Merge remote-tracking branch 'weblate/develop' into develop

Chocobozzz 2022-01-06 13:34:54 +01:00
commit 4fc4541a26
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 583A612D890159BE
19 changed files with 6605 additions and 5861 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -33,10 +33,10 @@
"Buffer State": "Estado del búfer",
"Live Latency": "Latencia en vivo",
"P2P": "P2P",
"enabled": "enabled",
"disabled": "disabled",
"enabled": "activado",
"disabled": "desactivado",
" off": " off",
"Player mode": "Player mode",
"Player mode": "Modo reproductor",
"Audio Player": "Reproductor de audio",
"Video Player": "Reproductor de vídeo",
"Play": "Reproducir",

View File

@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
"Buffer State": "Bufferttillstånd",
"Live Latency": "Sändningsfördröjning",
"P2P": "P2P",
"enabled": "enabled",
"disabled": "disabled",
"enabled": "aktiverad",
"disabled": "inaktiverad",
" off": " av",
"Player mode": "Player mode",
"Audio Player": "Ljudspelare",
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
"Blue": "Blå",
"Yellow": "Gul",
"Magenta": "Magenta",
"Cyan": "Cyan",
"Cyan": "Grön-blå",
"Background": "Bakgrund",
"Window": "Fönster",
"Transparent": "Genomskinlig",

