# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd # Copyright 2020-2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from enum import Enum from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple from synapse.storage._base import SQLBaseStore from synapse.storage.database import DatabasePool BG_UPDATE_REMOVE_MEDIA_REPO_INDEX_WITHOUT_METHOD = ( "media_repository_drop_index_wo_method" ) BG_UPDATE_REMOVE_MEDIA_REPO_INDEX_WITHOUT_METHOD_2 = ( "media_repository_drop_index_wo_method_2" ) class MediaSortOrder(Enum): """ Enum to define the sorting method used when returning media with get_local_media_by_user_paginate """ MEDIA_ID = "media_id" UPLOAD_NAME = "upload_name" CREATED_TS = "created_ts" LAST_ACCESS_TS = "last_access_ts" MEDIA_LENGTH = "media_length" MEDIA_TYPE = "media_type" QUARANTINED_BY = "quarantined_by" SAFE_FROM_QUARANTINE = "safe_from_quarantine" class MediaRepositoryBackgroundUpdateStore(SQLBaseStore): def __init__(self, database: DatabasePool, db_conn, hs): super().__init__(database, db_conn, hs) self.db_pool.updates.register_background_index_update( update_name="local_media_repository_url_idx", index_name="local_media_repository_url_idx", table="local_media_repository", columns=["created_ts"], where_clause="url_cache IS NOT NULL", ) # The following the updates add the method to the unique constraint of # the thumbnail databases. That fixes an issue, where thumbnails of the # same resolution, but different methods could overwrite one another. # This can happen with custom thumbnail configs or with dynamic thumbnailing. self.db_pool.updates.register_background_index_update( update_name="local_media_repository_thumbnails_method_idx", index_name="local_media_repository_thumbn_media_id_width_height_method_key", table="local_media_repository_thumbnails", columns=[ "media_id", "thumbnail_width", "thumbnail_height", "thumbnail_type", "thumbnail_method", ], unique=True, ) self.db_pool.updates.register_background_index_update( update_name="remote_media_repository_thumbnails_method_idx", index_name="remote_media_repository_thumbn_media_origin_id_width_height_method_key", table="remote_media_cache_thumbnails", columns=[ "media_origin", "media_id", "thumbnail_width", "thumbnail_height", "thumbnail_type", "thumbnail_method", ], unique=True, ) # the original impl of _drop_media_index_without_method was broken (see # https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/8649), so we replace the original # impl with a no-op and run the fixed migration as # media_repository_drop_index_wo_method_2. self.db_pool.updates.register_noop_background_update( BG_UPDATE_REMOVE_MEDIA_REPO_INDEX_WITHOUT_METHOD ) self.db_pool.updates.register_background_update_handler( BG_UPDATE_REMOVE_MEDIA_REPO_INDEX_WITHOUT_METHOD_2, self._drop_media_index_without_method, ) async def _drop_media_index_without_method(self, progress, batch_size): """background update handler which removes the old constraints. Note that this is only run on postgres. """ def f(txn): txn.execute( "ALTER TABLE local_media_repository_thumbnails DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS local_media_repository_thumbn_media_id_thumbnail_width_thum_key" ) txn.execute( "ALTER TABLE remote_media_cache_thumbnails DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS remote_media_cache_thumbnails_media_origin_media_id_thumbna_key" ) await self.db_pool.runInteraction("drop_media_indices_without_method", f) await self.db_pool.updates._end_background_update( BG_UPDATE_REMOVE_MEDIA_REPO_INDEX_WITHOUT_METHOD_2 ) return 1 class MediaRepositoryStore(MediaRepositoryBackgroundUpdateStore): """Persistence for attachments and avatars""" def __init__(self, database: DatabasePool, db_conn, hs): super().