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2019-07-17 14:17:40 +02:00
# Plugins & Themes
2019-07-23 11:23:25 +02:00
<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
- [Concepts](#concepts)
- [Hooks](#hooks)
- [Static files](#static-files)
- [CSS](#css)
- [Server helpers (only for plugins)](#server-helpers-only-for-plugins)
- [Settings](#settings)
- [Storage](#storage)
- [Update video constants](#update-video-constants)
- [Add custom routes](#add-custom-routes)
- [Client helpers (themes & plugins)](#client-helpers-themes--plugins)
- [Plugin static route](#plugin-static-route)
- [Notifier](#notifier)
- [Markdown Renderer](#markdown-renderer)
- [Custom Modal](#custom-modal)
- [Translate](#translate)
- [Get public settings](#get-public-settings)
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- [Publishing](#publishing)
- [Write a plugin/theme](#write-a-plugintheme)
- [Clone the quickstart repository](#clone-the-quickstart-repository)
- [Configure your repository](#configure-your-repository)
- [Update README](#update-readme)
- [Update package.json](#update-packagejson)
- [Write code](#write-code)
- [Add translations](#add-translations)
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- [Test your plugin/theme](#test-your-plugintheme)
- [Publish](#publish)
- [Plugin & Theme hooks/helpers API](#plugin--theme-hookshelpers-api)
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- [Tips](#tips)
- [Compatibility with PeerTube](#compatibility-with-peertube)
- [Spam/moderation plugin](#spammoderation-plugin)
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- [Other plugin examples](#other-plugin-examples)
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<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
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## Concepts
Themes are exactly the same as plugins, except that:
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* Their name starts with `peertube-theme-` instead of `peertube-plugin-`
* They cannot declare server code (so they cannot register server hooks or settings)
* CSS files are loaded by client only if the theme is chosen by the administrator or the user
### Hooks
A plugin registers functions in JavaScript to execute when PeerTube (server and client) fires events. There are 3 types of hooks:
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* `filter`: used to filter functions parameters or return values.
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For example to replace words in video comments, or change the videos list behaviour
* `action`: used to do something after a certain trigger. For example to send a hook every time a video is published
* `static`: same than `action` but PeerTube waits their execution
On server side, these hooks are registered by the `library` file defined in `package.json`.
"library": "./main.js",
And `main.js` defines a `register` function:
async function register ({
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}) {
target: 'action:application.listening',
handler: () => displayHelloWorld()
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On client side, these hooks are registered by the `clientScripts` files defined in `package.json`.
All client scripts have scopes so PeerTube client only loads scripts it needs:
"clientScripts": [
"script": "client/common-client-plugin.js",
"scopes": [ "common" ]
"script": "client/video-watch-client-plugin.js",
"scopes": [ "video-watch" ]
And these scripts also define a `register` function:
function register ({ registerHook, peertubeHelpers }) {
target: 'action:application.init',
handler: () => onApplicationInit(peertubeHelpers)
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### Static files
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Plugins can declare static directories that PeerTube will serve (images for example)
from `/plugins/{plugin-name}/{plugin-version}/static/`
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or `/themes/{theme-name}/{theme-version}/static/` routes.
### CSS
Plugins can declare CSS files that PeerTube will automatically inject in the client.
If you need to override existing style, you can use the `#custom-css` selector:
body#custom-css {
color: red;
#custom-css .header {
background-color: red;
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### Server helpers (only for plugins)
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#### Settings
Plugins can register settings, that PeerTube will inject in the administration interface.
name: 'admin-name',
label: 'Admin name',
type: 'input',
// type: input | input-checkbox | input-textarea | markdown-text | markdown-enhanced
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default: 'my super name'
const adminName = await settingsManager.getSetting('admin-name')
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const result = await settingsManager.getSettings([ 'admin-name', 'admin-password' ])
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settingsManager.onSettingsChange(settings => {
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#### Storage
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Plugins can store/load JSON data, that PeerTube will store in its database (so don't put files in there).
