
535 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
import { VideoFilter, VideoPrivacy, VideoState } from '@shared/models'
import { buildDirectionAndField, createSafeIn } from '@server/models/utils'
import { Model } from 'sequelize-typescript'
2020-06-18 10:45:25 +02:00
import { MUserAccountId, MUserId } from '@server/types/models'
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
import validator from 'validator'
2020-03-11 08:40:13 +01:00
import { exists } from '@server/helpers/custom-validators/misc'
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
export type BuildVideosQueryOptions = {
attributes?: string[]
serverAccountId: number
followerActorId: number
includeLocalVideos: boolean
count: number
start: number
sort: string
filter?: VideoFilter
categoryOneOf?: number[]
nsfw?: boolean
licenceOneOf?: number[]
languageOneOf?: string[]
tagsOneOf?: string[]
tagsAllOf?: string[]
withFiles?: boolean
accountId?: number
videoChannelId?: number
videoPlaylistId?: number
trendingDays?: number
user?: MUserAccountId
historyOfUser?: MUserId
startDate?: string // ISO 8601
endDate?: string // ISO 8601
originallyPublishedStartDate?: string
originallyPublishedEndDate?: string
durationMin?: number // seconds
durationMax?: number // seconds
search?: string
isCount?: boolean
group?: string
having?: string
function buildListQuery (model: typeof Model, options: BuildVideosQueryOptions) {
const and: string[] = []
const joins: string[] = []
const replacements: any = {}
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
const cte: string[] = []
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
let attributes: string[] = options.attributes || [ '"video"."id"' ]
let group = || ''
const having = options.having || ''
'INNER JOIN "videoChannel" ON "videoChannel"."id" = "video"."channelId"' +
'INNER JOIN "account" ON "account"."id" = "videoChannel"."accountId"' +
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
'INNER JOIN "actor" "accountActor" ON "account"."actorId" = "accountActor"."id"'
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
and.push('"video"."id" NOT IN (SELECT "videoBlacklist"."videoId" FROM "videoBlacklist")')
if (options.serverAccountId) {
const blockerIds = [ options.serverAccountId ]
if (options.user) blockerIds.push(
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
const inClause = createSafeIn(model, blockerIds)
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
' SELECT 1 FROM "accountBlocklist" ' +
' WHERE "accountBlocklist"."accountId" IN (' + inClause + ') ' +
' AND "accountBlocklist"."targetAccountId" = "account"."id" ' +
')' +
' SELECT 1 FROM "serverBlocklist" WHERE "serverBlocklist"."accountId" IN (' + inClause + ') ' +
' AND "serverBlocklist"."targetServerId" = "accountActor"."serverId"' +
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
// Only list public/published videos
if (!options.filter || (options.filter !== 'all-local' && options.filter !== 'all')) {
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
`("video"."state" = ${VideoState.PUBLISHED} OR ` +
`("video"."state" = ${VideoState.TO_TRANSCODE} AND "video"."waitTranscoding" IS false))`
if (options.user) {
`("video"."privacy" = ${VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC} OR "video"."privacy" = ${VideoPrivacy.INTERNAL})`
} else { // Or only public videos
`"video"."privacy" = ${VideoPrivacy.PUBLIC}`
if (options.videoPlaylistId) {
'INNER JOIN "videoPlaylistElement" "video"."id" = "videoPlaylistElement"."videoId" ' +
'AND "videoPlaylistElement"."videoPlaylistId" = :videoPlaylistId'
replacements.videoPlaylistId = options.videoPlaylistId
if (options.filter && (options.filter === 'local' || options.filter === 'all-local')) {
and.push('"video"."remote" IS FALSE')
if (options.accountId) {
and.push('"account"."id" = :accountId')
replacements.accountId = options.accountId
if (options.videoChannelId) {
and.push('"videoChannel"."id" = :videoChannelId')
replacements.videoChannelId = options.videoChannelId
if (options.followerActorId) {
let query =
'(' +
' EXISTS (' +
' SELECT 1 FROM "videoShare" ' +
' INNER JOIN "actorFollow" "actorFollowShare" ON "actorFollowShare"."targetActorId" = "videoShare"."actorId" ' +
2020-06-09 15:59:35 +02:00
' AND "actorFollowShare"."actorId" = :followerActorId AND "actorFollowShare"."state" = \'accepted\' ' +
' WHERE "videoShare"."videoId" = "video"."id"' +
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
