Fix substitution failure in mail template

David Baker 2016-06-21 11:37:56 +01:00
parent d8ec81cc31
commit 6b40e4f52a
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<div class="debug">
Sending email at {{|format_ts("%c") }} due to activity in room {{ reason.room_name }} because
an event was received at {{ reason.received_at|format_ts("%c") }}
which is more than {{ "%.1f"|format(reason.delay_before_mail_ms / (60*1000)) }} (delay_before_mail_ms) mins ago,
which is more than {{ "%.1f"|format(reason.delay_before_mail_ms / (60*1000)) }} ({{ reason.delay_before_mail_ms }}) mins ago,
{% if reason.last_sent_ts %}
and the last time we sent a mail for this room was {{ reason.last_sent_ts|format_ts("%c") }},
which is more than {{ "%.1f"|format(reason.throttle_ms / (60*1000)) }} (current throttle_ms) mins ago.