CREATE FUNCTION check_partial_state_events() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM events WHERE events.event_id = NEW.event_id AND events.room_id != NEW.room_id ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Incorrect room_id in partial_state_events'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$; CREATE TABLE access_tokens ( id bigint NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text, token text NOT NULL, valid_until_ms bigint, puppets_user_id text, last_validated bigint, refresh_token_id bigint, used boolean ); CREATE TABLE account_data ( user_id text NOT NULL, account_data_type text NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL, content text NOT NULL, instance_name text ); CREATE SEQUENCE account_data_sequence START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; CREATE TABLE account_validity ( user_id text NOT NULL, expiration_ts_ms bigint NOT NULL, email_sent boolean NOT NULL, renewal_token text, token_used_ts_ms bigint ); CREATE TABLE application_services_state ( as_id text NOT NULL, state character varying(5), read_receipt_stream_id bigint, presence_stream_id bigint, to_device_stream_id bigint, device_list_stream_id bigint ); CREATE SEQUENCE application_services_txn_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; CREATE TABLE application_services_txns ( as_id text NOT NULL, txn_id bigint NOT NULL, event_ids text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE appservice_room_list ( appservice_id text NOT NULL, network_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE appservice_stream_position ( lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL, stream_ordering bigint, CONSTRAINT appservice_stream_position_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar)) ); CREATE TABLE batch_events ( event_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, batch_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE blocked_rooms ( room_id text NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE cache_invalidation_stream_by_instance ( stream_id bigint NOT NULL, instance_name text NOT NULL, cache_func text NOT NULL, keys text[], invalidation_ts bigint ); CREATE SEQUENCE cache_invalidation_stream_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; CREATE TABLE current_state_delta_stream ( stream_id bigint NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL, state_key text NOT NULL, event_id text, prev_event_id text, instance_name text ); CREATE TABLE current_state_events ( event_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL, state_key text NOT NULL, membership text ); CREATE TABLE dehydrated_devices ( user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text NOT NULL, device_data text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE deleted_pushers ( stream_id bigint NOT NULL, app_id text NOT NULL, pushkey text NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE destination_rooms ( destination text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE destinations ( destination text NOT NULL, retry_last_ts bigint, retry_interval bigint, failure_ts bigint, last_successful_stream_ordering bigint ); CREATE TABLE device_auth_providers ( user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text NOT NULL, auth_provider_id text NOT NULL, auth_provider_session_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE device_federation_inbox ( origin text NOT NULL, message_id text NOT NULL, received_ts bigint NOT NULL, instance_name text ); CREATE TABLE device_federation_outbox ( destination text NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL, queued_ts bigint NOT NULL, messages_json text NOT NULL, instance_name text ); CREATE TABLE device_inbox ( user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL, message_json text NOT NULL, instance_name text ); CREATE SEQUENCE device_inbox_sequence START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; CREATE TABLE device_lists_changes_in_room ( user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL, converted_to_destinations boolean NOT NULL, opentracing_context text ); CREATE TABLE device_lists_outbound_last_success ( destination text NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE device_lists_outbound_pokes ( destination text NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text NOT NULL, sent boolean NOT NULL, ts bigint NOT NULL, opentracing_context text ); CREATE TABLE device_lists_remote_cache ( user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text NOT NULL, content text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE device_lists_remote_extremeties ( user_id text NOT NULL, stream_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE device_lists_remote_resync ( user_id text NOT NULL, added_ts bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE device_lists_stream ( stream_id bigint NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE devices ( user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text NOT NULL, display_name text, last_seen bigint, ip text, user_agent text, hidden boolean DEFAULT false ); CREATE TABLE e2e_cross_signing_keys ( user_id text NOT NULL, keytype text NOT NULL, keydata text NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE e2e_cross_signing_signatures ( user_id text NOT NULL, key_id text NOT NULL, target_user_id text NOT NULL, target_device_id text NOT NULL, signature text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE e2e_device_keys_json ( user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text NOT NULL, ts_added_ms bigint NOT NULL, key_json text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE e2e_fallback_keys_json ( user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text NOT NULL, algorithm text NOT NULL, key_id text NOT NULL, key_json text NOT NULL, used boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE e2e_one_time_keys_json ( user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text NOT NULL, algorithm text NOT NULL, key_id text NOT NULL, ts_added_ms bigint NOT NULL, key_json text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE e2e_room_keys ( user_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, session_id text NOT NULL, version bigint NOT NULL, first_message_index integer, forwarded_count integer, is_verified boolean, session_data text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE e2e_room_keys_versions ( user_id text NOT NULL, version bigint NOT NULL, algorithm text NOT NULL, auth_data text NOT NULL, deleted smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, etag bigint ); CREATE TABLE erased_users ( user_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE event_auth ( event_id text NOT NULL, auth_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE event_auth_chain_id START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; CREATE TABLE event_auth_chain_links ( origin_chain_id bigint NOT NULL, origin_sequence_number bigint NOT NULL, target_chain_id bigint NOT NULL, target_sequence_number bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE event_auth_chain_to_calculate ( event_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL, state_key text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE event_auth_chains ( event_id text NOT NULL, chain_id bigint NOT NULL, sequence_number bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE event_backward_extremities ( event_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE event_edges ( event_id text NOT NULL, prev_event_id text NOT NULL, room_id text, is_state boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE event_expiry ( event_id text NOT NULL, expiry_ts bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE event_forward_extremities ( event_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE event_json ( event_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, internal_metadata text NOT NULL, json text NOT NULL, format_version integer ); CREATE TABLE event_labels ( event_id text NOT NULL, label text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, topological_ordering bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE event_push_actions ( room_id text NOT NULL, event_id text NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, profile_tag character varying(32), actions text NOT NULL, topological_ordering bigint, stream_ordering bigint, notif smallint, highlight smallint, unread smallint, thread_id text ); CREATE TABLE event_push_actions_staging ( event_id text NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, actions text NOT NULL, notif smallint NOT NULL, highlight smallint NOT NULL, unread smallint, thread_id text ); CREATE TABLE event_push_summary ( user_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, notif_count bigint NOT NULL, stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL, unread_count bigint, last_receipt_stream_ordering bigint, thread_id text ); CREATE TABLE event_push_summary_last_receipt_stream_id ( lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT event_push_summary_last_receipt_stream_id_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar)) ); CREATE TABLE event_push_summary_stream_ordering ( lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL, stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT event_push_summary_stream_ordering_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar)) ); CREATE TABLE event_relations ( event_id text NOT NULL, relates_to_id text NOT NULL, relation_type text NOT NULL, aggregation_key text ); CREATE TABLE event_reports ( id bigint NOT NULL, received_ts bigint NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, event_id text NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, reason text, content text ); CREATE TABLE event_search ( event_id text, room_id text, sender text, key text, vector tsvector, origin_server_ts bigint, stream_ordering bigint ); CREATE TABLE event_to_state_groups ( event_id text NOT NULL, state_group bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE event_txn_id ( event_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, token_id bigint NOT NULL, txn_id text NOT NULL, inserted_ts bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE events ( topological_ordering bigint NOT NULL, event_id text NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, content text, unrecognized_keys text, processed boolean NOT NULL, outlier boolean NOT NULL, depth bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, origin_server_ts bigint, received_ts bigint, sender text, contains_url boolean, instance_name text, stream_ordering bigint, state_key text, rejection_reason text ); CREATE SEQUENCE events_backfill_stream_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; CREATE SEQUENCE events_stream_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; CREATE TABLE ex_outlier_stream ( event_stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL, event_id text NOT NULL, state_group bigint NOT NULL, instance_name text ); CREATE TABLE federation_inbound_events_staging ( origin text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, event_id text NOT NULL, received_ts bigint NOT NULL, event_json text NOT NULL, internal_metadata text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE federation_stream_position ( type text NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL, instance_name text DEFAULT 'master'::text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE ignored_users ( ignorer_user_id text NOT NULL, ignored_user_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE insertion_event_edges ( event_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, insertion_prev_event_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE insertion_event_extremities ( event_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE insertion_events ( event_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, next_batch_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE instance_map ( instance_id integer NOT NULL, instance_name text NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE instance_map_instance_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE instance_map_instance_id_seq OWNED BY instance_map.instance_id; CREATE TABLE local_current_membership ( room_id text NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, event_id text NOT NULL, membership text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE local_media_repository ( media_id text, media_type text, media_length integer, created_ts bigint, upload_name text, user_id text, quarantined_by text, url_cache text, last_access_ts bigint, safe_from_quarantine boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE local_media_repository_thumbnails ( media_id text, thumbnail_width integer, thumbnail_height integer, thumbnail_type text, thumbnail_method text, thumbnail_length integer ); CREATE TABLE local_media_repository_url_cache ( url text, response_code integer, etag text, expires_ts bigint, og text, media_id text, download_ts bigint ); CREATE TABLE monthly_active_users ( user_id text NOT NULL, "timestamp" bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE open_id_tokens ( token text NOT NULL, ts_valid_until_ms bigint NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE partial_state_events ( room_id text NOT NULL, event_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE partial_state_rooms ( room_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE partial_state_rooms_servers ( room_id text NOT NULL, server_name text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE presence ( user_id text NOT NULL, state character varying(20), status_msg text, mtime bigint ); CREATE TABLE presence_stream ( stream_id bigint, user_id text, state text, last_active_ts bigint, last_federation_update_ts bigint, last_user_sync_ts bigint, status_msg text, currently_active boolean, instance_name text ); CREATE SEQUENCE presence_stream_sequence START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; CREATE TABLE profiles ( user_id text