baseurl = "" title = "MISP Open Source Threat Intelligence Platform & Open Standards For Threat Information Sharing" theme = "hugo-universal-theme" languageCode = "en-us" # Site language. 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Top bar social links menu [[menu.topbar]] weight = 1 name = "Book" url = "/documentation" pre = "" [[menu.topbar]] weight = 2 name = "GitHub" url = "" pre = "" [[menu.topbar]] weight = 3 name = "Gitter" url = "" pre = "" [[menu.topbar]] weight = 4 name = "Twitter" url = "" pre = "" [[menu.topbar]] weight = 5 name = "Email" url = "" pre = "" [[menu.topbar]] weight = 6 name = "RSS Feed" url = "/feed.xml" pre = "" [params] viewMorePostLink = "/blog/" author = "MISP" defaultKeywords = ["MISP", "CTI", "malware", "threat", "cyber", "intelligence", "information exchange", "sharing", "open source", "MISP threat sharing", "Malware Information Sharing Platform", "Threat Intelligence Platform", "TIP", "information sharing", "threatintel"] mainSections = ["blog"] defaultDescription = "MISP Threat Intelligence & Sharing " # Social media #facebook_site = "" # the Facebook handle of your site ('') twitter_site = "MISPProject" # the Twitter handle of your site (without the '@') default_sharing_image = "img/sharing-default.png" # Google Maps widget: If `googleMapsApiKey` is not set, no key will be passed to Google (which likely results in a broken map widget). enableGoogleMaps = false googleMapsApiKey = "" #latitude = "-12.043333" #longitude = "-77.028333" # Style options: default (light-blue), blue, green, marsala, pink, red, turquoise, violet style = "default" # Since this template is static, the contact form uses as a # proxy. The form makes a POST request to their servers to send the actual # email. Visitors can send up to a 50 emails each month for free. # # What you need to do for the setup? # # - register your account to # - login and create new form # - set your form's endpoint url under 'formspree_action' below # - upload the generated site to your server # - test a dummy email yourself # - you're done. Happy mailing! # # Enable the contact form by entering your endpoint url formspree_action = "" contact_form_ajax = false # Formspree form supports Google reCAPTCHA Key (type v2). # If you use this feature, you should enable reCAPTCHA feature in the Formspree dashboard. # # By default, Formspree use a redirect page for recaptcha widget. # If you use a recaptcha widget in your contact page, you should do next steps. # (if you don't want, skip these steps) # # 1. register your site on Google recaptcha admin page: # 2. select reCAPTCHA v2 and checkbox widget type. # 3. remember site key and secret key. # 4. enter secret key into "Custom reCAPTCHA Key" field in your Formspree form setting page. # 5. change `enableRecaptchaInContactForm` is to true # 6. enter site key into `googleRecaptchaKey` to enable a recaptcha widget in your page. # enableRecaptchaInContactForm = false googleRecaptchaKey = "site_key_for_google_recaptcha" about_us = '
About us' copyright = '© MISP project. Software released under approved open source licenses and content of this website released as CC BY-SA 3.0.' # Format dates with Go's time formatting date_format = "January 2, 2006" disabled_logo = false logo_text = "MISP Threat Sharing" logo = "img/logo.png" logo_small = "img/logo-small.png" contact_url = "/support" address = """ """ [permalinks] blog = "/:year/:month/:day/:filename.html" # Enable or disable top bar with social icons [params.topbar] enable = true text = """ """ # Enable and disable widgets for the right sidebar [params.widgets] categories = true tags = true search = true [params.carouselCustomers] items = 6 auto_play = true slide_speed = 2000 pagination_speed = 1000 [params.carouselTestimonals] items = 4 auto_play = true slide_speed = 2000 pagination_speed = 1000 [params.carouselHomepage] # All carousel items are defined in their own files. You can find example items # at 'exampleSite/data/carousel'. # For more informtion take a look at the README. enable = true auto_play = true slide_speed = 2000 pagination_speed = 1000 [params.features] enable = true cols = 3 # Default: 3, Available values 2,3,4,6 # All features are defined in their own files. You can find example items # at 'exampleSite/data/features'. # For more informtion take a look at the README. [] enable = true icon = "fas fa-download" title = "Want to test and evaluate MISP?" subtitle = "" link_url = "/download" link_text = "Download now" [params.testimonials] enable = true # All testimonials are defined in their own files. You can find example items # at 'exampleSite/data/testimonials'. # For more informtion take a look at the README. title = "Initiatives" subtitle = "The MISP Threat Sharing project consists of multiple initiatives, from software to facilitate threat analysis and sharing to freely usable structured Cyber Threat Information and Taxonomies." [params.see_more] enable = true icon = "far fa-file-alt" title = "Do you want to join a community?" subtitle = "MISP is an open source software and it is also a large community of MISP users creating, maintaining and operating communities of users or organizations sharing information about threats or cyber security indicators worldwide." link_url = "/communities" link_text = "Find communities" [params.clients] enable = false # All clients are defined in their own files. You can find example items # at 'exampleSite/data/clients'. # For more informtion take a look at the README. title = "Our Clients" subtitle = "" [params.recent_posts] enable = true title = "From our blog" subtitle = "In addition to the [news](/blog/) stories below, check out the [press](/press), [events](/events), [hackathon](hackathon), [MISP Summit](misp-summit) pages and full [news archive](/blog)." hide_summary = false [params.footer.recent_posts] enable = true [taxonomies] category = "categories" tag = "tags" author = "authors" [markup] [markup.goldmark] [markup.goldmark.renderer] unsafe = true