' )' +
' OR' +
' EXISTS (' +
' SELECT 1 from "actorFollow" ' +
2020-06-09 15:59:35 +02:00
' WHERE "actorFollow"."targetActorId" = "videoChannel"."actorId" AND "actorFollow"."actorId" = :followerActorId ' +
' AND "actorFollow"."state" = \'accepted\'' +
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
' )'
if (options.includeLocalVideos) {
query += ' OR "video"."remote" IS FALSE'
query += ')'
replacements.followerActorId = options.followerActorId
if (options.withFiles === true) {
2020-08-24 16:11:37 +02:00
'(' +
' EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "videoFile" WHERE "videoFile"."videoId" = "video"."id") ' +
' OR EXISTS (' +
' SELECT 1 FROM "videoStreamingPlaylist" ' +
' INNER JOIN "videoFile" ON "videoFile"."videoStreamingPlaylistId" = "videoStreamingPlaylist"."id" ' +
' WHERE "videoStreamingPlaylist"."videoId" = "video"."id"' +
' )' +
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
if (options.tagsOneOf) {
const tagsOneOfLower = => t.toLowerCase())
'EXISTS (' +
' SELECT 1 FROM "videoTag" ' +
' INNER JOIN "tag" ON "tag"."id" = "videoTag"."tagId" ' +
' WHERE lower("tag"."name") IN (' + createSafeIn(model, tagsOneOfLower) + ') ' +
' AND "video"."id" = "videoTag"."videoId"' +
if (options.tagsAllOf) {
const tagsAllOfLower = => t.toLowerCase())
'EXISTS (' +
' SELECT 1 FROM "videoTag" ' +
' INNER JOIN "tag" ON "tag"."id" = "videoTag"."tagId" ' +
' WHERE lower("tag"."name") IN (' + createSafeIn(model, tagsAllOfLower) + ') ' +
' AND "video"."id" = "videoTag"."videoId" ' +
' GROUP BY "videoTag"."videoId" HAVING COUNT(*) = ' + tagsAllOfLower.length +
if (options.nsfw === true) {
and.push('"video"."nsfw" IS TRUE')
if (options.nsfw === false) {
and.push('"video"."nsfw" IS FALSE')
if (options.categoryOneOf) {
and.push('"video"."category" IN (:categoryOneOf)')
replacements.categoryOneOf = options.categoryOneOf
if (options.licenceOneOf) {
and.push('"video"."licence" IN (:licenceOneOf)')
replacements.licenceOneOf = options.licenceOneOf
if (options.languageOneOf) {
const languages = options.languageOneOf.filter(l => l && l !== '_unknown')
const languagesQueryParts: string[] = []
if (languages.length !== 0) {
2020-04-20 10:24:58 +02:00
languagesQueryParts.push('"video"."language" IN (:languageOneOf)')
replacements.languageOneOf = languages
2020-04-20 10:24:58 +02:00
'EXISTS (' +
' SELECT 1 FROM "videoCaption" WHERE "videoCaption"."language" ' +
' IN (' + createSafeIn(model, languages) + ') AND ' +
' "videoCaption"."videoId" = "video"."id"' +
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
if (options.languageOneOf.includes('_unknown')) {
languagesQueryParts.push('"video"."language" IS NULL')
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
2020-04-20 10:24:58 +02:00
if (languagesQueryParts.length !== 0) {
and.push('(' + languagesQueryParts.join(' OR ') + ')')
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
// We don't exclude results in this if so if we do a count we don't need to add this complex clauses
if (options.trendingDays && options.isCount !== true) {
const viewsGteDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() - (24 * 3600 * 1000) * options.trendingDays)
joins.push('LEFT JOIN "videoView" ON "video"."id" = "videoView"."videoId" AND "videoView"."startDate" >= :viewsGteDate')
replacements.viewsGteDate = viewsGteDate
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
attributes.push('COALESCE(SUM("videoView"."views"), 0) AS "videoViewsSum"')
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
group = 'GROUP BY "video"."id"'
if (options.historyOfUser) {
joins.push('INNER JOIN "userVideoHistory" on "video"."id" = "userVideoHistory"."videoId"')
and.push('"userVideoHistory"."userId" = :historyOfUser')
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
replacements.historyOfUser =
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
if (options.startDate) {
and.push('"video"."publishedAt" >= :startDate')
replacements.startDate = options.startDate
if (options.endDate) {
and.push('"video"."publishedAt" <= :endDate')
replacements.endDate = options.endDate
if (options.originallyPublishedStartDate) {
and.push('"video"."originallyPublishedAt" >= :originallyPublishedStartDate')
replacements.originallyPublishedStartDate = options.originallyPublishedStartDate
if (options.originallyPublishedEndDate) {
and.push('"video"."originallyPublishedAt" <= :originallyPublishedEndDate')