NOT NULL, displayname text, avatar_url text ); CREATE TABLE push_rules ( id bigint NOT NULL, user_name text NOT NULL, rule_id text NOT NULL, priority_class smallint NOT NULL, priority integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, conditions text NOT NULL, actions text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE push_rules_enable ( id bigint NOT NULL, user_name text NOT NULL, rule_id text NOT NULL, enabled smallint ); CREATE TABLE push_rules_stream ( stream_id bigint NOT NULL, event_stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, rule_id text NOT NULL, op text NOT NULL, priority_class smallint, priority integer, conditions text, actions text ); CREATE TABLE pusher_throttle ( pusher bigint NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, last_sent_ts bigint, throttle_ms bigint ); CREATE TABLE pushers ( id bigint NOT NULL, user_name text NOT NULL, access_token bigint, profile_tag text NOT NULL, kind text NOT NULL, app_id text NOT NULL, app_display_name text NOT NULL, device_display_name text NOT NULL, pushkey text NOT NULL, ts bigint NOT NULL, lang text, data text, last_stream_ordering bigint, last_success bigint, failing_since bigint ); CREATE TABLE ratelimit_override ( user_id text NOT NULL, messages_per_second bigint, burst_count bigint ); CREATE TABLE receipts_graph ( room_id text NOT NULL, receipt_type text NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, event_ids text NOT NULL, data text NOT NULL, thread_id text ); CREATE TABLE receipts_linearized ( stream_id bigint NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, receipt_type text NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, event_id text NOT NULL, data text NOT NULL, instance_name text, event_stream_ordering bigint, thread_id text ); CREATE SEQUENCE receipts_sequence START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; CREATE TABLE received_transactions ( transaction_id text, origin text, ts bigint, response_code integer, response_json bytea, has_been_referenced smallint DEFAULT 0 ); CREATE TABLE redactions ( event_id text NOT NULL, redacts text NOT NULL, have_censored boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, received_ts bigint ); CREATE TABLE refresh_tokens ( id bigint NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text NOT NULL, token text NOT NULL, next_token_id bigint, expiry_ts bigint, ultimate_session_expiry_ts bigint ); CREATE TABLE registration_tokens ( token text NOT NULL, uses_allowed integer, pending integer NOT NULL, completed integer NOT NULL, expiry_time bigint ); CREATE TABLE rejections ( event_id text NOT NULL, reason text NOT NULL, last_check text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE remote_media_cache ( media_origin text, media_id text, media_type text, created_ts bigint, upload_name text, media_length integer, filesystem_id text, last_access_ts bigint, quarantined_by text ); CREATE TABLE remote_media_cache_thumbnails ( media_origin text, media_id text, thumbnail_width integer, thumbnail_height integer, thumbnail_method text, thumbnail_type text, thumbnail_length integer, filesystem_id text ); CREATE TABLE room_account_data ( user_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, account_data_type text NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL, content text NOT NULL, instance_name text ); CREATE TABLE room_alias_servers ( room_alias text NOT NULL, server text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE room_aliases ( room_alias text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, creator text ); CREATE TABLE room_depth ( room_id text NOT NULL, min_depth bigint ); CREATE TABLE room_memberships ( event_id text NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL, sender text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, membership text NOT NULL, forgotten integer DEFAULT 0, display_name text, avatar_url text ); CREATE TABLE room_retention ( room_id text NOT NULL, event_id text NOT NULL, min_lifetime bigint, max_lifetime bigint ); CREATE TABLE room_stats_current ( room_id text NOT NULL, current_state_events integer NOT NULL, joined_members integer NOT NULL, invited_members integer NOT NULL, left_members integer NOT NULL, banned_members integer NOT NULL, local_users_in_room integer NOT NULL, completed_delta_stream_id bigint NOT NULL, knocked_members integer ); CREATE TABLE room_stats_earliest_token ( room_id text NOT NULL, token bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE room_stats_state ( room_id text NOT NULL, name text, canonical_alias text, join_rules text, history_visibility text, encryption text, avatar text, guest_access text, is_federatable boolean, topic text, room_type text ); CREATE TABLE room_tags ( user_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, tag text NOT NULL, content text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE room_tags_revisions ( user_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL, instance_name text ); CREATE TABLE rooms ( room_id text NOT NULL, is_public boolean, creator text, room_version text, has_auth_chain_index boolean ); CREATE TABLE server_keys_json ( server_name text NOT NULL, key_id text NOT NULL, from_server text NOT NULL, ts_added_ms bigint NOT NULL, ts_valid_until_ms bigint NOT NULL, key_json bytea NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE server_signature_keys ( server_name text, key_id text, from_server text, ts_added_ms bigint, verify_key bytea, ts_valid_until_ms bigint ); CREATE TABLE sessions ( session_type text NOT NULL, session_id text NOT NULL, value text NOT NULL, expiry_time_ms bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE state_events ( event_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, type text NOT NULL, state_key text NOT NULL, prev_state text ); CREATE TABLE stats_incremental_position ( lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT stats_incremental_position_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar)) ); CREATE TABLE stream_ordering_to_exterm ( stream_ordering bigint NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL, event_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE stream_positions ( stream_name text NOT NULL, instance_name text NOT NULL, stream_id bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE threepid_guest_access_tokens ( medium text, address text, guest_access_token text, first_inviter text ); CREATE TABLE threepid_validation_session ( session_id text NOT NULL, medium text NOT NULL, address text NOT NULL, client_secret text NOT NULL, last_send_attempt bigint NOT NULL, validated_at bigint ); CREATE TABLE threepid_validation_token ( token text NOT NULL, session_id text NOT NULL, next_link text, expires bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE ui_auth_sessions ( session_id text NOT NULL, creation_time bigint NOT NULL, serverdict text NOT NULL, clientdict text NOT NULL, uri text NOT NULL, method text NOT NULL, description text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE ui_auth_sessions_credentials ( session_id text NOT NULL, stage_type text NOT NULL, result text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE ui_auth_sessions_ips ( session_id text NOT NULL, ip text NOT NULL, user_agent text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE user_daily_visits ( user_id text NOT NULL, device_id text, "timestamp" bigint NOT NULL, user_agent text ); CREATE TABLE user_directory ( user_id text NOT NULL, room_id text, display_name text, avatar_url text ); CREATE TABLE user_directory_search ( user_id text NOT NULL, vector tsvector ); CREATE TABLE user_directory_stream_pos ( lock character(1) DEFAULT 'X'::bpchar NOT NULL, stream_id bigint, CONSTRAINT user_directory_stream_pos_lock_check CHECK ((lock = 'X'::bpchar)) ); CREATE TABLE user_external_ids ( auth_provider text NOT NULL, external_id text NOT NULL, user_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE user_filters ( user_id text NOT NULL, filter_id bigint NOT NULL, filter_json bytea NOT NULL ); CREATE SEQUENCE user_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; CREATE TABLE user_ips ( user_id text NOT NULL, access_token text NOT NULL, device_id text, ip text NOT NULL, user_agent text NOT NULL, last_seen bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE user_signature_stream ( stream_id bigint NOT NULL, from_user_id text NOT NULL, user_ids text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE user_stats_current ( user_id text NOT NULL, joined_rooms bigint NOT NULL, completed_delta_stream_id bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE user_threepid_id_server ( user_id text NOT NULL, medium text NOT NULL, address text NOT NULL, id_server text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE user_threepids ( user_id text NOT NULL, medium text NOT NULL, address text NOT NULL, validated_at bigint NOT NULL, added_at bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE users ( name text, password_hash text, creation_ts bigint, admin smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, upgrade_ts bigint, is_guest smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, appservice_id text, consent_version text, consent_server_notice_sent text, user_type text, deactivated smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, shadow_banned boolean, consent_ts bigint ); CREATE TABLE users_in_public_rooms ( user_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE users_pending_deactivation ( user_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE users_to_send_full_presence_to ( user_id text NOT NULL, presence_stream_id bigint ); CREATE TABLE users_who_share_private_rooms ( user_id text NOT NULL, other_user_id text NOT NULL, room_id text NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE worker_locks ( lock_name text NOT NULL, lock_key text NOT NULL, instance_name text NOT NULL, token text NOT NULL, last_renewed_ts bigint NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE ONLY instance_map ALTER COLUMN instance_id SET DEFAULT nextval('instance_map_instance_id_seq'::regclass); ALTER TABLE ONLY access_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT access_tokens_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE ONLY access_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT access_tokens_token_key UNIQUE (token); ALTER TABLE ONLY account_data ADD CONSTRAINT account_data_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, account_data_type); ALTER TABLE ONLY account_validity ADD CONSTRAINT account_validity_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY application_services_state ADD CONSTRAINT application_services_state_pkey PRIMARY KEY (as_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY application_services_txns ADD CONSTRAINT application_services_txns_as_id_txn_id_key UNIQUE (as_id, txn_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY appservice_stream_position ADD CONSTRAINT appservice_stream_position_lock_key UNIQUE (lock); ALTER TABLE ONLY current_state_events ADD CONSTRAINT current_state_events_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY current_state_events ADD CONSTRAINT current_state_events_room_id_type_state_key_key UNIQUE (room_id, type, state_key); ALTER TABLE ONLY dehydrated_devices ADD CONSTRAINT dehydrated_devices_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY destination_rooms ADD CONSTRAINT destination_rooms_pkey PRIMARY KEY (destination, room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY destinations ADD CONSTRAINT destinations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (destination); ALTER TABLE ONLY devices ADD CONSTRAINT device_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, device_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY e2e_device_keys_json ADD CONSTRAINT e2e_device_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, device_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY e2e_fallback_keys_json ADD CONSTRAINT e2e_fallback_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, device_id, algorithm); ALTER TABLE ONLY e2e_one_time_keys_json ADD CONSTRAINT e2e_one_time_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, device_id, algorithm, key_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_auth_chain_to_calculate ADD CONSTRAINT event_auth_chain_to_calculate_pkey PRIMARY KEY (event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_auth_chains ADD CONSTRAINT event_auth_chains_pkey PRIMARY KEY (event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_backward_extremities ADD CONSTRAINT event_backward_extremities_event_id_room_id_key UNIQUE (event_id, room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_expiry ADD CONSTRAINT event_expiry_pkey PRIMARY KEY (event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_forward_extremities ADD CONSTRAINT event_forward_extremities_event_id_room_id_key UNIQUE (event_id, room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_push_actions ADD CONSTRAINT event_id_user_id_profile_tag_uniqueness UNIQUE (room_id, event_id, user_id, profile_tag); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_json ADD CONSTRAINT event_json_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_labels ADD CONSTRAINT event_labels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (event_id, label); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_push_summary_last_receipt_stream_id ADD CONSTRAINT event_push_summary_last_receipt_stream_id_lock_key UNIQUE (lock); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_push_summary_stream_ordering ADD CONSTRAINT event_push_summary_stream_ordering_lock_key UNIQUE (lock); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_reports ADD CONSTRAINT event_reports_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_to_state_groups ADD CONSTRAINT event_to_state_groups_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY events ADD CONSTRAINT events_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY ex_outlier_stream ADD CONSTRAINT ex_outlier_stream_pkey PRIMARY KEY (event_stream_ordering); ALTER