View File

@ -3,41 +3,41 @@
"Auto": "自动",
"Speed": "速度",
"Subtitles/CC": "字幕",
"peers": "个来源",
"peer": "对等网络用户",
"peers": "个观众",
"peer": "个观众",
"Go to the video page": "进入视频页面",
"Settings": "设置",
"Watching this video may reveal your IP address to others.": "观看这个视频可能会暴露你的 IP 地址给其他人。",
"Copy the video URL": "复制视频网址",
"Copy the video URL at the current time": "复制当前时间的视频网址",
"Copy the video URL at the current time": "复制视频当前时间的网址",
"Copy embed code": "复制嵌入代码",
"Copy magnet URI": "复制磁力链",
"Total downloaded: ": "下载总数: ",
"Total uploaded: ": "总上传数:",
"From servers: ": "从服务器: ",
"From peers: ": "From peers: ",
"Copy magnet URI": "复制磁力链",
"Total downloaded: ": "下载总量: ",
"Total uploaded: ": "上传总量: ",
"From servers: ": "来自服务器: ",
"From peers: ": "来自观众: ",
"Normal mode": "一般模式",
"Stats for nerds": "Stats for nerds",
"Stats for nerds": "详细统计信息",
"Theater mode": "剧场模式",
"Video UUID": "Video UUID",
"Viewport / Frames": "Viewport / Frames",
"Resolution": "Resolution",
"Volume": "Volume",
"Codecs": "Codecs",
"Color": "Color",
"Connection Speed": "Connection Speed",
"Network Activity": "Network Activity",
"Total Transfered": "Total Transfered",
"Download Breakdown": "Download Breakdown",
"Buffer Progress": "Buffer Progress",
"Buffer State": "Buffer State",
"Live Latency": "Live Latency",
"P2P": "P2P",
"enabled": "enabled",
"disabled": "disabled",
" off": " off",
"Player mode": "Player mode",
"Audio Player": "音播放器",
"Video UUID": "视频 UUID",
"Viewport / Frames": "视区 / 帧数",
"Resolution": "分辨率",
"Volume": "音量",
"Codecs": "编解码器",
"Color": "色彩",
"Connection Speed": "连接速度",
"Network Activity": "网络活动",
"Total Transfered": "传输总量",
"Download Breakdown": "下载明细",
"Buffer Progress": "缓冲进度",
"Buffer State": "缓冲状态",
"Live Latency": "实时延迟",
"P2P": "对等网络",
"enabled": "已启用",
"disabled": "已禁用",
" off": " 已关闭",
"Player mode": "播放器模式",
"Audio Player": "音播放器",
"Video Player": "视频播放器",
"Play": "播放",
"Pause": "暂停",
@ -45,46 +45,46 @@
"Current Time": "当前时间",
"Duration": "时长",
"Remaining Time": "剩余时间",
"Stream Type": "媒体类型",
"Stream Type": "媒体类型",
"LIVE": "直播",
"Loaded": "加载完毕",
"Progress": "进度",
"Progress Bar": "进度条",
"progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "已加载 {1},总时长 {2}",
"progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "进度条计时:当前时刻 {1},总时长 {2}",
"Fullscreen": "全屏",
"Non-Fullscreen": "退出全屏",
"Mute": "静音",
"Unmute": "取消静音",
"Playback Rate": "播放速度",
"Subtitles": "字幕",
"subtitles off": "关闭字幕",
"Captions": "内嵌字幕",
"captions off": "关闭内嵌字幕",
"Chapters": "目段落",
"Descriptions": "描述",
"subtitles off": "字幕已关闭",
"Captions": "辅助字幕",
"captions off": "辅助字幕已关闭",
"Chapters": "节",
"Descriptions": "注释",
"descriptions off": "关闭描述",
"Audio Track": "音轨",
"Volume Level": "音量",
"You aborted the media playback": "视频播放被终止",
"You aborted the media playback": "用户中止了媒体播放",
"A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.": "网络错误导致视频下载中途失败。",
"The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.": "视频因格式不支持或者服务器或网络的问题无法加载。",
"The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.": "由于视频文件损坏或是该视频使用了你的浏览器不支持的功能,播放终止。",
"No compatible source was found for this media.": "无法找到此视频兼容的源。",
"The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.": "视频已加密,无法解密。",
"The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.": "媒体因格式不支持或者服务器或网络的问题无法加载。",
"The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.": "由于媒体文件损坏或是该媒体使用了你的浏览器不支持的功能,播放已中止。",
"No compatible source was found for this media.": "无法找到此媒体兼容的来源。",
"The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.": "媒体已被加密,我们没有用以解密的密钥。",
"Play Video": "播放视频",
"Close": "关闭",
"Close Modal Dialog": "关闭弹窗",
"Modal Window": "弹窗",
"This is a modal window": "这是一个弹窗",
"This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.": "可以按 ESC 按键或启用关闭按钮来关闭此弹窗。",
", opens captions settings dialog": "开启标题设置弹窗",
", opens subtitles settings dialog": "开启字幕设置弹窗",
", opens descriptions settings dialog": "开启描述设置弹窗",
", selected": "选择",
"captions settings": "内嵌字幕设置",
"This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.": "可以按下 Esc 按键或点击关闭按钮来关闭此弹窗。",
", opens captions settings dialog": "打开辅助字幕设置对话框",
", opens subtitles settings dialog": "打开字幕设置对话框",
", opens descriptions settings dialog": "打开注释设置对话框",
", selected": "选择",
"captions settings": "辅助字幕设置",
"subtitles settings": "字幕设置",
"descriptions settings": "描述设置",
"Text": "文",
"descriptions settings": "注释设置",
"Text": "文",
"White": "白",
"Black": "黑",
"Red": "红",
@ -94,31 +94,31 @@
"Magenta": "紫红",
"Cyan": "青",
"Background": "背景",
"Window": "窗",
"Window": "",
"Transparent": "透明",
"Semi-Transparent": "半透明",
"Opaque": "不透明",
"Font Size": "字体尺寸",
"Text Edge Style": "字体边缘样式",
"None": "无",
"Raised": "浮雕",
"Depressed": "压低",
"Raised": "凸起",
"Depressed": "凹陷",
"Uniform": "均匀",
"Dropshadow": "下阴影",
"Font Family": "字体",
"Proportional Sans-Serif": "比例无体",
"Monospace Sans-Serif": "单间隔无细体",
"Proportional Serif": "比例体",
"Monospace Serif": "单间隔细体",
"Casual": "舒适",
"Dropshadow": "影",
"Font Family": "字体系列",
"Proportional Sans-Serif": "比例无衬线体",
"Monospace Sans-Serif": "等宽无衬线体",
"Proportional Serif": "比例衬线体",
"Monospace Serif": "等宽衬线体",
"Casual": "休闲",
"Script": "手写体",
"Small Caps": "小型大写字",
"Reset": "重",
"restore all settings to the default values": "恢复全部设置至预设值",
"Small Caps": "小型大写字",
"Reset": "重",
"restore all settings to the default values": "恢复全部设置至默认值",
"Done": "完成",
"Caption Settings Dialog": "字幕设置弹窗",
"Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.": "开始对话弹窗。离开会取消并关闭弹窗。",
"End of dialog window.": "结束对话弹窗.",
"Caption Settings Dialog": "辅助字幕设置对话框",
"Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.": "开始对话框。按下 Esc 将取消和关闭该窗口。",
"End of dialog window.": "结束对话框。",
"{1} is loading.": "正在加载 {1}。",
"Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.": "使用 P2P 时,其他人将能够知道您正在观看此视频。"
"Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.": "使用对等网络时,其他人可能会知道你正在观看此视频。"