replacements.originallyPublishedEndDate = options.originallyPublishedEndDate
if (options.durationMin) {
and.push('"video"."duration" >= :durationMin')
replacements.durationMin = options.durationMin
if (options.durationMax) {
and.push('"video"."duration" <= :durationMax')
replacements.durationMax = options.durationMax
if ( {
const escapedSearch = model.sequelize.escape(
const escapedLikeSearch = model.sequelize.escape('%' + + '%')
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
'"trigramSearch" AS (' +
' SELECT "video"."id", ' +
` similarity(lower(immutable_unaccent("video"."name")), lower(immutable_unaccent(${escapedSearch}))) as similarity ` +
' FROM "video" ' +
' WHERE lower(immutable_unaccent("video"."name")) % lower(immutable_unaccent(' + escapedSearch + ')) OR ' +
' lower(immutable_unaccent("video"."name")) LIKE lower(immutable_unaccent(' + escapedLikeSearch + '))' +
joins.push('LEFT JOIN "trigramSearch" ON "video"."id" = "trigramSearch"."id"')
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
let base = '(' +
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
' "trigramSearch"."id" IS NOT NULL OR ' +
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
' EXISTS (' +
' SELECT 1 FROM "videoTag" ' +
' INNER JOIN "tag" ON "tag"."id" = "videoTag"."tagId" ' +
` WHERE lower("tag"."name") = ${escapedSearch} ` +
' AND "video"."id" = "videoTag"."videoId"' +
' )'
if (validator.isUUID( {
base += ` OR "video"."uuid" = ${escapedSearch}`
base += ')'
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
attributes.push(`COALESCE("trigramSearch"."similarity", 0) as similarity`)
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
} else {
attributes.push('0 as similarity')
if (options.isCount === true) attributes = [ 'COUNT(*) as "total"' ]
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
let suffix = ''
let order = ''
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
if (options.isCount !== true) {
2020-03-11 08:40:13 +01:00
if (exists(options.sort)) {
if (options.sort === '-originallyPublishedAt' || options.sort === 'originallyPublishedAt') {
attributes.push('COALESCE("video"."originallyPublishedAt", "video"."publishedAt") AS "publishedAtForOrder"')
2020-07-07 17:18:26 +02:00
order = buildOrder(options.sort)
2020-03-11 08:40:13 +01:00
suffix += `${order} `
if (exists(options.count)) {
const count = parseInt(options.count + '', 10)
suffix += `LIMIT ${count} `
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
2020-03-11 08:40:13 +01:00
if (exists(options.start)) {
const start = parseInt(options.start + '', 10)
suffix += `OFFSET ${start} `
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
const cteString = cte.length !== 0
? `WITH ${cte.join(', ')} `
: ''
const query = cteString +
'SELECT ' + attributes.join(', ') + ' ' +
'FROM "video" ' + joins.join(' ') + ' ' +
'WHERE ' + and.join(' AND ') + ' ' +
group + ' ' +
having + ' ' +
return { query, replacements, order }
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
2020-07-07 17:18:26 +02:00
function buildOrder (value: string) {
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
const { direction, field } = buildDirectionAndField(value)
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
if (field.match(/^[a-zA-Z."]+$/) === null) throw new Error('Invalid sort column ' + field)
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
if (field.toLowerCase() === 'random') return 'ORDER BY RANDOM()'
if (field.toLowerCase() === 'trending') { // Sort by aggregation
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
return `ORDER BY "videoViewsSum" ${direction}, "video"."views" ${direction}`
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
let firstSort: string
if (field.toLowerCase() === 'match') { // Search
firstSort = '"similarity"'
} else if (field === 'originallyPublishedAt') {
firstSort = '"publishedAtForOrder"'
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
} else if (field.includes('.')) {
firstSort = field
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
} else {
firstSort = `"video"."${field}"`
return `ORDER BY ${firstSort} ${direction}, "video"."id" ASC`
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
function wrapForAPIResults (baseQuery: string, replacements: any, options: BuildVideosQueryOptions, order: string) {
const attributes = {
'"video".*': '',
'"VideoChannel"."id"': '""',
'"VideoChannel"."name"': '""',
