
167 lines
5.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { buildFileLocale, getDefaultLocale, is18nLocale, POSSIBLE_LOCALES } from '@peertube/peertube-core-utils'
import { isTestOrDevInstance, root, sha256 } from '@peertube/peertube-node-utils'
import express from 'express'
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'
import { join } from 'path'
import { logger } from '../../../helpers/logger.js'
2023-11-30 11:08:04 +01:00
import { CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS, FILES_CONTENT_HASH, PLUGIN_GLOBAL_CSS_PATH } from '../../../initializers/constants.js'
import { ServerConfigManager } from '../../server-config-manager.js'
import { TagsHtml } from './tags-html.js'
import { pathExists } from 'fs-extra/esm'
import { HTMLServerConfig } from '@peertube/peertube-models'
import { CONFIG } from '@server/initializers/config.js'
export class PageHtml {
private static htmlCache: { [path: string]: string } = {}
static invalidateCache () {'Cleaning HTML cache.')
this.htmlCache = {}
static async getDefaultHTML (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, paramLang?: string) {
const html = paramLang
? await this.getIndexHTML(req, res, paramLang)
: await this.getIndexHTML(req, res)
let customHTML = TagsHtml.addTitleTag(html)
customHTML = TagsHtml.addDescriptionTag(customHTML)
return customHTML
static async getEmbedHTML () {
const path = this.getEmbedHTMLPath()
// Disable HTML cache in dev mode because webpack can regenerate JS files
if (!isTestOrDevInstance() && this.htmlCache[path]) {
return this.htmlCache[path]
const buffer = await readFile(path)
const serverConfig = await ServerConfigManager.Instance.getHTMLServerConfig()
let html = buffer.toString()
html = await this.addAsyncPluginCSS(html)
html = this.addCustomCSS(html)
html = this.addServerConfig(html, serverConfig)
this.htmlCache[path] = html
return html
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static async getIndexHTML (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, paramLang?: string) {
const path = this.getIndexHTMLPath(req, res, paramLang)
if (this.htmlCache[path]) return this.htmlCache[path]
const buffer = await readFile(path)
const serverConfig = await ServerConfigManager.Instance.getHTMLServerConfig()
let html = buffer.toString()
html = this.addManifestContentHash(html)
html = this.addFaviconContentHash(html)
html = this.addLogoContentHash(html)
html = this.addCustomCSS(html)
html = this.addServerConfig(html, serverConfig)
html = await this.addAsyncPluginCSS(html)
this.htmlCache[path] = html
return html
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static getEmbedHTMLPath () {
return join(root(), 'client', 'dist', 'standalone', 'videos', 'embed.html')
private static getIndexHTMLPath (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, paramLang: string) {
let lang: string
// Check param lang validity
if (paramLang && is18nLocale(paramLang)) {
lang = paramLang
// Save locale in cookies
res.cookie('clientLanguage', lang, {
2023-11-30 11:08:04 +01:00
secure: true,
sameSite: 'none',
maxAge: 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 90 // 3 months
} else if (req.cookies.clientLanguage && is18nLocale(req.cookies.clientLanguage)) {
lang = req.cookies.clientLanguage
} else {
lang = req.acceptsLanguages(POSSIBLE_LOCALES) || getDefaultLocale()
'Serving %s HTML language', buildFileLocale(lang),
{ cookie: req.cookies?.clientLanguage, paramLang, acceptLanguage: req.headers['accept-language'] }
return join(root(), 'client', 'dist', buildFileLocale(lang), 'index.html')
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static addCustomCSS (htmlStringPage: string) {
const styleTag = `<style class="custom-css-style">${CONFIG.INSTANCE.CUSTOMIZATIONS.CSS}</style>`
return htmlStringPage.replace(CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS.CUSTOM_CSS, styleTag)
static addServerConfig (htmlStringPage: string, serverConfig: HTMLServerConfig) {
// Stringify the JSON object, and then stringify the string object so we can inject it into the HTML
const serverConfigString = JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(serverConfig))
const configScriptTag = `<script type="application/javascript">window.PeerTubeServerConfig = ${serverConfigString}</script>`
return htmlStringPage.replace(CUSTOM_HTML_TAG_COMMENTS.SERVER_CONFIG, configScriptTag)
static async addAsyncPluginCSS (htmlStringPage: string) {
if (!await pathExists(PLUGIN_GLOBAL_CSS_PATH)) {'Plugin Global CSS file is not available (generation may still be in progress), ignoring it.')
return htmlStringPage
let globalCSSContent: Buffer
try {
globalCSSContent = await readFile(PLUGIN_GLOBAL_CSS_PATH)
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Error retrieving the Plugin Global CSS file, ignoring it.', { err })
return htmlStringPage
if (globalCSSContent.byteLength === 0) return htmlStringPage
const fileHash = sha256(globalCSSContent)
const linkTag = `<link rel="stylesheet" href="/plugins/global.css?hash=${fileHash}" />`
return htmlStringPage.replace('</head>', linkTag + '</head>')
private static addManifestContentHash (htmlStringPage: string) {
return htmlStringPage.replace('[manifestContentHash]', FILES_CONTENT_HASH.MANIFEST)
private static addFaviconContentHash (htmlStringPage: string) {
return htmlStringPage.replace('[faviconContentHash]', FILES_CONTENT_HASH.FAVICON)
private static addLogoContentHash (htmlStringPage: string) {
return htmlStringPage.replace('[logoContentHash]', FILES_CONTENT_HASH.LOGO)