# This compose file is compatible with Copose itself, it might need some # adjustments to run properly with stack. version: '3' services: synapse: image: matrix/synapse # See the readme for a full documentation of the environment settings environment: - SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME=my.matrix.host - SYNAPSE_DB_PASSWORD=changeme volumes: - ./files:/data # One may either expose ports directly ports: - 8448:8448/tcp # ... or use a reverse proxy, here is an example for traefik labels: - traefik.enable=true - traefik.frontend.rule=Host:my.matrix.Host - traefik.port=8448 db: image: postgres:latest # Change that password, of course! environment: - POSTGRES_USER=matrix - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=changeme volumes: - ./schemas:/var/lib/postgres