'"VideoChannel"."description"': '"VideoChannel.description"',
'"VideoChannel"."actorId"': '"VideoChannel.actorId"',
'"VideoChannel->Actor"."id"': '""',
'"VideoChannel->Actor"."preferredUsername"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.preferredUsername"',
'"VideoChannel->Actor"."url"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.url"',
'"VideoChannel->Actor"."serverId"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.serverId"',
'"VideoChannel->Actor"."avatarId"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.avatarId"',
'"VideoChannel->Account"."id"': '""',
'"VideoChannel->Account"."name"': '""',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."id"': '""',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."preferredUsername"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.preferredUsername"',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."url"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.url"',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."serverId"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.serverId"',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."avatarId"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.avatarId"',
'"VideoChannel->Actor->Server"."id"': '""',
'"VideoChannel->Actor->Server"."host"': '""',
'"VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."id"': '""',
'"VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."filename"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.Avatar.filename"',
'"VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."fileUrl"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.Avatar.fileUrl"',
'"VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."onDisk"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.Avatar.onDisk"',
'"VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."createdAt"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.Avatar.createdAt"',
'"VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."updatedAt"': '"VideoChannel.Actor.Avatar.updatedAt"',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Server"."id"': '""',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Server"."host"': '""',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."id"': '""',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."filename"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Avatar.filename"',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."fileUrl"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Avatar.fileUrl"',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."onDisk"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Avatar.onDisk"',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."createdAt"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Avatar.createdAt"',
'"VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."updatedAt"': '"VideoChannel.Account.Actor.Avatar.updatedAt"',
'"Thumbnails"."id"': '""',
'"Thumbnails"."type"': '"Thumbnails.type"',
'"Thumbnails"."filename"': '"Thumbnails.filename"'
const joins = [
'INNER JOIN "video" ON "tmp"."id" = "video"."id"',
'INNER JOIN "videoChannel" AS "VideoChannel" ON "video"."channelId" = "VideoChannel"."id"',
'INNER JOIN "actor" AS "VideoChannel->Actor" ON "VideoChannel"."actorId" = "VideoChannel->Actor"."id"',
'INNER JOIN "account" AS "VideoChannel->Account" ON "VideoChannel"."accountId" = "VideoChannel->Account"."id"',
'INNER JOIN "actor" AS "VideoChannel->Account->Actor" ON "VideoChannel->Account"."actorId" = "VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."id"',
'LEFT OUTER JOIN "server" AS "VideoChannel->Actor->Server" ON "VideoChannel->Actor"."serverId" = "VideoChannel->Actor->Server"."id"',
'LEFT OUTER JOIN "avatar" AS "VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar" ON "VideoChannel->Actor"."avatarId" = "VideoChannel->Actor->Avatar"."id"',
'LEFT OUTER JOIN "server" AS "VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Server" ' +
'ON "VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."serverId" = "VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Server"."id"',
'LEFT OUTER JOIN "avatar" AS "VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar" ' +
'ON "VideoChannel->Account->Actor"."avatarId" = "VideoChannel->Account->Actor->Avatar"."id"',
'LEFT OUTER JOIN "thumbnail" AS "Thumbnails" ON "video"."id" = "Thumbnails"."videoId"'
if (options.withFiles) {
