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MISP 2.4.61 released post /assets/images/misp-small.png

A new version of MISP 2.4.61 has been released, including a major bug fix, new features and minor updates. We strongly recommend to update MISP to this latest version.

MISP warning-list{:class="img-responsive"}

Warning lists has been significantly updated with two new types: hostname and substring. This allows to make more granular matching to find additional potential false-positives. The hostname type allows to match the string within URLs.

A major bug was fixed (introduced in 2.4.60) which could lead to the last attributes being dropped at the export level.

The release includes further improvements such as:

  • Some improvement in the screenshot view as attribute to expand/collapse its view.
  • A new API has been added to manage organisations via the ReST API.
  • [taxonomies and galaxy] updated to the latest version.
  • UTF8 encoding is now enforced at the default database config.

A big thanks to all the users who gave feedback and contributors who helped us improve MISP.

The full change log is available here.

Don't hesitate to open an issue if you have any feedback, found a bug or want to propose new features.