# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import treq from twisted.internet import interfaces # noqa: F401 from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory from twisted.protocols.tls import TLSMemoryBIOFactory from twisted.web.http import HTTPChannel from synapse.http.proxyagent import ProxyAgent from tests.http import TestServerTLSConnectionFactory, get_test_https_policy from tests.server import FakeTransport, ThreadedMemoryReactorClock from tests.unittest import TestCase logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) HTTPFactory = Factory.forProtocol(HTTPChannel) class MatrixFederationAgentTests(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.reactor = ThreadedMemoryReactorClock() def _make_connection( self, client_factory, server_factory, ssl=False, expected_sni=None ): """Builds a test server, and completes the outgoing client connection Args: client_factory (interfaces.IProtocolFactory): the the factory that the application is trying to use to make the outbound connection. We will invoke it to build the client Protocol server_factory (interfaces.IProtocolFactory): a factory to build the server-side protocol ssl (bool): If true, we will expect an ssl connection and wrap server_factory with a TLSMemoryBIOFactory expected_sni (bytes|None): the expected SNI value Returns: IProtocol: the server Protocol returned by server_factory """ if ssl: server_factory = _wrap_server_factory_for_tls(server_factory) server_protocol = server_factory.buildProtocol(None) # now, tell the client protocol factory to build the client protocol, # and wire the output of said protocol up to the server via # a FakeTransport. # # Normally this would be done by the TCP socket code in Twisted, but we are # stubbing that out here. client_protocol = client_factory.buildProtocol(None) client_protocol.makeConnection( FakeTransport(server_protocol, self.reactor, client_protocol) ) # tell the server protocol to send its stuff back to the client, too server_protocol.makeConnection( FakeTransport(client_protocol, self.reactor, server_protocol) ) if ssl: http_protocol = server_protocol.wrappedProtocol tls_connection = server_protocol._tlsConnection else: http_protocol = server_protocol tls_connection = None # give the reactor a pump to get the TLS juices flowing (if needed) self.reactor.advance(0) if expected_sni is not None: server_name = tls_connection.get_servername() self.assertEqual( server_name, expected_sni, "Expected SNI %s but got %s" % (expected_sni, server_name), ) return http_protocol def test_http_request(self): agent = ProxyAgent(self.reactor) self.reactor.lookups["test.com"] = "" d = agent.request(b"GET", b"http://test.com") # there should be a pending TCP connection clients = self.reactor.tcpClients self.assertEqual(len(clients), 1) (host, port, client_factory, _timeout, _bindAddress) = clients[0] self.assertEqual(host, "") self.assertEqual(port, 80) # make a test server, and wire up the client http_server = self._make_connection( client_factory, _get_test_protocol_factory() ) # the FakeTransport is async, so we need to pump the reactor self.reactor.advance(0) # now there should be a pending request self.assertEqual(len(http_server.requests), 1) request = http_server.requests[0] self.assertEqual(request.method, b"GET") self.assertEqual(request.path, b"/") self.assertEqual(request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"host"), [b"test.com"]) request.write(b"result") request.finish() self.reactor.advance(0) resp = self.successResultOf(d) body = self.successResultOf(treq.content(resp)) self.assertEqual(body, b"result") def test_https_request(self): agent = ProxyAgent(self.reactor, contextFactory=get_test_https_policy()) self.reactor.lookups["test.com"] = "" d = agent.request(b"GET", b"https://test.com/abc") # there should be a pending TCP connection clients = self.reactor.tcpClients self.assertEqual(len(clients), 1) (host, port, client_factory, _timeout, _bindAddress) = clients[0] self.assertEqual(host, "") self.assertEqual(port, 443) # make a test server, and wire up the client http_server = self._make_connection( client_factory, _get_test_protocol_factory(), ssl=True, expected_sni=b"test.com", ) # the FakeTransport is async, so we need to pump the reactor self.reactor.advance(0) # now there should be a pending request self.assertEqual(len(http_server.requests), 1) request = http_server.requests[0] self.assertEqual(request.method, b"GET") self.assertEqual(request.path, b"/abc") self.assertEqual(request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"host"), [b"test.com"]) request.write(b"result") request.finish() self.reactor.advance(0) resp = self.successResultOf(d) body = self.successResultOf(treq.content(resp)) self.assertEqual(body, b"result") def test_http_request_via_proxy(self): agent = ProxyAgent(self.reactor, http_proxy=b"proxy.com:8888") self.reactor.lookups["proxy.com"] = "" d = agent.request(b"GET", b"http://test.com") # there should be a pending TCP connection clients = self.reactor.tcpClients self.assertEqual(len(clients), 1) (host, port, client_factory, _timeout, _bindAddress) = clients[0] self.assertEqual(host, "") self.assertEqual(port, 8888) # make a test server, and wire up the client http_server = self._make_connection( client_factory, _get_test_protocol_factory() ) # the FakeTransport is async, so we need to pump the reactor self.reactor.advance(0) # now there should be a pending request self.assertEqual(len(http_server.requests), 1) request = http_server.requests[0] self.assertEqual(request.method, b"GET") self.assertEqual(request.path, b"http://test.com") self.assertEqual(request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"host"), [b"test.com"]) request.write(b"result") request.finish() self.reactor.advance(0) resp = self.successResultOf(d) body = self.successResultOf(treq.content(resp)) self.assertEqual(body, b"result") def test_https_request_via_proxy(self): agent = ProxyAgent( self.reactor, contextFactory=get_test_https_policy(), https_proxy=b"proxy.com", ) self.reactor.lookups["proxy.com"] = "" d = agent.request(b"GET", b"https://test.com/abc") # there should be a pending TCP connection clients = self.reactor.tcpClients self.assertEqual(len(clients), 1) (host, port, client_factory, _timeout, _bindAddress) = clients[0] self.assertEqual(host, "") self.assertEqual(port, 1080) # make a test HTTP server, and wire up the client proxy_server = self._make_connection( client_factory, _get_test_protocol_factory() ) # fish the transports back out so that we can do the old switcheroo s2c_transport = proxy_server.transport client_protocol = s2c_transport.other c2s_transport = client_protocol.transport # the FakeTransport is async, so we need to pump the reactor self.reactor.advance(0) # now there should be a pending CONNECT request self.assertEqual(len(proxy_server.requests), 1) request = proxy_server.requests[0] self.assertEqual(request.method, b"CONNECT") self.assertEqual(request.path, b"test.com:443") # tell the proxy server not to close the connection proxy_server.persistent = True # this just stops the http Request trying to do a chunked response # request.setHeader(b"Content-Length", b"0") request.finish() # now we can replace the proxy channel with a new, SSL-wrapped HTTP channel ssl_factory = _wrap_server_factory_for_tls(_get_test_protocol_factory()) ssl_protocol = ssl_factory.buildProtocol(None) http_server = ssl_protocol.wrappedProtocol ssl_protocol.makeConnection( FakeTransport(client_protocol, self.reactor, ssl_protocol) ) c2s_transport.other = ssl_protocol self.reactor.advance(0) server_name = ssl_protocol._tlsConnection.get_servername() expected_sni = b"test.com" self.assertEqual( server_name, expected_sni, "Expected SNI %s but got %s" % (expected_sni, server_name), ) # now there should be a pending request self.assertEqual(len(http_server.requests), 1) request = http_server.requests[0] self.assertEqual(request.method, b"GET") self.assertEqual(request.path, b"/abc") self.assertEqual(request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(b"host"), [b"test.com"]) request.write(b"result") request.finish() self.reactor.advance(0) resp = self.successResultOf(d) body = self.successResultOf(treq.content(resp)) self.assertEqual(body, b"result") def _wrap_server_factory_for_tls(factory, sanlist=None): """Wrap an existing Protocol Factory with a test TLSMemoryBIOFactory The resultant factory will create a TLS server which presents a certificate signed by our test CA, valid for the domains in `sanlist` Args: factory (interfaces.IProtocolFactory): protocol factory to wrap sanlist (iterable[bytes]): list of domains the cert should be valid for Returns: interfaces.IProtocolFactory """ if sanlist is None: sanlist = [b"DNS:test.com"] connection_creator = TestServerTLSConnectionFactory(sanlist=sanlist) return TLSMemoryBIOFactory( connection_creator, isClient=False, wrappedFactory=factory ) def _get_test_protocol_factory(): """Get a protocol Factory which will build an HTTPChannel Returns: interfaces.IProtocolFactory """ server_factory = Factory.forProtocol(HTTPChannel) # Request.finish expects the factory to have a 'log' method. server_factory.log = _log_request return server_factory def _log_request(request): """Implements Factory.log, which is expected by Request.finish""" logger.info("Completed request %s", request)