#!/usr/bin/env bash RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color bypass=0 forceClearCache=0 while getopts "hbc" option do case $option in h) echo -e "Update or install all Monarc modules, frontend views and migrate database." echo -e "\t-b\tbypass migrate database" echo -e "\t-c\tforce clear cache" echo -e "\t-h\tdisplay this message" exit 1 ;; b) bypass=1 echo "Migrate database don't execute !!!" ;; c) forceClearCache=1 ;; esac done pull_if_exists() { if [ -d $1 ]; then pushd $1 git pull popd fi } migrate_module() { if [[ -d $1 ]]; then php ./vendor/robmorgan/phinx/bin/phinx migrate -c ./$1/migrations/phinx.php fi } if [[ ! -f "config/autoload/local.php" && $bypass -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Configure Monarc (config/autoload/local.php)" exit 1 fi git pull if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "A problem occurred while retrieving remote files from repository." exit 1 fi ./scripts/check_composer.sh if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then exit 1 fi composer install -o --no-dev pathCore="module/Monarc/Core" pathBO="module/Monarc/BackOffice" if [[ -d node_modules && -d node_modules/ng_anr ]]; then if [[ -d node_modules/ng_anr/.git ]]; then pull_if_exists node_modules/ng_backoffice pull_if_exists node_modules/ng_anr else npm update fi else npm install fi if [[ $bypass -eq 0 ]]; then migrate_module $pathCore migrate_module $pathBO fi cd node_modules/ng_backoffice npm install cd ../.. ./scripts/link_modules_resources.sh ./scripts/compile_translations.sh if [[ $forceClearCache -eq 1 ]]; then # Clear doctrine cache # Move to Monarc/Core Module.php php ./public/index.php orm:clear-cache:metadata php ./public/index.php orm:clear-cache:query php ./public/index.php orm:clear-cache:result # Clear cache if [ -e ./data/cache/upgrade ] then touch ./data/cache/upgrade && chmod 777 ./data/cache/upgrade fi fi if [[ $forceClearCache -eq 0 && $bypass -eq 0 ]]; then # Clear cache if [ -e ./data/cache/upgrade ] then touch ./data/cache/upgrade && chmod 777 ./data/cache/upgrade fi fi exit 0