__init__(database, db_conn, hs) self.server_name = hs.hostname async def get_local_media(self, media_id: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the metadata for a local piece of media Returns: None if the media_id doesn't exist. """ return await self.db_pool.simple_select_one( "local_media_repository", {"media_id": media_id}, ( "media_type", "media_length", "upload_name", "created_ts", "quarantined_by", "url_cache", ), allow_none=True, desc="get_local_media", ) async def get_local_media_by_user_paginate( self, start: int, limit: int, user_id: str, order_by: str = MediaSortOrder.CREATED_TS.value, direction: str = "f", ) -> Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], int]: """Get a paginated list of metadata for a local piece of media which an user_id has uploaded Args: start: offset in the list limit: maximum amount of media_ids to retrieve user_id: fully-qualified user id order_by: the sort order of the returned list direction: sort ascending or descending Returns: A paginated list of all metadata of user's media, plus the total count of all the user's media """ def get_local_media_by_user_paginate_txn(txn): # Set ordering order_by_column = MediaSortOrder(order_by).value if direction == "b": order = "DESC" else: order = "ASC" args = [user_id] sql = """ SELECT COUNT(*) as total_media FROM local_media_repository WHERE user_id = ? """ txn.execute(sql, args) count = txn.fetchone()[0] sql = """ SELECT "media_id", "media_type", "media_length", "upload_name", "created_ts", "last_access_ts", "quarantined_by", "safe_from_quarantine" FROM local_media_repository WHERE user_id = ? ORDER BY {order_by_column} {order}, media_id ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? """.format( order_by_column=order_by_column, order=order, ) args += [limit, start] txn.execute(sql, args) media = self.db_pool.cursor_to_dict(txn) return media, count return await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "get_local_media_by_user_paginate_txn", get_local_media_by_user_paginate_txn ) async def get_local_media_before( self, before_ts: int, size_gt: int, keep_profiles: bool, ) -> List[str]: # to find files that have never been accessed (last_access_ts IS NULL) # compare with `created_ts` sql = """ SELECT media_id FROM local_media_repository AS lmr WHERE ( last_access_ts < ? OR ( created_ts < ? AND last_access_ts IS NULL ) ) AND media_length > ? """ if keep_profiles: sql_keep = """ AND ( NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM profiles WHERE profiles.avatar_url = '{media_prefix}' || lmr.media_id) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM groups WHERE groups.avatar_url = '{media_prefix}' || lmr.media_id) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM room_memberships WHERE room_memberships.avatar_url = '{media_prefix}' || lmr.media_id) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM user_directory WHERE user_directory.avatar_url = '{media_prefix}' || lmr.media_id) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM room_stats_state WHERE room_stats_state.avatar = '{media_prefix}' || lmr.media_id) ) """.format( media_prefix="mxc://%s/" % (self.server_name,), ) sql += sql_keep def _get_local_media_before_txn(txn): txn.execute(sql, (before_ts, before_ts, size_gt)) return [row[0] for row in txn] return await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "get_local_media_before", _get_local_media_before_txn ) async def store_local_media( self, media_id, media_type, time_now_ms, upload_name, media_length, user_id, url_cache=None, ) -> None: await self.db_pool.simple_insert( "local_media_repository", { "media_id": media_id, "media_type": media_type, "created_ts": time_now_ms, "upload_name": upload_name, "media_length": media_length, "user_id": user_id.to_string(), "url_cache": url_cache, }, desc="store_local_media", ) async def mark_local_media_as_safe(self, media_id: str) -> None: """Mark a local media as safe from quarantining.""" await self.db_pool.simple_update_one( table="local_media_repository", keyvalues={"media_id": media_id}, updatevalues={"safe_from_quarantine": True}, desc="mark_local_media_as_safe", ) async def get_url_cache(self, url: str, ts: int) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the media_id and