Cleanup changelog

Chocobozzz 2020-01-07 14:31:36 +01:00
parent df8340b7b8
commit 37cea24ee5
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 583A612D890159BE
1 changed files with 2 additions and 390 deletions

View File

@ -260,83 +260,6 @@ We added some sections in the documentation website:
* Fix start/stop of first element when loading a playlist
## v2.0.0-rc.1
* Removed old JSON LD signature implementation. There will be some **federation incompatibilities** with forwarded activities sent
by PeerTube instances < v2.0.0
* Replaced configuration key `email.object` with `email.subject`:
### Plugins/Themes API
* Add plugin hook on registration `filter:api.user.signup.allowed.result`
### Docker
* Fix traefik version docker compose (**you need to update your `docker-compose.yml` file**:
### Maintenance
* Add `--tmpdir`, `--first`, `--last` and `--verbose [level]` parameters to peertube-import-videos script ([@Yetangitu](
* Improve REST API documentation ([@frankstrater](
* Improve plugin management documentation
### Features
* Better instance admin responsibility:
* Add ability to set more information about your instance. This will be used in the future on to help people find
the appropriate PeerTube instance on which they can register:
* Main **Categories**
* **Languages** you/your moderators speak
* **Code of Conduct**
* **Moderation information** (who moderates your instance, NSFW policy etc)
* Who is **behind the instance** (a single person? non-profit?)
* Why did the admin **create this instance**
* How long the admin plan to **maintain the instance**
* How the administrator **will finance** the PeerTube server
* **Hardware** information
* Add these information in the about page and in the signup page
* Add a welcome modal at first admin login with some explanations of PeerTube and some useful links
* Add warning modal when administrators enable or enabled signup but did not fill some important instance information
(for now the instance **name**, **terms**, **administrator** and **maintenance lifetime** information)
* Add ability to automatically follow back other instances
* Add ability to automatically follow [the public registry]( instances
* Add *Most liked videos* page ([@alcalyn](
* Add a drag&drop delay on playlist videos to allow user scroll on small screens ([@alcalyn](
* Allow to toggle video publication date to display absolute date ([@alcalyn](
* Add statistics in about page ([@alcalyn](
* Improve the *feature table* in about page
* Add contributors in about page
* Clearer warning of IP address leaking on embedded videos ([@robinkooli](
* Case insensitive search on video tags
* Add video name in "video publish notification"
* Add ability to autoplay next recommended video (opt in) ([@LoveIsGrief](
* Add link behind the subscribe via RSS button ([@frankstrater](
* Support text/plain caption files
* Speedup theme injection
### Bug fixes
* Fix audio upload
* Handle video reports from mastodon
* Fix videos redundancy exceeding the limit
* Fix search when user defined video languages in their preferences
* Don't quick transcode with the wrong pixel format
* Hide videos abuses of muted accounts
* Fix account avatar widths
* Fix default `commentsEnabled` and `downloadEnabled` values on video upload/import ([@frankstrater](
* Disable auto complete of email field when editing another user information in admin panel ([@Knackie](
* Fix federation issues with some actors (that have long descriptions, or missing optional AP fields)
* Remove down redundancy endpoints in HLS player
* Fix user notifications with multiple opened tabs
* Replace "overview" by "discover" in webpage titles
* Clearer IP debug message in admin panel
* Fix checkbox styles when using a theme
* Don't redirect on verify account page after login
* Fix player captions menu after choosing a subtitle
## v1.4.1
### Bug fixes
@ -473,95 +396,6 @@ We added some sections in the documentation website:
* Go back when cancel NSFW modal
## v1.4.0-rc.1
* **Important** Add `plugins` directory in configuration file. **You should configure it in your production.yaml**
* **Important:** Deprecate NodeJS 8 (support ends on [December 2019]( Please upgrade to NodeJS 10.