2020-08-24 16:11:37 +02:00
joins.push('LEFT JOIN "videoFile" AS "VideoFiles" ON "VideoFiles"."videoId" = "video"."id"')
joins.push('LEFT JOIN "videoStreamingPlaylist" AS "VideoStreamingPlaylists" ON "VideoStreamingPlaylists"."videoId" = "video"."id"')
'LEFT JOIN "videoFile" AS "VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles" ' +
'ON "VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."videoStreamingPlaylistId" = "VideoStreamingPlaylists"."id"'
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
Object.assign(attributes, {
'"VideoFiles"."id"': '""',
'"VideoFiles"."createdAt"': '"VideoFiles.createdAt"',
'"VideoFiles"."updatedAt"': '"VideoFiles.updatedAt"',
'"VideoFiles"."resolution"': '"VideoFiles.resolution"',
'"VideoFiles"."size"': '"VideoFiles.size"',
'"VideoFiles"."extname"': '"VideoFiles.extname"',
'"VideoFiles"."infoHash"': '"VideoFiles.infoHash"',
'"VideoFiles"."fps"': '"VideoFiles.fps"',
2020-08-24 16:11:37 +02:00
'"VideoFiles"."videoId"': '"VideoFiles.videoId"',
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists"."id"': '""',
2021-01-27 16:42:13 +01:00
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists"."playlistUrl"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.playlistUrl"',
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists"."type"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.type"',
2020-08-24 16:11:37 +02:00
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."id"': '""',
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."createdAt"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.createdAt"',
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."updatedAt"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.updatedAt"',
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."resolution"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.resolution"',
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."size"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.size"',
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."extname"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.extname"',
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."infoHash"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.infoHash"',
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."fps"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.fps"',
2021-01-27 16:42:13 +01:00
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."videoStreamingPlaylistId"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.videoStreamingPlaylistId"',
2020-08-24 16:11:37 +02:00
'"VideoStreamingPlaylists->VideoFiles"."videoId"': '"VideoStreamingPlaylists.VideoFiles.videoId"'
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
if (options.user) {
'LEFT OUTER JOIN "userVideoHistory" ' +
'ON "video"."id" = "userVideoHistory"."videoId" AND "userVideoHistory"."userId" = :userVideoHistoryId'
replacements.userVideoHistoryId =
Object.assign(attributes, {
'"userVideoHistory"."id"': '""',
'"userVideoHistory"."currentTime"': '"userVideoHistory.currentTime"'
if (options.videoPlaylistId) {
'INNER JOIN "videoPlaylistElement" as "VideoPlaylistElement" ON "videoPlaylistElement"."videoId" = "video"."id" ' +
'AND "VideoPlaylistElement"."videoPlaylistId" = :videoPlaylistId'
replacements.videoPlaylistId = options.videoPlaylistId
Object.assign(attributes, {
'"VideoPlaylistElement"."createdAt"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.createdAt"',
'"VideoPlaylistElement"."updatedAt"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.updatedAt"',
'"VideoPlaylistElement"."url"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.url"',
'"VideoPlaylistElement"."position"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.position"',
'"VideoPlaylistElement"."startTimestamp"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.startTimestamp"',
'"VideoPlaylistElement"."stopTimestamp"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.stopTimestamp"',
'"VideoPlaylistElement"."videoPlaylistId"': '"VideoPlaylistElement.videoPlaylistId"'
const select = 'SELECT ' + Object.keys(attributes).map(key => {
const value = attributes[key]
if (value) return `${key} AS ${value}`
return key
}).join(', ')
return `${select} FROM (${baseQuery}) AS "tmp" ${joins.join(' ')} ${order}`
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00
export {
2020-03-09 14:44:44 +01:00
2020-03-05 15:04:57 +01:00