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<h3>MISP Hackathon 2016</h3>
<h2 id="misp-hackathon-2016">MISP Hackathon 2016</h2>
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<h3>MISP 2.4.49 released with many improvements and fixes</h3>
<p>A version of MISP has been released: 2.4.49 including many bug fixes, updates and improvements.</p>
<a href="/misp-website//2016/07/22/MISP-2.4.49-released.html" class="button">Continue Reading</a>
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<h3>MISP Hackathon 2016</h3>
<h2 id="misp-hackathon-2016">MISP Hackathon 2016</h2>
<a href="/misp-website//2016/08/01/MISP-1st-Hackathon.html" class="button">Continue Reading</a>
<h3>MISP 2.4.49 released with many improvements and fixes</h3>
<p>A version of MISP has been released: 2.4.49 including many bug fixes, updates and improvements.</p>
<a href="/misp-website//2016/07/22/MISP-2.4.49-released.html" class="button">Continue Reading</a>
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<p>MISP is a community-driven project lead by the community of users.</p>
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