TABLE ONLY instance_map ADD CONSTRAINT instance_map_pkey PRIMARY KEY (instance_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY local_media_repository ADD CONSTRAINT local_media_repository_media_id_key UNIQUE (media_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY user_threepids ADD CONSTRAINT medium_address UNIQUE (medium, address); ALTER TABLE ONLY open_id_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT open_id_tokens_pkey PRIMARY KEY (token); ALTER TABLE ONLY partial_state_events ADD CONSTRAINT partial_state_events_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY partial_state_rooms ADD CONSTRAINT partial_state_rooms_pkey PRIMARY KEY (room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY partial_state_rooms_servers ADD CONSTRAINT partial_state_rooms_servers_room_id_server_name_key UNIQUE (room_id, server_name); ALTER TABLE ONLY presence ADD CONSTRAINT presence_user_id_key UNIQUE (user_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY profiles ADD CONSTRAINT profiles_user_id_key UNIQUE (user_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY push_rules_enable ADD CONSTRAINT push_rules_enable_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE ONLY push_rules_enable ADD CONSTRAINT push_rules_enable_user_name_rule_id_key UNIQUE (user_name, rule_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY push_rules ADD CONSTRAINT push_rules_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE ONLY push_rules ADD CONSTRAINT push_rules_user_name_rule_id_key UNIQUE (user_name, rule_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY pusher_throttle ADD CONSTRAINT pusher_throttle_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pusher, room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY pushers ADD CONSTRAINT pushers2_app_id_pushkey_user_name_key UNIQUE (app_id, pushkey, user_name); ALTER TABLE ONLY pushers ADD CONSTRAINT pushers2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE ONLY receipts_graph ADD CONSTRAINT receipts_graph_uniqueness UNIQUE (room_id, receipt_type, user_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY receipts_graph ADD CONSTRAINT receipts_graph_uniqueness_thread UNIQUE (room_id, receipt_type, user_id, thread_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY receipts_linearized ADD CONSTRAINT receipts_linearized_uniqueness UNIQUE (room_id, receipt_type, user_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY receipts_linearized ADD CONSTRAINT receipts_linearized_uniqueness_thread UNIQUE (room_id, receipt_type, user_id, thread_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY received_transactions ADD CONSTRAINT received_transactions_transaction_id_origin_key UNIQUE (transaction_id, origin); ALTER TABLE ONLY redactions ADD CONSTRAINT redactions_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY refresh_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT refresh_tokens_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE ONLY refresh_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT refresh_tokens_token_key UNIQUE (token); ALTER TABLE ONLY registration_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT registration_tokens_token_key UNIQUE (token); ALTER TABLE ONLY rejections ADD CONSTRAINT rejections_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY remote_media_cache ADD CONSTRAINT remote_media_cache_media_origin_media_id_key UNIQUE (media_origin, media_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY room_account_data ADD CONSTRAINT room_account_data_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, room_id, account_data_type); ALTER TABLE ONLY room_aliases ADD CONSTRAINT room_aliases_room_alias_key UNIQUE (room_alias); ALTER TABLE ONLY room_depth ADD CONSTRAINT room_depth_room_id_key UNIQUE (room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY room_memberships ADD CONSTRAINT room_memberships_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY room_retention ADD CONSTRAINT room_retention_pkey PRIMARY KEY (room_id, event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY room_stats_current ADD CONSTRAINT room_stats_current_pkey PRIMARY KEY (room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY room_tags_revisions ADD CONSTRAINT room_tag_revisions_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY room_tags ADD CONSTRAINT room_tag_uniqueness UNIQUE (user_id, room_id, tag); ALTER TABLE ONLY rooms ADD CONSTRAINT rooms_pkey PRIMARY KEY (room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY server_keys_json ADD CONSTRAINT server_keys_json_uniqueness UNIQUE (server_name, key_id, from_server); ALTER TABLE ONLY server_signature_keys ADD CONSTRAINT server_signature_keys_server_name_key_id_key UNIQUE (server_name, key_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY sessions ADD CONSTRAINT sessions_session_type_session_id_key UNIQUE (session_type, session_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY state_events ADD CONSTRAINT state_events_event_id_key UNIQUE (event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY stats_incremental_position ADD CONSTRAINT stats_incremental_position_lock_key UNIQUE (lock); ALTER TABLE ONLY threepid_validation_session ADD CONSTRAINT threepid_validation_session_pkey PRIMARY KEY (session_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY threepid_validation_token ADD CONSTRAINT threepid_validation_token_pkey PRIMARY KEY (token); ALTER TABLE ONLY ui_auth_sessions_credentials ADD CONSTRAINT ui_auth_sessions_credentials_session_id_stage_type_key UNIQUE (session_id, stage_type); ALTER TABLE ONLY ui_auth_sessions_ips ADD CONSTRAINT ui_auth_sessions_ips_session_id_ip_user_agent_key UNIQUE (session_id, ip, user_agent); ALTER TABLE ONLY ui_auth_sessions ADD CONSTRAINT ui_auth_sessions_session_id_key UNIQUE (session_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY user_directory_stream_pos ADD CONSTRAINT user_directory_stream_pos_lock_key UNIQUE (lock); ALTER TABLE ONLY user_external_ids ADD CONSTRAINT user_external_ids_auth_provider_external_id_key UNIQUE (auth_provider, external_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY user_stats_current ADD CONSTRAINT user_stats_current_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY users ADD CONSTRAINT users_name_key UNIQUE (name); ALTER TABLE ONLY users_to_send_full_presence_to ADD CONSTRAINT users_to_send_full_presence_to_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id); CREATE INDEX access_tokens_device_id ON access_tokens USING btree (user_id, device_id); CREATE INDEX account_data_stream_id ON account_data USING btree (user_id, stream_id); CREATE INDEX application_services_txns_id ON application_services_txns USING btree (as_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX appservice_room_list_idx ON appservice_room_list USING btree (appservice_id, network_id, room_id); CREATE INDEX batch_events_batch_id ON batch_events USING btree (batch_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX blocked_rooms_idx ON blocked_rooms USING btree (room_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cache_invalidation_stream_by_instance_id ON cache_invalidation_stream_by_instance USING btree (stream_id); CREATE INDEX cache_invalidation_stream_by_instance_instance_index ON cache_invalidation_stream_by_instance USING btree (instance_name, stream_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX chunk_events_event_id ON batch_events USING btree (event_id); CREATE INDEX current_state_delta_stream_idx ON current_state_delta_stream USING btree (stream_id); CREATE INDEX current_state_events_member_index ON current_state_events USING btree (state_key) WHERE (type = ''::text); CREATE INDEX deleted_pushers_stream_id ON deleted_pushers USING btree (stream_id); CREATE INDEX destination_rooms_room_id ON destination_rooms USING btree (room_id); CREATE INDEX device_auth_providers_devices ON device_auth_providers USING btree (user_id, device_id); CREATE INDEX device_auth_providers_sessions ON device_auth_providers USING btree (auth_provider_id, auth_provider_session_id); CREATE INDEX device_federation_inbox_sender_id ON device_federation_inbox USING btree (origin, message_id); CREATE INDEX device_federation_outbox_destination_id ON device_federation_outbox USING btree (destination, stream_id); CREATE INDEX device_federation_outbox_id ON device_federation_outbox USING btree (stream_id); CREATE INDEX device_inbox_stream_id_user_id ON device_inbox USING btree (stream_id, user_id); CREATE INDEX device_inbox_user_stream_id ON device_inbox USING btree (user_id, device_id, stream_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX device_lists_changes_in_stream_id ON device_lists_changes_in_room USING btree (stream_id, room_id); CREATE INDEX device_lists_changes_in_stream_id_unconverted ON device_lists_changes_in_room USING btree (stream_id) WHERE (NOT converted_to_destinations); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX device_lists_outbound_last_success_unique_idx ON device_lists_outbound_last_success USING btree (destination, user_id); CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_pokes_id ON device_lists_outbound_pokes USING btree (destination, stream_id); CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_pokes_stream ON device_lists_outbound_pokes USING btree (stream_id); CREATE INDEX device_lists_outbound_pokes_user ON device_lists_outbound_pokes USING btree (destination, user_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX device_lists_remote_cache_unique_id ON device_lists_remote_cache USING btree (user_id, device_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX device_lists_remote_extremeties_unique_idx ON device_lists_remote_extremeties USING btree (user_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX device_lists_remote_resync_idx ON device_lists_remote_resync USING btree (user_id); CREATE INDEX device_lists_remote_resync_ts_idx ON device_lists_remote_resync USING btree (added_ts); CREATE INDEX device_lists_stream_id ON device_lists_stream USING btree (stream_id, user_id); CREATE INDEX device_lists_stream_user_id ON device_lists_stream USING btree (user_id, device_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX e2e_cross_signing_keys_idx ON e2e_cross_signing_keys USING btree (user_id, keytype, stream_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX e2e_cross_signing_keys_stream_idx ON e2e_cross_signing_keys USING btree (stream_id); CREATE INDEX e2e_cross_signing_signatures2_idx ON e2e_cross_signing_signatures USING btree (user_id, target_user_id, target_device_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX e2e_room_keys_versions_idx ON e2e_room_keys_versions USING btree (user_id, version); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX e2e_room_keys_with_version_idx ON e2e_room_keys USING btree (user_id, version, room_id, session_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX erased_users_user ON erased_users USING btree (user_id); CREATE INDEX ev_b_extrem_id ON event_backward_extremities USING btree (event_id); CREATE INDEX ev_b_extrem_room ON event_backward_extremities USING btree (room_id); CREATE INDEX ev_edges_prev_id ON event_edges USING btree (prev_event_id); CREATE INDEX ev_extrem_id ON event_forward_extremities USING btree (event_id); CREATE INDEX ev_extrem_room ON event_forward_extremities USING btree (room_id); CREATE INDEX evauth_edges_id ON event_auth USING btree (event_id); CREATE INDEX event_auth_chain_links_idx ON event_auth_chain_links USING btree (origin_chain_id, target_chain_id); CREATE INDEX event_auth_chain_to_calculate_rm_id ON event_auth_chain_to_calculate USING btree (room_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX event_auth_chains_c_seq_index ON event_auth_chains USING btree (chain_id, sequence_number); CREATE INDEX event_contains_url_index ON events USING btree (room_id, topological_ordering, stream_ordering) WHERE ((contains_url = true) AND (outlier = false)); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX event_edges_event_id_prev_event_id_idx ON event_edges USING btree (event_id, prev_event_id); CREATE INDEX event_expiry_expiry_ts_idx ON event_expiry USING btree (expiry_ts); CREATE INDEX event_labels_room_id_label_idx ON event_labels USING btree (room_id, label, topological_ordering); CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_highlights_index ON event_push_actions USING btree (user_id, room_id, topological_ordering, stream_ordering) WHERE (highlight = 1); CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_rm_tokens ON event_push_actions USING btree (user_id, room_id, topological_ordering, stream_ordering); CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_room_id_user_id ON event_push_actions USING btree (room_id, user_id); CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_staging_id ON event_push_actions_staging USING btree (event_id); CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_stream_highlight_index ON event_push_actions USING btree (highlight, stream_ordering) WHERE (highlight = 0); CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_stream_ordering ON event_push_actions USING btree (stream_ordering, user_id); CREATE INDEX event_push_actions_u_highlight ON event_push_actions USING btree (user_id, stream_ordering); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX event_push_summary_unique_index ON event_push_summary USING btree (user_id, room_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX event_push_summary_unique_index2 ON event_push_summary USING btree (user_id, room_id, thread_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX event_relations_id ON event_relations USING btree (event_id); CREATE INDEX event_relations_relates ON event_relations USING btree (relates_to_id, relation_type, aggregation_key); CREATE INDEX event_search_ev_ridx ON event_search USING btree (room_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX event_search_event_id_idx ON event_search USING btree (event_id); CREATE INDEX event_search_fts_idx ON event_search USING gin (vector); CREATE INDEX