* **Important:** Updated nginx template (you need to [update manually](
* Fix long server responses on dual stack servers:
* Improve images HTTP cache:
* **Important:** With the new theme system, we removed the dark mode button. Your administrator has to install [the dark theme](
from their admin panel, and then users can choose this theme in their settings
* Changed the playlist REST API to fix various issues. See for more information
* Removed magnet URI support in download modal since most of the BitTorrent clients do not understand the `xs` parameter
* Renamed `Overview` page to `Discover`
### Maintenance
* Create a dedicated `package.json` for CLI tools to reduce server dependencies size
* Add ability to set root password by environment at first start ([@darnuria](
* Removed unused `uuid` actor field (we already have a unique identifier that is the `preferredUsername`)
* Add ability to disable PeerTube log rotation ([@NassimBounouas](
* Speedup font display ([@BO41](
* Improve static files HTTP cache
* Add `--since` and `--until` parameters to import videos script to easily sync external channels ([@fflorent](
* Optimize `/watch/:uuid` endpoint
* Optimize Sequelize (SQL ORM) queries generation (consumes less CPU)
* Prune script is faster and can prune avatar files
### Features
* :tada: Support Greek and Scottish Gaelic languages
* :tada: Add basic plugins and themes support (**beta**):
* Install plugins or themes from the administration panel
* Choose a default theme for your instance
* Users can choose the theme they want among the list of themes their administrator installed
* :tada: Add ability to upload audio files: PeerTube will merge the audio file and the thumbnail to create a video
* Multi step registration:
* Add ability for new users to create their default channel
* Guess the account username/channel username according to their display name
* Add explanations about what the purpose of a username/channel name is, and what a channel is
* Improve account video channels page:
* Set it as the default page for the account page in order to avoid confusion between the account homepage and the video channel homepage
* Display channels in rows with some of their videos
* Support more URL parameters in embeds: `muted`, `loop`, `peertubeLink`
* Redesign share modal and add customizations:
* Start/stop at a specific timestamp
* Automatically play/mute/loop the video
* Set a specific subtitle by default
* Group subscriptions and recently added videos in chronological order
* Add ability for users to change their email address
* Add ability to update the support field of all channel videos when we update the channel support field
* Add a language filter in user preferences to display only videos in specific languages
* Add instance follows list in a dedicated tab in the "About" page
* Add ability to set to private a public/unlisted video or video playlist
* Transcode in the `tmp` directory for s3fs compatibility ([@libertysoft3](
* Add a button to copy account username ([@NassimBounouas](
* Redirect to "Local videos" page when going to the `peertube` account page
* Rearrange search filter options ([@realityfabric](
* Close modal after clicking on download ([@LeoMouyna](
* Add ability for admins to customize emails object prefix and body signature ([@yohanboniface](
* Support 4K transcoding
* Add link of the follower profile in administration ([@NassimBounouas](
* Add subject field in contact form ([@NassimBounouas](
* Add rate limit to registration and API endpoints
* Add "video quota used" sortable column in user admin list ([@darnuria](
* Automatically update the playlist thumbnail according to the video at the first position (if the user did not set a specific thumbnail)
* Automatically remove dead followings
* Federate comment deletion if the comment was deleted by the video owner
### Bug fixes
* Fix transcoding information in features table ([LiPek](
* Fix tools auth with remote instances
* Fix various issues in upload/import scripts
* Fix redundancy exceeded quota
* Fix login with email ([@NassimBounouas](
* Fix quota display in features table
* Fix transcoding help placement
* Fix invisible videos in playlists
* Fix HLS transcoding in lower resolutions
* Fix various federation issues
* Fix mute badge labels
* Fix broken follow notification when the actor is deleted
* Fix overflow and playlist block width in the watch page
* Fix search results overflow on mobile
* Fix infinite scroll on big screens
* Fix start time on some HLS videos
## v1.3.1
### Bug fixes
@ -680,121 +514,7 @@ and update your [.env](
* Fix crash in files cache
* Fix playlist view/update 403
* Fix search with bad webfinger handles
## v1.3.0-rc.2
### Docker
* Add a network section to [docker-compose.yml template](
and update your [.env]( to fix IP forwarding issue ([@Nutomic](
### Bug fixes
* Fix playlist block width when the player is in theater mode
* Reset playlist add dropdown in watch page on video change
* Fix follow with Mastodon
* Fix playlist elements reordering
* Fix my videos list pagination
* Fix video thumbnails in admin blacklist page
* Fix video views that are not considered
## v1.3.0-rc.1
* **nginx** Remove `text/html` from `gzip_types`: [@bnjbvr](
* Add `streaming_playlists` directory in configuration file. **You should configure it in your production.yaml**
* CSP configuration changed: it's now in a [dedicated section](
## Maintenance
* Add GitPod support ([@jankeromnes]( that could help people to contribute on PeerTube:
* Add reminder to restart PeerTube in upgrade script ([@ldidry](
* Add argument to dockerfile to pass options to npm run build ([@NaPs](
* Add `NOCLIENT` env support to only install server dependencies. Example: `NOCLIENT=true yarn install --pure-lockfile` ([@rigelk](
### Docker
* **Important**: Add host network mode to the reverse proxy section (without this, it could break videos views and P2P:
* Fix SMTP default configuration ([@Nutomic](
### Features
* Add video playlist support
* A user has a default `Watch-later` playlist
* A user can create private, unlisted or public playlists
* An element in this playlist can start or stop at specific timestamps (you can create some kind of zapping for example)
* The difference with a channel is that you cannot subscribe to a playlist, but you can add videos from any other user in your playlist.
