mirror of https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube
Don't seed on cellular networks
@ -85,8 +85,6 @@ export class MarkdownService {
let html = this.markdownParsers[ name ].render(markdown)
html = this.avoidTruncatedTags(html)
if (config.escape) return this.htmlRenderer.toSafeHtml(html)
return html
@ -208,10 +208,8 @@ export class PeertubePlayerManager {
private static getVideojsOptions (mode: PlayerMode, options: PeertubePlayerManagerOptions, p2pMediaLoaderModule?: any) {
const commonOptions = options.common
const webtorrentOptions = options.webtorrent
const p2pMediaLoaderOptions = options.p2pMediaLoader
let autoplay = options.common.autoplay
let autoplay = commonOptions.autoplay
let html5 = {}
const plugins: VideoJSPluginOptions = {
@ -227,64 +225,18 @@ export class PeertubePlayerManager {
if (commonOptions.enableHotkeys === true) {
if (mode === 'p2p-media-loader') {
const redundancyUrlManager = new RedundancyUrlManager(options.p2pMediaLoader.redundancyBaseUrls)
const { streamrootHls } = PeertubePlayerManager.addP2PMediaLoaderOptions(plugins, options, p2pMediaLoaderModule)
const p2pMediaLoader: P2PMediaLoaderPluginOptions = {
type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
startTime: commonOptions.startTime,
src: p2pMediaLoaderOptions.playlistUrl
const trackerAnnounce = p2pMediaLoaderOptions.trackerAnnounce
.filter(t => t.startsWith('ws'))
const p2pMediaLoaderConfig = {
loader: {
segmentValidator: segmentValidatorFactory(options.p2pMediaLoader.segmentsSha256Url),
rtcConfig: getRtcConfig(),
requiredSegmentsPriority: 5,
segmentUrlBuilder: segmentUrlBuilderFactory(redundancyUrlManager),
useP2P: getStoredP2PEnabled()
segments: {
swarmId: p2pMediaLoaderOptions.playlistUrl
const streamrootHls = {
levelLabelHandler: (level: { height: number, width: number }) => {
const file = p2pMediaLoaderOptions.videoFiles.find(f => f.resolution.id === level.height)
let label = file.resolution.label
if (file.fps >= 50) label += file.fps
return label
html5: {
hlsjsConfig: {
capLevelToPlayerSize: true,
autoStartLoad: false,
liveSyncDurationCount: 7,
loader: new p2pMediaLoaderModule.Engine(p2pMediaLoaderConfig).createLoaderClass()
Object.assign(plugins, { p2pMediaLoader, streamrootHls })
html5 = streamrootHls.html5
if (mode === 'webtorrent') {
const webtorrent = {
videoDuration: commonOptions.videoDuration,
playerElement: commonOptions.playerElement,
videoFiles: webtorrentOptions.videoFiles,
startTime: commonOptions.startTime
Object.assign(plugins, { webtorrent })
PeertubePlayerManager.addWebTorrentOptions(plugins, options)
// WebTorrent plugin handles autoplay, because we do some hackish stuff in there
autoplay = false
@ -302,11 +254,16 @@ export class PeertubePlayerManager {
? commonOptions.muted
: undefined, // Undefined so the player knows it has to check the local storage
autoplay: autoplay === true
? 'any' // Use 'any' instead of true to get notifier by videojs if autoplay fails
: autoplay,
poster: commonOptions.poster,
autoplay: autoplay === true ? 'any' : autoplay, // Use 'any' instead of true to get notifier by videojs if autoplay fails
inactivityTimeout: commonOptions.inactivityTimeout,
playbackRates: [ 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2 ],
controlBar: {
children: this.getControlBarChildren(mode, {
captions: commonOptions.captions,
@ -316,63 +273,6 @@ export class PeertubePlayerManager {
if (commonOptions.enableHotkeys === true) {
Object.assign(videojsOptions.plugins, {
hotkeys: {
enableVolumeScroll: false,
enableModifiersForNumbers: false,
fullscreenKey: function (event: KeyboardEvent) {
// fullscreen with the f key or Ctrl+Enter
return event.key === 'f' || (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'Enter')
seekStep: function (event: KeyboardEvent) {
// mimic VLC seek behavior, and default to 5 (original value is 5).
if (event.ctrlKey && event.altKey) {
return 5 * 60
} else if (event.ctrlKey) {
return 60
} else if (event.altKey) {
return 10
} else {
return 5
customKeys: {
increasePlaybackRateKey: {
key: function (event: KeyboardEvent) {
return event.key === '>'
handler: function (player: videojs.Player) {
player.playbackRate((player.playbackRate() + 0.1).toFixed(2))
decreasePlaybackRateKey: {
key: function (event: KeyboardEvent) {
return event.key === '<'
handler: function (player: videojs.Player) {
player.playbackRate((player.playbackRate() - 0.1).toFixed(2))
frameByFrame: {
key: function (event: KeyboardEvent) {
return event.key === '.'