event_to_state_groups_sg_index ON event_to_state_groups USING btree (state_group); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX event_txn_id_event_id ON event_txn_id USING btree (event_id); CREATE INDEX event_txn_id_ts ON event_txn_id USING btree (inserted_ts); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX event_txn_id_txn_id ON event_txn_id USING btree (room_id, user_id, token_id, txn_id); CREATE INDEX events_order_room ON events USING btree (room_id, topological_ordering, stream_ordering); CREATE INDEX events_room_stream ON events USING btree (room_id, stream_ordering); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX events_stream_ordering ON events USING btree (stream_ordering); CREATE INDEX events_ts ON events USING btree (origin_server_ts, stream_ordering); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX federation_inbound_events_staging_instance_event ON federation_inbound_events_staging USING btree (origin, event_id); CREATE INDEX federation_inbound_events_staging_room ON federation_inbound_events_staging USING btree (room_id, received_ts); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX federation_stream_position_instance ON federation_stream_position USING btree (type, instance_name); CREATE INDEX ignored_users_ignored_user_id ON ignored_users USING btree (ignored_user_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ignored_users_uniqueness ON ignored_users USING btree (ignorer_user_id, ignored_user_id); CREATE INDEX insertion_event_edges_event_id ON insertion_event_edges USING btree (event_id); CREATE INDEX insertion_event_edges_insertion_prev_event_id ON insertion_event_edges USING btree (insertion_prev_event_id); CREATE INDEX insertion_event_edges_insertion_room_id ON insertion_event_edges USING btree (room_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX insertion_event_extremities_event_id ON insertion_event_extremities USING btree (event_id); CREATE INDEX insertion_event_extremities_room_id ON insertion_event_extremities USING btree (room_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX insertion_events_event_id ON insertion_events USING btree (event_id); CREATE INDEX insertion_events_next_batch_id ON insertion_events USING btree (next_batch_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX instance_map_idx ON instance_map USING btree (instance_name); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX local_current_membership_idx ON local_current_membership USING btree (user_id, room_id); CREATE INDEX local_current_membership_room_idx ON local_current_membership USING btree (room_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX local_media_repository_thumbn_media_id_width_height_method_key ON local_media_repository_thumbnails USING btree (media_id, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, thumbnail_type, thumbnail_method); CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_thumbnails_media_id ON local_media_repository_thumbnails USING btree (media_id); CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_cache_by_url_download_ts ON local_media_repository_url_cache USING btree (url, download_ts); CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_cache_expires_idx ON local_media_repository_url_cache USING btree (expires_ts); CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_cache_media_idx ON local_media_repository_url_cache USING btree (media_id); CREATE INDEX local_media_repository_url_idx ON local_media_repository USING btree (created_ts) WHERE (url_cache IS NOT NULL); CREATE INDEX monthly_active_users_time_stamp ON monthly_active_users USING btree ("timestamp"); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX monthly_active_users_users ON monthly_active_users USING btree (user_id); CREATE INDEX open_id_tokens_ts_valid_until_ms ON open_id_tokens USING btree (ts_valid_until_ms); CREATE INDEX partial_state_events_room_id_idx ON partial_state_events USING btree (room_id); CREATE INDEX presence_stream_id ON presence_stream USING btree (stream_id, user_id); CREATE INDEX presence_stream_state_not_offline_idx ON presence_stream USING btree (state) WHERE (state <> 'offline'::text); CREATE INDEX presence_stream_user_id ON presence_stream USING btree (user_id); CREATE INDEX public_room_index ON rooms USING btree (is_public); CREATE INDEX push_rules_enable_user_name ON push_rules_enable USING btree (user_name); CREATE INDEX push_rules_stream_id ON push_rules_stream USING btree (stream_id); CREATE INDEX push_rules_stream_user_stream_id ON push_rules_stream USING btree (user_id, stream_id); CREATE INDEX push_rules_user_name ON push_rules USING btree (user_name); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ratelimit_override_idx ON ratelimit_override USING btree (user_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX receipts_graph_unique_index ON receipts_graph USING btree (room_id, receipt_type, user_id) WHERE (thread_id IS NULL); CREATE INDEX receipts_linearized_id ON receipts_linearized USING btree (stream_id); CREATE INDEX receipts_linearized_room_stream ON receipts_linearized USING btree (room_id, stream_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX receipts_linearized_unique_index ON receipts_linearized USING btree (room_id, receipt_type, user_id) WHERE (thread_id IS NULL); CREATE INDEX receipts_linearized_user ON receipts_linearized USING btree (user_id); CREATE INDEX received_transactions_ts ON received_transactions USING btree (ts); CREATE INDEX redactions_have_censored_ts ON redactions USING btree (received_ts) WHERE (NOT have_censored); CREATE INDEX redactions_redacts ON redactions USING btree (redacts); CREATE INDEX refresh_tokens_next_token_id ON refresh_tokens USING btree (next_token_id) WHERE (next_token_id IS NOT NULL); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX remote_media_repository_thumbn_media_origin_id_width_height_met ON remote_media_cache_thumbnails USING btree (media_origin, media_id, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, thumbnail_type, thumbnail_method); CREATE INDEX room_account_data_stream_id ON room_account_data USING btree (user_id, stream_id); CREATE INDEX room_alias_servers_alias ON room_alias_servers USING btree (room_alias); CREATE INDEX room_aliases_id ON room_aliases USING btree (room_id); CREATE INDEX room_memberships_room_id ON room_memberships USING btree (room_id); CREATE INDEX room_memberships_user_id ON room_memberships USING btree (user_id); CREATE INDEX room_memberships_user_room_forgotten ON room_memberships USING btree (user_id, room_id) WHERE (forgotten = 1); CREATE INDEX room_retention_max_lifetime_idx ON room_retention USING btree (max_lifetime); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX room_stats_earliest_token_idx ON room_stats_earliest_token USING btree (room_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX room_stats_state_room ON room_stats_state USING btree (room_id); CREATE INDEX stream_ordering_to_exterm_idx ON stream_ordering_to_exterm USING btree (stream_ordering); CREATE INDEX stream_ordering_to_exterm_rm_idx