# Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import abc import logging import re import urllib.parse from inspect import signature from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Awaitable, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, List, Tuple from prometheus_client import Counter, Gauge from twisted.internet.error import ConnectError, DNSLookupError from twisted.web.server import Request from synapse.api.errors import HttpResponseException, SynapseError from synapse.config.workers import MAIN_PROCESS_INSTANCE_NAME from synapse.http import RequestTimedOutError from synapse.http.server import HttpServer from synapse.http.servlet import parse_json_object_from_request from synapse.http.site import SynapseRequest from synapse.logging import opentracing from synapse.logging.opentracing import trace_with_opname from synapse.types import JsonDict from synapse.util.caches.response_cache import ResponseCache from synapse.util.cancellation import is_function_cancellable from synapse.util.stringutils import random_string if TYPE_CHECKING: from synapse.server import HomeServer logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _pending_outgoing_requests = Gauge( "synapse_pending_outgoing_replication_requests", "Number of active outgoing replication requests, by replication method name", ["name"], ) _outgoing_request_counter = Counter( "synapse_outgoing_replication_requests", "Number of outgoing replication requests, by replication method name and result", ["name", "code"], ) _STREAM_POSITION_KEY = "_INT_STREAM_POS" class ReplicationEndpoint(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Helper base class for defining new replication HTTP endpoints. This creates an endpoint under `/_synapse/replication/:NAME/:PATH_ARGS..` (with a `/:txn_id` suffix for cached requests), where NAME is a name, PATH_ARGS are a tuple of parameters to be encoded in the URL. For example, if `NAME` is "send_event" and `PATH_ARGS` is `("event_id",)`, with `CACHE` set to true then this generates an endpoint: /_synapse/replication/send_event/:event_id/:txn_id For POST/PUT requests the payload is serialized to json and sent as the body, while for GET requests the payload is added as query parameters. See `_serialize_payload` for details. Incoming requests are handled by overriding `_handle_request`. Servers must call `register` to register the path with the HTTP server. Requests can be sent by calling the client returned by `make_client`. Requests are sent to master process by default, but can be sent to other named processes by specifying an `instance_name` keyword argument. Attributes: NAME (str): A name for the endpoint, added to the path as well as used in logging and metrics. PATH_ARGS (tuple[str]): A list of parameters to be added to the path. Adding parameters to the path (rather than payload) can make it easier to follow along in the log files. METHOD (str): The method of the HTTP request, defaults to POST. Can be one of POST, PUT or GET. If GET then the payload is sent as query parameters rather than a JSON body. CACHE (bool): Whether server should cache the result of the request/ If true then transparently adds a txn_id to all requests, and `_handle_request` must return a Deferred. RETRY_ON_TIMEOUT(bool): Whether or not to retry the request when a 504 is received. RETRY_ON_CONNECT_ERROR (bool): Whether or not to retry the request when a connection error is received. RETRY_ON_CONNECT_ERROR_ATTEMPTS (int): Number of attempts to retry when receiving connection errors, each will backoff exponentially longer. WAIT_FOR_STREAMS (bool): Whether to wait for replication streams to catch up before processing the request and/or response. Defaults to True. """ NAME: str = abc.abstractproperty() # type: ignore PATH_ARGS: Tuple[str, ...] = abc.abstractproperty() # type: ignore METHOD = "POST" CACHE = True RETRY_ON_TIMEOUT = True RETRY_ON_CONNECT_ERROR = True RETRY_ON_CONNECT_ERROR_ATTEMPTS = 5 # =63s (2^6-1) WAIT_FOR_STREAMS: ClassVar[bool] = True def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"): if self.CACHE: self.response_cache: ResponseCache[str] = ResponseCache( hs.get_clock(), "repl." + self.NAME, timeout_ms=30 * 60 * 1000 ) # We reserve `instance_name` as a parameter to sending requests, so we # assert here that sub classes don't try and use the name. assert ( "instance_name" not in self.PATH_ARGS ), "`instance_name` is a reserved parameter name" assert ( "instance_name" not in signature(self.