handler: function (player: videojs.Player) {
// Calculate movement distance (assuming 30 fps)
const dist = 1 / 30
player.currentTime(player.currentTime() + dist)
if (commonOptions.language && !isDefaultLocale(commonOptions.language)) {
Object.assign(videojsOptions, { language: commonOptions.language })
@ -380,6 +280,87 @@ export class PeertubePlayerManager {
return videojsOptions
private static addP2PMediaLoaderOptions (
plugins: VideoJSPluginOptions,
options: PeertubePlayerManagerOptions,
p2pMediaLoaderModule: any
) {
const p2pMediaLoaderOptions = options.p2pMediaLoader
const commonOptions = options.common
const trackerAnnounce = p2pMediaLoaderOptions.trackerAnnounce
.filter(t => t.startsWith('ws'))
const redundancyUrlManager = new RedundancyUrlManager(options.p2pMediaLoader.redundancyBaseUrls)
const p2pMediaLoader: P2PMediaLoaderPluginOptions = {
type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
startTime: commonOptions.startTime,
src: p2pMediaLoaderOptions.playlistUrl
let consumeOnly = false
// FIXME: typings
if (navigator && (navigator as any).connection && (navigator as any).connection.effectiveType === 'cellular') {
console.log('We are on a cellular connection: disabling seeding.')
consumeOnly = true
const p2pMediaLoaderConfig = {
loader: {
segmentValidator: segmentValidatorFactory(options.p2pMediaLoader.segmentsSha256Url),
rtcConfig: getRtcConfig(),
requiredSegmentsPriority: 5,
segmentUrlBuilder: segmentUrlBuilderFactory(redundancyUrlManager),
useP2P: getStoredP2PEnabled(),
segments: {
swarmId: p2pMediaLoaderOptions.playlistUrl
const streamrootHls = {
levelLabelHandler: (level: { height: number, width: number }) => {
const file = p2pMediaLoaderOptions.videoFiles.find(f => f.resolution.id === level.height)
let label = file.resolution.label
if (file.fps >= 50) label += file.fps
return label
html5: {
hlsjsConfig: {
capLevelToPlayerSize: true,
autoStartLoad: false,
liveSyncDurationCount: 7,
loader: new p2pMediaLoaderModule.Engine(p2pMediaLoaderConfig).createLoaderClass()
const toAssign = { p2pMediaLoader, streamrootHls }
Object.assign(plugins, toAssign)
return toAssign
private static addWebTorrentOptions (plugins: VideoJSPluginOptions, options: PeertubePlayerManagerOptions) {
const commonOptions = options.common
const webtorrentOptions = options.webtorrent
const webtorrent = {
autoplay: commonOptions.autoplay,
videoDuration: commonOptions.videoDuration,
playerElement: commonOptions.playerElement,
videoFiles: webtorrentOptions.videoFiles,
startTime: commonOptions.startTime
Object.assign(plugins, { webtorrent })
private static getControlBarChildren (mode: PlayerMode, options: {
peertubeLink: boolean
theaterButton: boolean,
@ -481,6 +462,63 @@ export class PeertubePlayerManager {
player.contextmenuUI({ content })
private static addHotkeysOptions (plugins: VideoJSPluginOptions) {
Object.assign(plugins, {
hotkeys: {
enableVolumeScroll: false,
enableModifiersForNumbers: false,
fullscreenKey: function (event: KeyboardEvent) {
// fullscreen with the f key or Ctrl+Enter
return event.key === 'f' || (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'Enter')
seekStep: function (event: KeyboardEvent) {
// mimic VLC seek behavior, and default to 5 (original value is 5).
if (event.ctrlKey && event.altKey) {
return 5 * 60
} else if (event.ctrlKey) {
return 60
} else if (event.altKey) {
return 10
} else {
return 5
customKeys: {
increasePlaybackRateKey: {
key: function (event: KeyboardEvent) {
return event.key === '>'
handler: function (player: videojs.Player) {
player.playbackRate((player.playbackRate() + 0.1).toFixed(2))
decreasePlaybackRateKey: {
key: function (event: KeyboardEvent) {
return event.key === '<'
handler: function (player: videojs.Player) {
player.playbackRate((player.playbackRate() - 0.1).toFixed(2))
frameByFrame: {
key: function (event: KeyboardEvent) {
return event.key === '.'
handler: function (player: videojs.Player) {
// Calculate movement distance (assuming 30 fps)
const dist = 1 / 30
player.currentTime(player.currentTime() + dist)
private static getLocalePath (serverUrl: string, locale: string) {
const completeLocale = getCompleteLocale(locale)
Reference in New Issue