ts for a cached URL as of the given timestamp Returns: None if the URL isn't cached. """ def get_url_cache_txn(txn): # get the most recently cached result (relative to the given ts) sql = ( "SELECT response_code, etag, expires_ts, og, media_id, download_ts" " FROM local_media_repository_url_cache" " WHERE url = ? AND download_ts <= ?" " ORDER BY download_ts DESC LIMIT 1" ) txn.execute(sql, (url, ts)) row = txn.fetchone() if not row: # ...or if we've requested a timestamp older than the oldest # copy in the cache, return the oldest copy (if any) sql = ( "SELECT response_code, etag, expires_ts, og, media_id, download_ts" " FROM local_media_repository_url_cache" " WHERE url = ? AND download_ts > ?" " ORDER BY download_ts ASC LIMIT 1" ) txn.execute(sql, (url, ts)) row = txn.fetchone() if not row: return None return dict( zip( ( "response_code", "etag", "expires_ts", "og", "media_id", "download_ts", ), row, ) ) return await self.db_pool.runInteraction("get_url_cache", get_url_cache_txn) async def store_url_cache( self, url, response_code, etag, expires_ts, og, media_id, download_ts ): await self.db_pool.simple_insert( "local_media_repository_url_cache", { "url": url, "response_code": response_code, "etag": etag, "expires_ts": expires_ts, "og": og, "media_id": media_id, "download_ts": download_ts, }, desc="store_url_cache", ) async def get_local_media_thumbnails(self, media_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: return await self.db_pool.simple_select_list( "local_media_repository_thumbnails", {"media_id": media_id}, ( "thumbnail_width", "thumbnail_height", "thumbnail_method", "thumbnail_type", "thumbnail_length", ), desc="get_local_media_thumbnails", ) async def store_local_thumbnail( self, media_id, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, thumbnail_type, thumbnail_method, thumbnail_length, ): await self.db_pool.simple_upsert( table="local_media_repository_thumbnails", keyvalues={ "media_id": media_id, "thumbnail_width": thumbnail_width, "thumbnail_height": thumbnail_height, "thumbnail_method": thumbnail_method, "thumbnail_type": thumbnail_type, }, values={"thumbnail_length": thumbnail_length}, desc="store_local_thumbnail", ) async def get_cached_remote_media( self, origin, media_id: str ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: return await self.db_pool.simple_select_one( "remote_media_cache", {"media_origin": origin, "media_id": media_id}, ( "media_type", "media_length", "upload_name", "created_ts", "filesystem_id", "quarantined_by", ), allow_none=True, desc="get_cached_remote_media", ) async def store_cached_remote_media( self, origin, media_id, media_type, media_length, time_now_ms, upload_name, filesystem_id, ): await self.db_pool.simple_insert( "remote_media_cache", { "media_origin": origin, "media_id": media_id, "media_type": media_type, "media_length": media_length, "created_ts": time_now_ms, "upload_name": upload_name, "filesystem_id": filesystem_id, "last_access_ts": time_now_ms, }, desc="store_cached_remote_media", ) async def update_cached_last_access_time( self, local_media: Iterable[str], remote_media: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], time_ms: int, ): """Updates the last access time of the given media Args: local_media: Set of media_ids remote_media: Set of (server_name, media_id) time_ms: Current time in milliseconds """ def update_cache_txn(txn): sql = ( "UPDATE remote_media_cache SET last_access_ts = ?" " WHERE media_origin = ? AND media_id = ?" ) txn.execute_batch( sql, ( (time_ms, media_origin, media_id) for media_origin, media_id in remote_media ), ) sql = ( "UPDATE local_media_repository SET last_access_ts = ?" " WHERE media_id = ?" ) txn.execute_batch(sql, ((time_ms, media_id) for media_id in local_media)) return await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "update_cached_last_access_time", update_cache_txn ) async def get_remote_media_thumbnails( self, origin: str, media_id: str ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: return await self.db_pool.simple_select_list( "remote_media_cache_thumbnails", {"media_origin": origin, "media_id": media_id}, ( "thumbnail_width", "thumbnail_height", "thumbnail_method", "thumbnail_type", "thumbnail_length", "filesystem_id", ), desc="get_remote_media_thumbnails", ) async def get_remote_media_thumbnail( self, origin: str, media_id: str, t_width: int, t_height: int, t_type: str, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Fetch the thumbnail info of given width, height and type.""" return await self.db_pool.simple_select_one( table="remote_media_cache_thumbnails", keyvalues={ "media_origin": origin, "media_id": media_id, "thumbnail_width": t_width, "thumbnail_height": t_height, "thumbnail_type": t_type, }, retcols=( "thumbnail_width", "thumbnail_height", "thumbnail_method", "thumbnail_type", "thumbnail_length", "filesystem_id", ), allow_none=True, desc="get_remote_media_thumbnail", ) async def store_remote_media_thumbnail( self, origin, media_id, filesystem_id, thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height, thumbnail_type, thumbnail_method, thumbnail_length, ): await self.db_pool.simple_upsert( table="remote_media_cache_thumbnails", keyvalues={ "media_origin": origin, "media_id": media_id, "thumbnail_width": thumbnail_width, "thumbnail_height": thumbnail_height, "thumbnail_method": thumbnail_method, "thumbnail_type": thumbnail_type, }, values={"thumbnail_length": thumbnail_length}, insertion_values={"filesystem_id": filesystem_id}, desc="store_remote_media_thumbnail", ) async def get_remote_media_before(self, before_ts): sql = ( "SELECT media_origin, media_id, filesystem_id" " FROM remote_media_cache" " WHERE last_access_ts < ?" ) return await self.db_pool.execute( "get_remote_media_before", self.db_pool.cursor_to_dict, sql, before_ts ) async def delete_remote_media(self, media_origin: str, media_id: str) -> None: def delete_remote_media_txn(txn): self.db_pool.simple_delete_txn( txn, "remote_media_cache", keyvalues={"media_origin": media_origin, "media_id": media_id}, ) self.db_pool.simple_delete_txn( txn, "remote_media_cache_thumbnails", keyvalues={"media_origin": media_origin, "media_id": media_id}, ) await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "delete_remote_media", delete_remote_media_txn ) async def get_expired_url_cache(self, now_ts: int) -> List[str]: sql = ( "SELECT media_id FROM local_media_repository_url_cache" " WHERE expires_ts < ?" " ORDER BY expires_ts ASC" " LIMIT 500" ) def _get_expired_url_cache_txn(txn): txn.execute(sql, (now_ts,)) return [row[0] for row in txn] return await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "get_expired_url_cache", _get_expired_url_cache_txn ) async def delete_url_cache(self, media_ids): if len(media_ids) == 0: return sql = "DELETE FROM local_media_repository_url_cache WHERE media_id = ?" def _delete_url_cache_txn(txn): txn.execute_batch(sql, [(media_id,) for media_id in media_ids]) return await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "delete_url_cache", _delete_url_cache_txn ) async def get_url_cache_media_before(self, before_ts: int) -> List[str]: sql = ( "SELECT media_id FROM local_media_repository" " WHERE created_ts < ? AND url_cache IS NOT NULL" " ORDER BY created_ts ASC" " LIMIT 500" ) def _get_url_cache_media_before_txn(txn): txn.execute(sql, (before_ts,)) return [row[0] for row in txn] return await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "get_url_cache_media_before", _get_url_cache_media_before_txn ) async def delete_url_cache_media(self, media_ids): if len(media_ids) == 0: return def _delete_url_cache_media_txn(txn): sql = "DELETE FROM local_media_repository WHERE media_id = ?" txn.execute_batch(sql, [(media_id,) for media_id in media_ids]) sql = "DELETE FROM local_media_repository_thumbnails WHERE media_id = ?" txn.execute_batch(sql, [(media_id,) for media_id in media_ids]) return await self.db_pool.runInteraction( "delete_url_cache_media", _delete_url_cache_media_txn )