const value = await storageManager.getData('mykey')
await storageManager.storeData('mykey', { subkey: 'value' })
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#### Update video constants
You can add/delete video categories, licences or languages using the appropriate managers:
videoLanguageManager.addLanguage('al_bhed', 'Al Bhed')
videoCategoryManager.addCategory(42, 'Best category')
videoCategoryManager.deleteCategory(1) // Music
videoLicenceManager.addLicence(42, 'Best licence')
videoLicenceManager.deleteLicence(7) // Public domain
videoPrivacyManager.deletePrivacy(2) // Remove Unlisted video privacy
playlistPrivacyManager.deletePlaylistPrivacy(3) // Remove Private video playlist privacy
#### Add custom routes
You can create custom routes using an [express Router]( for your plugin:
const router = getRouter()
router.get('/ping', (req, res) => res.json({ message: 'pong' }))
The `ping` route can be accessed using:
* `/plugins/:pluginName/:pluginVersion/router/ping`
* Or `/plugins/:pluginName/router/ping`
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#### Add external auth methods
If you want to add a classic username/email and password auth method (like [LDAP]( for example):
authName: 'my-auth-method',
// PeerTube will try all id and pass plugins in the weight DESC order
// Exposing this value in the plugin settings could be interesting
getWeight: () => 60,
// Optional function called by PeerTube when the user clicked on the logout button
onLogout: user => {
console.log('User %s logged out.', user.username')
// Optional function called by PeerTube when the access token or refresh token are generated/refreshed
hookTokenValidity: ({ token, type }) => {
if (type === 'access') return { valid: true }
if (type === 'refresh') return { valid: false }
// Used by PeerTube when the user tries to authenticate
login: ({ id, password }) => {
if (id === 'user' && password === 'super password') {
return {
username: 'user'
email: ''
role: 2
displayName: 'User display name'
// Auth failed
return null
// Unregister this auth method
You can also add an external auth method (like [OpenID](, [SAML2]( etc):
// result contains the userAuthenticated auth method you can call to authenticate a user
const result = registerExternalAuth({
authName: 'my-auth-method',
// Will be displayed in a button next to the login form
authDisplayName: () => 'Auth method'
// If the user click on the auth button, PeerTube will forward the request in this function
onAuthRequest: (req, res) => {
// Same than registerIdAndPassAuth option
// onLogout: ...
// Same than registerIdAndPassAuth option
// hookTokenValidity: ...
router.use('/external-auth-callback', (req, res) => {
// Forward the request to PeerTube
username: 'user'
email: ''
role: 2
displayName: 'User display name'
// Unregister this external auth method
### Client helpers (themes & plugins)
#### Plugin static route
To get your plugin static route:
const baseStaticUrl = peertubeHelpers.getBaseStaticRoute()
const imageUrl = baseStaticUrl + '/images/chocobo.png'
#### Notifier
To notify the user with the PeerTube ToastModule:
const { notifier } = peertubeHelpers
notifier.success('Success message content.')
notifier.error('Error message content.')
#### Markdown Renderer
To render a formatted markdown text to HTML:
const { markdownRenderer } = peertubeHelpers
await markdownRenderer.textMarkdownToHTML('**My Bold Text**')
// return <strong>My Bold Text</strong>
await markdownRenderer.enhancedMarkdownToHTML('![alt-img](http://.../my-image.jpg)')
// return <img alt=alt-img src=http://.../my-image.jpg />
#### Custom Modal
To show a custom modal:
title: 'My custom modal title',
content: '<p>My custom modal content</p>',
// Optionals parameters :
// show close icon
close: true,
// show cancel button and call action() after hiding modal
cancel: { value: 'cancel', action: () => {} },
// show confirm button and call action() after hiding modal
confirm: { value: 'confirm', action: () => {} },
#### Translate
You can translate some strings of your plugin (PeerTube will use your `translations` object of your `package.json` file):
peertubeHelpers.translate('User name')
.then(translation => console.log('Translated User name by ' + translation))
#### Get public settings
To get your public plugin settings:
.then(s => {
if (!s || !s['site-id'] || !s['url']) {
console.error('Matomo settings are not set.')
2020-05-04 16:13:44 +02:00
// ...
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### Publishing
PeerTube plugins and themes should be published on [NPM]( so that PeerTube indexes
take into account your plugin (after ~ 1 day). An official PeerTube index is available on (it's just a REST API, so don't expect a beautiful website).