View File

@ -17,17 +17,17 @@
"From servers: ": "來自伺服器: ",
"From peers: ": "來自 peer ",
"Normal mode": "一般模式",
"Stats for nerds": "Stats for nerds",
"Stats for nerds": "Nerds 資訊細節",
"Theater mode": "劇院模式",
"Video UUID": "Video UUID",
"Viewport / Frames": "Viewport / Frames",
"Resolution": "Resolution",
"Video UUID": "影片通用唯一辨識碼",
"Viewport / Frames": "視角/影格",
"Resolution": "解析度",
"Volume": "Volume",
"Codecs": "Codecs",
"Codecs": "編解碼器",
"Color": "Color",
"Connection Speed": "Connection Speed",
"Network Activity": "Network Activity",
"Total Transfered": "Total Transfered",
"Connection Speed": "連線速度",
"Network Activity": "網路活動",
"Total Transfered": "總傳輸量",
"Download Breakdown": "Download Breakdown",
"Buffer Progress": "Buffer Progress",
"Buffer State": "Buffer State",
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"Loaded": "已載入",
"Progress": "進度",
"Progress Bar": "進度條",
"progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} 之 {2}",
"progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "進度條時間點:當前時間{1},總時長{2}",
"Fullscreen": "全螢幕",
"Non-Fullscreen": "非全螢幕",
"Mute": "靜音",

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"Livestream ended": "Livestream beendet",
"To move to an external storage": "Um auf einen externen Speicher umzuziehen",
"Transcoding failed": "Transkodierung fehlgeschlagen",
"External storage move failed": "External storage move failed",
"External storage move failed": "verschieben des externen Speichers fehlgeschlagen",
"Pending": "Ausstehend",
"Success": "Erfolg",
"Failed": "Fehlgeschlagen",

View File

@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
"To import": "Προς εισαγωγή",
"Waiting for livestream": "Αναμονή για ζωντανή μετάδοση",
"Livestream ended": "Η ζωντανή μετάδοση έληξε",
"To move to an external storage": "To move to an external storage",
"Transcoding failed": "Transcoding failed",
"External storage move failed": "External storage move failed",
"To move to an external storage": "μετακίνηση σε εξωτερικό χώρο αποθήκευσης",
"Transcoding failed": "Η διακωδικοποίηση απέτυχε",
"External storage move failed": "Αποτυχία μετακίνησης εξωτερικού χώρου αποθήκευσης",
"Pending": "Σε αναμονή",
"Success": "Επιτυχία",
"Failed": "Αποτυχία",
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
"Amharic": "Amharic",
"Arabic": "Arabic",
"Aragonese": "Aragonese",
"American Sign Language": "American Sign Language",
"American Sign Language": "Αμερικανική νοηματική γλώσσα",
"Assamese": "Assamese",
"Avaric": "Avaric",
"Kotava": "Kotava",
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"Bosnian": "Bosnian",
"Breton": "Breton",
"Bulgarian": "Bulgarian",
"Brazilian Sign Language": "Brazilian Sign Language",
"Brazilian Sign Language": "Βραζιλιάνικη νοηματική γλώσσα",
"Catalan": "Catalan",
"Czech": "Czech",
"Chamorro": "Chamorro",
@ -85,13 +85,13 @@
"Cornish": "Cornish",
"Corsican": "Corsican",
"Cree": "Cree",
"Czech Sign Language": "Czech Sign Language",
"Chinese Sign Language": "Chinese Sign Language",
"Czech Sign Language": "Τσεχική νοηματική γλώσσα",
"Chinese Sign Language": "Κινεζική νοηματική γλώσσα",
"Welsh": "Welsh",
"Danish": "Danish",
"German": "German",
"Dhivehi": "Dhivehi",
"Danish Sign Language": "Danish Sign Language",
"Danish Sign Language": "Δανική νοηματική γλώσσα",
"Dzongkha": "Dzongkha",
"Greek": "Ελληνικά",
"English": "English",
@ -104,15 +104,15 @@
"Fijian": "Fijian",
"Finnish": "Finnish",
"French": "French",
"Western Frisian": "Western Frisian",
"French Sign Language": "French Sign Language",
"Western Frisian": "Δυτικά Φριζιανά",
"French Sign Language": "Γαλλική νοηματική γλώσσα",
"Fulah": "Fulah",
"Scottish Gaelic": "Scottish Gaelic",
"Irish": "Irish",
"Galician": "Galician",
"Manx": "Manx",
"Guarani": "Guarani",
"German Sign Language": "German Sign Language",
"German Sign Language": "Γερμανική Νοηματική Γλώσσα",
"Gujarati": "Gujarati",
"Haitian": "Haitian",
"Hausa": "Hausa",
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"Javanese": "Javanese",
"Lojban": "Lojban",
"Japanese": "Japanese",
"Japanese Sign Language": "Japanese Sign Language",
"Japanese Sign Language": "Ιαπωνική νοηματική γλώσσα",
"Kabyle": "Kabyle",
"Kalaallisut": "Kalaallisut",
"Kannada": "Kannada",
@ -172,8 +172,8 @@
"Burmese": "Burmese",
"Nauru": "Nauru",
"Navajo": "Navajo",
"South Ndebele": "South Ndebele",
"North Ndebele": "North Ndebele",
"South Ndebele": "Νότια Ndebele",
"North Ndebele": "Βόρεια Ndebele",
"Ndonga": "Ndonga",
"Nepali (macrolanguage)": "Nepali (macrolanguage)",
"Dutch": "Dutch",
@ -187,28 +187,28 @@
"Oromo": "Oromo",
"Ossetian": "Ossetian",
"Panjabi": "Panjabi",
"Pakistan Sign Language": "Pakistan Sign Language",
"Pakistan Sign Language": "Πακιστανική νοηματική γλώσσα",
"Polish": "Polish",
"Portuguese": "Portuguese",
"Pushto": "Pushto",
"Quechua": "Quechua",
"Romansh": "Romansh",
"Romanian": "Romanian",
"Russian Sign Language": "Russian Sign Language",
"Russian Sign Language": "Ρωσική νοηματική γλώσσα",
"Rundi": "Rundi",
"Russian": "Russian",
"Sango": "Sango",
"Saudi Arabian Sign Language": "Saudi Arabian Sign Language",
"South African Sign Language": "South African Sign Language",
"Saudi Arabian Sign Language": "Σαουδικής Αραβίας Νοηματική γλώσσα",
"South African Sign Language": "Νοτιοαφρικανική νοηματική γλώσσα",
"Sinhala": "Sinhala",
"Slovak": "Slovak",
"Slovenian": "Slovenian",
"Northern Sami": "Northern Sami",
"Northern Sami": "Βόρεια Σάμι",
"Samoan": "Samoan",
"Shona": "Shona",
"Sindhi": "Sindhi",
"Somali": "Somali",
"Southern Sotho": "Southern Sotho",
"Southern Sotho": "Νότια Σόθο",
"Spanish": "Spanish",
"Albanian": "Αλβανικά",
"Sardinian": "Sardinian",
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
"Sundanese": "Sundanese",
"Swahili (macrolanguage)": "Swahili (macrolanguage)",
"Swedish": "Swedish",
"Swedish Sign Language": "Swedish Sign Language",
"Swedish Sign Language": "Σουηδική νοηματική γλώσσα",
"Tahitian": "Tahitian",
"Tamil": "Tamil",
"Tatar": "Tatar",

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"Livestream ended": "Sändningen har avslutats",
"To move to an external storage": "För att flytta till extern lagring",
"Transcoding failed": "Omkodningen misslyckades",
"External storage move failed": "External storage move failed",
"External storage move failed": "Misslyckades med att flytta extern lagring",
"Pending": "I kö",
"Success": "Lyckades",
"Failed": "Misslyckades",

