Prototype of a decentralized video streaming platform using P2P (bittorrent) directly in the web browser with <ahref="">WebTorrent</a>.
* You can directly test in your browser with this [demo server]( Don't forget to use the latest version of Firefox/Chromium/(Opera?) and check your firewall configuration (for WebRTC)
* You can find [a video]( "Yes Vimeo, please don't judge me") to see how the "decentralization feature" looks like
* Experimental demo servers that share videos (they are in the same network): [peertube2](, [peertube3]( Since I do experiments with them, sometimes they might not work correctly.
We can't build a FOSS video streaming alternatives to YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo... with a centralized software. One organization alone cannot have enought money to pay bandwith and video storage of its server.
So we need to have a decentralized network (as [Diaspora]( for example).
But it's not enought because one video could become famous and overload the server.
It's the reason why we need to use a P2P protocol to limit the server load.
Then edit the `config/production.yaml` file according to your webserver configuration. Keys set in this file will override those of `config/default.yml`.
In this mode, the server will run requests between pods more quickly, the videos duration are limited to a few seconds and the client files are automatically compiled when we modify them:
Then you will can access to the three nodes at `http://localhost:900{1,2,3}` with the `root` as username and `test{1,2,3}` for the password. If you call "make friends" on `http://localhost:9002`, the pod 2 and 3 will become friends. Then if you call "make friends" on `http://localhost:9001` it will become friend with the pod 2 and 3 (check the configuration files). Then the pod will communicate with each others. If you add a video on the pod 3 you'll can see it on the pod 1 and 2 :)
You can test it inside Docker with the [PeerTube-Docker repository]( Moreover it can help you to check how to create an environment with the required dependencies for PeerTube on a GNU/Linux distribution.
* A network is composed by servers that communicate between them
* Each server of a network has a list of all other servers of this network
* When a new installed server wants to join a network, it just has to get the servers list through a server that is already in the network and tell "Hi I'm new in the network, communicate with me and share me your servers list please". Then the server will "make friend" with each server of this list
* If a user upload a video, the server seeds it and sends the video informations (name, short description, torrent URI...) to each server of the network
* Even if nobody watches a video, it is seeded by the server (throught [WebSeed protocol]( where the video was uploaded