## Write a plugin/theme
* Find a name for your plugin or your theme (must not have spaces, it can only contain lowercase letters and `-`)
* Add the appropriate prefix:
* If you develop a plugin, add `peertube-plugin-` prefix to your plugin name (for example: `peertube-plugin-mysupername`)
* If you develop a theme, add `peertube-theme-` prefix to your theme name (for example: `peertube-theme-mysupertheme`)
* Clone the quickstart repository
* Configure your repository
* Update ``
* Update `package.json`
* Register hooks, add CSS and static files
* Test your plugin/theme with a local PeerTube installation
* Publish your plugin/theme on NPM
### Clone the quickstart repository
If you develop a plugin, clone the `peertube-plugin-quickstart` repository:
$ git clone peertube-plugin-mysupername
If you develop a theme, clone the `peertube-theme-quickstart` repository:
$ git clone peertube-theme-mysupername
### Configure your repository
Set your repository URL:
$ cd peertube-plugin-mysupername # or cd peertube-theme-mysupername
$ git remote set-url origin https://your-git-repo
### Update README
Update `` file:
### Update package.json
Update the `package.json` fields:
* `name` (should start with `peertube-plugin-` or `peertube-theme-`)
* `description`
* `homepage`
* `author`
* `bugs`
* `engine.peertube` (the PeerTube version compatibility, must be `>=x.y.z` and nothing else)
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**Caution:** Don't update or remove other keys, or PeerTube will not be able to index/install your plugin.
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If you don't need static directories, use an empty `object`:
2019-07-17 14:17:40 +02:00
"staticDirs": {},
And if you don't need CSS or client script files, use an empty `array`:
2019-07-17 14:17:40 +02:00
"css": [],
"clientScripts": [],
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### Write code
Now you can register hooks or settings, write CSS and add static directories to your plugin or your theme :)
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**Caution:** It's up to you to check the code you write will be compatible with the PeerTube NodeJS version,
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and will be supported by web browsers.
If you want to write modern JavaScript, please use a transpiler like [Babel](
### Add translations
If you want to translate strings of your plugin (like labels of your registered settings), create a file and add it to `package.json`:
"translations": {
"fr-FR": "./languages/fr.json",
"pt-BR": "./languages/pt-BR.json"
The key should be one of the locales defined in [i18n.ts](
You **must** use the complete locales (`fr-FR` instead of `fr`).
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Translation files are just objects, with the english sentence as the key and the translation as the value.
`fr.json` could contain for example:
"Hello world": "Hello le monde"
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### Test your plugin/theme
You'll need to have a local PeerTube instance:
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* Follow the [dev prerequisites](
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(to clone the repository, install dependencies and prepare the database)
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* Build PeerTube (`--light` to only build the english language):
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$ npm run build -- --light
* Build the CLI:
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$ npm run setup:cli
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* Run PeerTube (you can access to your instance on http://localhost:9000):
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$ NODE_ENV=test npm start
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* Register the instance via the CLI:
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$ node ./dist/server/tools/peertube.js auth add -u 'http://localhost:9000' -U 'root' --password 'test'
Then, you can install or reinstall your local plugin/theme by running:
$ node ./dist/server/tools/peertube.js plugins install --path /your/absolute/plugin-or-theme/path
### Publish
Go in your plugin/theme directory, and run:
$ npm publish
Every time you want to publish another version of your plugin/theme, just update the `version` key from the `package.json`
and republish it on NPM. Remember that the PeerTube index will take into account your new plugin/theme version after ~24 hours.
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## Plugin & Theme hooks/helpers API
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See the dedicated documentation:
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## Tips
### Compatibility with PeerTube
Unfortunately, we don't have enough resources to provide hook compatibility between minor releases of PeerTube (for example between `1.2.x` and `1.3.x`).
So please:
* Don't make assumptions and check every parameter you want to use. For example:
target: '',
handler: video => {
// We check the parameter exists and the name field exists too, to avoid exceptions
if (video && += ' <3'
return video
2019-07-24 09:34:06 +02:00
* Don't try to require parent PeerTube modules, only use `peertubeHelpers`. If you need another helper or a specific hook, please [create an issue](
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* Don't use PeerTube dependencies. Use your own :)
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2019-07-24 09:34:06 +02:00
If your plugin is broken with a new PeerTube release, update your code and the `peertubeEngine` field of your `package.json` field.
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This way, older PeerTube versions will still use your old plugin, and new PeerTube versions will use your updated plugin.
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### Spam/moderation plugin
If you want to create an antispam/moderation plugin, you could use the following hooks:
* ``: to accept or not local uploads
* ``: to accept or not local thread
* ``: to accept or not local replies
* ``: to change/hide the text of threads
* ``: to change/hide the text of replies
* ``: to automatically blacklist local or remote videos
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### Other plugin examples
You can take a look to "official" PeerTube plugins if you want to take inspiration from them: