |
Self-signed certificate |
is_ca |
boolean |
CA certificate |
dns_names |
text |
DNS names |
signature_algorithm |
text |
yabin generates Yara rules from function prologs, for matching and hunting binaries. ref:
yabin is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
version |
comment | and regex.txt version used for the generation of the yara rules. |
comment |
comment |
A description of Yara rule generated. |
whitelist |
comment |
Whitelist name used to generate the rules. |
yara-hunt |
yara |
Wide yara rule generated from -yh. |
yara |
yara |
Yara rule generated from -y. |
An object describing a YARA rule (or a YARA rule name) along with its version.
yara is a MISP object available in JSON format at this location The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP. |
Object attribute | MISP attribute type | Description | Disable correlation | Multiple |
comment |
comment |
A description of the YARA rule. |
yara |
yara |
YARA rule. |
yara-rule-name |
text |
YARA rule name. |
version |
text |
Version of the YARA rule depending where the yara rule is known to work as expected. ['3.7.1'] |
context |
text |
Context where the YARA rule can be applied ['all', 'disk', 'memory', 'network'] |
Default type of relationships in MISP objects.
Relationships are part of MISP object and available in JSON format at this location. The JSON format can be freely reused in your application or automatically enabled in MISP.
Name of relationship | Description | Format |
derived-from |
The information in the target object is based on information from the source object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0', 'alfred'] |
executes |
This relationship describes an object which executes another object |
['misp'] |
duplicate-of |
The referenced source and target objects are semantically duplicates of each other. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
related-to |
The referenced source is related to the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0', 'alfred'] |
connected-to |
The referenced source is connected to the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
connected-from |
The referenced source is connected from the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
contains |
The referenced source is containing the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1', 'alfred'] |
contained-by |
The referenced source is contained by the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
contained-within |
The referenced source is contained within the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
characterized-by |
The referenced source is characterized by the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
characterizes |
The referenced source is characterizing the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
properties-queried |
The referenced source has queried the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
properties-queried-by |
The referenced source is queried by the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
extracted-from |
The referenced source is extracted from the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
supra-domain-of |
The referenced source is a supra domain of the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
sub-domain-of |
The referenced source is a sub domain of the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
dropped |
The referenced source has dropped the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
dropped-by |
The referenced source is dropped by the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
downloaded |
The referenced source has downloaded the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
downloaded-from |
The referenced source has been downloaded from the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
resolved-to |
The referenced source is resolved to the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-1.1'] |
attributed-to |
This referenced source is attributed to the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
targets |
This relationship describes that the source object targets the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
uses |
This relationship describes the use by the source object of the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0', 'alfred'] |
indicates |
This relationship describes that the source object indicates the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
mitigates |
This relationship describes a source object which mitigates the target object. |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
variant-of |
This relationship describes a source object which is a variant of the target object |
['misp', 'stix-2.0', 'alfred'] |
impersonates |
This relationship describes a source object which impersonates the target object |
['misp', 'stix-2.0'] |
retrieved-from |
This relationship describes an object retrieved from the target object. |
['misp'] |
authored-by |
This relationship describes the author of a specific object. |
['misp'] |
is-author-of |
This relationship describes an object being author by someone. |
['misp'] |
located |
This relationship describes the location (of any type) of a specific object. |
['misp'] |
included-in |
This relationship describes an object included in another object. |
['misp'] |
includes |
This relationship describes an object that includes an other object. |
['misp'] |
analysed-with |
This relationship describes an object analysed by another object. |
['misp'] |
claimed-by |
This relationship describes an object claimed by another object. |
['misp'] |
communicates-with |
This relationship describes an object communicating with another object. |
['misp'] |
drops |
This relationship describes an object which drops another object |
['misp'] |
executed-by |
This relationship describes an object executed by another object. |
['misp'] |
affects |
This relationship describes an object affected by another object. |
['misp', 'alfred'] |
beacons-to |
This relationship describes an object beaconing to another object. |
['misp', 'alfred'] |
abuses |
This relationship describes an object which abuses another object. |
['misp'] |
exfiltrates-to |
This relationship describes an object exfiltrating to another object. |
['misp', 'alfred'] |
identifies |
This relationship describes an object which identifies another object. |
['misp', 'alfred'] |
intercepts |
This relationship describes an object which intercepts another object. |
['misp', 'alfred'] |
calls |
This relationship describes an object which calls another objects. |
['misp'] |
detected-as |
This relationship describes an object which is detected as another object. |
['misp'] |
followed-by |
This relationship describes an object which is followed by another object. This can be used when a time reference is missing but a sequence is known. |
['misp'] |
preceding-by |
This relationship describes an object which is preceded by another object. This can be used when a time reference is missing but a sequence is known. |
['misp'] |
triggers |
This relationship describes an object which triggers another object. |
['misp'] |
vulnerability-of |
This relationship describes an object which is a vulnerability of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
works-like |
This relationship describes an object which works like another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
seller-of |
This relationship describes an object which is selling another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
seller-on |
This relationship describes an object which is selling on another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
trying-to-obtain-the-exploit |
This relationship describes an object which is trying to obtain the exploit described by another object |
['cert-eu'] |
used-by |
This relationship describes an object which is used by another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
affiliated |
This relationship describes an object which is affiliated with another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
alleged-founder-of |
This relationship describes an object which is the alleged founder of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
attacking-other-group |
This relationship describes an object which attacks another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
belongs-to |
This relationship describes an object which belongs to another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
business-relations |
This relationship describes an object which has business relations with another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
claims-to-be-the-founder-of |
This relationship describes an object which claims to be the founder of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
cooperates-with |
This relationship describes an object which cooperates with another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
former-member-of |
This relationship describes an object which is a former member of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
successor-of |
This relationship describes an object which is a successor of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
has-joined |
This relationship describes an object which has joined another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
member-of |
This relationship describes an object which is a member of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
primary-member-of |
This relationship describes an object which is a primary member of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
administrator-of |
This relationship describes an object which is an administrator of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
is-in-relation-with |
This relationship describes an object which is in relation with another object, |
['cert-eu'] |
provide-support-to |
This relationship describes an object which provides support to another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
regional-branch |
This relationship describes an object which is a regional branch of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
similar |
This relationship describes an object which is similar to another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
subgroup |
This relationship describes an object which is a subgroup of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
suspected-link |
This relationship describes an object which is suspected to be linked with another object. |
['misp'] |
same-as |
This relationship describes an object which is the same as another object. |
['misp'] |
creator-of |
This relationship describes an object which is the creator of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
developer-of |
This relationship describes an object which is a developer of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
uses-for-recon |
This relationship describes an object which uses another object for recon. |
['cert-eu'] |
operator-of |
This relationship describes an object which is an operator of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
overlaps |
This relationship describes an object which overlaps another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
owner-of |
This relationship describes an object which owns another object. |
['cert-eu', 'alfred'] |
publishes-method-for |
This relationship describes an object which publishes method for another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
recommends-use-of |
This relationship describes an object which recommends the use of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
released-source-code |
This relationship describes an object which released source code of another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
released |
This relationship describes an object which release another object. |
['cert-eu'] |
exploits |
This relationship describes an object (like a PoC/exploit) which exploits another object (such as a vulnerability object). |
['misp'] |
signed-by |
This relationship describes an object signed by another object. |
['misp'] |
delivered-by |
This relationship describes an object by another object (such as exploit kit, dropper). |
['misp'] |
controls |
This relationship describes an object which controls another object. |
['misp'] |
annotates |
This relationships describes an object which annotates another object. |
['misp'] |
references |
This relationships describes an object which references another object or attribute. |
['misp'] |
child-of |
A child semantic link to a parent. |
['alfred'] |
compromised |
Represents the semantic link of having compromised something. |
['alfred'] |
connects |
The initiator of a connection. |
['alfred'] |
connects-to |
The destination or target of a connection. |
['alfred'] |
cover-term-for |
Represents the semantic link of one thing being the cover term for another. |
['alfred'] |
disclosed-to |
Semantic link indicating where information is disclosed to. |
['alfred'] |
downloads |
Represents the semantic link of one thing downloading another. |
['alfred'] |
downloads-from |
Represents the semantic link of malware being downloaded from a location. |
['alfred'] |
generated |
Represents the semantic link of an alert generated from a signature. |
['alfred'] |
implements |
One data object implements another. |
['alfred'] |
initiates |
Represents the semantic link of a communication initiating an event. |
['alfred'] |
instance-of |
Represents the semantic link between a FILE and FILE_BINARY. |
['alfred'] |
issuer-of |
Represents the semantic link of being the issuer of something. |
['alfred'] |
linked-to |
Represents the semantic link of being associated with something. |
['alfred'] |
not-relevant-to |
Represents the semantic link of a comm that is not relevant to an EVENT. |
['alfred'] |
part-of |
Represents the semantic link that defines one thing to be part of another in a hierachial structure from the child to the parent. |
['alfred'] |
processed-by |
Represents the semantic link of something has been processed by another program. |
['alfred'] |
produced |
Represents the semantic link of something having produced something else. |
['alfred'] |
queried-for |
The IP Address or domain being queried for. |
['alfred'] |
query-returned |
The IP Address or domain returned as the result of a query. |
['alfred'] |
registered |
Represents the semantic link of someone registered some thing. |
['alfred'] |
registered-to |
Represents the semantic link of something being registered to. |
['alfred'] |
relates |
Represents the semantic link between HBS Comms and communication addresses. |
['alfred'] |
relevant-to |
Represents the semantic link of a comm that is relevant to an EVENT. |
['alfred'] |
resolves-to |
Represents the semantic link of resolving to something. |
['alfred'] |
responsible-for |
Represents the semantic link of some entity being responsible for something. |
['alfred'] |
seeded |
Represents the semantic link of a seeded domain redirecting to another site. |
['alfred'] |
sends |
A sends semantic link meaning 'who sends what'. |
['alfred'] |
sends-as-bcc-to |
A sends to as BCC semantic link meaning 'what sends to who as BCC'. |
['alfred'] |
sends-as-cc-to |
A sends to as CC semantic link meaning 'what sends to who as CC'. |
['alfred'] |
sends-to |
A sends to semantic link meaning 'what sends to who'. |
['alfred'] |
spoofer-of |
The represents the semantic link of having spoofed something. |
['alfred'] |
subdomain-of |
Represents a domain being a subdomain of another. |
['alfred'] |
supersedes |
One data object supersedes another. |
['alfred'] |
triggered-on |
Represents the semantic link of an alert triggered on an event. |
['alfred'] |
uploads |
Represents the semantic link of one thing uploading another. |
['alfred'] |
user-of |
The represents the semantic link of being the user of something. |
['alfred'] |
works-for |
Represents the semantic link of working for something. |
['alfred'] |
witness-of |
Represents an object being a witness of something. |
['misp'] |
injects-into |
Represents an object injecting something into something |
['misp'] |
injected-into |
Represents an object which is injected something into something |
['misp'] |
creates |
Represents an object that creates something. |
['misp', 'haxpak'] |
screenshot-of |
Represents an object being the screenshot of something. |
['misp'] |