It's useful to organize your videos, or create a playlist of videos you like and share the link on the web etc
* Add quarantine videos (auto blacklist videos on upload) feature :tada: ([@joshmorel](
* Add Japanese & Nederlands & Português (Portugal) support
* Add experimental HLS support
* Better playback
* Better bandwidth management (for both client & server)
* Needs to store another video file per resolution, so enabling this option multiplies the videos storage by 2 (only new uploaded videos, this is not retroactive)
* Requires ffmpeg >= 4
* Better instance's followers management:
* Add ability to remove an instance's follower
* Add ability to forbid all new instance's followers
* Add ability to manually approve new instance's followers
* Add notification on new instance's follower
* Improve UI:
* Increase player default height
* Reduce big play button border width
* Increase thumbnail sizes
* Add hover effect on video miniature
* Add "my library" section in menu
* Add missing icons in some buttons/dropdown
* 2 rows per overview section
* Increase video thumbnail blur ([@Zig-03](
* Improve video miniatures list on mobile
* Add animation when opening user notifications
* Add ability for admins to disable the tracker (and so the P2P aspect of PeerTube, in order to improve users privacy for example)
* Add original publication date attribute to videos, and add ability to filter on it (Andrés Maldonado)
* Add video miniature dropdown
* Add ability for admins to declare their instance as dedicated to NSFW content
* Improve SEO (there is still work to be done)
* Login is now case insensitive (if using official web client)
* Add NSFW policy & users signup policy & auto blacklist strategy in features table in about page
* Improve comment deletion warning
* Restore videos list component on history back
* Add ability to consult server logs in admin
* Allow administrators to change/reset a user's password ([@rigelk](
* Add a debug page to help admins to fix IP configuration issues
* Add ability for admins to limit users videos history size
* Add ability for admins to delete old remote videos views (reduce database size)
* Optimize video update page load
* Less refresh jobs
* Cleanup invalid AP rates/comments/shares
* Better videos redundancy config error handling
* Check emails are enabled if the admin requires email verification ([@joshmorel](
* Add `Add /accounts/:username/ratings endpoint` ([@yohanboniface](
* Allow to control API rates limit from configuration ([@yohanboniface](
### Bug fixes
* Don't notify prior to scheduled update ([@joshmorel](
* Fix account description database error
* Fix Pleroma follow
* Fix greek label
* Fix email notification for some users
* Fix translation of "Copy magnet URI"
* Fix negative seconds by displaying 0 instead [@zacharystenger](
* Fix URL in video import notification
* Don't close help popover when clicking on it
* Fix `tmp` directory cleanup
* Fix custom CSS help
* Fix JSONLD context
* Fix privacy label display in upload form
* Fix my account settings responsiveness
* Fix keyboard icon transparency ([@gbip](
* Fix contact admin button overflow
* Wait config to be loaded before loading login/signup
* Privacy is optional in upload API endpoint
* Fix hotkeys help popup overflow
## v1.2.1
@ -988,80 +708,6 @@ and update your [.env](
* Fix trending page
## v1.1.0-rc.1 (since v1.1.0-alpha.2)
### Maintenance
* Improve REST API documentation ([@rigelk](
* Add basic ActivityPub documentation ([@rigelk](
* Add CLI option to run PeerTube without client ([@rigelk](
* Add manpage to peertube CLI ([@rigelk](
* Make backups of files in optimize-old-videos script ([@Nutomic](
* Allow peertube-import-videos.ts CLI script to run concurrently ([@McFlat](
### Docker
* Improve docker compose template ([@Nutomic](
* Add postfix image
* Redirect HTTP -> HTTPS
* Disable Træfik web UI
* Add ability to set an array in `PEERTUBE_TRUST_PROXY` ([LecygneNoir](
### Features
* Add background effect to activated menu entry
* Improve video upload error handling
* Improve message visibility on signup
* Auto login user on signup if email verification is disabled
* Speed up PeerTube startup (in particular the first one)
* Delete invalid or deleted remote videos
* Add ability to admin to set email as verified ([@joshmorel](
* Add separators in user moderation dropdown
### Bug fixes
* Check follow constraints when getting a video
* Fix application-config initialization in CLI tools ([@Yetangitu](
* Fix video pixel format compatibility (using yuv420p) ([@rigelk](
* Fix video `state` AP context ([tcitworld](
* Fix Linked Signature compatibility
* Fix AP collections pagination
* Fix too big thumbnails (when using URL import)
* Do not host remote AP objects: use redirection instead
* Fix video miniature with a long name
* Fix video views inconsistencies inside the federation
* Fix video embed in Wordpress Gutenberg
* Fix video channel videos url when scrolling
* Fix player progress bar/seeking when changing resolution
* Fix search tab title with no search
* Fix YouTube video import with some videos
## v1.1.0-alpha.2 (since v1.1.0-alpha.1)
### Security/Maintenance/Federation
* Add HTTP Signature in addition to Linked Signature:
* It's faster
* Will allow us to use RSA Signature 2018 in the future without too much incompatibilities in the peertube federation
### Features
* Set shorter keyframe interval for transcoding (2 seconds) ([@Nutomic](
* Add ability to disable webtorrent (as a user) ([@rigelk](
* Make abuse-delete clearer ([@barbeque](
* Adding minimum signup age conforming to ceiling GPDR age ([@rigelk](
* Feature/description support fields length 1000 ([@McFlat](
### Bug fixes
* Scale bitrate linearly with FPS ([@Nutomic](
* AP mimeType -> mediaType
* PeerTube is not in beta anymore
* PeerTube is not in alpha anymore :p
* Fix optimize old videos script
## v1.0.1
### Security/Maintenance/Federation
@ -1069,41 +715,7 @@ and update your [.env](
* Add HTTP Signature in addition to Linked Signature:
* It's faster
* Will allow us to use RSA Signature 2018 in the future without too much incompatibilities in the peertube federation
## v1.1.0-alpha.1
We released this alpha version because some admins/users need some moderation tools we implemented in recent weeks.
This release could contain bugs. Don't expect a stable v1.1.0 until December :)
### Scripts
* Use DB information from config/production.yaml in upgrade script ([@ldidry](
* Add REPL script ([@McFlat](
### Docker
* Add search and import settings env settings env variables ([@kaiyou](
* Add docker dev image ([@am97](
### Features
* Automatically resume videos if the user is logged in
* Hide automatically the menu when the window is resized ([@BO41](
* Remove confirm modal for JavaScript/CSS injection ([@scanlime](
* Set bitrate limits for transcoding ([@Nutomic](
* Add moderation tools in the account page
* Add bulk actions in users table (Delete/Ban for now)
* Add search filter in admin users table
* Add search filter in admin following
* Add search filter in admin followers
* Add ability to list all local videos
* Add ability for users to mute an account or an instance
* Add ability for administrators to mute an account or an instance
* Rename "News" category to "News & Politics" ([@daker](
* Add explicit error message when changing video ownership ([@lucas-dclrcq](
* Improve description of the HTTP video import feature ([@rigelk](
## v1.0.0