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"People": "人物",
"Comedy": "喜剧",
"Entertainment": "娱乐",
"News & Politics": "新闻和政",
"News & Politics": "新闻和",
"How To": "教程",
"Education": "教育",
"Activism": "社会活动",
@ -18,39 +18,39 @@
"Kids": "儿童",
"Food": "美食",
"Attribution": "署名",
"Attribution - Share Alike": "署名 - 相同方式共享",
"Attribution - No Derivatives": "署名 - 禁止演绎",
"Attribution - Non Commercial": "署名 - 非商业性使用",
"Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike": "署名 - 非商业性使用 - 相同方式共享",
"Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives": "署名 - 非商业性使用 - 禁止演绎",
"Attribution - Share Alike": "署名 相同方式共享",
"Attribution - No Derivatives": "署名 禁止演绎",
"Attribution - Non Commercial": "署名 非商业性使用",
"Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike": "署名 — 非商业性使用 — 相同方式共享",
"Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives": "署名 — 非商业性使用 — 禁止演绎",
"Public Domain Dedication": "公共领域贡献",
"Public": "公开",
"Unlisted": "不公开",
"Private": "私",
"Internal": "Internal",
"Private": "私",
"Internal": "内部",
"Published": "已发布",
"To transcode": "转码中",
"To import": "导入中",
"Waiting for livestream": "Waiting for livestream",
"Livestream ended": "Livestream ended",
"To move to an external storage": "To move to an external storage",
"Transcoding failed": "Transcoding failed",
"External storage move failed": "External storage move failed",
"Waiting for livestream": "等待直播中",
"Livestream ended": "直播已结束",
"To move to an external storage": "移动到外部存储中",
"Transcoding failed": "转码失败",
"External storage move failed": "外部存储移动失败",
"Pending": "等待中",
"Success": "成功",
"Failed": "失败",
"Rejected": "Rejected",
"Rejected": "已拒绝",
"Regular": "正常",
"Watch later": "稍后看",
"This video does not exist.": "此视频不存在",
"Watch later": "稍后看",
"This video does not exist.": "此视频不存在",
"We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.": "我们无法获取此视频。请稍后再试。",
"Sorry": "对不起",
"Sorry": "抱歉",
"This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.": "因为远程实例没有响应,此视频无法播放。",
"This playlist does not exist": "This playlist does not exist",
"We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.": "We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.",
"Playlist: {1}": "Playlist: {1}",
"By {1}": "By {1}",
"Unavailable video": "Unavailable video",
"This playlist does not exist": "此播放列表不存在",
"We cannot fetch the playlist. Please try again later.": "我们无法获取此播放列表。请稍后再试。",
"Playlist: {1}": "播放列表:{1}",
"By {1}": " {1}",
"Unavailable video": "不可用的视频",
"Misc": "杂项",
"Unknown": "未知",
"Afar": "阿法尔语",
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
"Gujarati": "古吉拉特语",
"Haitian": "海地语",
"Hausa": "豪萨语",
"Serbo-Croatian": "塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语",
"Serbo-Croatian": "塞尔维亚克罗地亚语",
"Hebrew": "希伯来语",
"Herero": "赫雷罗语",
"Hindi": "印地语",
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
"Lojban": "逻辑语",
"Japanese": "日语",
"Japanese Sign Language": "日本手语",
"Kabyle": "Kabyle",
"Kabyle": "卡比尔语",
"Kalaallisut": "格陵兰语",
"Kannada": "坎纳达语",
"Kashmiri": "克什米尔语",
@ -152,13 +152,13 @@
"Kuanyama": "宽亚玛语",
"Kurdish": "库尔德语",
"Lao": "老挝语",
"Latin": "Latin",
"Latin": "拉丁语",
"Latvian": "拉脱维亚语",
"Limburgan": "林堡语",
"Lingala": "林加拉语",
"Lithuanian": "立陶宛语",
"Luxembourgish": "卢森堡语",
"Luba-Katanga": "卢巴-加丹加语",
"Luba-Katanga": "卢巴加丹加语",
"Ganda": "干达语",
"Marshallese": "马绍尔语",
"Malayalam": "马拉亚拉姆语",
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
"Zhuang": "壮语",
"Chinese": "汉语",
"Zulu": "祖鲁语",
"No linguistic content": "No linguistic content",
"No linguistic content": "无语言内容",
"Normal mode": "一般模式",
"Theater mode": "剧场模式"

View File

@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
"To import": "待匯入",
"Waiting for livestream": "等待直播",
"Livestream ended": "直播已結束",
"To move to an external storage": "To move to an external storage",
"Transcoding failed": "Transcoding failed",
"External storage move failed": "External storage move failed",
"To move to an external storage": "移動至外部儲存裝置",
"Transcoding failed": "轉碼失敗",
"External storage move failed": "外部儲存裝置移動失敗",
"Pending": "擱置中",
"Success": "成功",
"Failed": "失敗",