# Copyright 2022 Matrix.org Federation C.I.C # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json from unittest import mock import twisted.web.client from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor from synapse.api.room_versions import RoomVersions from synapse.events import EventBase from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.types import JsonDict from synapse.util import Clock from tests.unittest import FederatingHomeserverTestCase class FederationClientTest(FederatingHomeserverTestCase): def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, homeserver: HomeServer): super().prepare(reactor, clock, homeserver) # mock out the Agent used by the federation client, which is easier than # catching the HTTPS connection and do the TLS stuff. self._mock_agent = mock.create_autospec(twisted.web.client.Agent, spec_set=True) homeserver.get_federation_http_client().agent = self._mock_agent # Move clock up to somewhat realistic time so the PDU destination retry # works (`now` needs to be larger than `0 + PDU_RETRY_TIME_MS`). self.reactor.advance(1000000000) self.creator = f"@creator:{self.OTHER_SERVER_NAME}" self.test_room_id = "!room_id" def test_get_room_state(self): # mock up some events to use in the response. # In real life, these would have things in `prev_events` and `auth_events`, but that's # a bit annoying to mock up, and the code under test doesn't care, so we don't bother. create_event_dict = self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "room_id": self.test_room_id, "type": "m.room.create", "state_key": "", "sender": self.creator, "content": {"creator": self.creator}, "prev_events": [], "auth_events": [], "origin_server_ts": 500, } ) member_event_dict = self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "room_id": self.test_room_id, "type": "m.room.member", "sender": self.creator, "state_key": self.creator, "content": {"membership": "join"}, "prev_events": [], "auth_events": [], "origin_server_ts": 600, } ) pl_event_dict = self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "room_id": self.test_room_id, "type": "m.room.power_levels", "sender": self.creator, "state_key": "", "content": {}, "prev_events": [], "auth_events": [], "origin_server_ts": 700, } ) # mock up the response, and have the agent return it self._mock_agent.request.side_effect = lambda *args, **kwargs: defer.succeed( _mock_response( { "pdus": [ create_event_dict, member_event_dict, pl_event_dict, ], "auth_chain": [ create_event_dict, member_event_dict, ], } ) ) # now fire off the request state_resp, auth_resp = self.get_success( self.hs.get_federation_client().get_room_state( "yet.another.server", self.test_room_id, "event_id", RoomVersions.V9, ) ) # check the right call got made to the agent self._mock_agent.request.assert_called_once_with( b"GET", b"matrix://yet.another.server/_matrix/federation/v1/state/%21room_id?event_id=event_id", headers=mock.ANY, bodyProducer=None, ) # ... and that the response is correct. # the auth_resp should be empty because all the events are also in state self.assertEqual(auth_resp, []) # all of the events should be returned in state_resp, though not necessarily # in the same order. We just check the type on the assumption that if the type # is right, so is the rest of the event. self.assertCountEqual( [e.type for e in state_resp], ["m.room.create", "m.room.member", "m.room.power_levels"], ) def test_get_pdu_returns_nothing_when_event_does_not_exist(self): """No event should be returned when the event does not exist""" remote_pdu = self.get_success( self.hs.get_federation_client().get_pdu( ["yet.another.server"], "event_should_not_exist", RoomVersions.V9, ) ) self.assertEqual(remote_pdu, None) def test_get_pdu(self): """Test to make sure an event is returned by `get_pdu()`""" self._get_pdu_once() def test_get_pdu_event_from_cache_is_pristine(self): """Test that modifications made to events returned by `get_pdu()` do not propagate back to to the internal cache (events returned should be a copy). """ # Get the PDU in the cache remote_pdu = self._get_pdu_once() # Modify the the event reference. # This change should not make it back to the `_get_pdu_cache`. remote_pdu.internal_metadata.outlier = True # Get the event again. This time it should read it from cache. remote_pdu2 = self.get_success( self.hs.get_federation_client().get_pdu( ["yet.another.server"], remote_pdu.event_id, RoomVersions.V9, ) ) # Sanity check that we are working against the same event self.assertEqual(remote_pdu.event_id, remote_pdu2.event_id) # Make sure the event does not include modification from earlier self.assertIsNotNone(remote_pdu2) self.assertEqual(remote_pdu2.internal_metadata.outlier, False) def _get_pdu_once(self) -> EventBase: """Retrieve an event via `get_pdu()` and assert that an event was returned. Also used to prime the cache for subsequent test logic. """ message_event_dict = self.add_hashes_and_signatures_from_other_server( { "room_id": self.test_room_id, "type": "m.room.message", "sender": self.creator, "state_key": "", "content": {}, "prev_events": [], "auth_events": [], "origin_server_ts": 700, "depth": 10, } ) # mock up the response, and have the agent return it self._mock_agent.request.side_effect = lambda *args, **kwargs: defer.succeed( _mock_response( { "origin": "yet.another.server", "origin_server_ts": 900, "pdus": [ message_event_dict, ], } ) ) remote_pdu = self.get_success( self.hs.get_federation_client().get_pdu( ["yet.another.server"], "event_id", RoomVersions.V9, ) ) # check the right call got made to the agent self._mock_agent.request.assert_called_once_with( b"GET", b"matrix://yet.another.server/_matrix/federation/v1/event/event_id", headers=mock.ANY, bodyProducer=None, ) self.assertIsNotNone(remote_pdu) self.assertEqual(remote_pdu.internal_metadata.outlier, False) return remote_pdu def _mock_response(resp: JsonDict): body = json.dumps(resp).encode("utf-8") def deliver_body(p: Protocol): p.dataReceived(body) p.connectionLost(Failure(twisted.web.client.ResponseDone())) response = mock.Mock( code=200, phrase=b"OK", headers=twisted.web.client.Headers({"content-Type": ["application/json"]}), length=len(body), deliverBody=deliver_body, ) mock.seal(response) return response