__class__._serialize_payload).parameters ), "`instance_name` is a reserved parameter name" assert self.METHOD in ("PUT", "POST", "GET") self._replication_secret = None if hs.config.worker.worker_replication_secret: self._replication_secret = hs.config.worker.worker_replication_secret self._streams = hs.get_replication_command_handler().get_streams_to_replicate() self._replication = hs.get_replication_data_handler() self._instance_name = hs.get_instance_name() def _check_auth(self, request: Request) -> None: # Get the authorization header. auth_headers = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"Authorization") if not auth_headers: raise RuntimeError("Missing Authorization header.") if len(auth_headers) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Too many Authorization headers.") parts = auth_headers[0].split(b" ") if parts[0] == b"Bearer" and len(parts) == 2: received_secret = parts[1].decode("ascii") if self._replication_secret == received_secret: # Success! return raise RuntimeError("Invalid Authorization header.") @abc.abstractmethod async def _serialize_payload(**kwargs) -> JsonDict: """Static method that is called when creating a request. Concrete implementations should have explicit parameters (rather than kwargs) so that an appropriate exception is raised if the client is called with unexpected parameters. All PATH_ARGS must appear in argument list. Returns: If POST/PUT request then dictionary must be JSON serialisable, otherwise must be appropriate for adding as query args. """ return {} @abc.abstractmethod async def _handle_request( self, request: Request, content: JsonDict, **kwargs: Any ) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]: """Handle incoming request. This is called with the request object and PATH_ARGS. Returns: HTTP status code and a JSON serialisable dict to be used as response body of request. """ @classmethod def make_client(cls, hs: "HomeServer") -> Callable: """Create a client that makes requests. Returns a callable that accepts the same parameters as `_serialize_payload`, and also accepts an optional `instance_name` parameter to specify which instance to hit (the instance must be in the `instance_map` config). """ clock = hs.get_clock() client = hs.get_replication_client() local_instance_name = hs.get_instance_name() instance_map = hs.config.worker.instance_map outgoing_gauge = _pending_outgoing_requests.labels(cls.NAME) replication_secret = None if hs.config.worker.worker_replication_secret: replication_secret = hs.config.worker.worker_replication_secret.encode( "ascii" ) @trace_with_opname("outgoing_replication_request") async def send_request( *, instance_name: str = MAIN_PROCESS_INSTANCE_NAME, **kwargs: Any ) -> Any: # We have to pull these out here to avoid circular dependencies... streams = hs.get_replication_command_handler().get_streams_to_replicate() replication = hs.get_replication_data_handler() with outgoing_gauge.track_inprogress(): if instance_name == local_instance_name: raise Exception("Trying to send HTTP request to self") if instance_name not in instance_map: raise Exception( "Instance %r not in 'instance_map' config" % (instance_name,) ) data = await cls._serialize_payload(**kwargs) if cls.METHOD != "GET" and cls.WAIT_FOR_STREAMS: # Include the current stream positions that we write to. We # don't do this for GETs as they don't have a body, and we # generally assume that a GET won't rely on data we have # written. if _STREAM_POSITION_KEY in data: raise Exception( "data to send contains %r key", _STREAM_POSITION_KEY ) data[_STREAM_POSITION_KEY] = { "streams": { stream.NAME: stream.minimal_local_current_token() for stream in streams }, "instance_name": local_instance_name, } url_args = [ urllib.parse.quote(kwargs[name], safe="") for name in cls.PATH_ARGS ] if cls.CACHE: txn_id = random_string(10) url_args.append(txn_id) if cls.METHOD == "POST": request_func: Callable[ ..., Awaitable[Any] ] = client.post_json_get_json elif cls.METHOD == "PUT": request_func = client.put_json elif cls.METHOD == "GET": request_func = client.get_json else: # We have already asserted in the constructor that a # compatible was picked, but lets be paranoid. raise Exception( "Unknown METHOD on %s replication endpoint" % (cls.NAME,) ) # Hard code a special scheme to show this only used for replication. The # instance_name will be passed into the ReplicationEndpointFactory to # determine connection details from the instance_map. uri = "synapse-replication://%s/_synapse/replication/%s/%s" % ( instance_name, cls.NAME, "/".join(url_args), ) headers: Dict[bytes, List[bytes]] = {} # Add an authorization header, if configured. if replication_secret: headers[b"Authorization"] = [b"Bearer " + replication_secret] opentracing.inject_header_dict(headers, check_destination=False) try: # Keep track of attempts made so we can bail if we don't manage to # connect to the target after N tries. attempts = 0 # We keep retrying the same request for timeouts. This is so that we # have a good idea that the request has either succeeded or failed # on the master, and so whether we should clean up or not. while True: try: result = await request_func(uri, data, headers=headers) break except RequestTimedOutError: if not cls.RETRY_ON_TIMEOUT: raise logger.warning("%s request timed out; retrying", cls.NAME) # If we timed out we probably don't need to worry about backing # off too much, but lets just wait a little anyway. await clock.sleep(1) except (ConnectError, DNSLookupError) as e: if not cls.RETRY_ON_CONNECT_ERROR: raise if attempts > cls.RETRY_ON_CONNECT_ERROR_ATTEMPTS: raise delay = 2**attempts logger.warning( "%s request connection failed; retrying in %ds: %r", cls.NAME, delay, e, ) await clock.sleep(delay) attempts += 1 except HttpResponseException as e: # We convert to SynapseError as we know that it was a SynapseError # on the main process that we should send to the client. (And # importantly, not stack traces everywhere) _outgoing_request_counter.labels(cls.NAME, e.code).inc() raise e.to_synapse_error() except Exception as e: _outgoing_request_counter.labels(cls.NAME, "ERR").inc() raise SynapseError( 502, f"Failed to talk to {instance_name} process" ) from e _outgoing_request_counter.labels(cls.NAME, 200).inc() # Wait on any streams that the remote may have written to. for stream_name, position in result.pop( _STREAM_POSITION_KEY, {} ).items(): await replication.wait_for_stream_position( instance_name=instance_name, stream_name=stream_name, position=position, ) return result return send_request def register(self, http_server: HttpServer) -> None: """Called by the server to register this as a handler to the appropriate path. """ url_args = list(self.PATH_ARGS) method = self.METHOD if self.CACHE and is_function_cancellable(self._handle_request): raise Exception( f"{self.__class__.__name__} has been marked as cancellable, but CACHE " "is set. The cancellable flag would have no effect." ) if self.CACHE: url_args.append("txn_id") args = "/".join("(?P<%s>[^/]+)" % (arg,) for arg in url_args) pattern = re.compile("^/_synapse/replication/%s/%s$" % (self.NAME, args)) http_server.register_paths( method, [pattern], self._check_auth_and_handle, self.__class__.__name__, ) async def _check_auth_and_handle( self, request: SynapseRequest, **kwargs: Any ) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]: """Called on new incoming requests when caching is enabled. Checks if there is a cached response for the request and returns that, otherwise calls `_handle_request` and caches its response. """ # We just use the txn_id here, but we probably also want to use the # other PATH_ARGS as well. # Check the authorization headers before handling the request. if self._replication_secret: self._check_auth(request) if self.METHOD == "GET": # GET APIs always have an empty body. content = {} else: content = parse_json_object_from_request(request) # Wait on any streams that the remote may have written to. for stream_name, position in content.get(_STREAM_POSITION_KEY, {"streams": {}})[ "streams" ].items(): await self._replication.wait_for_stream_position( instance_name=content[_STREAM_POSITION_KEY]["instance_name"], stream_name=stream_name, position=position, ) if self.CACHE: txn_id = kwargs.pop("txn_id") # We ignore the `@cancellable` flag, since cancellation wouldn't interupt # `_handle_request` and `ResponseCache` does not handle cancellation # correctly yet. In particular, there may be issues to do with logging # context lifetimes. code, response = await self.response_cache.wrap( txn_id, self._handle_request, request, content, **kwargs ) # Take a copy so we don't mutate things in the cache. response = dict(response) else: # The `@cancellable` decorator may be applied to `_handle_request`. But we # told `HttpServer.register_paths` that our handler is `_check_auth_and_handle`, # so we have to set up the cancellable flag ourselves. request.is_render_cancellable = is_function_cancellable( self._handle_request ) code, response = await self._handle_request(request, content, **kwargs) # Return streams we may have written to in the course of processing this # request. if _STREAM_POSITION_KEY in response: raise Exception("data to send contains %r key", _STREAM_POSITION_KEY) if self.WAIT_FOR_STREAMS: response[_STREAM_POSITION_KEY] = { stream.NAME: stream.minimal_local_current_token() for stream in self._streams } return code, response