ON stream_ordering_to_exterm USING btree (room_id, stream_ordering); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX stream_positions_idx ON stream_positions USING btree (stream_name, instance_name); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX threepid_guest_access_tokens_index ON threepid_guest_access_tokens USING btree (medium, address); CREATE INDEX threepid_validation_token_session_id ON threepid_validation_token USING btree (session_id); CREATE INDEX user_daily_visits_ts_idx ON user_daily_visits USING btree ("timestamp"); CREATE INDEX user_daily_visits_uts_idx ON user_daily_visits USING btree (user_id, "timestamp"); CREATE INDEX user_directory_room_idx ON user_directory USING btree (room_id); CREATE INDEX user_directory_search_fts_idx ON user_directory_search USING gin (vector); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_directory_search_user_idx ON user_directory_search USING btree (user_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_directory_user_idx ON user_directory USING btree (user_id); CREATE INDEX user_external_ids_user_id_idx ON user_external_ids USING btree (user_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_filters_unique ON user_filters USING btree (user_id, filter_id); CREATE INDEX user_ips_device_id ON user_ips USING btree (user_id, device_id, last_seen); CREATE INDEX user_ips_last_seen ON user_ips USING btree (user_id, last_seen); CREATE INDEX user_ips_last_seen_only ON user_ips USING btree (last_seen); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_ips_user_token_ip_unique_index ON user_ips USING btree (user_id, access_token, ip); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_signature_stream_idx ON user_signature_stream USING btree (stream_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX user_threepid_id_server_idx ON user_threepid_id_server USING btree (user_id, medium, address, id_server); CREATE INDEX user_threepids_medium_address ON user_threepids USING btree (medium, address); CREATE INDEX user_threepids_user_id ON user_threepids USING btree (user_id); CREATE INDEX users_creation_ts ON users USING btree (creation_ts); CREATE INDEX users_have_local_media ON local_media_repository USING btree (user_id, created_ts); CREATE INDEX users_in_public_rooms_r_idx ON users_in_public_rooms USING btree (room_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_in_public_rooms_u_idx ON users_in_public_rooms USING btree (user_id, room_id); CREATE INDEX users_who_share_private_rooms_o_idx ON users_who_share_private_rooms USING btree (other_user_id); CREATE INDEX users_who_share_private_rooms_r_idx ON users_who_share_private_rooms USING btree (room_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_who_share_private_rooms_u_idx ON users_who_share_private_rooms USING btree (user_id, other_user_id, room_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX worker_locks_key ON worker_locks USING btree (lock_name, lock_key); CREATE TRIGGER check_partial_state_events BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON partial_state_events FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE check_partial_state_events(); ALTER TABLE ONLY access_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT access_tokens_refresh_token_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (refresh_token_id) REFERENCES refresh_tokens(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE ONLY destination_rooms ADD CONSTRAINT destination_rooms_destination_fkey FOREIGN KEY (destination) REFERENCES destinations(destination); ALTER TABLE ONLY destination_rooms ADD CONSTRAINT destination_rooms_room_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (room_id) REFERENCES rooms(room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_edges ADD CONSTRAINT event_edges_event_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES events(event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY event_txn_id ADD CONSTRAINT event_txn_id_event_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES events(event_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE ONLY event_txn_id ADD CONSTRAINT event_txn_id_token_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (token_id) REFERENCES access_tokens(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE ONLY partial_state_events ADD CONSTRAINT partial_state_events_event_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES events(event_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY partial_state_events ADD CONSTRAINT partial_state_events_room_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (room_id) REFERENCES partial_state_rooms(room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY partial_state_rooms ADD CONSTRAINT partial_state_rooms_room_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (room_id) REFERENCES rooms(room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY partial_state_rooms_servers ADD CONSTRAINT partial_state_rooms_servers_room_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (room_id) REFERENCES partial_state_rooms(room_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY refresh_tokens ADD CONSTRAINT refresh_tokens_next_token_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (next_token_id) REFERENCES refresh_tokens(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE ONLY ui_auth_sessions_credentials ADD CONSTRAINT ui_auth_sessions_credentials_session_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES ui_auth_sessions(session_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY ui_auth_sessions_ips ADD CONSTRAINT ui_auth_sessions_ips_session_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (session_id) REFERENCES ui_auth_sessions(session_id); ALTER TABLE ONLY users_to_send_full_presence_to ADD CONSTRAINT users_to_send_full_presence_to_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(name); INSERT INTO appservice_stream_position VALUES ('X', 0); INSERT INTO event_push_summary_last_receipt_stream_id VALUES ('X', 0); INSERT INTO event_push_summary_stream_ordering VALUES ('X', 0); INSERT INTO federation_stream_position VALUES ('federation', -1, 'master'); INSERT INTO federation_stream_position VALUES ('events', -1, 'master'); INSERT INTO stats_incremental_position VALUES ('X', 1); INSERT INTO user_directory_stream_pos VALUES ('X', 1); SELECT pg_catalog.setval('account_data_sequence', 1, true); SELECT pg_catalog.setval('application_services_txn_id_seq', 1, false); SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cache_invalidation_stream_seq', 1, true); SELECT pg_catalog.setval('device_inbox_sequence', 1, true); SELECT pg_catalog.setval('event_auth_chain_id', 1, false); SELECT pg_catalog.setval('events_backfill_stream_seq', 1, true); SELECT pg_catalog.setval('events_stream_seq', 1, true); SELECT pg_catalog.setval('instance_map_instance_id_seq', 1, false); SELECT pg_catalog.setval('presence_stream_sequence', 1, true); SELECT pg_catalog.setval('receipts_sequence', 1, true); SELECT pg_catalog.setval('user_id_seq', 1, false);